Apartment Dwellers (ACTUAL RP)


New Member
The apartment wasn't what you could call clean. Dirty clothes lay out of their hamper, dust could be seen piling up on shelves, window seals, and even unused chairs. In the common area, there were 2 old, unmatching couches and a chair. The pillows, normally on the couch, were on the floor in front of a small, outdated television. The television was so old that when it was turned on there was a loud static blocking the picture most of the time, but it seemed that a certain red-headed girl didn't even take notice. She was leaning against the edge of the couch while sitting on the floor criss-cross. She had a wool blanket draped around her shoulders and giving her a rather ... cuddly looking appearance. The girl pushed her glasses up on her nose as her eyes never left the television, and she seemed to hardly blink as the TV program switched to a commercial.
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Asane Walked down to the common area giving out a yawn, while drinking orange soda from a red plastic cup, which after the first sip her face went from tired to the face of someone with absolute happiness. She jumped and plopped down on one of the couches.


As she greeted she waved her free hand slightly, and giving a smile.
Jason walked down to the common area as well, finding 2 others sitting on the couch. "Hey." He said as he sat down on the other couch chips in hand watching the show that was on. His face was expressionless as he focused on the television as he chewed a couple of chips quietly.
Spencer walked into the common area after placing her beanie on her head. She saw 3 people crowded around a couch, one with a red plastic cup in her hands, another eating chips quietly, and the last person covered in a warm wool blanket. She shook her head and smiled at her friends, walking over and plopping herself down on the couch with a small hello escaping her lips. Spencer's eyes found their way to the slightly blurry television screen, her becoming entranced in the show they were watching almost instantly.
"So, whats for todays agenda? Sit around and do nothing? Or shall we see if we can do something with our lives?"

She puts her feet up on the coffee table infront of them and she takes a sip of her soda, and lets out a cute burp... then a really, gross, loud one.

"Ugh, that was a good one!"

She started to laugh
Olivia was so entranced in the TV that she didn't notice her roommates enter the room. When they began to talk, though, she gave a slight jump and turned around to see them. "...Well, what should we do today?" She said quietly, but then suddenly a burst of excitement glinted in her light blue eyes, "We could watch more movies!! I saw this really strange polish movie the other day... it wasn't good, yet it wasn't bad... actually, it was sort of interesting.." She turned around to face everyone as her mind floated into her very own magical abyss while she rambled about her greatest passion.
Asane laughs awkwardly

"I'm good, we did that yesterday"

And she put her cup up to Olivias mouth, forcing her to drink and be quiet
Olivia was about to protest before the cup was shoved into her mouth. She squealed in surprise and tried to lean back and get away from it, but her attempt ended up in failure as the orange drink splattered all over her. Her glasses slowly slid down her nose as the...awkward...scene took place, and the orange soda dripped down onto her plain white t-shirt and the common room's carpet.
Asane looks at Olivia's wet shirt.

"...well hey, atleast you're wearing a cute bra"

She covers her mouth as she tries to hold in a burst of laughs. Although she shouldn't really be talking, she doesnt even wear a bra, just a green revealing top.
Calina tip toed into the common area in her red plaid pajama bottoms and large black shirt with LINKIN PARK written across in large white letters. She had no shoes on and a bowl of Pops cereal in her hands. Her friends seemed to be doing something, so she quickly took her place on the floor in front of the couch. She ate her breakfast quietly, trying to see what time it was (to be sure she hadn't nearly slept the day away again).
Spencer rolled her eyes at Asane and Olivia before she saw Calina walk inside with her pajamas on and cereal in her hand. "Hello Calina." She greeted the girl, her eyes drifting down to her Linkin Park shirt. "Your going to have to let me borrow that shirt soon or I'm going to take it by force, just a heads up." Spencer said casually, Linkin Park being a band she has only recently gotten into.
Olivia's face turned bright pink at Asane's comment. She looked down at her now see-through shirt and scrambled quickly to cover herself up with her blanket. She hugged her knees to her chest as she looked around at all of her friends in embarrassment. "A-Asane.....!" She whined.
She couldn't contain it and kept laughing, despite she knew it was a little mean.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen like that"

She wipes a tear from her eye from laughing too much, and leans back in the couch.
Olivia frowns and leans her head on her knees for a second, trying to contain her blush. Quickly she stands up and spins around on her tippy toes before heading up the stairs to go to her room. "I suppose I'll have to shower now ... thanks." She says in an childish, upset tone before quickly going up the stairs.
"Alright alright, hey, you've been wearing that for awhile anyway, if you ever need any clothes i got some spares"

She smiled and stuck her tongue out at her looking a bit happy to match her childish tone.
Calina took another bite of cereal as Spencer greeted her. "Ah! Suil, Spencer!" She greeted in Sindarin Elvish.

"Yeah, you can borrow it sometime. Please don't take it off of me. I believe we've seen enough...undergarments for the day." Calina said, sticking another spoonful into her mouth as her eyes glanced over to where Olivia had been sitting.

She turned to Asane. "So what are we doing today? You know, besides giving Olivia a soda bath?" She asked, finally draining the milk from the bowl.
"That was my question from earlier..."

She sips the last bit of orange soda, since most of it was spilled on Olivia.

"It's just so fun relaxing around though... maybe i'll surf the internet for more gun models.."

She throws her plastic cup at the trash can, but misses and instead joins along with a huge pile of cups, making her let out a sigh.

"I wonder if i'll ever get it in the can..."
Olivia was quick to shower. She literally seemed to jump in and jump out within seconds. She wraps herself in a warm towel and pushes her now damp hair out of the way of her eyes, pausing for a moment to put on her glasses and look in the mirror. "Hmmm..." she hums, as she stairs at her own reflection looking back at her.

Right then, something had clicked, her blue eyes lit up and she quickly put on her clothes and ran down the stairs.
Asane notices Olivia run down the stairs.

"Well damn that was fast...whats with the hurry? not gonna get revenge on me, right?"

She sorta joked through the whole thing, except the last little question.
Olivia half-way tripped at the bottom of the stairs but caught herself before she fell, She looked at Asane and shook her head in a briskly, quirky manner and then ran to the front of the couch. She pushed her glasses up as her bright blue eyes beamed, "I just had an idea!" She said shakily.
"Was the idea turning your shirt around so its not backwards?"

She pointed at the tag coming out of the collar.

Man...I'm karma's gonna kill me sooner or later...

She lets out a laugh at her own thoughts.
"Asane, posto! Gin iallon, let Olivia speak!" Calina begged. She was getting bored and wanted to hear Olivia's idea. She cursed herself for using so much Sindarin in one sentence.

"Please, Olivia, elaborate for us." She said, getting ready to go back to her apartment to start up her Alienware. Man she was talking a lot today. That's never a good sign.
Olivia stared at them with her mouth slightly agape before she began to speak, "W-well..." she stuttered and pushed up her glasses, staring at the floor. "Wh-what if we actually...left the Apartment ... a-and..." Her face turned bright red as all attention was turned on to her. "I-...I am thinking my movies are getting old when they are all filmed inside the apartment......"

((Sorry for the latest reply ever, my internet went out for a while and I didn't have any access to reply. T_T))
"Yeah, they are... And it really annoys me when I walk into you guys laughing at bloopers of me... you guys will still never find those tapes ever again"

She lets out a conceited laugh, like some prestigious rich girl that finds her to be better than everyone else.

"And where do you suggest we go? The parking lot next door? That's pretty far, and we never go there"
Calina felt her stomach grow sick. She rarely left the appartment. There were too many people out there. Carina was not a people person. She dreadfully awaited Olivia's idea, hoping Asane's joke about the parking lot wasn't too far from the truth.

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