Apartment Dwellers


New Member
This story takes place in a small, dingy apartment. There lives 4-6 very quirky girls and/or guys. Some people call them hikkimori, some call them NEETS, others call them the Apartment Dwellers.

They each live on money their relatives have either left them or that they have saved from years past,

so it isn't necessary for them to be employed. They spend each day crafting,

reading, collecting, surfing the internet, and engaging in their own strange hobbies. The only friends they have are eachother,

I suppose you can say they are a pretty odd bunch.

But what happens when they are forced into the outside world? whether it be from a lack of funds or being kicked out of the apartment,

will they survive?

Please join the APARTMENT DWELLERS in their quest to normality!


I warn you, I'm pretty picky when it comes to grammar and spelling so you must:








-3 sentences per post minimum

-Keep it PG-13

-Be kind and have fun!

Character sheet:


Age: (must be out of high school)



back story:



Looks (picture or not):


Fai's Character:

Name: Olivia Sladen

Age: 19

Quirks: Awkward in social situations, hums loudly when she is thinking, is easilly excited, can only focus on one thing at a time.

Hobbies: She loves movies and is a movie otaku. She occasionally makes

her own short films, but she doesn't show anyone outside the apartment... and she usually

drags the rest of the Apartment Dwellers into being in the films anyways.

Back Story: Olivia's parents always pushed her to be the best should could be. She studied constantly, which left her no time for friends or hanging out. This caused her to become a recluse in her room even when she was a student. Even when people did try to talk to her, she would deny them by saying, "I have not the time for any socializing" and usually would never acknowledge them again. Needless to say, she never really had any friends at all, causing her to be extremely awkward in public. When high school ended, she didn't have anyone to motivate her to go to college and form a career. Her parents, disappointed, eventually kicked her out. Leaving her nowhere to go ... until she found the Apartment Dwellers.

Education: Highschool degree

Personality: extreeeeeeeeeeeemly shy, awkward, and unsociable. She loves movies and everything to do with them. If someone mentions them to her, she gets excited and never stops talking. She is fine with talking to the rest of the Apartment Dwellers, but anyone outside of them she will usually have an anxiety attack and faint if confronted. She spends a lot of time in her room or in the common area of the apartment. She's kind of like a ghost, when she is there most people don't notice her because she is so quiet.


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Name: Spencer Reed

Age: 19

Quirks: Plays with the tips of her hair when she is nervous, is extremely absent-minded and gets lost in her thoughts a lot, not at all a social butterfly and is just really random.

Hobbies: Spencer loves to play her guitar and make a up random lyrics to any beat. She, for some reason, loves to buy horror movies so she can yell or make fun of the characters and how stupid they are, she enjoys drawing or reading in her free time, which she has tons of, and likes to make up conversations to people she sees talking but can't hear and she often stars in Olivia's short films.

Back story: Spencer's parent didn't want anything to do with her, along with everyone else in her life, so she became an outcast and did everything alone. She grew up to be really independent, having to do everything by herself, and never asked for help. She only made A's and high B's in school so she was smart but dropped out of college when she couldn't handle it. Her parents gave her enough money to get out of their lives and she used it to buy an apartment where discovered the Apartment Dwellers.

Education: College Drop-out

Personality: Spencer is really random and can be blunt. She is very outgoing and usually doesn't mind to try new things. She talks to herself a lot, carrying on random conversations in her mind. She usually says what is on the top of her head and if someone asks for her opinion she well tell them exactly what she thinks. She hates to sugar coat things, she loves to sing and draw, and she is occasional sarcastic.

Looks (picture or not): She, more often than not, wears a beanie on her head.

Name: Jason King.


Quirks: Jason is very organized. He doesn't like when things get on his things and it weirds him out. He a social butterfly and has many friends which means he at the apartment every so often.

Hobbies: He loves to dance, and he can do any type. Breakdance and even a little ballet and more. He's never pursued anything with his skills but sometimes he dances on the street to get money. Also, he loves to skateboard it's his passion.

Back story: When he was 14 he had been kicked out of the house for talking back to his father who abused him. he didn't eat for 2 weeks until he found something from a trash can. But his dancing had helped him and his friend Ricardo gave him all of his money to buy an apartment which meant a lot to him. He is still trying to find a job and give him all of the money. Everyday Jason goes down to Ricardo to fill him up with food, he's a good guy.

Education: Once his father kicked him out he took him out of school as well when he was just starting high school.

Personality: He is a very sweet guy. Jason is very out-going and loves to have fun and dance party's. Even though he went through hard times he always tries to make a joke out of it so he won't have to get all emotional in front of people while telling his story. He's a tiny bit shy but he gets over it really quickly which is quite good, because making new friends is hard.

Looks: He always wears a NEFF beanie and always keeps his mom's locket tucked in his pocket.

I've actually already begun the thread for the RP which you can find in the slice-of-life section (sorry I can't post links yet). We can begin if you'd like, I already made a starting post. However I will keep this thread open so others can join too. If you can, please try to advertise this a little!
Name: Asane Naki

Age: 19

Quirks: She dresses very...skanky/dirty/slutty/exposing- you get the idea by now... And she doesn't care whether people stare nor comment about her dressing to revealing around "little kids", so she ends up getting alot of attention. She has an obsession with pistols so her room is absolutely filled with them...even though she can barely name a fraction of them.

Hobbies: As said, she collects pistols/models of them, and hands them up on her wall or on her dresser. She likes to shoot things with bb guns as well, so there may be bb's lodged into walls around the complex sometimes, and isn't limited to pistol models of bb guns either, although she says as an excuse to have them that its for if a robber breaks in and she needs to "defend" herself.

back story: She went through highschool as a normal kid, minus her clothing and being an early bloomer, so she was always the center of attention. Because of this she has no guy friends because most only hitted on her or didnt like how she dressed, and all the girls were so jealous that they hated her. At this time she was actually living in japan, thus the name, but moved to the states to start anew...and because of stereotyping she thought her clothes that were revealing were normal, which she found out wasnt true. So she had no money, and realized too late that she never bothered to learn her parents phone number, so she has no contact with her normal world. Stuck in the states, she used her remaining money, which is why she has no more now, to book a room at the apartment complex. So much for studying abroad with people that wear the same as you, right?

education: Highschool graduate / some military gun knowledge / knows japanese

Personality: Very preppy, despite her never having friends, she is really happy all the time. She never angers easily, no matter what you say, make fun of her for, or anything as such, since she's happy with who she is and looks like and thats all that matters to her. She's quite smart...in some things, but in american sometimes she can be quite lost and needs help from the other dwellers.

Looks (picture or not):

Name: Calina Ador

Age: 22

Quirks: Calina is obsessed with elves. She knows various elvish dialects, and will occasionally break out in elvish tongue in the middle of conversation. She has a bit of social awkwardness, and hates dances, clubs, or just going out in public. She has a past of being overweight, and is thus obsessed with health. Calina refers to any attractive people as "pretty people" and has a hard time trusting them. She will often approach them analytically.

Hobbies: cooking, gardening, playing the trombone, writing, online gaming, roller blading, collecting rocks/minerals

back story: Calina was born into a rich family. Her life was great until she started school. She was then overwhelmed with constant bullying because of her weight. In sixth grade she was on the cheer team, and the situation became worse. Eventually her best friend spread a rumor that Calina was going to kill herself. Everyone backed off, and apologized about bullying her. But she knew the pretty people couldn't be trusted. She often watched them, trying to figure out their state of mind. To her, they seemed like zombies. Always caught up in life's immediate pleasures. Never truly living. Eventually Calina fell into a state of deep depression. However she was a straight A student. It was the only thing she had besides band and choir. Music became one of the few things she could escape with. Soon she took to video games, especially RPG's. She would spend hours on her brother's Xbox. She eventually moved on to PC gaming. Her parents soon took to calling her a "gothic, anti-social b*****". When she graduated high school, Calina's parents sent her college. She dropped out just before graduating. Her parents didn't want any part of her anymore, so they sent her away. They give her enough money each month to live, but nothing else. She's tried writing letters or sending pictures, but they always get returned with big black X's on the envelope.

education: college drop out

Personality: Keeps to herself, is always in deep thought, shy. Though when around people she likes, her truer nature will show. She will seem more outgoing, friendly, and happy. It is actually hard for her to not be happy. Calina cares bout people, and has taught herself to be more accepting of others. (she's still scared around pretty people, though) She is very religious, and goes to church every Sunday.

Looks (picture or not):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Calina.png.7a4cc32c58940c19514c886dd6f41b91.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Calina.png.7a4cc32c58940c19514c886dd6f41b91.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(sorry if this posts after all the spots are filled. my computer has been acting up and I'm not sure if this page needs to be refreshed)



  • Calina.png
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Name: Stormi Fullerton

Age: 21

Quirks: Stormi has a deep obsession with tv shows. She has consumed many of the more well-known shows and some obscured ones as well and has memorized facts and information about them all that many casual fans wouldn't know. Stormi also collects many fandom things as well.

Hobbies: Watching tv, reading, browsing the internet, attending conventions, making cosplay costumes, drinking coffee and writing fanfiction

Backstory: Stormi didn't really have an eventful life. She was the youngest of two and her sister took most of the spotlight off of her. She was pretty and smart and determined to make something of herself, while Stormi mostly hid in the back. She didn't mind being ignored and she still made friends and was pretty average. Still she had to listen to her parents compare them two and after a while, Stormi would find ways to shut her parents out. She found one in tv shows and soon immersed herself in the world of TV and internet fandoms.

Once she was eighteen she took a year off to work, but found that she found no satifaction in working. The next year she attended college doing general study. She wanted to major in fashion design, but felt that she did not belong in that world despite her knack for it. She eventually dropped out and moved into the apartments selling things online to get money and working part-time at a grocery store for a few weeks now.

Education: Two years of community college

Personality: Stormi is shy-ish. She tends to avoid most human contact if she can help it, but likes to be around those she feels comfortable with. Stormi is a bright and friendly girl and can talk on and on about the things she loves. She is very passionate as well and so it's easy to hurt her feelings when showing disinterest or speaking bad of it. She is a tad sarcastic, but normally in a good mood. She makes jokes of her insecurities to hide her doubts about herself. She is normally lazy as well and not really all too motivated.

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Name: Pandora Milani

Age: 21

Quirks: Pandora is the ultimate fujoshi. She loves yaoi and shounen-ai (boyxboy) and tends to cosplay. A LOT. Pandora can't resist cute and girly things (that includes people) and is somewhat addicted to gym chalk. WARNING: Pandora likes to walk around the apartment without any pants.

Hobbies: Pandora likes to watch anime and read manga. She's quite the otaku, her room is filled with posters, figurines, and other merchandise of anime characters (mainly good looking males). She likes to draw, but isn't very good at it, so Pandora went to writing fanfiction. She makes money with cosplaying and amateur modelling.

Back Story: Pandora had a normal childhood, happy family, playing outside, blah blah blah. Ever since Pandora was a kid, she had anime, she watched those kid shows like Pokemon and Sailor Moon and looked up to them. But, as Pandora proceeded into high school, she got into cosplaying and yaoi/shounen-ai.

Pandora would go to school wearing her cosplay, everyday was a different cosplay. Some people bullied Pandora for cosplaying, others looked up to her, and some were her friends. But, we know one thing about Pandora's high school experience. She stood out.

Pandora wanted to become a manga artist, but she sucked at drawing. Not wanting to let her parents down, Pandora graduated with B Honors (which was very hard for her, since she's kind of an airhead), and got some scholarships and awards. She took Law in university, only to complete until her Bachelor's Degree. Immediately, Pandora used her saved up money to rent an apartment and focus on cosplaying.

She makes cash from photo shoots and selling the pictures online because her family doesn't support her and Pandora's not rich.

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Law (because if you don't know what to take, you take Law)

Personality: Pandora is an outgoing, and spontaneous young lady. She's usually friendly to people who don't get in her way of anime and yaoi, but tends to shut herself in her room when she's PMSing. Pandora's quite the outgoing and daring woman to be able to walk out in public wearing her cosplay. And of course, to look good in the cosplay, Pandora goes to the gym to work out a lot and look good. Oh and, she's an idiot.

Looks (picture or not): She's quite the good looking person.
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