Pre-determined Story

Zer0 said:
I will. Thank you. Are GM Mentors common in RP Nation, or will people think it's tiring?
I wouldn't know I mostly do 1x1s to be honest but in my experience people in this site are very helpful so I imagine if you make a thread you'll get a few people who would be willing to help.
Zer0 said:
Thanks. What's her style like?
...I'm not good at describing. She makes well rounded npcs. Likes to stay on top of things and sets deadlines for herself, but very accommodating to new rpers and likes creating situations that boost an rpers own creativity. She likes complete endings and will do her best to tie things together. From what I've seen so far, she mainly does fandom...but I'm not sure.

This is the rp I'm currently in with her as a gm: Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami. It's nearing it's end. Her rps are usually always completed, but don't tend to last too long. Check it out if your curious about her style.
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QuirkyAngel said:
...I'm not good at describing. She makes well rounded npcs. Likes to stay on top of things and sets deadlines for herself, but very accommodating to new rpers and likes creating situations that boost an rpers own creativity. She likes complete endings and will do her best to tie things together. From what I've seen so far, she mainly does fandom...but I'm not sure.
This is the rp I'm currently in with her as a gm: Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami. It's nearing it's end. Her rps are usually always completed, but don't tend to last too long. Check it out if your curious about her style.
You are good at describing. Wonderful, rival.


Hey there! Yes, I would be able to help if you needed anything, though only after I finish my current role-play. I'll be completely free for you afterward. If you're looking for someone traditional who can give you tips on how to GM properly, I'm probably not the best for you. I like to experiment with different techniques and flip things on their heads. I'm a chatterbox and purposely try to get on the nerves of the people I have the chance to write with. I see GMing as an art and approach it like a game, rather than something to learn and be perfect at. I like style over substance, so a lot of what I do focuses on creating energy and passion, instead of bringing deep meaning and multiple layers of depth.

Quirky is right. I mainly do Fandoms. I simply don't have the time to create an original role-play. I also like when role-plays have an ending you can reach and I work hard to reach them. For this reason, all my role-plays are short or have time limits. The best way to describe myself would be organized chaos. I like things loose and flexible, but am quick to snap things back in line if it gets off tempo.

That is my whole resume. If you have no problems with any of the above, then definitely, I can help you out.
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Zer0 said:
Would role players be interested in playing in a campaign where the major story parts are already in place, including the end? For example:
Modern fantasy, players are part of a secret government branch that deals with the paranormal. They have supernatural powers, they may even be vampires and werewolves, or telepaths, or characters from Hellboy whose origins can be traced back to the other world.

Chapter 1

Lonely Bus drive at night. First encounter. Bus breaks down in the dark. Huge claw rips out driver from the side window.

Chapter 2

Back in HQ, more reports of paranormal activity. Players learn that it's the season when the divide between our world and the paranormal word weakens. A one-year event that occurs every 500 years. Enter main bad guy whose aim is to create a permanent portal between two worlds so that he can conquer this world too.

Chapter 3

The search for the portal location starts. Some missions in the supernatural underworld here and there and finally they locate the portal.

Chapter 4

Portal is finished in a city, the monster army starts pouring in. The players are in the battle. The government decides to launch a nuke. Players must close the portal or else thousands of innocents including themselves will die.

Chapter 5

The end. Determined by the result of chapter 4 which is likely a success.

Like that? Would players be interested in a story like this? Where I place the chapters in the overview?
I'd say you could give a very VERY general outline, but I wouldn't lay out specific details and would leave the ending open, potentially making an everlasting storyline if the RP members are active enough for long enough.
QuirkyAngel said:
...I'm not good at describing. She makes well rounded npcs. Likes to stay on top of things and sets deadlines for herself, but very accommodating to new rpers and likes creating situations that boost an rpers own creativity. She likes complete endings and will do her best to tie things together. From what I've seen so far, she mainly does fandom...but I'm not sure.
This is the rp I'm currently in with her as a gm: Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami. It's nearing it's end. Her rps are usually always completed, but don't tend to last too long. Check it out if your curious about her style.
That's cool. Thank you!

Hey there! Yes, I would be able to help if you needed anything, though only after I finish my current role-play. I'll be completely free for you afterward. If you're looking for someone traditional who can give you tips on how to GM properly, I'm probably not the best for you. I like to experiment with different techniques and flip things on their heads. I'm a chatterbox and purposely try to get on the nerves of the people I have the chance to write with. I see GMing as an art and approach it like a game, rather than something to learn and be perfect at. I like style over substance, so a lot of what I do focuses on creating energy and passion, instead of bringing deep meaning and multiple layers of depth.

Quirky is right. I mainly do Fandoms. I simply don't have the time to create an original role-play. I also like when role-plays have an ending you can reach and I work hard to reach them. For this reason, all my role-plays are short or have time limits. The best way to describe myself would be organized chaos. I like things loose and flexible, but am quick to snap things back in line if it gets off tempo.

That is my whole resume. If you have no problems with any of the above, then definitely, I can help you out.
Hello, @White Masquerade! Thanks for your accommodation. Allow me to join as a character and learn from you hands-on when you make your next RP.
Beckoncall said:
The reason I think many players may disfavor seeing the story arc is because it removes AGENCY from the players -- if the "City of Ur" is going to burn in your story no matter what in chapter 4... does it matter if they hurry to tell anyone? What if one or more players REALLY wants to save Ur... do you take away their ability to try or if they do try to succeed? This is called "The railroad" and it's one of the main things good GMs watch out for.
If you want to see an example of an RPG that is currently thriving, has lots of player agency, and a backstory that lays out how some of the story will go with the end still GREATLY in question... check out my Fantasy Nation Builder: "Lost Continent - Flight from Muurdaan"... I'd be happy to field questions from you, because I've GMed for longer than I'd often admit. Like anything else its a craft, and getting help when you start out can make a big difference with where you wind up! <3
I'll check it out, actually I already saw this before but I didn't read it.
Zer0 said:
Hello, @White Masquerade! Thanks for your accommodation. Allow me to join as a character and learn from you hands-on when you make your next RP.
Sure thing. I will be on break from making role-plays for a good while, but if I start anything serious I will let you know.
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Sure thing. I will be on break from making role-plays for a good while, but if I start anything serious I will let you know.

Thank you!
I've played many RPs where everyone knew what the end result would be. I don't like for there to be too many known details, because that takes away some of the flexibility, but I don't think that knowing the very end ruins a story. Some people like knowing that there IS an ending to the RP. Some feel so open ended and it's like... no, this is not fun anymore.

A good DM/GM will lead the story and the characters flesh it out with how they react/resolve conflicts.
Zer0 said:
Would role players be interested in playing in a campaign where the major story parts are already in place, including the end? For example:
Like that? Would players be interested in a story like this? Where I place the chapters in the overview?
Great question, one I'm trying to answer myself.

I think this CAN work if you consider that the path from one plot point to the next could be flexible. If the second plot point is discovery of more incidents, then perhaps the players can have the freedom on how to react, what that means for their characters on a personal level, etc. Like a gate that the plot must walk through ... but the path to that gate can be a march, a jump, or take a circuitous route.

Other people have pointed out that knowing the full plot in advance sucks some of the joy for players. They're right -- what if you revealed the plot to just a few select roleplayers and left the rest of the roleplayers in the dark, for a more natural reaction?
Krogenar said:
Great question, one I'm trying to answer myself.
I think this CAN work if you consider that the path from one plot point to the next could be flexible. If the second plot point is discovery of more incidents, then perhaps the players can have the freedom on how to react, what that means for their characters on a personal level, etc. Like a gate that the plot must walk through ... but the path to that gate can be a march, a jump, or take a circuitous route.

Other people have pointed out that knowing the full plot in advance sucks some of the joy for players. They're right -- what if you revealed the plot to just a few select roleplayers and left the rest of the roleplayers in the dark, for a more natural reaction?
This is actually a good idea. Those select roleplayers can help move the plot.
Zer0 said:
This is actually a good idea. Those select roleplayers can help move the plot.
I've seen a few roleplays (in my own experience) that sort of run off the rails because there were never any rails.

I mean, what's wrong with an outline of the general action, if everything in between is relatively flexible. Someone else had a very good point: don't make it so obvious that some plot points are 'set'. Maybe give them enough other activity between the plot points to distract them?
Krogenar said:
I've seen a few roleplays (in my own experience) that sort of run off the rails because there were never any rails.
I mean, what's wrong with an outline of the general action, if everything in between is relatively flexible. Someone else had a very good point: don't make it so obvious that some plot points are 'set'. Maybe give them enough other activity between the plot points to distract them?

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