A World Bathed in Blood.

Zane was alread on the castle rooftops. He jumped until he came to the Darkerlee. He pulled his sword and turned it to its hilt."I'm sorry for my rudeness." He exclaimend and drovw the hilt into Darkerleers gut. He sheathed his weapon and grabbed the warrior in his arms. Nimbly he returned to the outwr walls and headed to the goddess. He lay the Darkerleer on the ground. "I apologize I had to be rough."
Haku looked at Zane relieved and with a soft look. "Thank you." She turned her attention the the valent warrior before her and atooped down tucking her dress under her and focused. A light blue light surrounded her hands and a paler blue light her very being. Haku slowly began healing the wounds on Darkerleer s body.
The Darkleer groaned as the hilt of the sword met her abdomen. She lost all the air in her lungs, falling to her knees as she tried to breathe. Thinking at first that the man was an adversary, she reached back for her dagger to fight back. When she was scooped up and carried, hearing Haku's gentle voice, she stopped struggling and spitting breathy curse words at Zane that would make a sailor blush. Zane was an ally, not an adversary. Being laid on the ground, she tried to catch her breath, though waves of pain didn't allow her much access to her lungs. When the gentle blue light surrounded her body, she slowly relaxed and felt her body coming back to her conscious self. The feeling of cool water brushed her scarred and bruised skin, firmness kissing her bruises. It hurt a little at first, before dying down to mild discomfort, then something pleasant. Looking up, she shook her head with mild irritation.

"Time was of the essence. If we don't get to the castle now and assassinate the Emperor, we're never going to get the opportunity again. I could've handled his guardians-- they were ill trained bastards if I do say so myself." Sitting up and shying away from Haku, she pulled her coat tightly around herself. Pulling herbs she had pocketed out, she chewed on them to combat the poison in her injured leg. She stood again-- tall and valiant. Intimidating. "You. Sword boy. What is your name?"
Haku stared at Darkerleer as her eyes began to sting with the coming of a wave of tears. She stalked, rather uncomposured, up to the strong and well postured women in disguise and drew back her hand to have it meet the suple flesh of Darkerleer's cheek. "You idiot! What if you had not cone back? Do you know the strength of every man and women beyond that wall? I think not. If you would have made it inside you for sure would be met by Damian and his allegiance of men. And he spoke of others of higher rank than he." By the time she finished tears had begun to bead down her cheeks.
Zane looked cooly at the Darkerleer and replied in a monotone. "I am Zane. I have no surname for I have no family." He paused a moment as if lost in memory. "And I am sorry for my roughness. ......" he trailed off and his wyes widend in ahock as the goddess struck the warrior. 
Luxy walked up and waited patiently. She giggled slightly as the white haired girl struck the strong warrior. Ah she had to be the reincarnation of the goddess. Her suple movements her demeanor and the obvious presence of a dark and evil power within the light that shone when she had healed the warrior and the slumians
The Darkleer nodded her head at Zane before being slapped. Lowering her head, she dared not strike back. "I don't know what lies behind those walls. And I sure as Hell don't know what they're capable of. But what I do know is that I have to fight for these innocent people. I will set them free, or I will die trying. I probably will die in this process." Lifting her smoky goggles, she stared at Haku with sad blue eyes. Her long lashes fluttered wistfully as she blinked slowly. "It's a fate I'm willing to risk. For the safety of my people, I will lay down my life. This isn't about me. It never is. This is about getting you into the throne so you can save these poor, innocent human beings. Call me a fool. An idiot. Maybe I am. But I'm an idiot with a purpose."


Rai bit his lip, obviously unnerved by Haku's sudden outburst. Reaching out, he took her hand gingerly in an attempt to calm her. His thumb stroked the back of her delicate hand, reassuring her of the reality of the moment. "We can't be idle, Goddess."
Haku nodded and looked down solemnly. "I am very well aware of this Rai, but I wonder now am I even capable of taking the throne.....something happened when I attacked General Bates...." She trailed off unable to even begin to explain what it was other than a sense of evil engulfed her from inside.
Lucy bounced on her toes over to Haku. She put one hand over her chest and bowed then straightened herself. "I may be able to help with that my Goddess. I go by the name Lucy. I was once the caretaker and servant of the Goddess before she took her earthly form and after. You are her reincarnation as you may already know." She looked at the faces around her. "Oh I may look young, but I am in fact 23. At least this form and body are...." She stopped. "Come with me to my home. The story which I must tell you is a long one indeed." She ushered for them to follow her.
Rai nodded at Haku. "I have faith in you, Haku. I have all the faith in the world in you. I know you won't fail. You have an army of citizens behind you willing to help, and you have us. There's no way you can fail," he said, trying to reassure her. Relinquishing his tender grip on her shoulder, he nodded at Lucy. Any information that could help Haku learn who she was was invaluable. Following her, he led the group and made sure Haku stayed behind him.


The Darkleer was weary to follow, frowning. Her need to make haste was obviously ignored. Pushing the frustrations down inside herself, she pulled her goggles over her eyes again and tried to lose all emotion. She became a warrior again, no longer a woman. Taking a deep breath, she hobbled after the group and grimaced. Time was running out, slowly ticking away to a sickening beat in her ears. Every fiber of her being wanted to turn and run back into the forest, heading back for the castle. Every fiber of her wanted to fight. To kill.
Lucy waited until the group sat down. she grabbed a pot of tea from the stove and sat cups out along the pine table in her home. She sat and motioned for them to do the same. Taking a sip of her tea not only to appease her thirst, but to show the more protective of the group the tea was safe and without any poison or drug. "Now" She began. "I will start from a fair point. I was chosen to serve the Goddess. I did so willingly and faithfully. The Goddess was a kind spirit full of love and life, but upon the resurrection of the demon king something sparked within the Goddess's heart. The Goddess was the daughter of The Divine. Though she had passed and gave her powers to the Goddess. The Goddess's father was unknown until that moment. The Divine, she had committed a crime of the sorts. She had been with the demon king and thus the daughter she birthed shared his blood. Upon his resurrection the blood began to run course in her veins and an evil aura became present in the once pure spirit. The Goddess went on a rampage and caused tragedy. For 100 years the earth was stagnant and lifeless. The Goddess regained her senses and upon so decided to give her immortal self to a mortal one and used a great deal of power to return the world and its people. I was granted new life in the new world and given the duty of finding the Goddess." Lucy looked at Haku. "You're the spitting image of her you know, though you slightly lack in the breast department." She teased. "But you're still only a child in the beginnings of her youth."
Haku took a sip of her tea as Lucy began her tale. A warm yet vile feeling engulfed her. Her eyes grew wide. She was the daughter of the demon king as well? And the Divine? Such a horridness past was her beginning? She plunged the very world she wished so desperately to save into oblivion. She deserved the throne no more than the king who sat upon it now did. She looked down. She was jerked out of her solemn thought by the comment Lucy made. She defensively covered her breast and her face grew red with embarrassment.
Rai sat by Haku's side, sipping the tea-- green tea with some kind of berry, he thought. He took in Lucy's every word almost religiously, clinging to what she said. A demon... The Goddess was part demon. He was in the middle of concerned though when Lucy's comment made him snap to attention. Rai chuckled, just as embarrassed as her. Rubbing her cheek softly, he noted how warm it was. He knew he must've been red himself. Taking a sip of the tea, he mulled over the flavour as he mulled over his thoughts. He nodded slowly at Lucy. He didn't speak, however, waiting for someone else to speak first. A long silence flowed through the air, unnerving. He jumped when someone finally spoke.


"If she's an interbreed, though, that means that there's hope for us to combat the evil. Take Arachnae for example. She was born of evil descent, but when Athena stepped in and turned her into a weaving one, she became humble and good. There's not reason for her demonic descent to be any concern in that department. That gives her the power of a demon, though, which could be useful for her protection in the upcoming battle. Speaking of the good fight, I must be going." Setting her cup back onto the table, she stood and took off her goggles for a brief moment. She adjusted her binder, already torn and loose, before bowing to Lucy. The Darkleer nodded to her. "Thank you for your help, maiden. Blessed Be."
"Helen!!!" Haku jumped from her seat spilling out the true name of Darkerleer as she had been told just before the Darkerleer left for battle before. She gasped covering her mouth a moment then glared. "I think it would be best if we wait, stay here and hone our skills. The men of Damian and the army are still weak from the attack. There is no need to rush to battle. You may not cherish your life." Haku walked up to the Darkerleer pushing up her goggles and placing her hand on her cheek. "But I do"
The Darkleer looked down at Haku with gentle blue eyes. She pulled the collar of her coat down, smiling at her sadly. She noted that one of her teeth was missing in the lower left corner of her mouth, presumably from a battle. Hearing someone use her real name made her feel like a human being again. She nuzzled into the gentle hand on her cheek gratefully. Perhaps she was right. Taking a deep breath, she moved to sit down. "I've never had a weakness that couldn't be destroyed, and I'm sure this Army will be no different."
Lucy sipped her tea touched by the moment but she acted as if she had not witnessed it. "Tere is more" she continued. "Each of you possess a mark upon your body yes?" A slight paise but obviously a rhetorical question. "Those are the goddess marks. Each one grants te possessor power and symbolizes its bearer as one of the chosen Knights of Serenity. The knights are the personal aids and protectors of te goddess. " She sighed. "The son of the army leade .... Damian I believe. ....... he is a flower that did not get to bloom and remains in the darkness so he cannot bloom but only wilt. He and you Raikov or Rai if I may are decendants of the demon king. Still human but it is there." She turned to Darkerleer. "You are a decendant of the goddess herself and in turn technically the child of the snow angel here whom is years younger by her reincarnation." A slight giggle. 
Zane touched his aide where his mark had appeared. The kanji for earth. He was glad that the pull he felt and loyalty to Haku was true and that he was chosen. A glimmer of a smile blessed his stoic expression for a moment.
Haku looked concerned at Darkerleer the turned suddenly, astonished as Lucy continued. Her stomache knotted as Damian was mentioned. She looned at Rai ajd hwn at herself. She was half the demon king and Rai possessed his blood as well. She felt sick as all of the new information wafted over her. She felt lostn how could she do this? Her life changed or she was sure it had for she had no memory of her childhood before ahe was kidnapped by the army. She sat down hard in the chair parallel to Rai. 
Don felt strong at the nrw information and even more layal to Haku then before. She looked sympathetically at Haku As she grew distressed.
"I'm... a child of the Goddess...?" The Darkleer removed her military coat, leaving only a bloody white undershirt. She let herself became Helene again. Looking at the mysterious woman named Lucy, she touched the small mark on her forehead, laying on her third eye. The seat of psychic power and devotion. Her eyes were perplexed, a warm shade of blue that brought her entire face to life. She was becoming more herself and less Darkleer by the moment. "What... What does that mean, exactly?"


Rai looked at Lucy with disbelief. The Demon King? It wasn't possible. He felt his head shake of its own accord, his mouth open slightly. "That means that I have to potential to defect to being bad?" His eyes fluctuated to Haku, filled with bewilderment and disappointment. He had always wanted to be the hero in a fairytale, not the defect. Shaking off his selfish emotions, he blinked and took a deep breath. "Are there any powers that come with being a descendant of the Demon King? Haku... don't look so upset. It's going to be okay." He reached across the table to pat the back of her hand briefly.
Haku looked at Rai. " I have a even greater chance of defecting. I am half that man. Just as the others are decendents of well......... me you are as well. You may be decended directly from that man but you're still one of my chosen. Just as Darkerleer and Don and Zane all of you. " She spoke strongly.
Lucy took a long sip of her tea draining the cup of every drop. "While it is possible it is unlikely. You have been bathed in the goddess's light and you have experienced the tragedy. You have known pain brought by darkness. The blood that runs through your veins is not tainted by your demon blood but more so in harmony. " she looked at Haku then returned to Rai. "If your light was lost it is possible the harmony would be broken and the demon blood would use that chance to take you. " She looked at the Darkerleer. "Helen was it? Your third eye is a gift from Athena. To put it frankly you were decended from both the goddess and Athena. The plain that both goddesses dwell on are in diffrent deminsions but all meet in the human relm." 
Zane wached as the Darkerleer became a woman before his eyes proving the suspision he had and shocking hum all the same. He was glad such a galant warrior was decended the same as he.
Helene looked at Lucy with level eyes. Her body was taut as revelation wracked her very being. There was a reason for her cunning, greatness at strategy, and wisdom. There was a reason for her valiance as a warrior and need to protect her subjects all the same. There was a reason for her stubbornness and easily ignited temper. Her being arranged itself and she finally made sense. Helene finally made sense to herself. With that last piece of the puzzle set into place, she looked at Lucy for a brief moment. "Does this mean that I can tap Athena's power? Her level-headed strategy and her strength? Right now, that would be bloody wonderful." Her eyes turned to Zane.


Rai nodded slowly. "In music, darker low notes are always needed to bring out the beauty of the high notes in a chord. We don't need to take this as a curse. We need to take this as a blessing. When we overthrow the Aristocracy, that rich balance will only make it sweeter." He gave Haku's hand one last gentle pat before folding his hands in his lap politely. Looking down into the cup of tea he had only finished halfway, he lost himself in thought.
Haku smailed underatandin just what he meant. It was comforting as his reference to music made her even more giddy as she herself played flute.
Lucy spun her cup in her hands. "Oh yes I suppose it could be so. Haku could do the same into her past life and existance. It could be dangerous. If you are not prepared in mind and body and spirit it could have poor and devistating results. For both you and Haku learning ro tap into that power at will is dangerous and it would be difficult to learn to control it as well. The advantage it could give though is amazing. But remeber the saying 'those who do not know thwir abilities cannot KNOW their abilities'."
Helene huffed, reaching for her Farenheit dagger. Pulling her bloody white shirt away from her body, she reached beneath to rip open the half-tattered binder. She became even more feminine. Sweeping her hair out of the long tail it had been in, it fell down her shoulders in knots. She listened to Lucy, biting her chapped lower lip as she soaked in all the information. "Those who do not know the past are doomed to repeat it. Lest we want to repeat the Great War, we need to know. Please, tell us about the Demon King. How does Athena play into all of this? We need to know everything you can give us."


Rai nodded at Haku, seeing her eyes glimmer at the mention of music. His heart skipped a beat, his breath catching in his throat. Taking a deep breath, he reminded himself to speak of music more. Trying to focus on Lucy, she flipped his hair off of his forehead. "So, we need a strong foundation... I think Zane and I can take care of that. We are fairly fast learners, aye?" He shifted his gaze to the other man, nodding respectfully if not a little shyly. There was no time, however, for bashfulness. They were a family at the moment, cohesive and unified.
Haku nodded knowing she must learn her power so she could protect them and fulfill her duty and make up for her past.

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