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  • Users: Steel
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  1. Steel

    1x1 RP! Experienced only!

    Sure thing! Just PM me!
  2. Steel

    1x1 RP! Experienced only!

    Hello folks, I've a few ideas for some roleplays. 1) A Game of Thrones. **Spoilers!** Jon Snow has decided to accept the offer from Stannis Baratheon to take over Winterfell as Lord Jon Stark. He selects members from the Queen's men and the Night's Watch to join him. But every Lord needs...
  3. Steel

    Only one partner needed for each plot, hurry!

    I'd love to do Revenge of the North!
  4. Steel

    A Bundle of Plots

    The Science Fiction and the High Fantasy have my interests peaked! You've got beautiful grammar, by the way. Just send me a pm whenever, and I'd love to discuss it with you.
  5. Steel

    Lookin for RP partners!

    Hello, I'm back from a looooong RP forum break. Currently I roleplay in WoW (World of Warcraft), so I am up for that theme. Here are some others: 1. A Witch-hunter comes upon an especially gifted witch, and in the midst of attempting to kill him/her, is knocked unconscious or grievously...
  6. Steel

    Looking for 1x1 Role Plays

    I'm up for it! I like the Royal x Other Noble.
  7. Steel

    Salem, a Cursed Town

    Hello! I am looking for people to play some parts for me! These parts are totally up to you, but must be based around the following criteria: -Witch/Warlock (Magic-users, often seen as the more powerful of the town. Consider them the upper class.) -Vampire (Upper class, burn in the sunlight...
  8. Steel

    Flesh and Metal, a Western RP

    ((OOC first. Your character has a choice of the following roles: -Working Girl(prostitute, no ERP please) -Townsperson(merchant, bartender, etc.) -Lawman(Only 2 slots for this position) -Outlaw(Only 2 slots for this position as well) By all means, be creative and enjoy the fun of...
  9. Steel

    The Mysteries of Rodania (Still looking for members)

    The massive charger Thori'dal rode upon seemed to make others look like ponies. Dark armor protected the ebony steed. It's sinewy muscles pumped beneath the gear. This, and his companions' horses stirred up the dust. --Earlier-- The other two companions would find the stables, where horses...
  10. Steel

    The Tales of Rodania

    Sure thing. And at least enough length to not be too small. You can write as largely as you want, of course.
  11. Steel

    The Mysteries of Rodania (Still looking for members)

    Thori'dal rose from his seat. "That's the plan. We move at sunrise, prepare your gear, and get a full night's rest. There is a long journey ahead." The price left the room, his dark cloak billowing behind him. The sound of his ebony armor clanked as he walked off.
  12. Steel

    The Mysteries of Rodania (Still looking for members)

    The Lycan prince rose. "Greetings, Kazdin of the dwarves." His yellow gaze passed over the dwarf, sizing him up. "The Mage has yet to show himself. Although I've received word from the high priest that we lack another companion. A man, to be specific." It wasn't often that the race of man was...
  13. Steel

    The Tales of Rodania

    Here we go folks!
  14. Steel

    The Mysteries of Rodania (Still looking for members)

    (( Link to application forum and info: )) It was a cold day all around the land of Rodania. A chill breeze cooled the rugged landscape. And now, atop the temple of The Order, Thor'idal crouched. His fur rustled in the wind, as...
  15. Steel

    Looking for roleplay partner(s)!

    Another RP idea: This would be a 1x1, where two people, each of the opposing side, are stranded together amidst the war. :Leviathan RP: Steam punk world, where the two opposing alliances of the first World War are split by their beliefs. The Clankers- Machine over nature, believe in steam...
  16. Steel

    I'm down for the RP! Send me a PM to start it up!

    I'm down for the RP! Send me a PM to start it up!
  17. Steel

    Looking for roleplay partner(s)!

    Okay! Just send me a pm and we can figure it out!
  18. Steel

    Looking for roleplay partner(s)!

    Alright! Pick whichever to do first, and them PM me!
  19. Steel

    Looking for roleplay partner(s)!

    Howdy folks! I'm interested in doing some RP. I have a few ideals here I'll list right quick. For the most part, these are of the romantic genre. Zombie Survival- Two people survive together in a world where a virus has toppled society itself. The Assasin- hired killer attempts murder on...
  20. Steel

    The Tales of Rodania

    Accepted. We hope to begin soon, despite lack of applications!