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  1. Ken James

    Fantasy In the Name of the King

    Name: Johan Edwards Race: Human Appearance: Johan stands at an astonishing 6'8" with a thin, muscular build. His round eyes an emerald shade of green have a spark of youth in them, and his ear-length, shaggy, onyx black hair and matched sideburns supports the evidence of his youth. Apparel...
  2. Ken James

    Futuristic Noire (Futuristic Crime RP)

    Name: Fredrick Daniels Age: 36 Birth date: March 5th Physical Appearance: Fredrick Daniels stands at about 6'1" with pale-ish skin and green eyes, his hair and mustache are black and shows subtle hints of gray, and his hair is slicked to the right mostly. He dons a black overcoat, a white...
  3. Ken James

    Futuristic Fake Utopia

    Name: Clutch Roadagain Age: 20 Gender: Male Group: The Risen Angels Strengths: Physically strong, skilled tactician, skilled combatant. Weaknesses: Mildly smug, difficult to keep a leash on, quick to jump the gun. S.O: Heterosexual Personality: Clutch is a smug guy, he isn't one to...
  4. Ken James

    Fantasy The Other Side

    Did it.
  5. Ken James

    Fantasy The Other Side

    Name: Wyatt Grove Age: 32 Gender: Male Powers: Wyatt has the power to dreamwalk and see into people's dreams and alter them, on top of that, he has a warped foresight power. He can see the past, present, or future. Well, visions that relate to them, at least. Most of them don't make sense...
  6. Ken James

    The Battletoads always win.

    The Battletoads always win.
  7. Ken James

    Fantasy Down The Well

    I'll be honest, it was in the middle of the night and I was dead tired when I finally got around to posting. So not really, sorry.
  8. Ken James

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Thomas was around, he just vanished as quickly as he left for reasons only he knew. He just never bothered to share the reasons surrounding them. He appears to be rather calm at the moment, but then he noticed Beatrice whilst sitting on a stump, the expression in his eyes turned to one of...
  9. Ken James

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Thomas shrugged, he decided would deny the 'Fallen prince' the privilege of any sort of a response, shucks. He's probably called that because his servants revolted and refused to pick his whiny ass up. He overheard the monster belittle his race and clenched his fist, he had to show restraint. He...
  10. Ken James

    Idea Thread {Always Open}

    I'm down with doing some sort of pairing RP if you are.
  11. Ken James

    Realistic or Modern Forgotten but Not Gone (Paranormal RP)

    This seems like something I'd be interested in joining in on.
  12. Ken James

    What comes after summer?

    Welcome to the forums, you seem like a pretty cool person.
  13. Ken James

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Thomas glanced over, completely disregarding Thalia's words, "No, no. Go ahead, duke it out. It's been a while since I've seen a good, bloody deathmatch." He told The creature and Vaughn nonchalantly, he didn't seem to care what this tension would lead up to, he just wanted good ole' fashioned...
  14. Ken James

    Hi, I suppose.

    I've been into the roleplaying for as long as I can recall, and I never really thought of joining this place until very recently. So may as well come on around and make myself an intro thread.
  15. Ken James

    Looking for Partners (plots inside) (always open)

    I like the idea of Disciplinary School, but whatever you feel like doing is cool.
  16. Ken James

    Futuristic Blades or Bullets?

    -- Basics -- Name: Wyatt Grove Age: 27 Gender: Male -- Details -- Birthplace: Portland, Oregon Ethnicity: Irish Personality: Wyatt comes off as an odd ball, in all honesty. He's not one to outward interact with many people- let alone respond to any attempts made to converse with...
  17. Ken James

    Fantasy Down The Well

    (Thomas noticed, he just can't gather the compassion required to care)
  18. Ken James

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Thomas watched with a blank, uncaring look in his eyes, he's performed in many sacrifices. On both ends, and he didn't care much for being apart of either party. He was only here in town for the time being until he would grow board of this village, then he would proceed to move on without...
  19. Ken James

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Well, the fact that he's unkillable so that he can suffer, his character and his curse revolves around penance for the terrible things. Plus I edited.
  20. Ken James

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Name: Thomas O'Valen Age: He stopped counting after 3,000 Gender: Male Species: Human (altered) Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Thomas is a slender 5'11" individual. (The mask goes entirely around his head, covering his ears.) Powers: Thomas is unkillable, but not invulnerable...