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  1. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Lucy looked at Helen a long moment as she slightly resembled the goddess Athena. She sighed. "I don't know all. I know that Athena played role in stopping the goddesses rampage. As for the demon king he is not as cruel as one may assume. He is hard, but has a kind side. His powers are still...
  2. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Lucy spun her cup in her hands. "Oh yes I suppose it could be so. Haku could do the same into her past life and existance. It could be dangerous. If you are not prepared in mind and body and spirit it could have poor and devistating results. For both you and Haku learning ro tap into that power...
  3. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Lucy took a long sip of her tea draining the cup of every drop. "While it is possible it is unlikely. You have been bathed in the goddess's light and you have experienced the tragedy. You have known pain brought by darkness. The blood that runs through your veins is not tainted by your demon...
  4. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Lucy sipped her tea touched by the moment but she acted as if she had not witnessed it. "Tere is more" she continued. "Each of you possess a mark upon your body yes?" A slight paise but obviously a rhetorical question. "Those are the goddess marks. Each one grants te possessor power and...
  5. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Lucy waited until the group sat down. she grabbed a pot of tea from the stove and sat cups out along the pine table in her home. She sat and motioned for them to do the same. Taking a sip of her tea not only to appease her thirst, but to show the more protective of the group the tea was safe and...
  6. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Lucy bounced on her toes over to Haku. She put one hand over her chest and bowed then straightened herself. "I may be able to help with that my Goddess. I go by the name Lucy. I was once the caretaker and servant of the Goddess before she took her earthly form and after. You are her...
  7. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Zane looked cooly at the Darkerleer and replied in a monotone. "I am Zane. I have no surname for I have no family." He paused a moment as if lost in memory. "And I am sorry for my roughness. ......" he trailed off and his wyes widend in ahock as the goddess struck the warrior.Luxy walked up and...
  8. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Zane was alread on the castle rooftops. He jumped until he came to the Darkerlee. He pulled his sword and turned it to its hilt."I'm sorry for my rudeness." He exclaimend and drovw the hilt into Darkerleers gut. He sheathed his weapon and grabbed the warrior in his arms. Nimbly he returned to...
  9. Bloody Night

    A world Bathed in Red

  10. Bloody Night

    A world Bathed in Red

    Name: Lucy age: 23 Bio: Lucy is a priestess who is knowledgeable in the history of the gods and goddesses and the powers as well as secrets of each. She appears young but is actually 23 and the reincarnation of the shawomen of ancient times who was so dedicated to the goddesses and gods she...
  11. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    (OMG! SO sorry I have not been online in forever!!) Blood dripped from Zane's blade and the ends of his hair. As the enemy fled he sighed withdrawing his blade from the chest of a soldier and returning it to the sheath upon his broad back. He turned, immediately concerned fro his fellow Hikari...
  12. Bloody Night

    What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

    Kazuma followed Lyric. He knocked on her door. "Lyric, is everything ok?"
  13. Bloody Night

    What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

    Kazuma grimaced. "I- I don't know how that would go over. My life would end up in jepardy as well as Lyric's. I have been seen with her too often now." He looked at her dad square in the eye. "I have no concern for my own life. Its about time karma found me, but I refuse to put Lyric in danger."
  14. Bloody Night

    What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

    Kazuma told him everything, starting with his parents murder to his current living situations. "I do plan on leaving the gang." He finished. "Its starting to fall into bad hands despite me being its leader. Secret convents are forming and I want no part of the violence that will soon erupt...
  15. Bloody Night

    What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

    Kazuma grabbed Lyric's arm before she went to get the aloe and whispered in her ear. "I refuse to comply with them because my feelings are different now." He let her walk off, and looked at her dad. "I......" his gaze went to the floor. "I think I love your daughter." He said. "So I need to tell...
  16. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Zane felt almost guilty. This girl, no this goddess, acted so humbly. He stood frozen a moment, then replied, "I will most definitely assist you."
  17. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Zane nodded and took off. He slipped through the hole that Hikari had busted in the wall. It had taken years, but this hole represented so much. The freedom they received from battle, and future freedom that could come.
  18. Bloody Night

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Zane paused for a moment. The light, so warm and caring forced a smile onto his usually emotionless face. It amazed him that that little girl possessed such power. His sword, engraved with earth magic, glowed and upon his left eyelid the kanji for earth appeared. He felt the power pulse through...
  19. Bloody Night

    What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

    Kazuma looked away. "I'll find somewhere. I don't need pity." He thought a moment. "I" he began not knowing what to say or if he should say. "The gang said I was to have sex with you within 5 days or I would have to murder 3 people or be killed myself." he said coldly.
  20. Bloody Night

    What true love really is (KittyXBloody)

    "I pissed off the previous leader of my gang. He had...." Kazuma winced as the ice back touched a burn. "Had made his own gang." he continued. "They burned down my apartment while I was asleep." He finished laying his head over to the side.