Pokemon Chalian Islands: Dragon Lands [Inactive]


The First Iron Warrior
Tinman submitted a new role play:

Pokemon Chalian Islands: Dragon Lands - In a land ravaged by Dragons, only a select few dare to tread.

Just off a ways of the Sivii Islands there is a special island chain devoted to the development of exceptional trainers. These islands are the Chalian Islands, home to the prestigious Dawer Academy. Although it is a university normal classes such as math and science aren't taught here, instead the school is dedicated to the study of Pokemon and specialize in the arts of battling, breeding, and research... That is until something terrible happened. Dragon Pokemon from Storm Island spread from...
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Chalain Islands, what they tell me is that no one has dared to come to this place in fear that the dragons will be their end. My Pokemon and I stood there in the Submarine looking over the videos of what happened that day, the day the dragons invaded. I heard there would be others from other regions that also answered the call, who they were or what role they would play in all of this I didn't know but I knew this, my team and I would bring the dragons down. I looked around me in the cargo hold of the submarine and there sat my team: Blasty, cannons and shell polished. King, his steel exoskeleton shining moving about in excitement. Phi, slept for the time being and i was surprised the others weren't as well. Pidg, I had him sense he was small and now he was big enough to ride, his large from like Blasty was slightly cramped inside this tin can. I walked over to Pidg and started petting his massive soft feathers trying to calm him down, he didnt like small spaces much and that was the first thing I learned about him when I started my journey and he was just a pidgey. All of us traveling here would come by submarine, they say that the dragons destroyed all ferries that try to make it out of the island chain, my only worry was Gyarados lurking in the depths "Dont worry boys we will be there soon" We soon came to the Island and the sub dropped her ramp and my team walked out onto the beach and towards the beacon that lit up the area. The beacon was on a building that looks like it use to be a pokemon center, the only catch was that most of this city has been destroyed, only rubble and fire remained. I started to head towards the beacon and wondered what other trainers would arrive after me. one thing that kept pulling me back to the island was my dad, he said he fought in the war a very long time ago, I wonder if it turned out anything like this place, just ruins as far as the eye can see.

Zebulon Robin was anxiously awaiting his arrival to the Chalian Islands. He could hardly magine the what sight of the destruction and mayhem would be like. Would there be an attack as he was arriving? Would dragons fill the sky striking fear in all? He hoped it would be calm, so he could meet the others and make a plan.

He sat in the submarine, clenching his seat for dear life. Zeb was easy going but he felt trapped in the dark depths of the ocean. If something were to happen he wouldn't have a water Pokemon to help him out.

He wished he could have flown to the island on his Skarmory but the officials on the mainland said it was too risky. Might run into a dragon. Instinctively, Paws raised his head to Zeb's lap. Paws was hos faithful houndour and Zeb took comfort that he was resting at his feet. He gently scratched Paws between the eyes which Paws had always enjoyed. "Thanks boy. You always know how to calm me down. We. Should be there soon."

As if on cue the submarine began to ascend. The reached the surface and the captain gave an all clear to exit the craft. "Thank goodness," Zeb declared. The doors opened and he was immediatly blinded by the light but as his eyes adjusted he took in a breath of island air. It was salty but stale. He felt a bit worried, he could almost taste the destruction. "Well Paws, we're going to have our work cut out for us."
Pbtenchi got out of the submarine he took. "are you sure your be okay mister?!" called the captian. "yeah, don't worry, I know how to deal with dragons, right swinub?" said Pbtenchi. "swinub!" cried swinub
Mitsu had been sitting on the cold metal ground of the submarine the entire journey watching as trainers who had answered the call walked past her making allies and figuring out plans in order to defeat the dragons. It seemed that everyone wanted to battle and destroys the dragons, but Mitsu had a different set of mind. She believe there was a reason why the dragons were destroying the Island, and, maybe, if they figured out the reason, they could all find a way to stop them without hurting the poor dragons.

Mitsu was always one for peace instead of battle. Of course,being a trainer herself, she did have to admit she got a thrill for battling, but never to death. She would rather stop a battle than have either pokemon severely injured.

Mei was sitting on Mitsu's lap. Mitsu was running a special comb she had gotten back at a Johto pokemon shop before leaving through her vulpix's fur. It seemed to calm her vulipx and that made Mitsu feel more at ease. She didn't like the idea of being trapped in a metal can several hundred feet under water. She did have Tapi to help her out, but he had been one of her recent pokemon. That meant he hadn't receive that much training like the rest of her pokemon. She had thought about letting him out and having him follow them through the ocean, like many other trainers, but if they encountered any gyarados along the way Tapi wouldn't stand a chance, that was, if he was even strong enough to make it this far. Tapi had serious training to do.

When the submarine arrived, Mitsu pretty much bolted out of that sardine can. The smile of her face from being free quickly faded at the sight of the island. Ash and fire seemed to cover the entire area. Buildings were shattered and a thick cloud of smoke hung around the air. What happened to this place. She had been warned that everything would be destroyed, but actually seeing it and being there was completely different. Mitsu held Mei in her arms and hugged her tightly to her. She looked around and noticed the same face of shock and sadness crossed almost everyone's face. Mitsu took a gulp of air and walked into the charred island.


Akira sat in her seat with Even in her lap asleep. The dark type pokemon often snoozed on the trips they took, while Veve continually jerked on his tail in hopes of stirring him from his sleep so they could play. Sparky sat at her feet, propped up by her legs as he had his eyes closed, also asleep. Rai was pacing in the submarine, on edge about the whole ordeal. He was a worrisome pokemon, but Akira knew deep down that he always pulled through for her when the time called for it. Ember stood alongside Blaze, their arms crossed as they looked around wearily. The two fire type pokemon seemed to be ready to protect the two and the other pokemon at a moments notice, although they were at a bit of a disadvantage due to the fact they were traveling through the water. Akira sighed softly and glanced towards her brother, whose eyes were alert. He was prepared for battle, prepared to bring justice to the dragons who tarnished the Chalian Islands. She knew better then to act recklessly against the creatures, but she wasn't yet ready to voice out her opposition to her brother's plan on how to deal with things. Instead, she rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes to go to sleep.


Akito felt his sister rest her head on his shoulder, not minding the action at all. He was watching Rose and Ocean sitting beside one another interacting carelessly. They seemed to have little worries of the world around them, or at least the situation that was upon them all. They had a mission to do, a task they'd been called to fulfill. There was no way he could relax and talk so energetically, not with all that was at stake. He sighed as he looked at all the pokemon asleep, wondering if the journey wore them out. He looked up as the submarine surfaced and the door opened, allowing them to exit. He climbed out behind his sister after waking her up, their pokemon following close behind. Once ou Veon hopped onto Akira's shoulder and rested there. Veve hopped onto Akito's shoulder and rested her front paws on his head.

Pbtenchi looked aghast as the destruction around him. "Swinub... Can you put out the fires please?". "Swinub!" Cried Swinub, releasing an ice beam at the nearest fire. "you two mudkip" he said as he released it from its pokeball
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As the subs pulled up from different regions kids started stepping forth from them... kids, the only people willing to heed our call were kids, great. I stepped forth from one of the ruined buildings and announced myself. "Hello there, and welcome to The Chalain Islands" I saw a boy putting out a fire with his pokemon and I turned towards him. "You're wasting your time boy, when the dragons come back it will just be burned again" I looked to the others, some scared and some eager. "Walk this way" I told them as I turned to lead them farther into the city, we would have to get to the park in order to see the mountain clear enough. "Dont wander, there might be smaller ones around, and we are on a time crunch here." either these kids would make our lives easier, or they would end up like the rest.


With this mans words I followed behind him, I motioned to Pidg to stay perched on Blasty. It seemed worse then I thought here, and on top of that I didn't need anyone to get wild in a city that might house some dragons. That's when I saw a girl hugging her vulpix to near death, so naturally I decided to go and see what I could do. "Hey there" I said as a approached. "You alright? you seem a little tense" and at that I motioned down to her vulpix. Phi was also close behind me, he didn't like leaving my side unless he had to that little guy.
Mitsu's trance of horror was broken by the arrival of a young man. She blinked a couple of times before looking up at the lad, "Yeah I'm fine. I've just never seen so much destruction up close before." Mitsu's expression was still hard and melancholic. She couldn't believe what triggered the dragons to cause so much destruction. There had to be a reasonable explanation for all this.

Mitsu loosen her grip on Mei who in turn jumped out of her arms and began sniffing the place around. Being a fire type, the ash and flames didn't bother Mei, but the aura of death and destruction made Mei feel uncomfortable. After sniffing the air around and several places on the ground she returned to Mitsu and jumped on her arms once more giving a little whimper.

"Don't worry too much I'm sure they have a plan of some sort" I said after she snapped back to reality. Didn't want anyone completely out of it when things started to happen. "What's your name?" I asked trying to be nice, that and wanting to also know my teammates

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With his Houndour by his side Zeb followed along. It seemed like they were moving up the mountain for some reason but he wasn't sure why. Yet this fellow was their correspondent for this adventure. He'd be the one to seek for help and arrange the transport of the few that had answered the call. He also resided in this area. It didn't seem right to say the man's home was here. Nobody 'lived' here anymore. No, it seemed more like they survived here.

The others didn't seem to be bonding right away. That felt wrong to Zeb. He approached the two that were obviously twins hoping to get to know those he'd be on this mission with. He greeted them with a friendly tone saying, "Hello there. Your Umbreon and Espeon bothseem really strong. My name is Zeb. Are you as anxious for this ordeal as I am?" His Houndour sniffed around the two Eeveelutions as Zeb awaited an answer.

I lead them further into the city past ruins and craters, I might as well tell them before they get too far. "Listen up kids" I said as we cam to the outer limits of the park. "There is something you must know. This won't be a walk in the park, these islands have become very dangerous... and that is before the dragons. Why this island is like what you see around you? Well before all of this the dawer academy brought students from the world over and one day the dragons attacked. Dozens of ferrys evacuated the islands and were heading to sevii, only two arrived. Then another crashed into the hoenn cliffs. All others were dextroyed. Now we rangers protect cave town for its our last hold out here on the." I continued to walk a little further awaiting to see what their reactions were.

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"Yeah that's what I'm afraid of..." Mitsu's thought trailed off as she looked at the guy and gave him a smile. Although the smile seemed fake because of her sadness, she meant for it to be sincere."My name is Mitsu and this is Mei." Mistu help up the vulpix for the guy to see just as Mei greeted him with a tiny squeal. "And you are?" Her question was interrupted by a guy who appeared to be in charge of things.

He explained why the Island was the way it was, but Mitsu already knew that. What she wanted to know was why the dragons had attacked in the first place. She was sure many of them thought that the dragon's were bad and thats why they attacked, but she didn't believe any creature was bad or good. She believed that they were just running on instinct. So there must be some piece of the puzzle that was missing.

"My name Ezekyle Abaddon and this is Phi" I motioned towards my little buddy next to me. "And over there are blasty, pidg, and king" I pointed out the group of them walking a little way from us. "I am wondering what our part in all of this is, they seem to have things somewhat under control" this whole place was exciting and new. I couldn't wait to get out on the islands and explore more. That's when I heard it. It sounded like a hurricane far off in the distance. I turned towards where we had come and there was a massive black cloud coming towards us. That's when Micheal yelled "dragons! Hurry to the truck, we have to get to cave town now" I looked over to my team and Blasty let king and Phi onto his back. I myself mounted Pidg. "I will meet you there" I yelled back to her. With that blasty jumped and flipped upside down, then he blasted water out of his cannons and started blasting off towards the mountain. Pidg started to strech his wings for the flight ahead

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Mitsu watched as the guy names Ezekyle mounted his pidgeot and flew away to the cave. Her lack of flying pokemon sent Mitsu to the truck. She got a hold tight on Mei and ran towards the truck not looking behind. She exhaled with every step and tried to quickened her pace, but let face it Mitsu was never a runner. When she finally got to the truck, Mitsu was breathless. She sat down on an empty seat next to other trainers, and buckled herself up before the truck sped away to the caves.
"Dragons! Hurry to the truck! We have to get to Cave Town now!" It didn't seem like there would be much time to socialize. At least not now. But with dragons soaring in close, it was better to get to safety. Zeb jumped into the back of the truck along with Paws.

As the truck zoomed along they could all see dragons dipping down below the storm clouds. Their roars were loud and harsh, sending terror throughout Zeb's entire body.

One swooped down low and unleashed a powerful dragon rage attack that just barely mused the truck.

"Paws! Use your smokescreen and give us some cover." Paws began to let out the plumes of smoke. It hung just over the truck and would hopefully keep them hidden as the made their way to Cave Town.
Mitsu looked over at the boy who had managed to hop on with his Houndour before the truck sped away. She saw how the Houndour let out puffs of smoke in order to shield the truck. "That's a smart idea." Mitsu shifted in her weight and took out a pokeball. "Tapi I choose you." Mitsu's poliwag came out of pokeball and squealed in happiness. "Hi there little fellow!" Mitsu greeted Tapi with a hug.

"Alright guys lets help the houndour out and make some smoke. Mei use your flamethrower. Tapi use your water gun and aim it at Mei's flamethrower to create more smoke." The vulpix and poliwag did as told. When tapi's water gun put out Mei's flamethrower, they created anoter layer of smoke helping out the houndour.

Mitsu turned to the guy with the houndour and stretched out her hand, "Hi I'm Mitsu."

everyone eventually got to the truck and I floored it towards the cave, dragons were swooping down and we were just about to the cave. Unfortunately for us there was something else also arriving at the cave at the same time. It loomed just in the shadows of the clouds, the big one. This thing was bigger then a Wailord, and whenever it struck it did massive damage to anything it hit. "Hold on kids we are in for a bumpy ride. If you can help defend Cave Town." the truck came to a halt just outside of the front gates, thats also when a large figure appeared over the mouth of the cave. It was none other then my Tyranitar. "Tyrant, bring as many down as you can!"


Eventually Blasty landed on top of the caves mouth and started hydro blasting everything he could see that was flying towards the cave. Anything that tried to land King started fighting a few of them off until blast would turn and fire. I flew with Pidg into the storm dodging past dragons left and right. I hoped everyone else on the ground was ok, then I saw something black and massive in the distance.
"Go,ryperior, aron. ryperior, load up aron, aron metal head! Aim for the big one, aim fire!" Said pbtenchi, as aron flew through the air on a direct crash course with a large garchomp
The truck was almost to the caves when the girl named Mitsu introduced herself. "My name's Zebulon. Thanks for the help. We seem protected enough for now." He flashed her a smile but it quickly faded along with their smoke cover. Michael had halted the truck and ordered them to protect the caves.

There were dragons everywhere, including a massive looming figure that Zeb couldn't even make out. He also saw a Tyranitar that appeared to be Michael's emerging from the cave entrance. He hopped out of the truck with Paws and and the others, "Let's head towards the entrance and take our defense there." He saw one guy fly off with his Pidgeot. Zeb reached for his pokeballs around his belt. He could fly with his Skarmory but it would use that as a last resort. Instead he let out his Zebstrika. "Let's go Boltz! Use your thunder wave!!" He hoped that paralyzing the dragons would force them to fly away. "Paws stick with shawdow ball. Aim for their heads but only if they get close."

A Flygon came out if the clouds, "Boltz now!" It struck and the Flygon disappeared again. A Dragonaire came close launching an ice beam. "Quick Paws, shadow ball." The Dragonaire easily dodged. They could keep this up, but not for long. He hoped his other teammates had a plan, a trick, anything that could help them stay safe.

The dragons were raining down and hammering the cave with a flurries of dragon attacks. "Hold the line!" I yelled as the entire ranger corps released their Pokemon and the real fight began, it seemed like a battle from olden times. The sky was lit up everywhere as fire, energy and meteors rained down. Dragons were falling left and right and for every ten one of ours would fall as well. This fight wasnt going well.


I finally saw what the dark shadow was, a Giant Druddigon its mouth wide open and ready to chomp down. "DIVE PIDG DIVE!!" I yelled and we immediately flew like a bullet down to the ground, looking back my heart sank in my chest... it was following us, and it was catching up fast. That is when I saw it readying its hyper beam. I yelled out as loud as I could to anyone who could hear me. "EVERYONE GET TO COVER!!! HYPER BEAM!!!!" at the very last moment before we hit the ground Pidg pulled up and the hyper beam hit blasting a hole in the gound right behind us.
Mitsu had hesitated a bit when the dragons came soaring down and attacking them. She didn't want to hurt them. Although when the decision was between attacking and getting hurt, Mitsu chose the former. She stood in line with the rest of the trainers. "Mei use fire blast. Tapi use bubble beam." Knowing that dragon type pokemon were resistant to fire and water, Mitsu decided to call out a third pokemon.

"Ronie I choose you." The Purrloin shot out of the pokeball. "Use Night Slash when they get close." As instructed the purrloin would jump up into the air lash out at the dragons when neared the trainers making them back away slightly.

Mitsu had been so focused on making sure her pokemon, as well as the others, were holding up, that she didn't notice the Druddigon preparing to attack them. Although the attack wasn't aimed at Mitsu, Mei, Tapi, or Ronie, the impact of the hyper beam swept them off their feet. Mitsu crashed on the floor scraping the palms of her hands and knees as she tried steady her landing. The three pokemon also received a few scratches and had lost a lot of energy, but they were still willing to continue the fight.


Akira had turned to the boy with the Houndour to respond to his friendly greeting when they were called to the truck suddenly. She rushed over to hop inside with her brother and their Pokemon trailing close behind. She managed to hop in before they drove off and stared up at the changing of the skies, noting the appearance of the dragons as the approached the entrance of the cave. Once there, it seemed as though everyone was hopping into action. She had jumped out of the truck and called her Umbreon and Riolu to attack. "Even use Shadow Ball! Rai use Focus Blast!" She called out, watching anxiously as her Pokemon moved to attack. For Sparky and Ember, they stood at wait, fighting any opponents that swooped down too low. Akira was almost too preoccupied by commanding her Pokemon that she didn't notice the hyper beam being shot down in their direction. It didn't directly hit her, but it hit the area close by, throwing her back roughly onto the ground along with her Pokemon. Some of them landed against her arms or legs, while others landed just a few mere inches from her grasp. She reached for the Pokemon, to attempt to comfort them as they'd retained damage from such a close attack, but she was suddenly surprised at the feeling of arms wrapped around her, and a body hovering silently above her. The arms that had been wrapped around her moved, and she saw a hand being placed on the ground, wobbling as if it was difficult to retain balance. She glanced up, her vision slightly blurry, until she noticed who it was.


Protecting her, like always.

Anger coursed through her veins, threatening her weakened body to get back up. Her attempt was stopped by a light shove applied to her shoulder.


Akito had managed to protect his sister to the best of his abilities, but he wasn't going allow her to get up. He pushed himself to his feet, stumbling slightly at the pain washing over him, before turning to Veve and Ocean. "Veve, I want you to use Confusion on as many targets as you can!" He said, sternly. The Espeon nodded and turned away from him to commence the work. He knew the move had a chance of confusing a target, which is what he wished to happen. He also knew he was probably asking a lot of from his Pokemon to do that with all the dragons in the air, but his judgement was clouded. Besides, he'd always been the more impulsive twin, with the need to fight no matter what the chances may be.

But it wasn't just a need to fight, no, it was something greater.

It was the need to win.

He quickly turned to Ocean, his expression a frustrated scowl. "Ocean, use Ice Beam. Now." He commanded, watching the grace filled Pokemon perform an Ice Beam attack on nearby enemies. Only moments later, when he'd moved to turn to his Charizard, Blaze, did he hear a familiar voice that made him freeze.

"Ember, use Flamethrower!"

It was most definitely his sister making the command, even when he gave her a silent demand to stay on the ground. She was too stubborn, too ready to jump back into danger for the cause of helping the others.


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