Unlikely Reunions ((SetMeFree and Wandering Dreamer))

Wandering Dreamer

Junior Member

It's been days, months, years since Damien had ran away, escaping the only place he knew. The only place he'd ever felt the need to call home. It was a daring escape, a voyage into the unknown world he'd watched outside of his cell's window for years. He couldn't have been more relieved when he finally stepped out into the outside world, feeling the ground beneath his feet and the fresh air encircling him in a warm, welcoming embrace.

He used to count the time that had passed, make a mental note in his mind of each and every day that had went by until he became meaningless. The faces of the individuals residing in the stuffy castle invaded his nightmares, reminding him of the things he wished to forget. It was hard to entirely let go of them and the memories, not when the scars on his back aided to keep his memories alive. It was a constant activity, a consistent movement to overcome what had happened, to forget the sound of the blade sliding over his back as he was reassured that everything was going to be okay. He was promised with the comfort that they were going to fix everything. They said they'd fix him, make him good as new.

No, that's not what they meant. They lied, creating a beautiful facade to cover up their true intentions. They showed him that. For, in all honesty, what good was a bird without their wings?

In the same mindset, what good was a king without his crown?

He was currently walking the streets, his hands shoveled into his pockets and his hood up, cascading his face in the shadows of the setting sun. Children ran through the streets, playing and laughing, oblivious to the cruelty of this world and the people within it. They were naive. They were lacking in the concerns and worries that seemed to flood his mind. He wished he could return to those times when things were so simple.

He'd gathered up a small amount of money, just enough to get a room to stay in, at a small boarding house on the edge of town. The women there knew him well enough to give him a deal on a room for cheaper then what she'd usually charge clients. He wondered if this was out of pity, or if she genuinely cared for his well being on a cold night this like. He figured it was the former. No one cared for you unless they had something to gain, unless they benefited from it. He'd learnt that the hard way.

With a soft sigh, he approached the doorway to the house, stepping in with soft, almost feathery like footsteps. His gray eyes scanned the room, noting an absence of any other customers. The lady, Claire, stood at the desk and smiled brightly as he stepped in. He didn't like interacting with people, but he allowed himself to tolerate Claire for the sake of finding a place to sleep for the night.

"Hello Damien, I've already got a room prepared for you." She said, moving to grab a key from behind the desk and handing it towards him. He approached her, reaching for the key, and extended his free hand to give her the money. She waved her hand dismissively at him. "Don't try to hand me that. I don't ask that of you."

He breathed out a sigh, placing the money on the counter and walking out of the room to head to his own, key in hand. He had no need for such kindness. They'd only come back wanting something later on.

Only moments before, Zachary had learned of his father's plan to go on a hunt. Normally he would be happy to participate in the king's hunt, however not this time around, not when it was an angel hunt. This time, he was rage packing, throwing essentials into a rucksack and rolling up his bedrolls and furs so that they would sit on the back of his saddle. Should anyone pass they would have stopped him, simply because they'd never seen the prince is such a hurry but lucky for him, everyone was busy doing their own thing.

Once he'd finished packing, he stormed out to the palace stables. His luck changed there. A young boy, no more than thirteen stood before him with the expression of a trapped deer.
"Don't you say a word of this," Zachary growled as he saddled up his stallion and secured everything that he could to the saddle. "When father asks, you were doing other chores, you understand?" The frightened boy nodded and scampered off, allowing the prince to leave without further disturbance. Under the prince, his horse danced, feeding off his anxiety and once given a slight nudge, he shot off like an arrow from a bow.

Zachary rode for what seemed an eternity but he wasn't even out of town, simply on the outskirts of it. "Easy, Cerus." He slowed his tired horse as they reached a small village. Stopping the Andalusian at the entrance to an inn, he dismounted and led his horse to the stables, removing his belongings and handing the stable boy a handsome tip. As he walked into the main building, he slung every thing over his shoulder. "Your finest room, please," he said once at the counter. If that request didn't give away that he was of a high class, his clothing certainly did. Red and gold adorned his clothing, screaming that he was a prince.

Damien had already retreated to his room in a matter of seconds, unlocking the door and closing it behind him softly. All of his movements were gentle and slow, something about his persona left no trace of his time spent there. He preferred it this way, going around with the ability to pretend he no one else could see him, as though he didn't really exist at all. It was simpler this way, when no one seemed to pay him any mind. It was a beautiful lie he told to himself every night before rolling onto his side and going to sleep.

'No one cares enough to look for me....' He'd often think, simply because of how much of a lie it truly was. 'Well, except for the king. He's been looking for years.'

It was difficult to spend so many years running away from a target that could so easily track him, for someone so determined to pull him back behind the bars of the cell, or even worse, kill him. He asked himself why he'd waste his time doing so anymore, since he'd already lost the thing most precious to him, but he didn't bother pondering on what the king could do with him now. All he knew was that the king was searching for him, and that meant his life was on the line. Even if he didn't act at all like he enjoyed being around, he did find fondness in the beauty of the world, hidden underneath all the bad. He dreamed of a person that would come along and show him to appreciate these things instead of focusing on the bad, but he hated interacting with others so much he figured he'd never meet someone like that. Well, and he was always being chased down by the king's men, so that would also damper that growing relationship.

At the desk, Claire was standing there with her usual smile, noting the princely attire the man was wearing. She nodded and looked beneath the desk, pulling out an old skeleton key and holding it out to the man. "Here you go, Your Highness. I do hope you'll enjoy your stay here. Your room is just down the hall, the second door on the left." Coincidentally, the room was directly across the hall from Damien's.

Zachary smiled gently at head as he took the skeleton key. However the fact that she'd addressed him formally made him uneasy. "Sir will do just fine, thank you. Should anyone ask, I did not come through here, you have not seen me. However let me know if you see a boy with black hair and blue eyes by the name of Damien. I need to find him, he's in trouble and I need to warn him and keep him safe." He gave her a very serious look before turning away and heading for his room.

He opened the door, shrugging at the first glance of the room. It was nothing spectacular but it was a bed for the night and that was all he asked for. After he entered, he locked the door behind him. If she slipped up to one of the guards that he was sure were looking for him, this would give him enough warning and time to get out. For now, he tried not to worry about it, untying his bedroll and furs, laying them over what was already on the bed to create something similar to what he was used to. "Well... hopefully tomorrow will prove to be more fruitful," he said to himself.

[Major writer's block. So sorry!]

Damien had laid done in the bed on his back, staring up at the ceiling as he thought of the day. He'd succeeded in hiding another day away from the king's grasp, but it didn't comfort his uneasiness. He could never truly be safe or free, not without his wings. His wings were the things that carried him away, gave him the ability to soar like a bird. It was a relief, to feel the air coursing past him. He fell asleep with thoughts of his childhood days, while still at the orphanage. There he'd wait until the children were all preoccupied while playing outside before sneaking off to fly. One of the ladies overseeing the place would eventually find him, but she didn't reprimand his behavior. Perhaps she felt sorry for him, because he'd been caged behind the bars of a place for the unwanted. Maybe it was her job for her to show kindness to the children there despite the trouble they might have been.

Claire sat at the desk, biting the inside of her cheek. She knew exactly who the prince was talking about. He was sleeping right here in the very hotel. She looked around, as if debating whether or not to do anything. If she didn't tell the prince this information and Damien got hurt she'd feel as though she'd let him down. Then again, if the prince wasn't actually out to help Damien then he could still end up hurt and it would be all her fault. Nervous of what was to happen, she wrote a simply message onto a piece of parchment, before folding it up and walking down the hall to the room. She slipped the paper into the mail slot and turned away, walking back to the front desk.

The message read, simply:

He's here.


((It's alright. I don't mind that it was short. Mine is a little short too!))

Zachary stood at the sound of footsteps and he rushed to the door, peaking through the crack. He watched the woman slip a note into the mail slot on the door, looking quite nervous as she did so. Hmm, he thought, I wonder if that was a warning to someone. Surely looked like it... and it can't hurt to check it out. Returning to his pile of things, he picked up a sheathed dagger and tied it to his belt.

He waited for a moment to ensure that she was gone then he slipped out of his room and pressed silently against the door across the hall. His hand steadied the handle while his dagger set to work picking the lock. When the lock finally gave and the door opened, he was so relieved at who he saw.
"Damien!" He smiled brightly while closing the door and sheathing his dagger so that the boy didn't think he was there for a malicious reason. "I've been looking for you. We have to get out of here in the morning... Father has sent out a hunting party for you. I won't let him hurt you though. That's why I left the castle... to protect you."

Damien's eyes had fluttered open at a noise at the door, sitting up and inching his way to the foot of the bed cautiously. A window stood nearby, where he could make a clean getaway if it happened to be some bandit or one of the king's men. Drowsiness still consumed him though, making him stumble slightly in his movements. His sky blue orbs seemed as cold as ice, reflecting all the disdain and cruelty he'd lived through.

Nothing could have prepared him for what lurked behind the door, and the emotions filtering through his eyes changed suddenly as the door opened.

Zachary stood at the door, with a dagger in hand. Was he attempting to kill him too?

Wait, why was he closing the door? Why did he tuck the dagger back inside it's sheath?

Damien himself soon realized he was unusually tense. He was shocked, baffled, almost disbelieving of the other's presence. He felt as though he was almost frozen in place at the familiar figure standing a mere few feet away from him. They hadn't been close, he knew that deep inside; but, perhaps the prince was the closest thing Damien could've called a friend.

But those times are gone, only meant to be forgotten in his eyes.

"Is this the work of a guilty conscious, Your Highness?" He asked softly, emphasizing the last two words. He would have never called Zachary that in his youth, partially because of lack of knowledge on proper etiquette and also simply due his own views on him at the time. As a friend. However, the way he said those two words was filled with contempt, as though he'd lost such respect long ago. Or perhaps, to some, it was never even there.

"You'll be called a traitor." He added on, somehow finding the will to stand from his bed and look at the other closely, examining him. "At least, I wouldn't put it past your father. He has no morality. Therefore, you should go, before it's too late to turn back and ask for forgiveness from

him." He continued on, turning halfway around so he could look out the window without his back completely facing the other. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he stared out into the darkened view of the window.

Truth be told, he almost wanted to appreciate the other's words. But it was risky, and selfish of him to assume he could accept his help. The prince had too much to lose to really mean his words, so it was better to deny his help before he made a big mistake out of everything. Yet, why did he feel a tiny part of him, yearning for the other to persist?

Zachary brushed off the tone that Damien used, simply shaking his head at him. "I'm doing what's right, showing you this time. I tried to stop my father. I never wanted anything bad to happen to you. I couldn't care less what my father calls me or who he sends after me but I won't let more harm come to you. The moment I decided to leave it was too late, there's no turning back and you can't refuse my offer. You don't have a choice in the matter. I'm here to protect you."

He looked him over for a moment before looking around the room. It was painfully empty. "C'mon. You're staying with me tonight. We'll leave early before my father's hunting party shows up." He extended a hand toward Damien, waiting to see if he'd take it or if he would have to be gently guide him across the hall.

The painful realization struck Damien instantly. The prince had already given up everything to come and find him, to protect him. Or, at the very least, that's what he claimed. The raven haired boy was torn between feeling relieved and distraught, completely overtaken with both hopefulness and uncertainty. Could he feel as though a burden was being taken off his shoulders upon hearing the reassurance he was now under protection? Or was he to be wary? What if the prince was secretly working with his father and just didn't want to cause a scene at this inn? What if he was just trying to gain his trust so he could escort him right into the king's hands?

He couldn't remember a time when Zachary had ever been cruel enough to have the capabilities for something like that. In fact, he was absolutely positive the boy was nothing but good until he offered him no assistance in his youth. Perhaps this really was a way to make up for the past, to make amends.

Despite the unwelcoming frown that seemed to be permanently placed upon his lips, he took a few steps forward and stopped in front of the hand. He stared at it, his eyes narrowed slightly as if he were trying to understand it, to understand him. Why had he come back after all these years? Hadn't he forgotten about the child behind the bars? "I never asked you to make such a sacrifice for me, Zachary." The male's name felt foreign to him as he spoke, but it didn't hold the same hostility as before. His gaze flickered from the hand being offered to the other's face, attempting to meet his gaze. "Seeing as I have no choice, I will accept your assistance. You have given up too much for me to refuse." He said, slowly reaching forward to take the other's hand before suddenly retracting it. He buried his hands in his pockets and looked to the door. "If I must stay with you, please escort me to your quarters. I'll sleep on the floor."


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