The Tales of Rodania


Junior Member
In ancient times, the Realm of Rodania was ruled by the strict and just Aenguls, and the profane and unconventional Daemons. When both passed from the world in a war of magic, they left six races, the most favored of which being the Elves. When the Elves passed, like their Aengul and Daemon predecessors, the remaining five races vied for the control of the Throne the elves left behind. The Dwarves, in their industrial power, the Orcs, bearing the weight of ostracism with their legendary strength, the Goblins, with their primitive cults, the Humans, lost in the greed that comes with power and magic, and the Lycans, scattered and hunted, crying out for a leader.

Now, in a time where the very world is at the brink of a horrible war, something must be done. Humans have established their grip over the world, atop their mountain city Highstone. The power-hungry crusading humans have begun attacking other races, and then ruling them with an iron fist. The Order of the Golden Wolf, a higher group of warrior priests, have decided to intervene in the affairs of the other groups. They have sent out three priests to help spark a revolution, unify the races, and battle the tyrant forces of the humans in Highstone.

The three priests seek to find others to join in their cause, and help stop the humans. So, to join in this roleplay you must fill out the application below, and create your character. Also, there are a few things to be specified. Lycans are EXTREMELY scattered and rare, so to become a Lycan, you must receive prior approval before signing up. The other races that are available are: the dwarves, orcs, and rebel humans. If you wish to play as an antagonist human, you must once again receive prior approval. If you wish to use magic, make sure you read up on the info given. It is advised to look over much of the information, it's well-written, and helps in the RP. The technology is medieval based, with dwarves having automated crossbows.

Magic Info Here

The Magic

- Eldenari: Old Elven discipline of magic; focuses on changing reality in order to suit the needs of the mage.

- Kynmar: Very ancient Daemon magic. Focused around the summoning of Daemons, destruction, corruption, and change. Shunned by everyone except certain sects of Baalthazar followers.

- Elementalism: Basic magic meant for use by Warmages of the human nations; taps into the strength of the earth around them

- Gubomancy: Goblin Shamanism. Not actual magic Varies by Goblin Clan. Usually clever fireworks, explosive dust, and other nonsense

- Alfmar: Very ancient Aengul magic; centered around control of lifeforces, maintenance of order, and protection of the weak

- Orkril: Orcish magic; involves necromancy and the black arts, involves drawing strength from others, blood rituals; orcs have sworn it off, only practiced by the few orcish wizards left in the world

- Mystara: Focused around divination, the acruement of knowledge, and obfuscation. Favorite among followers of Baalthazar.

- Mania: Caused by the gift of insanity. Centered around illusions, inducing madness, and random effects of a chaotic nature. Effects the minds of the mage and others.

Race Lifespans

  • Humans: Originally 200-300 years, dropped to 80-100 years.
  • Orcs: Lifespan of 70-90 years.
  • Dwarves 500-800 years.
  • Goblins, 50-70.
  • Lycan, 200-300 years.

The Different Rulers

  • First rule: Aenguls; they created it all
  • Second rule: The Daemons added sin, etc. made it impure; brought forth revolution and change
  • Third Rule: Elves, brought forth farming, established religion {didn’t work out}, brought forth the rise of advanced magical arts and learning
  • Fourth Rule: Dwarves; decline of magic, rise of industry. Very high standards of living, expert craftsmen, machine bests nature
  • Fifth Rule: Orcs, increase of war, weapon manufacturing kinda stuff, tribes, lessening of knowledge
  • Sixth Rule: Humans, current rule. declining in chaos, established serfdoms, feudal system, greedy. Deadly feudal politics. Rise in magic with humans, shorter lifespans.

The Religions

The Silver Stag

Religious crusaders, widespread, brutal to heretics.


  • The Blooded (inquisitors)
  • The Ivory Prong (crusaders, justiciars)

Sharog, the Almighty

  • Orcish religion primarily.
  • Banned in Human lands
  • Quietly practiced
  • Centered around the values of loyalty, honor, and altruism for the benefit of close allies

Talgar (the Great Energy)

  • Dwarvish
  • Machine over magic
  • Great engineers are considered priests of the religion
  • Especially pious followers more machine than dwarf


-Goblin only.

-Tribal Chieftains claim to be the “Gub”, or the great deity.

-Hundreds of different branches.


- Various worshippers

- Encourages followers to live in seclusion, study, and prayer in various isolationist monastaries scattered across the globe

- Magic is considered the highest form of worship

- Favored among orcish and dwarven mages and other reclusive magic users

- Numerous sects that conflict with each other over which study of magic is acceptable to Baalthazar

The Golden Wolf

Based around self-acceptance, ferocity, justice.

-The one true leading deity, Golden Wolf, The Holy One.

-Elite group of priest warriors formed the Order of the Golden Wolf.

The Geography

Rodanian Geography

  • Kevrid Range: Massive range of mountains located in the center of Rodania. It’s climes range from snowy high peaks to lush river valleys. The range contains one large pass located to the Northeast, and innumerable small trails throughout. the city of Highstone straddles this pass, and crossing is highly regulated by Human authorities. The valleys themselves are home to many human settlements, both within the valleys and built into the walls of the Range.
  • The Western March: Rugged rockland at the western base if the Kevrid mountain range. Full steep falls and sheer cliff faces. Ancestral home of the orcs. The heart of the Dwarven tunnel system spans through the entirety of the March, connecting the great underground kingdoms and various small mining settlements of the Dwarven conglomerate. Trading depots and mining excavations are a common sight in the spanning network.
  • The Skerdil Marsh: Fertile marshland located at and near the mouth of the river Skerdil. The marsh serves as the breadbasket for all civilization, with the main trade roads policed by Human patrols. The Skerdil Marsh is considered shared property among all of the races, having the most fertile soil in Rodania. Snowmelt from the mountains of the Northwestern Kervid Range feeds multiple tributaries with converge to form the Skerdil. Its mouth feeds into the western ocean and the Western March borders it to the South.
  • The Irisk Expanse: A massive desert located on a massive subcontinent jutting out of the southeast. Ancient homeland of the elves, made habitable by the power of their reality warping magics. The Dwarves build trading outposts, mining settlements, and great bazaars atop of the old Elven ruins. The humans are constantly attempting to unearth the magical secrets of the elves, and usually failing miserably. A favorite location for strongholds belonging to the Monastic Order of Baalthazar due to the close proximity to elven ruins.
  • Greywood: A massive forest stretching from Highstone to the Northeastern edge of Rodania. Many minor rivers cut through this area, the ancestral home of the Dwarves. Many or their tunnels either start or end here, with merchant cities breaking the expanse of woodland at these points. Humans control the woodlands near Highstone, and the woods closest to the Kervid Pass have been clearcut to make room for an expanding populace.
  • The Highfields: Great rolling hills, spanned by a great many roads that connect the Kevrid Pass, the Irisk Expanse, and the Greywood. Goblins raiding parties are a problem along the road. Home to many nomadic orc clans.





Description(Pictures for reference are encouraged):


Weapon of Choice:
Name: Kazdin Nortrek

Age: 274

Race: Dwarf

Bio: Raised as the child of a merchant and an engineer, Kazdin spent his childhood travelling Rodania, and gained an appreciation for the other races of Rodania. As he grew, he learned the finer points of Dwarven Engineering, and grew to have a deep distrust of the Humans, bordering on hatred, and, through his travels, a grudging respect of mages. He established contact with the Order through his travels, making a pilgrimage to their Monastery. He now travels with Thori'dal, waiting to kindle revolution against the Humanity

Description: Four and a half feet tall and of average build for his race. Medium-length hair and a short beard, ruddy-brown in color. His eyes are grey-green in color, and his skin is tanned through constant travels during both his childhood and adulthood. An introvert, he possesses a worldly intelligence and mechanical skill. He prefers armor of medium weight, of chain and hardened hide, reinforced with a steel chestplate.

Location:Travelling with Lord Thori'dal.

Weapon of Choice: Repeating Crossbow at range, Woodsman's hatchet up close.

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Name: Velehk Var-Hjerim

Age: 55

Race: Orc

Bio: Formerly a High Scholar of the Monastic Order of Baalthazar in Kevrid. One of the few Orcish Magic-users left in the world. Banished for sympathetic thoughts of the Kynmar and Orkril disciplines of Magic. Became a member of the Order of the Golden Wolf in order to study magic in peace and quiet.

Description: Seven feet and a half in height. Long, unkempt raven hair, reaching down to the small of the back. Irises glow a faint red. Face is haggard and battered by the winds of Kevrid. Has a cropped beard, seemingly in better shape than the hair atop his head. Gnarled by both age and the harsh climes in which he has lived. A cunning sort, his mind sharpened by his studies in the Monastery. Has a sharp tongue and a dark, cruel sense of humor. Favors traveling robes worn under a steel breastplate, sabatons, and gauntlets.

Location: With his two companions

Weapon of Choice: Specializes in Orkril, Kynmar, and Eldenari. Uses a serated sword when physical combat is called for.

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(Note to all applicants: Craldus and Dreamingdeity are the other two priests, so they're a special case. Hence Dreaming's prostigious title.)

Name: Thor'idal Wolfborn



Bio: Thor'idal's history is for the most part unknown. But his bloodline has been traced back to the original leader of the Lycan people. He resided in the Order's Monastery for many years, before leaving with his two companions. Thor'idal's rank in the Order quickly rose with his successful campaigns against enemies of the Order. He is now one of the six High Lords of the Order.

Description:A large man, Thor'idal stands at 6'3. His body is covered in different scars, including three large horizontal ones along his left pectoral. When changed into his werewolf form, he becomes 6'8, his body mass increasing. The form's fur is a deep black, with gray along the muzzle. For the most part, Thor'idal remains in human form. He wears short-cropped black hair, and a trimmed beard.

Location: Traveling across Rodania.

Weapon of Choice: Curved broadsword.

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Valten Southwind

Age: 25

Race: Human

Bio: As a young boy growing up in a reasonably sized trading settlement of the Skerdil Marsh, Valten often witnessed the unfair treatment of the other races by his own kind. He grew to resent the way Humans thought of themselves as masters of the world...even if they were close. It wasn't until he found an ancient tablet in the deep marshes at the age of 18 that he thought he had finally found a way to help the mistreated peoples forced under Human rule. He started wondering soon after, visiting any library he could find, searching for knowledge of the Aenguls, discovering an affinity for magics along the way. He is now living with the followers of Baalthazar in the Irisk desert, searching for traces of the old magics that could help to restore balance to this troubled world.

Description: Valten stands at 6 feet tall, slim but not scrawny. His skin is a warm olive color, his hair a soft brown, with bright green, intelligent eyes. His hands are calloused from years of digging in the earth for ancient artifacts, but other wise his skin is unmarred by his short years. He can often be found in an old, weather-worn knee length tunic, tied with a belt around the waist, and simple cotton trousers. When he doesn't have his nose in a book, he's practicing his magic, despite a distaste for combat.


The Irisk Expanse

Weapon of Choice: An ordinary looking quarter staff, with ancient runes subtly carved down its length. Limited Alfmar spells, Elementalism, and Mystara.
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(I know this is very late, but oh well, here goes.)

Name: Abuya Hawthorn

Age: 46

Race: Human

Bio: With her father being dedicated to studying Eldenari and Mystara, Abuya followed in his steps by traveling with him when she was young from their isolated settlement in the Skerdil Marsh, to a simple monastary of Baalthazar in the Irisk Expanse. Abuya and her father were accepted among the predominatly dwarven populated monatsry of Baalthazar and were viewed as helpful to their research on Eldenari. Abuya grew a liking towards Elementalism, Mystara, and the Dwarven ways and was taught by her father how to cast spells in those teachings. Her father has passed, and left his work with her, she has not learned Eldenari though due to a lack of interest, so she left it with her old home in the Irisk Expanse and traveled to the Skerdil Marsh to work as a battlemage for hire for any one who needed it or would pay her. She'll go back to visit the monastary, due to her being a friend with some of the dwarves, but she won't go often with the unrest on the long road.

Description(Pictures for reference are encouraged):

Location: Usually in the Skerdil Marsh, but will sometimes visit the Irisk Expanse.

Weapon of Choice: Master in Elementalism and Mystara. Has begun to tap into Mania.
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Omega said:
(I know this is very late, but oh well, here goes.)
Name: Abuya Hawthorn

Age: 46

Race: Human

Bio: With her father being dedicated to studying Eldenari and Mystara, Abuya followed in his steps by traveling with him when she was young from their isolated settlement in the Skerdil Marsh, to a simple monastary of Baalthazar in the Irisk Expanse. Abuya and her father were accepted among the predominatly dwarven populated monatsry of Baalthazar and were viewed as helpful to their research on Eldenari. Abuya grew a liking towards Elementalism, Mystara, and the Dwarven ways and was taught by her father how to cast spells in those teachings. Her father has passed, and left his work with her, she has not learned Eldenari though due to a lack of interest, so she left it with her old home in the Irisk Expanse and traveled to the Skerdil Marsh to work as a battlemage for hire for any one who needed it or would pay her. She'll go back to visit the monastary, due to her being a friend with some of the dwarves, but she won't go often with the unrest on the long road.

Description(Pictures for reference are encouraged):

Location: Usually in the Skerdil Marsh, but will sometimes visit the Irisk Expanse.

Weapon of Choice: Master in Elementalism and Mystara. Has begun to tap into Mania.
Accepted. We hope to begin soon, despite lack of applications!
Not sure how many you still need, but I would like to request a spot for later? Also, what is the general posting length accepted/wanted?
kinadra said:
Not sure how many you still need, but I would like to request a spot for later? Also, what is the general posting length accepted/wanted?
Sure thing. And at least enough length to not be too small. You can write as largely as you want, of course.

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