A World Bathed in Blood.

(its all G (; as a side note, maybe vex and damian get into a relationship of sorts later? but she hates him as of right now)


Vexare glared at him, her eyes flashing once more from purple to black. She hated when he called her that, and he knew it. Without thinking, he raised her hand and motioned to smack him hard across the face.


*speechless and follows*
The Darkleer lead them through the underground catacombs. She ignored the thump of her boots against freshly dead bodies and rattling bones alike. The stench was absolutely awful, making her cough without her scarf to cover her mouth and nose. Her eyes watered behind her smoked goggles. Leading them quickly, she ignored the burial ground that they stood upon beneath the world of the Day. Here, it was always night, cold and still as the dead aside from the movement of rats eating away at dead flesh.

She had helped dig these graves, given spiritual rest to the bodies that needed to release their souls to the afterlife. Children, men, women, the elderly. They all were laid to rest down here. There wasn't enough room to keep piling bodies here, however. It was traumatizing for every part involved. Trying not to tear up, she barked an order. "Don't look down," the Darkleer warned. "Don't ever look down."
Haku began pulling herself up out of the catacombs and onto the surface into the heart of the Slums. She felt something call to her. She wanted to abide by Darkerlee's warning, but could not. She looked down. A gasp of pure shock escaped her lips as the scarf fell to the ground. Time seemed to slow as the scarf fell slowly to the ground. The moment it touched the face of one of the dead the world shifted. Haku was in a valley, a soft breeze blowing small white flowers in the wind. Outside of this world where Darkerlee, Raikov and the rest of Hikari waited, she glowed a soft blue.

"Child" a unfamiliar yet familiar voice spoke. "Child do not fear." Haku blinked to see a elderly women in a pink kimono in front of her. The women extended her hands wrapping Haku in a blue ribbon. "You are the reincarnation of a pure goddess who has brought peace before. Go. Believe in yourself, rely on your friends, and save them. Save the souls of the dead trapped in this world by grief. " Haku nodded.

Haku's hair fell gently back down and her glow faded. Blinking open her eyes she stared into the faces of the people before her. "these souls cannot be freed until I free them." She said a tear gliding down her cheek and falling into the empty eye of the body below and down its hollow cheek. "Even in death they weep." she commented as another few tears fell.
"I know they weep. I buried them here. I was the one who made sure they had a safe place to fly up into the Mother's hands." The Darkleer tried to keep a straight face, but her voice cracked to reveal a certain femininity that was undeniable. Wrenched by her own guilt, she couldn't make herself look towards Haku as she glowed and moved wistfully. Taking a deep breath, she blinked away the beginnings of tears. She could remember each face and each name of every body here from the last six years. Sweet-faced children, hollow-eyed adults, and forlorn elders. It never got any easier to forget, and she would never forgive. She had given up on the thought of forgiveness years ago, for herself or the people who had done this.

"I vowed from the moment I donned the Darkleer to save these people. Look, though. Look at how many have died and how many are sick now. It's frightening. Absolutely terrifying. Until my dying breath, I will defend these people. Until my dying breath, I will make sure they all meet the Mother and Father. Until my dying breath, I will work towards a future without fear and sickness and death," she roared. Surrounding villagers all cried out, rallied by her battle cries. "I vow that until I breathe my last breath, the Aristocracy will never set foot here again. Follow me. My Geomancers will have the scoop on where Damian will set up his troops for the fumigation, and I'll be damned if I'm not there before he is."
Haku gave a brisk nod and looked at the villagers. She bowed slightly "Um...h-hello I umm I'm Haku." she stuttered. This large group of people made her nervous. Out of the crowd a little boy appearing to be no more than 5 ran up to her and grasped her by the bottom of her dress. "Wow, I havnt seen anyone like you before. Are you a Gaian Princess?" Haku patted his head with a smile. "No little one I am......." she trailed off. Where was she originally from? She had to have been born somewhere. "Well I'm not sure who I am but I am an a friend." the little boy spun around. "Yay! Well then I'll tell you my name. I am Orion." Haku smiled. "Nice to meet you Orion." The little boy ushered for Haku to pick him up so she complied. He was so small and frail. Practically skin and bones. Haku leaned against Rai. The injustice was profuse. Haku jolted and held tightly to the boy in her arms as military men swarmed down the hill.

Damian turned from Vexare and walked off. He had to send out his troops to fumigate sector C of the slums, which just so happened to be where Haku was at the time. He himself was staying at the base and putting a general, General Bates, in charge.

General Bates gleamed with pride at being put in command of a portion of the troops. He had only brought 100 men to fumigate sector C. His tanned skin and shaggy brown hair gleamed in the sun and his military uniform, of which he only wore the pants off and then a grey tank-top, remained clean. He came upon the sector and saw the a large group of the Slumians in sector C gathered.

"Now remember men to spare no one! Yet DO NOT forget to look for the goddess!" He picked up a mega phone and aimed it at the slumians. "Slumians prepare to be fumigated!" he called out sending the army in.
The Darkleer pushed civilians behind her, growling and making sure that the children made it to safety. Roaring with determination, she called out to her own army-- the army of normal people and everyday heroes who had to make a living in the pits of Hell. The Slums were definitely comparable to Hell. "Stand tall with me. Cover your mouths and noses with your blouses and your jackets! I have the heart and strength of a king-- and a king of Edinburg, too! Foul scorn to those Gaians and Aristocrats or any prince of Europe that should dare to invade the border of my realm. I myself take up arms. I myself will be your general, your judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues! In the midst of battle, I come with you to live or die among you all! My honor and my blood, even in the dust. Follow me, my army! Let me hear your battle cries!"

The crowd cried out, gathering behind the Darkleer. They pulled their dirty clothes to their faces to keep their bodies safe from the fumes as best as they could. The battle cries of desperate, rage-filled, abused people filled the air, leaving the General's army to stare in disbelief before running to their separate platoons. They took their places, readying the large tanks of toxic fumes. Gas-masked men prepared to pull the pins on the grenade-styled tanks.

Looking back towards Haku, the Darkleer nodded to her. The feeling of pride welling up in her chest made the woman want to break down into tears and sobbing breaths. Taking a deep breath, she smiled a little. "If I die in this battle, I want you to know my true identity. My name is Hel Zonnak of Edinburg. Bury me in my Darkleer garb. The Darkleer is who I am now. For now, though, you need to run. This is about to get excruciatingly bloody." Turning towards the mass of bodies once again, she screamed to the heavens with a voice full of rage and need.

"Darkerlee!!!" Haku cried out as she cradled the child, Orion, in her arms. How could she run? She turned, knowing there was something she could do. "come on children. Head down into this cellar." She guided the young and the elder into a cellar in the city. No bodies rested in this one, it was strictly a safety zone. Orion clung to her. "Orion you must go down there." Orion protested. "Not without you!" Haku looked into the boys deep blue eyes and her crimson ones had undeniable sadness in them. She handed him to an elder he reached out, aware of the dire situation. She turned and headed toward the battle field. After she had gone close to the front lines she halted. She had no weapon? Or did she? Theses powers she possessed, she had no idea how to use them. Suddenly, a small hand tugged at her dress. "Orion!" Haku could have shattered into pieces at the sight. Then came an arrow, shot not at her in any manner, but strictly at Orion. Haku collapsed catching the boy as he fell with an arrow piercing his heart.

General Bates approached Haku. "Now if I'm not mistaken you are the one who should come with me." He readied his bow. "and if you are not her I will slay you now for you are not needed, just like that brat."

Tears streamed Haku's face as she began to glow, just like she had in the catacombs of the slums. "You dare label the life of this child and these people worthless. You are nothing but scum!" She broke off and removed the arrow from Orion's now cold body. "this child represented so much and you ended his life as if he were nothing." She pulled Orion against her and the wound on his body began to heal. His eyes fluttered open. Haku was shocked, but handed him still to the woman beside her. "Take him to safety." Her demand was met as the women raced off with him.

General Bates was stunned. He barley noticed the boy begin to leave. He was to focused on Haku. After a moment he noticed and shot an arrow equipped with a bomb at them.

Haku stood, eyes wide with a serious and wise tone. "You will not!" A shield of light blue cloaked the arrow stopping it and making it vanish. Haku now stood face to face with General Bates.
The Darkleer screamed with unbridled rage, pulling a blood bomb from her weapon's belt. Throwing it to the east, she covered her mouth with her jacket as the scent of clotted blood filled the air. The stench overrode the gas, making the military men look around with bewilderment. The Darkleer didn't let a moment go to waste as she reached for her Farenheit sword. The blade gleamed green with the chemicals it was bathed in, making her figure seem gaunt and ghostly. With a mighty roar, the Darkleer surged forward and reared back her right arm. Bringing the blade down, she licked her lips when it made contact with a soldier's arm. The limb was sliced clean off, the chemicals burning his skin and making him scream with agony. Slashing again, she finished him off mercifully with a jab to the neck.

Twirling her sword, she turned to ward off an enemy bayonet. With her free hand, she drew her pistol and aimed with perfect accuracy for her enemy. The sound of a gunshot roared against the sound of gas leaking from the tanks as the Darkleer put a bullet in his brain. The game of cat and mouse they were playing, however, was becoming boring to her. Enemy after enemy surged for her, and each attempt ended with more blood at her feet. Stepping forward, she stared Damian down. Behind her, hundreds of men and women fought against the military with their faces hidden and shanks they had made out of cobblestone for this very occasion. Behind her, dozens of people laid dead or dying or writhing in utter agony.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance. You aren't getting Haku, and you aren't taking my city. You can only kill my people when I am dead. I'd like to see you try. I'll put your head on a stake and let my victorious people bask in the victory. Kneel." The Darkleer raised the Farenheit blade and held it to protect herself or to strike-- whichever came first.

"Haku, run!"
General Bates smiled at the Darkerlee. "sorry to disapoint but our leader Damian has decided to stay at base." he wanted to reach for Haku but her current mythcal power stopped him. The boy he had killed breathed agin. Such ealin power would be an asset to the Gaian militia. He drew his sword. "I have no time for this."

Haku calmed slightly with the arival of Darerlee. She walked over and stood in front of Darkerlee and extended a hand. "you will not win. I refuse to llow any more deaths. leave!" bates and most of the military were sent flying back. Haku fell backwars ue to pure exaustion.
The Darkleer surged forward, catching the falling woman. Laying her down gently, the hero checked for a pulse with her gloved hand. The rage that still lived in her was making staying calm and tending to Haku hard to manage. Brushing her white hair out of her face, the Darkleer stood again and took a step towards the fallen majors of the Aristocracy's army. With her Farenheit blade still held at her side, she put one leg on either side of General Bates' shoulders. He feebly slashed her thigh, making blood fall onto his weakened body. The Darkleer liked the pain. It made her remember what she was fighting for.

Raising the Farenheit's chemical blade, she leered down at him. Behind her, men ran to turn the the metal knobs on the tanks of gas to cease the poisoning of their people. The few remaining officers tried to fend them off to no avail-- now, they were the ones that were outnumbered. Victory was close enough to taste. It was in her blood, it was all she wanted, and she wouldn't go down in flames. Looking down at General Bates with disgust, she lifted her goggles to reveal brownish-blue eyes. A woman's eyes.

"I am the protector of these people. I am the cat, and you are the mouse. I am the shadow of the moon at night, filling your dreams to the brim with fright. I am the thing you fear most. A woman that can bring you to your knees. I am a woman that will make you kneel before me and beg to live like your Emperor has done to my innocent people. Now beg like the worthless bastard you are. Beg and kneel to me, swear to stay out of my land, and maybe I will let you live. You have five seconds to decide. One... Two... Three..."
General Bates grimaced. Pure disgust and anger ravished his face. "I will not bow to filth like you!" He bent his knees so his feet were directly by Darkerlee's stomache and pushed her off. He stood and wiped the blood from his brow and turned, fleeing with the rest of the army. "Pull back for now men!" He called out. His pride was damaged, far more than it would have been if Darkerlee wasn't a women. Her being a women and the goddess being a women made his blood boil more. They would need the special troops to take down these men.
The Darkleer roared as she was kicked, falling onto her back. The wind was knocked out of her, but she quickly stood and chased after the fleeing troops. Air refused to find her lungs, making it nearly impossible to keep up. The binder was making breathing impossible. Stumbling and growling, she chased the retreating men until they were out of her territory. She was like a wolf, ravenous and lean and impossibly hungry. Ripping open her jacket, she sheathed her Farenheit blade and ripped a dagger from her weapons belt. Cutting the fabric of her binder, she gasped for breath. Every sweet breath of tainted air made the burning in her chest lessen. Reusing the scraps of her binder again, she hid her body. Buttoning her jacket again and pulling her goggles down, she let her emotions fade away. She became a man again.

Turning and running back to her own troops, she rubbed her sore stomach. The gash in her leg burned from the remaining toxic fumes. At this rate, she was going to die of an infection. Standing on the hill above the valley the Slums resided in, she raised her right hand in victory. Blood pooled at her own feet, crimson red and free-flowing from her right leg. Behind her military garb and goggles, bruises littered her fair skin. The crowd beneath her cheered, some even crying as they rejoiced.

"My people. My army. We have won the battle, but not the war." The crowd below her roared, which she hushed with a wave of her hand. "They're bring in special troops now. Snipers and strategists. I want all of you to return to your homes or get underground. Tend to the wounded. You have served me well. I stand here before you to lay a crown on every one of your heads. That crown is jeweled with victory. We will win this. I give you my word."
Haku watch the Darkerlee closely as she removed bind and gasped for breath. Haku had woken only moments after Darkerlee and began to chase the men. Her eyes softened, she knew now her feeling was correct. Darkerlee was a women, but Haku also knew she wanted to keep her identity secret, so she would not let the truth slip out. She walked over to as Darkerlee finished her speech and examined the cut on her leg. "I think I might be able to do something" Haku said. She placed her hand over the wound and litly brushed her lips onto her own hand. A blue glow end=cased her hand and the pain and blood began to dissipate. "I hipe I have gotten the hang of this enough that it takes away the poison too." she commented as green liquid mingled with the blood.
The Darkleer looked down lovingly at the group of people, furrowing her brows abruptly as Haku began to trudge up the hill towards her. A cape of white followed her as her hair swayed with the movement. Her breath faltered, a surge of pain shooting up her leg. Quickly composing herself, the Darkleer nodded with recognition. There was no need to show her loyal troops that she was injured-- legends were invincible, weren't they? With that thought in mind, she ignored the numbness that started to seep into every capillary of her nervous system in her ankle. When Haku moved forward to touch the injury beneath the frayed fabric of her trousers, she flinched. Slowly relaxing, she watched as a kiss ignited blue light around her hands.

It felt like cold water seeping over her body. As a fire elemental, it made her body uncomfortable but set her mind at ease. Closing her eyes for a brief moment behind her smoked goggles, she reopened them to see Haku looking up at her and speaking softly. Smiling faintly, not hidden by her discarded scarf, she nodded her head as thanks. "Thank you. I've been poisoned before. I have antidotes hidden beneath the city if it gets bad enough. For now, though, some herbal medicine should be enough to keep me from dying. I don't have time to be ill right now," she stated simply. "This quaint little slum needs my protection, and by the Gods they will have it. How many have we lost in the battle? You were down in the valley-- were you able to calculate the losses of my dear people?" Her voice was sad and faraway.
Haku focused her energy managing to force poison out of the leg. She looked down. "There where many. At least 100. There where more, but due to some strange..... power that surged within me I revived a child." She shivered. The surge of power she experienced then was laced with a twinge of blood. Much different from the purity she felt pulsate from her current energy. She thought a moment. Despite how abnormal her current abilities where she somehow accepted them without delay when they occurred. Any normal person would be completely devastated, but she only felt mild shock and little denial. "It is fine. Healing you is the least I can do." She decided to reply to that last despite it coming first in Darkerlee's words.
The Darkleer's eyes were hollow and sad behind her smoked goggles as she imagined the sweet round faces of children covered in blood, people gasping for breath on the dirty ground and finding none as they asphyxiated to death. The thought made a tremble rumble through her body-- starting with her neck and working its way down to her knees. Haku could feel the sheer sorrow and anguish laying beneath her skin. It seeped into the cool blue healing energy like poison, trailing fire and decay. Everything in her was screaming to try to make peace with the Aristocracy instead of continuing war, but there was no choice. They would never listen to reason. They never had.

"All of those people... Dead... They never asked for this cruel existence they were born into. It isn't fair to them to see their loved ones die. They shouldn't watch their children die in gunfire or by poison. They shouldn't bury their mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers so soon in their lives. These people have squabbled to survive for years, praying to the Gods and Goddesses above to be saved. Someone to gather the stars and build them a castle where they could speak of soft and silent prayers. They see that hero in me, but I am but a lone man. Just one man," she rambled, voice cracking. She couldn't give these innocent people what they needed, and it was killing her. "Why does a man live if he cannot protect his people in times like these?"

A man with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes ran up to her, dressed in all black. He moved like a shadow, stealthy and lean. Kneeling before the Darkleer like she was a prince, he stood again to whisper to her. Her mouth became a tight line, the words he muttered obviously upsetting her. Taking a deep breath, she spoke back to him in a hushed voice. All the white-haired girl could gather were snippets of 'move squadrons to the Slums' core' and 'hide the crystals before the Emperor finds them'. Turning to the crowd once again, she spoke with a strong, level voice. Her goggles fogged up, though, with tears until she could see no longer.

"The Emperor this way comes. Hide beneath the city, my knights. Take all of your crystals and elemental valuables and hide them deep within the Earth where they can never take Magick from us. If I die in the battle above ground, I put my Geomancer Mamoru in charge. Listen to his commands as if he were from me in the flesh. Go forward with honor and keep your Magick safe."
(someone can take over my characters temporarily when needed. I just don't have time for it right now and I don't want to hold anybody back)
(Alright. Mir can you be Rai since I believe a little romance is between her and Haku and I can do Vexare when needed.)

Damian sneered as Bates returned, empty handed and beaten. "I see you failed to bring back anything of merit."

"Sir, I do have a bit. The girls powers are tremendous. She revived a dead boy. He was shot clean through the heart." Bates defended himself and found it worked as a glimmer of what may be considered a smile graced Damina's lips

Haku stood. She didn't want to get to into the twos conversation. She looked around for the familiar brunet she felt such warmth when around. "Rai!" She called out. A moment of no reply. Panic set in and she began running through the area looking for him.
The Darkleer waved farewell to the crowd, casting a long look at Haku whom had long turned away to find her companion. Turning her back to the crowd of people, she patted Mamoru on the shoulder and nodded. He knelt to her like a King as she departed, knowing the duty she must carry. If she died today, it would be a warrior's death. She would die protecting the people she loved to deeply. The people would sing songs of the hero, parade for her. Regardless if she died in the process, she was going to free the people. She knew what she must do. Quickly blinking away the tears behind her goggles, she shifted her thoughts from that of Edinburg's Helene Zonnak to that of the Darkleer. There was no time for foolish worry and turmoil or tears. There was a single task at hand.

Assassinate the Emperor and his right hand man Damian Donicas.


Rai heard his named called among crowds of people roaring and running for the underground catacombs as the Darkleer walked away. He watched the man go for a moment before turning, watching a mass of white running towards him. Smiling a little to himself a little, he breathed deep with relief when he found that she wasn't injured. The last thing Rai wanted was to find the only hope for an entire nation dead in cold blood on the filthy ground. He frowned when he noted how filthy her dress was. He'd fix that as soon as the world started crumbling before there very eyes. "Haku!"
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Haku turned at the sound of Rai's voice and rushed to him. Tears clouded her eyes. She jumped wrapping her arms around his neck. She hung from him feet dangling above ground as Rai was much taller than she. "I was so worried." She said. Whenever the power faded and she returned to her shell she still found it easy to talk with Rai.

Don came out from under a mass of bodies, both friend and foe. She saw Rai and Haku. Still laying on the ground she propped arm up and laid her chin in her hand. "My it appears our little Rai may have found something."
(OMG! SO sorry I have not been online in forever!!)

Blood dripped from Zane's blade and the ends of his hair. As the enemy fled he sighed withdrawing his blade from the chest of a soldier and returning it to the sheath upon his broad back. He turned, immediately concerned fro his fellow Hikari members and of course the Goddess as well as the new face Darkerlee. He found Don watching Rai and Haku. He pulled Don to her feet and smiled. "Who would've though Rai would find that and with a Goddess." a short brisk laugh escaped his lips.

(I made another character on the sign up thing. It needs approval))
Rai smiled gently, letting her cling to him. He knew that Haku had been worried, but it surprised him that anyone would worry about someone as insignificant as himself. Sometimes, he wondered how insignificant he really was. He shook the thought off-- there was no time for insecurity. He smiled at Haku again, patting her dirtied white hair. He though idly, what a shame. Such pretty hair shouldn't be so dirty. He nodded and breathed deep, choked by the pungent air even as the lower half of his face was covered by their new ally's scarf. "I'm fine, Haku. Just some scratches and bruises. I mostly tended to the wounded."


The Darkleer stomped through the everglades, passing tall pines and cedar trees as she stalked through the Aristocracy's territory. The underground passage had led her here, those catacombs concealing her as she slipped beneath the wall and into the enemy's territory. Stopping to stumble on her still injured leg, though if felt better since the healing Haku had provided, she panted with pain. Digging through her weapon's bag, she pulled out sassafras and ginger root to chew on to combat the poison and the bone-chilling cold weather. Beginning to move again, she stalked through the outskirts of the town until she saw the castle on the horizon.

The slate grey building was an atrocity, destroying the natural beauty of the nature that surrounded it. The structure was jagged and sharp, ugly to look at. It was so different from the beautiful gothic architecture in Edinburg. Smiling, the Darkleer spotted the black ribbon tied on a tree that concealed her weapons. She had weapons hidden around the entire city. Dropping to her knees and digging through the soil with her gloved hands, she uncovered her bow and arrows from the bowels of the Earth. Grabbing the crystal she had stashed there, she shoved them in her breast pocket. Arrows would make no sound. She would sneak up on the guards and slaughter them without mercy without making a sound. Pulling her hand back as she readied her bow, she let the first arrow fly and hit the first guard.
Haku let go of Rai allowing herself to land on her feet back on the ground. She felt a chill and her senses were turned to a distant sound of arrows impaling men. "It appears Darkerlee is..........." She trailed off. It was foolish to attack now and alone. " Doing something insane!!!" Haku panicked. She had to figure out somethings. She closed her eyes reaching with her mind for the Darkerlee. "Please stop! Now is not the time. We must regroup and tend to the wounded and prepare to attack. This is foolish. You may die in vain!" She pleaded with the Darkerlee.
Rai stiffened when Haku let go, sensing her become rigid with concentration. He himself didn't hear the sound, only alerted when Haku spoke. His eyebrows furrowed and his mouth drew into a thin line. Groveling for words, he found only a few. "We need time to regroup and tend to the wounded. We need to get him out of there!"


The Darkleer growled, letting the arrows slice through the air and take post in bodies. The warrior woman willed herself to keep from screaming a battle cry-- they couldn't know where she was. Running to change her position, she took aim again and let go of a sharp tipped arrow. It took purchase in a guard's forehead, right on mark, and made the man crumple and fall to the ground in his chainmail armour. Her leg throbbed and her heart raced at the excitement. It was like a hunt-- not for animals, but for humans, and she was the hunter. Suddenly, a pain erupted on her forehead, in her third eye. She thought she'd been shot. Then, though, there was a gentle tugging as the pain faded, and a voice. Haku's, definitely.

She tried to send back her own, knowing it would be broken like a radio transmission because of her concentration on the fight. "I can't stop now. I have to get in the castle and end the reign of the king. Even if I die, I have to liberate the people. If I can kill the guards and slip inside, I can kill two birds with one stone... umf--" She gasped with pain, faltering as her leg throbbed. Dodging another shrapnel bomb, thrown blindly, she barely felt a piece of debris lodge in her calf. "Get out of the city. It's about to get bloody."
Haku looked at Rai. "She refuses." She looked pitifully at the ground for a moment, then she clenched her fist having come to a decision. "We must go. I think a small team is best. umm...... we can get the Hikari members who are here. Don and Zane should be close by." She took a breath. "DON! ZANE!" She called out into the open field. She knew they were alive, their presence was assured.

Don came rushing over. "We were close by so we came as soon as we heard you say we must go."

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