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  1. RedSophie

    Fantasy Rifts: A Tie Betweeen Two Worlds

    This looks interesting to me.
  2. RedSophie

    Woman in red

    She wakes suddenly, her heart racing, vague fears still floating at the back of her mind. She rolls over, looks at the clock, and drags herself from her bed and into the shower. It is time to get to work. After dressing and eating she walks out the door and heads to the aquarium. She loves her...
  3. RedSophie

    Woman in red

    So, he lives quite near the pub. Interesting. Aerwyna decides to go home for now, she turns around and walks away. When she arrives at her apartment, also not far from the pub, she sits down and goes over the entire conversation in her head. She does not come to any conclusions, there is just...
  4. RedSophie

    Fantasy Reincarnated Gods

    Artemisia awoke with a start. Oh wow! I fell asleep. She looks around and sees a very strange scene indeed. There is no bus, no students, she is back in her little closet of an office that passes as the "nurses" office. Even though she is not a nurse, the whole area knows about her healing...
  5. RedSophie

    Fantasy Cut from life.

    Changed from simple to casual since it is my idea I figure I should be able to come up with plenty to write. :)
  6. RedSophie

    Fantasy Quirky Medieval Adventures, about 5 ideas inside!

    Cool. I am following this thread, so I will keep my eyes open to see when you get enough of a group to start.
  7. RedSophie

    Fantasy Quirky Medieval Adventures, about 5 ideas inside!

    I am very new to this, so sometimes my posts can be very short and other times I come up with more to say. Idk if that works for you or not. :)
  8. RedSophie

    Fantasy Quirky Medieval Adventures, about 5 ideas inside!

    I have to say, they all look interesting to me except for the last one.
  9. RedSophie

    Fantasy Cut from life.

    You are living your life, just like you always have, when suddenly you wake up on a cot in a huge completely dark room. Your last memory just suddenly cuts off and goes black, ending with you waking here. Where is here? How did you get here? How will you get home? All of that remains to be...
  10. RedSophie

    Woman in red

    Just as she was about to give up, she spotted him slipping through the crowds on the street and started to follow him. She kept her distance, wanting to learn more about him.
  11. RedSophie

    Woman in red

    (sorry, cannot tell if you are saying i can see you or not)
  12. RedSophie

    Fantasy ☾The Dark Carnival☽ Open and Accepting!

    The clown silently points to a very fancy looking tent that stands off by itself. Aerwyna nods her thanks to the clown, trying not to show her uncertainty she feels, then turns and walks to the ringmasters tent. "Hello? I don't see any way to knock on a tent flap. Anyone here?" As she finishes...
  13. RedSophie

    Fantasy Reincarnated Gods

    Well, I am pretty lost now. No idea how or where to jump back in. :P I missed a bunch because my phone quit receiving notifications for some reason. I am apparently sitting in an illusory bus waiting for a tournament that is never going to happen. Any ideas?
  14. RedSophie

    Fantasy The Darkened Skies

    Delmara had instantly dove under a table when the stone warriors came to life. She had no weapons with her and there was no water nearby for her to use, so she hid. She was so ashamed of not helping the others that she stayed under the table until everyone left the room. Sneaking out of the...
  15. RedSophie

    Fantasy The Darkened Skies

    Wow!!!! Happy New Years!! Sorry I have not been around for a bit. For some reason I was not getting any notifications on my phone. I kinda thought everyone was just taking a break. :/
  16. RedSophie

    Woman in red

    She stands, confused as he walks out of the pub. Why would a coin have her mother's name on it? There was so much more that she needed to know. She ran to the door and wrenched it open, stepped out onto the sidewalk and looked in every direction.
  17. RedSophie

    Fantasy Reincarnated Gods

    Artemisia came into the house and to her room. She quickly showered and dressed, then walked out to say goodbye to Helga. "I will be home late today, I am expected to attend the Kendo tournament, just in case anyone gets hurt. Don't wait up for me." She turned and swept out of the room, her long...
  18. RedSophie

    One x One Woman in red

    Merry Christmas! I am off for the day. I will try to be on some this weekend.
  19. RedSophie

    Fantasy Reincarnated Gods

    Merry Christmas all. I am off for the day. I will try to be on some this weekend.
  20. RedSophie

    Fantasy ☾The Dark Carnival☽

    Merry Christmas all. I am off for the day. I will try to be on some this weekend.