Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

readingraebow said:
People who try to bring real world societal issues into fantasy roleplays. Look you want to delve into gay rights or feminism that's awesome. But I'm pretty sure when I'm playing a warrior mage on a quest to save humanity : I'm not really going to be thinking about what her outfit says about the feminist movement. Or how her made up race feels about gay rights.
Oh dear god I've actually known a couple people like that at one point. Not fun to rp with.
The worse part of bringing real world things into like fictional shit is that it tends to not be subtle and kinda preaches to the choir.

Which undermines the rhetorical power
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Ixacise said:
The worse part of bringing real world things into like fictional shit is that it tends to not be subtle and kinda preaches to the choir.
Which undermines the rhetorical power
Yeah and I mean it's also kind of a mood killer. Since part of the fun of fantasy is ya know living in a world that doesn't necessarily have all our real world BS.

Instead they have nonsense like ogre kings plotting Armageddon using pretty jewels of power guarded by idk the seven sacred virgins or something ridiculous like that.

In short this is not supposed to be a commentary on real life issues. If I wanted to talk about that I'd open up a thread in the discussion and let the heat of the inevitable arguments keep me all nice and toasty inside.
Krogenar said:
People really do that? *shivers*
Ok, I wouldn't mind a little social topic edge to a roleplay, but don't just write down the talking points!

That sort of language is bad enough in real life. Thinking about it makes me laugh!

[she unsheathed her bastard sword, leveling it at her opponent.]

"You'll pay for your gender bias and numerous micro-aggressions!"

Out of curiosity, how many roleplays have a comic edge to them?
I dunno, social issues can make for very compelling story elements if implemented properly, racism being probably the most common example in roleplaying. It's just a matter of approaching the issue with a degree of tact and making sure it is properly worked into the setting and that the players are aware that it is a major issue within the setting.
Another pet peeve of mine; mind readers. Not a character with that as a power, but people who just decide that their character is pretty much always aware of what goes through someone else's mind. Makes me stop bothering to let my character's thought process be known.
A few more things to add to my list:

  • 'Be literate' rule. It doesn't irk me as much as it irks a friend of mine (she will rage when she see that kind of rule in a role play) but it still does to some degree. The rule is nonsensical. Illogical. Literate means 'able to read and write'. It's the capability a person had to read and write, not some form of scale like the rule makes it sound like. u__u
  • Character photos that don't seem appropriate with the role play. It peeves me off when people say for example, use the photo of an elf to portray their character in a modern / realistic setting. smh.
  • Shallow characters / Seemingly thoughtless characters. I'm not taking about characters that have a shallow personality, I'm taking about characters that seem like the player spent three minutes writing. Not every character needs to be a special snowflake, I get that, but still I would love to see what makes the character itself. Like, if he's reclusive then why? Is it some form of defense mechanism? A trauma caused it perhaps? Or he's just naturally like that? Give me something more. FEED MEH. MAKE ME UNDERSTAND YOUR CHARACTER THROUGH YOUR CS. CONVINCE ME THAT HE/SHE/IT IS WORTHY OF BEING IN THE ROLE PLAY. -cough- Got carried away there.
Another kind of flaw I feel gets overlooked a lot in roleplaying is ideological, old, ugly and crippled characters all have there place yes, but what about those characters whose moral, political or religious beliefs are in opposition with the rest of the group? Beyond the usual pet psychopath in a party of lawful good situations.

A good example of this was a Dark Heresy game I was a part of, while the party was your usual assortment of techpriest, guardsman, crusader, arbite, etc, my character was a career criminal only involved with the Inquisition because they put a bolt pistol to his head. His ideology, morals(or lack there of)and upbringing were completely antithetical to the rest of the party, this led to interesting conflict within the party and NPCs, culminating in a very powerful character moment. Admittedly he eventually got mindwiped for his trouble but he was still an interesting character.
Cashdash25 said:
but what about those characters whose moral, political or religious beliefs are in opposition with the rest of the group?

This is something that I wish I could see more of in Rps, but I always fear of being
that person who has a character that is always against the party. If the whole group is happy to roll characters with similar goals, morals, and beliefs, I almost feel guilty by having one that will slow the pace of things to a crawl with moral and philosophical debates before every decision. I feel like you are certainly adding a great deal of situations for some fantastic Rping, but at the cost of sapping out fun, and possibly even causing a loss of interest for other players.

I, personally have never once seen a Free Form "Do what ever you want
:) " Rp work. I'm referring to the type where the GM creates a large world, usually accompanied with a map and simply says "Have fun". I have viewed quite a few from the sidelines, and even took part in two that both didn't get further than the second page of IC posts.

These sorts of Rps are usually accompanied with the promise that something mysterious will eventually bring all the characters together, but you can't expect players to keep themselves entertained for at least a weeks worth of posts. You might as well just open up a text file and Rp by yourself because from all my experiences, the other players are incredibly hesitant to have any sort of interaction with one another, they are too busy showing off their characters in long, self-serving posts about them breaking into a house or killing criminals or something.

Perhaps those types of Rps are actually made for that type of person, the player who really just wants to show off their cool character to an audience, with little interest in what others are doing, and I'm the one at fault.

Another thing that bothers me is players that join Rps that have already started and expect to be brought up to speed on everything. Joining late is absolutely fine, and in some cases necessary if drop-outs occur or even just to get some new blood into the game, but you must take on some responsibility and read all the posts IC so far. I know the mass of text can be daunting, but its the price you pay for entering a confirmed active Rp with a chance to view others writing and characters before applying (A bonus not to be taken lightly!). I've had one late comer go as far as to tell me to send them a bullet point list of what has happened so far, including the backstory of a 30+ page Rp
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Okay so it seems that I am a little late to the party, but here it goes:

Types of RPers that I hate:

  • The Anti-Grammar/Spelling Nazi- I get it. We all make mistakes, hell I make several all the time, but when I actually have to work to understand what you wrote, we have a problem.
  • The One-Liner- That guy who sees that you wrote like 3-7 paragraphs and only graces you with one line. If it is a simple RP then that is understandable, but I hate doing 1x1s and end up doing all the work when it comes to moving the story along. Also, the one liners give me very little to work off of. Another thing they do, if you are trying to make a big important event happen and are giving them plenty of writing material, you just get this: "John brought his knees up to his chest"
  • One Punch Man- They solve everything in the blink of an eye. One hit and boom. Problem solved. Seriously, either take some time, let other people help or at the very least take some damage. Your character is way too OP if the can take down level 100 bosses with one hit.
  • The Attention Whores- You don't have to be part of every conversation... you really don't. Do what most people do when two characters are having a convo, wait for them to finish and then you can join back in, it is that easy!
  • The Angster/Special Little Snowflake- I. Hate. You. Stop it. For the love of God stop. You think you are cool because your character has the worst life imaginable and you don't let us forget it. Stop reminding me that your dad didn't love you, your parents died or that you were raped over 5,000 times (these are all things I ran into before btw) . Look I don't mind a tragic back story, but don't shove it into our faces 24/7. In fact, be like well written characters with a tragic back story and don't tell anyone your back story until they ask about it.
  • The God Moder- Don't. Touch. My. Character. Don't make the do an action, don't make them speak, don't even make them have a thought. If it is something like travel, feel free to include me in on the 5 mile walk, since I am suppose to be walking with you, but if you say that I tripped and fell I swear I am about to find you and go super saiyan on your butt.

The RPs that I dislike

  • Romance comes first- I don't like romance being on the front burner. I like romance a lot, as much as the next guy, but I need something besides romance going on. I need an alien invasion, or a war or something. I also hate when it starts out okay, the romance is present, but the actual plot is the main focus, and then they decide they want to hug and kiss and fill up the thread with this mushy yucky stuff.
  • Supernatural/ Children with special abilities academy- So. Much. Angst. So many special snowflakes with tragic back stories all crying in a corner. I hate them all so much... There is a reason why society doesn't accept and it ain't about your abilities sweetheart.
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Another thing that annoys me is the 'Controlled CS/ Controlling GM', which in a RP (I tried to join), the slots were placed like


*Blah blah blah, insert long backstory here* HE is gay and don't want to tell others about it


*Another long and boring backstory* Has a crush on the Flirty, but HE is too shy to tell HER
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They solve everything in the blink of an eye. One hit and boom. Problem solved. Seriously, either take some time, let other people help or at the very least take some damage. Your character is way too OP if the can take down level 100 bosses with one hit.
This. This to infinity and beyond. It always drains my motivation when I'm trying to set some tension up, some struggle (we all know that characters are like geodes, if you wanna know what they're made of, BREAK THEM) but then all is resolved in a flick of the wrist ;___;
[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]Another thing that annoys me is the 'Controlled CS/ Controlling GM', which in a RP (I tried to join), the slots were placed like


*Blah blah blah, insert long backstory here* HE is gay and don't want to tell others about it


*Another long and boring backstory* Has a crush on the Flirty, but HE is too shy to tell HER


Holy Hell do I hate this. One of the core aspects of RPing is actually, y'know CREATING a character, so tell me, why have we got people making really specific slots? Why can't I choose my character's sexuality, background, personality, Hell, at least let me choose their damn gender! And if you don't like any of those characters? Well to bad, guess you'll have to find something else. But really people, are you trying to recruit for an RP or help with writing your novel?
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Spinoceratopsrex said:
Holy Hell do I hate this. One of the core aspects of RPing is actually, y'know CREATING a character, so tell me, why have we got people making really specific slots? Why can't I choose my character's sexuality, background, personality, Hell, at least let me choose their damn gender! And if you don't like any of those characters? Well to bad, guess you'll have to find something else. But really people, are you trying to recruit for an RP or help with writing your novel?
If you're familiar with the site Chicken Smoothie, you would know that quite a few RPs on the site are like that. Chicken Smoothie used to be fun but now its a mess. The RP guidelines are strict and so are the mods. For instance, if you use an image that you don't own that doesn't fall under public domain or fair use for a character reference, they take it down.
Scylla said:
If you're familiar with the site Chicken Smoothie, you would know that quite a few RPs on the site are like that. Chicken Smoothie used to be fun but now its a mess. The RP guidelines are strict and so are the mods. For instance, if you use an image that you don't own that doesn't fall under public domain or fair use for a character reference, they take it down.
Ah yes I well remember the chickensmoothie days. It didn't start out so bad but it did get to the point where it's like you sign up and I expect them to just hand you a list of all the characters you can play already created.


Name : NightCrescent

Fandom : Warriers / Animal Roleplays

Personality : wise, curious, well respected, leader

Flaws : has scar on his chest

Romantic Interests : Mistypaw

Favorite Food: mice

Picture from : Cat In The City Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

( please note, do not change anything )

Like um yeah no. If I can't do any actual creating for this plot then I'm outsie.
[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]*Insert lung cancer cough here* Warrior Cats.

That sounds pretty stupid.
[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]*Insert lung cancer cough here* Warrior Cats.

Chickensmoothie is an animal based game so there were a lot of animal roleplays on it. You could play as house pets, Warrior Cats, etc. People usually anthropomorphized the animals a lot and played them more or less like people.
readingraebow said:
Chickensmoothie is an animal based game so there were a lot of animal roleplays on it. You could play as house pets, Warrior Cats, etc. People usually anthropomorphized the animals a lot and played them more or less like people.
So Furry fandom in just 1, JUST 1 Website?
[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]So Furry fandom in just 1, JUST 1 Website?

Furries are... sadly real.

Note: I am uneducated so i have no idea of what anthropomorphized means
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[QUOTE="Lord Shaxx]Furries are... sadly real.

Ergh... I have the perfect song for furries... but I don't want to post it here, don't want to risk a ban.
Cashdash25 said:
Well this conversation went downhill fast.
I mean this thread is kind of pointless, it's just somewhere for people to circle and point at the new bloods and those who are considered unlettered, if you're going to slyly and indirectly call someone out in your posts you might as well say who it is instead of being snide.
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