Private with Wandering Dreamer [Inactive]


The Bookworm

Character Sheet:





Brief Background:






Theme Song: (optional)




"What are you, a stalker?"

Jace Penning


"I've heard my soul is ageless."



"I thought that was kinda obvious, but if you insist."



"It's rude to stare, you know."


Brief Background:

"Why should you care? I just have another sob story."

Charlotte Ross had been married to Jonathan Penning when she had her first child, Jace Penning, in the summer of 1997. Her husband, Jonathan, had been on voyage at sea while in the Navy when their son had been born into the world. Four years passed by, and she gave birth to triplets; Samantha, Finn, and Logan. A baby girl, and two baby boys. Jace had been four at the time. October 13th, 2002. The day Jonathan, their beloved father and her husband, had passed away during his service of the United States of America. Jace was five, the triplets only one. Charlotte, the mother of four, buried her lover the next week, and carried on. She did, after all, have to take care of the triplets and Jace. They were all she had left. So, she worked. She worked hard, didn't allow grief to overtake her and consume her. Little did she know it'd catch up to her.

Jace and the triplets grew up without a father, or any sort of fatherly figure there was. It was normal for them. It was the only way of life Jace knew. Growing up, he watched his mother work away her problems and grief. He heard her cry over a box that held their father's belonging at night. He saw pain burrowed deep in the back of her eyes whenever she looked at him. He had felt heartbroken for her, even if she was the one to take care of them. He felt the need to fix her. To make her happy. So, at a young age, he did his best to be a good boy, to help his mother whenever she needed it, and stay out of trouble. For her sake. Jace helped taking care of the triplets, to make sure they were taken care of when she was at work. By his teenage years, he had started getting little side jobs to get extra income. Even if it was just mowing lawns or hauling boxes for the new neighbors. Whatever money helped, he knew.

The triplets had always been carefree. Like normal kids should be. They played, laughed, and went to school. They didn't cause (too) much trouble, and were close to each other. Jace never felt too close to them. He only felt the need to protect them. To make sure they had everything they need. He didn't have time to sit down and read them a bedtime story. He didn't have the time to play with them. No, he was just as busy as his mother. Between part time jobs, school, and rugby, it was taking his total on him. He couldn't possibly keep up with everything. He couldn't help his mother enough. Jace passed most of his classes, worked longer hours into the night, and played rugby on the weekends. He didn't have much time for anything else. He didn't make friends. He didn't spend much time with his family. His only family. He felt alone. He felt burdened, and he felt like the burden would forever remain. With four mouths to feed, and bills to pay, he didn't have time for fun. He only had time to make sure the triplets and his mother were taken care of. Even if it meant he had to overlook his own pain, his own desires. It was a cost no one else was willing to make.


"Nothing special, really."

- Rugby

- Drawing


"Complicated and simple."

Jace had been a silent young man for as long as he could remember. His mother always said he was like his father; dark hair, dark eyes, and a dark, quiet soul. He doesn't like parties, or anything to do with a large crowd. Unless, of course, it has anything to deal with rugby. Rugby makes him feel alive. Though quiet, he is thoughtful, clever and occasionally has a sarcastic remark to say. He likes to hide in his shell, and generally avoids any attention at all. He is, most of the time, focused, serious, and puts thought into what he says. He's calculated, and isn't afraid to truly speak his mind, which often gets him into trouble. Brutally honest, and stubborn, is what Jace Penning is. He likes to keep a low profile, and only argues/fights when it's necessary. He portrays a hard shell for everyone to see, but he truly is soft on the inside, and is hurting deeply. He tends to keep a unreadable, emotionless expression on his face to mask the grief. Just like his mother. He is extremely protective, and gets defensive when it comes to his younger brothers and sister. And especially his mother. He always avoids speaking the word 'father', seeing as it strikes a deep nerve inside of him that makes it difficult to breathe and think. Jace is a hard-worker, like his mother, and never backs down, and always goes into a situation full throttle. He can be seen as sarcastic, and rude, but he's just really trying to cover everything up that's hurting on the inside. Being the hard-worker he is, he uses school and work to distract himself, and loses himself easily in rugby.


"One word: alone."

- Being alone

- Rock/Rap/Country Music

- The color blue

- Running

- Swimming

- Beaches/Lakes/Woods

- Coffee

- Summer

- School

- Waffles


"A lot of things."

- Crowds

- Pop Music

- Seeing others in pain

- Cockiness

- Tea

- Winter/Cold

- Attention

- Rich/Snobby kids


"Any job I can get."

Part time jobs at a diner, bookstore, and a car shop.

Theme Song:

"If I had to listen to one song, it'd be this."


Plays for the Highland Rugby team.
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"It seems everyone's always yearning to know the names of the rich and soon to be famous. I can't blame you."

Alexandria Peterson


"How old do you think I am?"



"How did you not notice? I suppose you were inflicted by my radiance."



"I know it's hard to stop staring, take a picture if you'd like."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/dark-blonde-hair-tumblr-wy45tgel.jpg.2d0bf520272fe65faa6be27a21f25383.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20654" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/dark-blonde-hair-tumblr-wy45tgel.jpg.2d0bf520272fe65faa6be27a21f25383.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brief Background:

"I don't really want to talk about it...."

Alexandria's childhood was filled with joy and prosperity in every way. Her father, Nathan's, business was riding on limitless success and her mother, Eleanor, was spending her time at the house taking care of her brother, Elliot, who was two at the time. Everything fell into place when she was born on December 4th, 1997. She was the only thing missing, the final piece to the puzzle of the family her mother had always dreamed of. Eleanor had always dreamed of a compassionate husband, a kind son, and a sweet baby girl. This was how it was all supposed to be. Nothing could go wrong, nothing could damper the perfection built beneath them.

Of course, that's what they all thought.

In many ways life was simple and easygoing in the beginning, a beautiful thing woven from the hopes and dreams of a married man and women, whose hard work and tireless efforts paid off with the life they'd always wanted. The children grew up just as normal siblings would, with the occasional bickering and getting on each other's nerves only to return to hugging each other when one got hurt or sad. They played, laughed, talked, and simply cherished every moment with one another. The children were given things in excess, but they'd worked for it through doing simple chores around the house. It seemed as though it was the ideal family life, tarnished by nothing.

However, things change in a blink of an eye. Alexandria was twelve when her mother collapsed one day out of nowhere. No one was home but her and Eleanor, so she had to call 911 through the tears that streamed down her face. This was after she'd attempted to wake Eleanor up herself. The medics arrived and carried her and her mother to the hospital, where her father and brother had met her, having abruptly stopped their fishing trip together to come. They pronounced that her mother was struggling with a fatal illness, and that although they had medication for her to take, it was unlikely she would make a recovery of any kind. Distraught over the news, the family brought Eleanor home where she was to remain bedridden. They hired nannies to come look after the kids and do the house work that could no longer be done by Eleanor. Through the sorrow that emerged in Alexandria's heart, she decided to shut people out. She would no longer be hurt, she would become so unlikable no one would dare stand close to her. She became, in her mind, a princess. Worthy of everyone's respect and always acting as though she deserved everything, she turned into the snobby brat her mother had always tried to avoid her becoming. She uses shopping to fill the void within her. The only times she reverts back to her normal personality is around her family. She also often spends time tending to her mother and keeping her company.





"It's hard to explain...."

In many ways Alexandria is a broken individual, scared from the sadness surrounding the family after her mother collapsed that fateful day five years ago. The tension and grief surrounding the family is palpable, and her personality morphed over time due to the experience. If she wasn't likable, no one would care to spend time with her unless they wanted something, and therefore they were expendable to her just as she was expendable to them. It was mutual. There was no getting hurt and crying over something anymore. With this, she had control. She could wave money in their faces and they'd swear they were her best friends. She was no longer helpless like she had been. In many ways she is dependent upon others, struggling to find her place in this word and be who she really is. She acts as though she knows everything and does everything to get her way, when she's simply a scared, hopeless girl wishing for the best for her mother. Secretly kindhearted and loyal to those around her, she facades those things with a spoiled rotten persona. She berates anyone that steps into her vicinity, brushing them off as nothing but measly trash worthy of nothing more then her contempt. She pretends she owns the world, and people play into her fingertips. She's cunning, having adjusted herself to play numerous parts. No one knows what is hiding behind her smile, and she's almost always trying to show strength. Weakness, in her eyes, is unacceptable.


"Is shopping considered a hobby?"




-Sitting In Or Under Trees






"It seems I have a lot of dislikes, now don't I?"






-Not Getting Her Way

-Feeling Helpless

-Being Alone


"Is being fabulous considered a job? No? Then consider me unemployed."


Theme Song: (optional)

"This is a song to live by."

How To Be A Heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds


She is almost always seen wearing a bracelet given to her by her mother.



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