Looking for roleplay partner(s)!


Junior Member
Howdy folks! I'm interested in doing some RP. I have a few ideals here I'll list right quick. For the most part, these are of the romantic genre.

Zombie Survival- Two people survive together in a world where a virus has toppled society itself.

The Assasin- hired killer attempts murder on person. Sparks ignite, which leads to a troubled romance.

Gilneas- This one is WoW based. I'm willing to take up to three other people for this one. If you don't play WoW, but are interested, here's the lowdown. A Victorian England-like country, isolated by a massive wall to its east, and ocean to its west, has become afflicted with the curse of the Worgen. Werewolf-like beings haunt the wilds, and two couples strive to survive the madness.

The Ghost- A ghost haunts a house, wistfully yet peacefully. Person learns of this, and in time a special sort of bond grows between them. Forbidden love?

The Captain and Prisoner- A ship captain (Colonial Times) takes a pirate/criminal/enemy aboard. Ship wrecks, leaving them alone.

So there ya go! Lemme know if you like any of these. Thanks!
[QUOTE="Hanabusa Aidou]I think the Captain and Prisoner one sounds interesting! ^^

Okay! Just send me a pm and we can figure it out!
Another RP idea: This would be a 1x1, where two people, each of the opposing side, are stranded together amidst the war.

:Leviathan RP:

Steam punk world, where the two opposing alliances of the first World War are split by their beliefs.

The Clankers- Machine over nature, believe in steam power, electronics, engines, robots. Countries include; Germany, Austria/Hungary, Italy, etc.

The Beasties- Nature primary. Genetically modified animals used as warships, and soldiers. Countries include; Britain, Russia, France, etc.
Hey there! If you're still up for another roleplay, I'd definitely be interested in the Assassin one.
If you're still looking I would like to do the Zombie Survival or Assassin one ^^
Not sure if you're still interested but I think that the Assasin/target sounds super fun! I also really like the idea of the ghost and the new tenant (especially since I have a ghostie character who hasn't been allowed out in ages) and the Captain/Prisoner idea, if you're still looking.

I there, I've been looking for a roleplay for a while now and I would like to do the Ghost one with you if you would like. Please message me and we can talk things over.



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