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  1. Kookie

    Hi there!

    Thank you guys :)
  2. Kookie


    Maybe we just have to wait 24 hours... I can PM you tomorrow then c: @HoodedHooves
  3. Kookie


    I'm having some technical issues because I can't find the message button D: @HoodedHooves
  4. Kookie

    What was the last movie you watched?

    One or two weeks ago I saw Mockingly Part 2. The effects are really good but as a fan of the book series, they took out some parts that I would have liked to see :(
  5. Kookie


    I like your art style! It's way more intricate than anything I could ever draw :)
  6. Kookie


    I will message you as soon as I'm not considered a spambot anymore xD @HoodedHooves
  7. Kookie


    Welcome! I'm new too!
  8. Kookie

    Role call! Eurydice?

    Hey there! I'm new too! But I've only been roleplaying for somewhere around 5 years LOL.
  9. Kookie

    Fandom Warrior Cats; A New Forest

    I'll be posting a form soon! I still have an affection for the age-old Warriors series :)
  10. Kookie


    I'm going to PM you to figure out a plot! @HoodedHooves
  11. Kookie


    Would you be up for a sort of feral cat/dog role-play? ^^
  12. Kookie

    My Resurrection

    Welcome back!
  13. Kookie

    Hi there!

    I haven't been roleplaying in a while (a year or two) and I just wanted to get back into the swing of things :) I like more casual rps but hey, you never know. I'd like to try new things and have fun especially during this winter break! Things I like to rp include: Warriors, animals, K-pop...
  14. Kookie

    MxM, FxF, FxF, Whatever ;w; ((Closed))

    PM me? I'm new here and would love to do a childhood friends MxM :)