Search results for query: *

  1. Wandering Dreamer

    Unlikely Reunions ((SetMeFree and Wandering Dreamer))

    The painful realization struck Damien instantly. The prince had already given up everything to come and find him, to protect him. Or, at the very least, that's what he claimed. The raven haired boy was torn between feeling relieved and distraught, completely overtaken with both hopefulness and...
  2. Wandering Dreamer

    Unlikely Reunions ((SetMeFree and Wandering Dreamer))

    Damien's eyes had fluttered open at a noise at the door, sitting up and inching his way to the foot of the bed cautiously. A window stood nearby, where he could make a clean getaway if it happened to be some bandit or one of the king's men. Drowsiness still consumed him though, making him...
  3. Wandering Dreamer

    Pokemon Chalian Islands: Dragon Lands [Inactive]

    Akira Akira had turned to the boy with the Houndour to respond to his friendly greeting when they were called to the truck suddenly. She rushed over to hop inside with her brother and their Pokemon trailing close behind. She managed to hop in before they drove off and stared up at the changing...
  4. Wandering Dreamer

    Unlikely Reunions ((SetMeFree and Wandering Dreamer))

    Damien had laid done in the bed on his back, staring up at the ceiling as he thought of the day. He'd succeeded in hiding another day away from the king's grasp, but it didn't comfort his uneasiness. He could never truly be safe or free, not without his wings. His wings were the things that...
  5. Wandering Dreamer

    Pokemon Chalian Islands: Dragon Lands [Inactive]

    Akira Akira sat in her seat with Even in her lap asleep. The dark type pokemon often snoozed on the trips they took, while Veve continually jerked on his tail in hopes of stirring him from his sleep so they could play. Sparky sat at her feet, propped up by her legs as he had his eyes closed...
  6. Wandering Dreamer

    Pokemon Chalian Islands: Dragon Lands

    Name: Akira Hanako Age: 17 Sex: Female Appearance: Below Personality: Akira is intelligent and kind. She's spent a great deal of her time caring for her pokemon and working with them so they can become the very best that they can be. She's patient and works to do things in a...
  7. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot nodded when Henry gestured over to metal chairs that were familiar to the ones present at the assembly. He moved over to go take a seat, finding they weren't very comfortable. Then again, neither were the ones at the assembly. Nonetheless, Elliot was simply happy to be watching his friend...
  8. Wandering Dreamer

    Unlikely Reunions ((SetMeFree and Wandering Dreamer))

    Damien had already retreated to his room in a matter of seconds, unlocking the door and closing it behind him softly. All of his movements were gentle and slow, something about his persona left no trace of his time spent there. He preferred it this way, going around with the ability to pretend...
  9. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot smiled in return to Henry's joking, listening to him explain that it was alright that he'd made him fall, that there was nothing to worry about because thankfully an individual named Chontel had put up the nets. "I can think of quite a few things you might be yelling in my direction if...
  10. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot flinched when Henry began to fall before noticing the net. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he landed safely before contemplating what to say as the other slid off the net and clapped his hands together, watching the remaining chalk getting dusted off the other's hands. "James sent...
  11. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    "Thanks!" Elliot called out as the male retreated back to his companion. With the newfound information he'd just been given filtering through his head he proceeded to follow the directions towards the gym. He took the left and walked down the hall, resting his hand on the wall, his footsteps...
  12. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot blinked when he felt his shoulder being grabbed as he turned to face the unfamiliar boy. He examined the other briefly, debating whether or not to say anything. What if he couldn't help either? Elliot had probably gotten himself lost and would end up having to trace his steps back to his...
  13. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot nodded at the instructions he'd been given by James, allowing him to enter the room to speak with Alix while he looked around, completely baffled. He'd heard Henry's footsteps and glanced over just in time to notice a ball of fur being carried in his arms as he turned a corner, but that's...
  14. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot watched the scene before him, his eyes widening slightly at Alix's words before watching him march back into his room and shut the door behind him. It was a shock, really, to see that the other was so bothered by Finn. It was another shock to note that he thought he'd bend over backwards...
  15. Wandering Dreamer

    Private with Wandering Dreamer [Inactive]

    Name: "It seems everyone's always yearning to know the names of the rich and soon to be famous. I can't blame you." Alexandria Peterson Age: "How old do you think I am?" 17 Gender: "How did you not notice? I suppose you were inflicted by my radiance." Female Appearance: "I...
  16. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot watched James step up to continue assisting the girl, before he directed her attention to Henry, who was the most knowledgable one of the group on where things were located on the campus. Noting that he'd finished his introduction to the unnamed girl and motioned for his new friends to do...
  17. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot turned his head to glance over his shoulder at the source of an unfamiliar voice behind him, blinking a bit when he noticed a girl standing a few feet away asking for them to help out with something. His lips twitched upward into a wide, friendly grin as he turned to face the girl...
  18. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    "You saw that?" Elliot asked, facepalming after shaking Alix's hand, breathing out a sigh of defeat. He'd thought he'd gotten away with only a couple of people noticing his moment of falling face first into the grass, but he figured it wasn't hard to miss some guy practically skipping through...
  19. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot watched the door open to reveal a purple haired male standing in the doorway. He listened to Henry speak first before noting that he'd gestured in his direction, signaling for him to make his introduction. From the looks of things, Henry appeared to have some form of familiarity with the...
  20. Wandering Dreamer

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Elliot perked up after shutting the door and joining Henry's side, having gained permission to knock on the door. He stood in front of it momentarily, taking in a deep breath before tapping his knuckles against the door a couple of times. He took a step back after that, allowing his arms to hang...