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  1. Krogenar

    Super, over-powered characters.

    I agree. Look at some of the best characters on television, for example. Look at the character of Carol from The Walking Dead. Why do people love her character so much? It's the character's arc. Yes, she's an apocalyptic badass, but she wasn't always. Her character started as a browbeaten...
  2. Krogenar

    Handling "less skilled" Roleplayers

    What if this were a physical sport instead of roleplaying? If you had a player who couldn't kick the ball very far, or ran in the wrong direction, or didn't show up on time or in uniform, what would you do? First you'd try to bring them up to speed, solve the behavior. If you couldn't -- then...
  3. Krogenar

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    Ok, I wouldn't mind a little social topic edge to a roleplay, but don't just write down the talking points! That sort of language is bad enough in real life. Thinking about it makes me laugh! [she unsheathed her bastard sword, leveling it at her opponent.] "You'll pay for your gender bias...
  4. Krogenar

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    People really do that? *shivers*
  5. Krogenar

    Krogenar, Strider

    Thanks for the welcome, Kes! I'm looking forward to getting involved. :)
  6. Krogenar

    Super, over-powered characters.

    This. Exactly this. You can be both, but usually its the former -- where someone writes purely for their own satisfaction and joy. Which is fine! But if you can do both, and consider the fact that you've got an audience, then that's far better. If you can manage it. To me a lot of writers...
  7. Krogenar

    Pre-determined Story

    I've seen a few roleplays (in my own experience) that sort of run off the rails because there were never any rails. I mean, what's wrong with an outline of the general action, if everything in between is relatively flexible. Someone else had a very good point: don't make it so obvious that...
  8. Krogenar

    Pre-determined Story

    Great question, one I'm trying to answer myself. I think this CAN work if you consider that the path from one plot point to the next could be flexible. If the second plot point is discovery of more incidents, then perhaps the players can have the freedom on how to react, what that means for...
  9. Krogenar

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    I get what you're saying about a roleplay story that's set in a school being focused primarily on the students themselves -- but why not a teacher? But yeah, I agree -- 'unattractive' characters have a place.
  10. Krogenar

    Krogenar, Strider

    Hello folks, I'm a more traditional RPG tabletop gamer, with experience mudding and coding and DMing. My interests genre-wise are Forgotten Realms, Final Fantasy and Cyberpunk. I've never done forum roleplaying, so I'm interested to see how well it works, get some tips and ideas. Collaborative...
  11. Krogenar

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    Yeah, my biggest gripe for most roleplaying is the lack of real flaws in characters -- flaws make the characters more interesting, more human. So, ok, you have a character that's got a very OP ability, that fine. Just balance with a severe flaw or handicap -- or avoid OP characters altogether. I...