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  • Users: Fai
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  1. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)

    Olivia stared at them with her mouth slightly agape before she began to speak, "W-well..." she stuttered and pushed up her glasses, staring at the floor. "Wh-what if we actually...left the Apartment ... a-and..." Her face turned bright red as all attention was turned on to her. "I-...I am...
  2. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)

    Olivia half-way tripped at the bottom of the stairs but caught herself before she fell, She looked at Asane and shook her head in a briskly, quirky manner and then ran to the front of the couch. She pushed her glasses up as her bright blue eyes beamed, "I just had an idea!" She said shakily.
  3. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)

    Olivia was quick to shower. She literally seemed to jump in and jump out within seconds. She wraps herself in a warm towel and pushes her now damp hair out of the way of her eyes, pausing for a moment to put on her glasses and look in the mirror. "Hmmm..." she hums, as she stairs at her own...
  4. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)

    Olivia frowns and leans her head on her knees for a second, trying to contain her blush. Quickly she stands up and spins around on her tippy toes before heading up the stairs to go to her room. "I suppose I'll have to shower now ... thanks." She says in an childish, upset tone before quickly...
  5. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)

    Olivia's face turned bright pink at Asane's comment. She looked down at her now see-through shirt and scrambled quickly to cover herself up with her blanket. She hugged her knees to her chest as she looked around at all of her friends in embarrassment. "A-Asane.....!" She whined.
  6. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)

    Olivia was about to protest before the cup was shoved into her mouth. She squealed in surprise and tried to lean back and get away from it, but her attempt ended up in failure as the orange drink splattered all over her. Her glasses slowly slid down her nose as the...awkward...scene took place...
  7. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)

    Olivia was so entranced in the TV that she didn't notice her roommates enter the room. When they began to talk, though, she gave a slight jump and turned around to see them. "...Well, what should we do today?" She said quietly, but then suddenly a burst of excitement glinted in her light blue...
  8. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers

    Accepted! I love it. c:
  9. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers

    Accepted!If you would like to begin, the thread is here ^ ^
  10. Fai

    Zombie Apocalypse Sign-Ups!

    I agree. The classic, slow zombies would suit my fancy. I can't wait to begin!
  11. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers

    accepted!I've actually already begun the thread for the RP which you can find in the slice-of-life section (sorry I can't post links yet). We can begin if you'd like, I already made a starting post. However I will keep this thread open so others can join too. If you can, please try to advertise...
  12. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers

    Thanks ^ ^ now lets hope that other people join~
  13. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers

    I love it! Accepted!
  14. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)

    The apartment wasn't what you could call clean. Dirty clothes lay out of their hamper, dust could be seen piling up on shelves, window seals, and even unused chairs. In the common area, there were 2 old, unmatching couches and a chair. The pillows, normally on the couch, were on the floor in...
  15. Fai

    Apartment Dwellers

    This story takes place in a small, dingy apartment. There lives 4-6 very quirky girls and/or guys. Some people call them hikkimori, some call them NEETS, others call them the Apartment Dwellers. They each live on money their relatives have either left them or that they have saved from...
  16. Fai


  17. Fai

    The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

    Fen was about to introduce herself to Voce when Reito had suddenly opened the window. The pink haired demon girl smiled and flew up from the ground and to the window, peaking her head slightly through. "Hello~" she said, in an almost singing tone, "My name is Fennela Alston. You can call me...
  18. Fai

    The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

    "mmmm..." Fen hums to herself as she shifts her eyes up at the ceiling. "If you're here, shouldn't you have already been assigned a room?" She lowers herself to the floor and retracts her wings, now standing before the mysterious new person and looking them in the eye, a curious glimmer...
  19. Fai

    The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

    Fen swiftly turned around and looked at the mysterious person. She smiled a slight, mischievous smile as she used her wings to maneuver around them. "Are you talking to me?" She giggled and circled them as she hovered slightly in the air, her eyes never leaving the other person before her.
  20. Fai

    "The stars are glimmering on the beautiful night sky, what should I wish for?"

    "The stars are glimmering on the beautiful night sky, what should I wish for?"