Pokemon Chalian Islands: Dragon Lands [Inactive]

The warning of the hyper beam came too late. No one even saw the Druddigon. One second that guy on his Pidgeot were swooping low the next the powerful beam is crashing just 20 yards away knocking almost everyone off their feet.

It took Zeb a minute to stand again. He saw the twins helping each other. Mitsu dusting herself off. Michael and Tyrant seemed to be fine but they were used to this. Boltz was ok but Paws was weak. He'd been fighting too long and even at his level, Zeb didn't want to risk losing him. "Return Paws. Rest up for later."

They needed a new strategy. Now would be the perfect time to attack that Druddigon as it needed to rest. But they were to far away. That's when Zeb noticed the male twin using a confusion to startle the dragons and send them away. It made perfect sense.

"Okay! Out you come! Fuzz! Bonks! Peek!" He threw three pokeballs into the air releasing his Venonat Skarmory and Duskull. Peek floated around carefully. Bonks stretched her wings and Fuzz nuzzled against Zeb's legs looking for comfort. Zeb picked her up and said "We've made it to the island and we're in the middle of an attack. We have to get out there, fly among the dragons and confuse as many as we can. But we're tough! Are you ready?" A wave of calmness washed over his Pokemon.

He held tight to Fuzz and climbed onto Bonks' back. "Boltz, stay here and continue with thunder wave. That seemed to be working. Protect Mitsu and her little ones but stay safe! We'll be back." He didn't want to leave his Zebstrika alone but they needed as much defense on the ground as they could get.

Before they took off he asked the twins to look after Boltz for him. "He's gentle I swear. He'll even let you ride him if you need to. Now I gotta find that guy on his Pidgeot. What was his name, Mitsu?"
aron was pretty banged up from the collision, ryperior had fallen over from the shock wave released by the hyper beam, but thankfully was not his by the beam itself. "return" said Pbtenchi. "good job" he turned to look at the fallen garchomp. "hmm I wonder if I should catch it."
Mitsu looked over at Zeb who had spoken to her, "Ezekyle, if I remember correctly." She quickly responded. Mitsu gave a fast greet to the zebstrika and watched over him along with the rest of her pokemon. Although they had been there for a while all their attacks seemed use less. The dragon's health appeared to only have decreased by a bit while on the other hand all the pokemon in the defense line seemed to get weaker and weaker.

This wasn't going to get them anywhere and if they didn't find a way to stop those dragons they would all be dead soon. They needed a better plan of action, but what. While Mitsu thought about a plan Mei, Tapi and Ronie continued to stand their ground although the pokemon were starting to look weak and tired. She knew they wouldn't hold up much longer.

I awoke to something wet on my face. I went to wipe my face with my right hand, but pain shoot up my entire right side as I tried to move it. I opened my eyes and there was debris everywhere, and dirt covered me. I lifted my left hand to see what was on my face and I found that I was bleeding. That hyperbeam wasn't like anything I have ever experienced. Then I remembered and looked around franticly. "Pidg! Pidg! Where are you!" As I saw him he was a ways off and some of the feathers on his wings were now black. Staning up made my arm move and it felt even worse, but Pidg needed me. I eventually made my way to him and kneeled and put my head to his chest, oh thank god I thought as I heard a heartbeat. That's when I heard barking off in the distance. Phi came running up to me and half jumped on me. "Phi not now boy go get help" I said as I sat down and leaned onto Pidg.

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Once Zeb had his name he was in the air. Bonks was flying low to avoid as many dragons as possible. When they broke free of the clouds he'd have Fuzz use supersonic and Peek use confuse ray. The effects didn't last long but they lasted long enough for them to soar away from immediate danger.

It would be easy to spot another team flying around like mad men so Zeb kept his eyes peeled on the ground. Ezekyle had been closest to the hyperbeam and Zeb feared the attack may have grounded them. Suddenly he spotted a flash of orange running towards the caves. He remembered that Ezekyle had a Growlith as a partner. "Quick landing Bonks!" He shouted out and they began to descend.

The Growlith on the ground was frantic but it had a determined look in his eye. Luckily they were far enough from the cave that the dragons were not bothering them. Their main target was indeed Cave Town. He thought to himself, 'Man I hope the others are holding up the defensive line.'

He addressed the Growlith, "You seem okay, but where are your friends? Can you lead us to them?!" If the Growlith led him to it's trainer Zeb and his team would follow.

After a short while Phi came running back and someone was with him, it was one of the guys from the subs and he was running this way. I threw up my left hand and waved at them to make sure that they spotted us, not like we needed it Pidg was already big.

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Zeb saw the downed Pidgeot and Ezekyle waving. They ran over quickly. "Are you ok? Your Pidgeot needs help. I think I have some burn heal but it won't fully recover it. Hopefully it'll stabilize your friend here until we can return to base. I think the attacks are dying off but I can't be certain. Peek, go back and try to defend them as much as possible. Stay safe."

Zeb pulled out the burn heal and began applying it. The Pidgeot was charred badly but it was tough and seemed to be responding to the treatment. "There, that's all I have. I'm not sure if you can fly but you look strong. I'll leave that up to you and your partner. By the way I'm Zebulon. Or Zeb. You must be Ezekyle. I got your name from Mitsu, the girl with the Vulpix. Are you ok? That hyper beam was brutal. Do you think you can make it back to Cave town? My Skarmory can help but we can't carry all your Pokemon." He smiled and tried to be as warm as he could.

The kid had gotten to us and applied his burn heal. Eventually Pidg got up but didn't spread his wings, he wasn't going to fly anywhere for a time. "Thanks Zeb" I said as I tried to outstrech my right hand, that's when my entire arm jolted with pain. "Pidg isn't the only one who got wrecked" I said as I let my arm hang at my side. "I think it might dislocated" I said as I half checked it without moving it.

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"Dislocated. I can't set it but I can put it in a sling. Hold still." Zeb gathered some vines and fashioned a sling. "Can you put your Pokemon in a pokeball for now? Flying just you and I back is the best option. If not we're gonna have to walk. And right now we're vulnerable." Zeb had his Venonat and Skarmory to defend them and there was Zeke's Growlith but against a bunch of dragons those Pokemon wouldn't be much use.

'If only Boltz was here,' Zeb thought. 'We could fashion a trailer or something for him to haul this Pidgeot on.'

As he slinged me up I looked to Pidg. He might not have the ability to fly but he wasn't a pushover. "No I don't put my pokemon in balls, to me its more like they are my friends and companions, not tools to be pulled out and used when I need them" I ran my hand through Pidgs feathers and you could feel him breath in and out as he looked forward. The cloud was still lingering but I couldn't see the shadow of the big guy anywhere. "Phi go get blasty" I said as I sent him off. I looked at Zeb "have you ever ridden a flying blastoise?"

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Zeb was not prepared for a flying Blastoise. But he recalled his Pokemon and braced himself for the task at hand. "So we're going to have to lift your Pidgeot onto Blastoise I presume? Then we just hold on for dear life?" He let out a nervousness laugh as Ezekyle's Pokemon returned for them.
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"Pidg can still perch on Blastys shell, us on the other hand need to hold on" shortly after there was blasty flying over with his twin jets blasting water to make him propel forward. "oh and when I saw jump, jump" with that Blasty landed and I got onto his shell. Pidg climbed up his shell and perched half way up his shell, gripping the ridges of the shell with his talons. Blastys shell was pitted and scared from many battles and adventures, so finding a hold on his shell was somewhat easy. "Come on Zeb, whenever are you going to get to do this again?" i said to him as I held out my hand to help him back up.
Zeb was anxious but Zeke was right. Even in the midst of all this chaos they might as well try to have fun. Zeb took Zeke's hand and climbed aboard. "I must be crazy doing this when I could ride my Skarmory. How do we get this guy to blast off?"

"just follow my motions" i said as blasty started to get down on all fours. "now we face his tail, and hold on tight" Pidg did the same as us shifting our positions to facing in the opposite direction. the next thing we heard was a deep sound of blasty "Blast" and with that he aimed his hydro cannons at the ground and we began to fly. "See?!" I said practically having to yell. "This is how a blastoise flies" I then started to laugh even though my arm was in bast amounts of pain.
"Blast". It was a deep rumble of a cry. Then all of a sudden they were up in the air soaring fast back towards Cave Town.

"See this is how Blastoise flies!" Zeke was yelling over the rushing wind. Zeb shouted back "This is unbelievable!! Thank goodness you gave your Pidgeot! No way could you do this everywhere!"

They were approaching the caves soon. It looked like the main battle was over but it was hard to tell at this distance. "I hope everyone is ok!"

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