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Futuristic Noire (Futuristic Crime RP)

Verse Zero

Senior Member


Birth date:

Physical Appearance/Image:

Status of Citizenship:

Origin (if not from Europa):

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal):

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):

Police Rank:


(This is the CS, I tend to keep it concise, but if you wish to submit a more elaborate CS then feel free to do so as this just shows the minimum information I'm looking for.)

Please stick to a rank of Police Captain and below currently. Otherwise you will start in a position where you won't get a lot of direct interaction.


Inspector Raeyel Mayer @Verse Zero

Police Captain:

Police Lieutenant:

Police Sergeant:

Police Sergeant:

Officer: Kyrios Bristanzia @ColonelMustang





Cadet: Rhaena Mayer @Verse Zero
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Name: Raeyel Mayer (Pronounced as Rey-L My-er)

Age: 23

Birth date: July 4th, 2556

Physical Appearance/Image:


Citizen Status: Citizen

Origin if Not from Europa: N/A

Cybernetics: Currently None

Position in Security Bureau Police: Inspector


The dark haired, pale, beautiful born-for-her-work type and possessing an equally true icy demeanor. Raeyel is not very social outside of work to put things in frank sincerity. But she values the truth and honesty in individuals above all else, being the epitome of the values for Law. As such she can seem ruthless, overly methodical and always after Ed and his humorous machinations. Raeyel was Born in District 25 into the Citizenship of a Wealthy family. Her Father being elected to the Council on two terms (2555-2560 and 2575-Current) while her mother worked in the Medical Field as a Doctor. She has only one sibling named Rhaena who is two years younger than her and also applying into the fields of Police with the Security Bureau.

Since her earliest days in the District 25 Primary School Academy (PSA) Raeyel has shown an aptitude in regards to physical fitness and problem solving. Key components to Law Enforcement. As such it was the expectation of her parents and instructors that she enter the Security Bureau, which, she did once graduating from the PSA at age 17. Entering the Academy of Law in August, 2573 as a Cadet. Beginning service as a Street Cop with the District 25 Zone C Precinct. However, even though Raeyel showed a knack for police work she was noted by her direct superiors as possessing a rather uncompromising attitude to the Law. Even sociopaths tenancies revolving around her chosen career path. Finally, despite a stellar record she was transferred to District 3, Zone A, which being adjacent to the Nexus it had an extremely low crime rate.

Many officers would have loved such a cushy District to patrol. Raeyel fumed at what she referred too as, 'the most abject boredom to grace my existence.' Despite even a promotion to the rank of Police Sergeant at age 20, one of the youngest officers to hold the rank at that age, she frequently requested transfers to another District. Her request was eventually granted, but only because the Intelligence Bureau and the Police Commander of the 3rd District came to an agreement. Raeyel would be trained as an Inspector and assigned else ware. Entering into the extremely difficult, grueling, and competitive Inspectorate program Raeyel nearly failed twice, both for breaking orders to enact justice on a target when specifically ordered to move on to the main target, yet she passed. Granted her Inspectorate Badge and her own cruiser at age 21.

Currently Drives a 2575 Model Europa-Benz M5 in tuxedo black color scheme.


Name: Rhaena Mayer (Ray-naa My-er)

Age: 17

Birth date: October 18th, 2561

Physical Appearance/Image:


Citizen Status: Citizen

Origin if not from Europa: N/A

Cybernetics: Currently None

Position in the Security Bureau Police: Cadet


Rhaena or Rhae/Rae is almost the exact opposite of her older sister Raeyel, being rather cheerful and laughable. She is more welcoming to others and views her work in a manner that is less rigid. Preferring to be flexible in her work environment and sociable to her colleagues. As such Rhaena is proving to be a future officer who would be a welcome face to the public, unlike her uncompromising sister.

Rhaena entered the Security Bureau's Academy of Law in 2578 after completing her education at the same Primary Academy as her older sister. Graduating with honors from the District 25 Primary School system in the Spring of 2578. She shortly after entered the Academy of Law despite initial interest in the medical field, she was even accepted by the Europan Medical Institute as a prospective student.

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Name: Kyrios Bristanzia

Age: 22

Birthdate: April 28 2556

Physical Appearance/Image:

Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal): Has a cybernetic eye enhancement allowing him to notice what the naked eye would miss (scent's hanging in the air, pollen from a region different from their current area etc etc. No combat bonus)

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):

Police Rank: Swat

Bio: Was born into a fairly high-end family. He unfortunately never knew his mother as she died during child birth, and never truly got to know his father as he was hardly ever around, but that was to be expected when your father is a rather prominent business man. In an effort to gain his father's attention he began to act out, such as trafficking illegal goods or fast talking people out of money. This, instead of inuring his father's wrath, gained him his father's respect. He began attending business meetings and the like with his dad. On his twentieth birthday he was ready to join his father in the company, however fate had other plans. While Kyrios rode over to his father's office, a gun man sent by an opposing agency had already made an appearance and put a quick end to the father. Grief stricken Kyrios was hungry for revenge, so he began to train as hard as he could and on his twenty-first birthday managed to get hired onto the Security Bureau's SWAT force.
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Name: Trace Pavletic

Age: 32

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Origin (if not from Europa): N/A

Cybernetics: Stupid blackmarket bio-electromagnets he got put into his fingers as a teenager. They let him levitate and attract very small ferrous items that are close to his hands - shitty telekinesis. Otherwise useless.

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):

Police Rank:


Trace was born to a lower-middle-class family, grew up in district 14 suburbia. His dad was a cop, always had been, and was pretty sure Trace would be too. Which was why he did everything possible to be a career criminal, up to and including joining the local drug cartel. Unfortunately for him, it turned out that drug cartels are pretty boring and regimented too, once you get right down to it.

His father died when he was twenty-one, of bowel cancer. Once the old man wasn't around to see Trace bit the bullet and joined the force, having somehow avoided a record of his own. He still can't tell you exactly why he did this, and will tell you something like he 'got tired of bullshit' instead. Which, as any sensible person could see, is a bad reason to join a police force.

Despite this he was good at the work and liked it, liked the people, and had plenty of experience with climbing arbitrary rank systems. Using this skill he made Sergeant still fairly young, despite joining late.

None of this explains why he is such an asshole.
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Name: Arthur Spooner

Age: 30

Birth date: 10th September

Physical Appearance/Image:



Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Origin: England

Cybernetics: None

Position at Security Bureau Police: Police Captain

Police Rank: Police Captain

Bio: A cynical, pessimistic man Arthur, with his mucky blonde hair and his piercing dark blue eyes can see through anyone lies. Arthur sports a magnificent mustache and always wears the most elegant of suits. he was born and raised in a wealthy English family; as a only child he had whatever he wanted cars, cloth's, money etc and wasn't shy to show his wealth. later on in life he decided he would leave his lavish life style behind him, and he would find it rather interesting to be a police officer. he packed all his things and moved to district 25 and joined the Security bureau's academy of law and passed with flying colors, he then joined the security bureau police at the age of 24. After a few years the bureau found out his nack for seeing through peoples lies and promptly promoted him through the ranks. Arthur is not afraid to speak his mind and is surprisingly rather humble. However nobody knows why he is such a cynical, pessimist.

Currently Arthur
drives a Rolls-Royce version 6.5 hover


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Name: Sarah N. Grey

Age: 28

Birth date: November-13

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Origin (if not from Europa):

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal):

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors): Segeant

Police Rank: Sergeant

Bio: Sarah was born to a middle class family in Europa Her Father was a Police Lieutenant while her Mother worked as a Nurse in one the hospitals in District 23 when she became of age she joined the police force like her Father, while her Father worked on gang war cases Sarah worked on homicide but when her Father was injured in a case he was shot in the chest her Mother rushed into the surgery room to help her Father an hour later Sarah's Father died from the amount of blood loss she used her work to cover her depression she became rank of Sergeant at the age of 26 now two years later she now is a Leader of a small squad.


Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent

Age: 35

Birth date: November-05

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Origin (if not from Europa): NA

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal):NA

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):NA

Police Rank: Syndicate Associate(Becomes a cop towards the start of his relation ship with Sarah)

Bio: Nathan is on the Governments Wanted list for multiple accounts of Larceny, Robbery, Hacking, Breakouts and Breakins and 2 counts of homicide is has been Associated with a Syndicate being their Hit an on occasions and Being top 8 on the Most Wanted list and is signed as Approach with extreme prejudice.


Name: Ethan N. Grey

Age: 30

Birth date: September-18

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Origin (if not from Europa): NA

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal):NA

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):SWAT

Police Rank: SWAT

Bio: The Older brother of Sarah was sent away for most of his life to become an inspector he wasn't all to happy when He found out his family didn't agree to this he returned at the age of 20 as he returned home to district 23 he was filled with sorrow as he got home finding out his father died during a case like his sister he was narrow minded using his work to cover his depression he joined the SWAT still kinda jealous about being lower ranked than her young sister but was content with his life but at the age of 30 he finally got recognition from the government appointing him a leader of a small squadron of SWAT units.

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I read the Interest Check and really interested!

Name: Georgia "George" Tsai

Age: 26

Birth date:
13th November

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship: Immigrant

Origin (if not from Europa): Tokyo

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal): Right arm. Badly injured her real one during an accident several years ago and is forced to amputate it. Cannot afford to buy an expensive one so she bought one from the blackmarket. Didn't have anything special but that it could stop a bullet or blade, because it made of steel (fixing it is expensive, thought), and that it is stronger than a normal human arm.

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):
infromant, i guess?

Police Rank: Officer

Bio: Born in Tokyo, her father is from Europa and her mother is Taiwanese. Her father left to return to Europa, promising to prepare a place for them to live in. He never come back, and so her mother is forced to work her fingers to bone to make sure that they could eat and that her daughter could get a proper education. However, she never really did.

When Georgia is 15 years old, her mother bought them a ticket to Europa, where they arrived knowing no one and only 100 Euro and whatever they are wearing that time. Both of them worked really hard in District 39, where they are staying and live. That's when an accident happened and Georgia lost her right arm, and replace it with a cybernetics.

One day, Georgia decided that she should join the police force, the security bureau. Aside from keeping the peace in Immigrants district and get a proper work so her mother peacefully rest at home, she could also find her father whoever and wherever he is. Applied for a job and her background and status of citizenship attracted the Intelligence Bureau. Agreed to help by providing intelligence and occasionally went undercover.
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  • IPaED7-WwoXaPO5plztqEPeU8TS4o-KGm2Ek_i7hQk49uOlpMTscIGPCeM5kNV2UnxZXx2zmm7HI_slbVXYgEW81VZJO5X9xgQ8u8D52Hzwgi8QN7bPfjRdP0Tk2eTJxfLjUA5uq

    ‘Where’s the fight at?’

    Age: 17

    Species: Human

    Gender: Female


    Liz is a fighter, always been one. She has survived multiple nuclear fallouts and apocalypses. She loves her mechanical wolf and her rifle she always uses. She is quite sweet for a girl who has been fighting her whole life.


    Scout Vision: From her headphones, a small eyepatch of sorts pops out and covers her right eye. Then, it opens a small interface that she can see. From the interface, she is able to speak multiple different commands. (Interface found in Extras)

    Ammo Swap: Swaps to a different ammo type. She can use: Explosive, Poison, Fire and normal rounds.

    Adaptive: Within her backpack, she has multiple extra parts for her rifle and Sharp. (Parts and uses found in Extras)

Birth date: January 1st

Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Position of Security Bureau Police: Detective

Police Rank: Officer

Bio: TBR
Name: Matt Dank

Age: 30 (technically 594 years old)

Birth date: 21/02/1985 (He's been cryogenically frozen)

Physical Appearance/Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c785b9211_1940spig.jpg.d3ed4eca6ff3ac78f6a95e1d567e7de8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103193" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c785b9211_1940spig.jpg.d3ed4eca6ff3ac78f6a95e1d567e7de8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c785c6305_pigfuturistic.jpg.88770537c930825fda95a90b9ee2dd34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c785c6305_pigfuturistic.jpg.88770537c930825fda95a90b9ee2dd34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Status of Citizenship: Pre-citizen.

Origin (if not from Europa): England.

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal): A bit like Full Metal Alchemist, Matt has lost his right arm due to frost burn/bite. Being frozen for quite a while, he was lucky that his brain didn't disintergrate.

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):

Police Rank: Officer

Bio: Growing up in the 1990s, he was bullied in school and got through by the skin of his teeth. He managed to pass a course in a local college, almost dropped out, and got into trouble with a few drug dealers. Realised his calling was in the law, Matt got a few of his friends to give him a reference and, in his late 20's, he became an officer of the law. He married, kept straight and narrow and, in his mid 40's, Matt was put up for cryogeneic freezing. Due to his wife passing away and his abilities of scrutiny and thorough checking. Drives the following...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c785c9633_1940scarfuturistic.jpg.96ff44ac544d5c6dd30357da549c617d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c785c9633_1940scarfuturistic.jpg.96ff44ac544d5c6dd30357da549c617d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jacob Hawker

Age: 24

Birth date: 2555

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Origin (if not from Europa): N/A

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal): two of his fingers on his right hand are artificial.

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):

Police Rank: Police Sergeant

Bio: He was born in district 18, in school he was a character that would be easily overlooked. As a child he loved the topic of law enforcement. He joined the security bureau at the age of 19. he was quickly promoted to Sergeant despite his first real case was nearly two years after he first joined.

He drives the following...

Name: Jack Jericho

Age: 37

Birth date: January 30th

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Origin: Europa

Cybernetics: In one of his many cases, there was this particular case he was working on with a partner of his. He got a hold of this lead and turned up in the door of the house of the suspected serial killer, unfortunately, without his partner. The serial killer ambushed him before knocking him out and then proceeding to cut him up, limb by limb with a plasma cutter. Luck had it that his partner decided to follow him, which quickly escalated into a small scuffle for control, ending with the killer's death but not without its losses. Jack lost his left arm, but fortunately, he got to retain his other limbs. He received a cybernetic prosthetic arm implant, which has all the usual hand capabilities plus electronic arm implants which enable him to do some computing with his arm.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-16_9-51-48.jpeg.4d33445cbf04abae2c6c4b2760ff3a1f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-16_9-51-48.jpeg.4d33445cbf04abae2c6c4b2760ff3a1f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Position of Security Bureau Police: Police captain

Police Rank: Police captain

Bio: He was born in a relatively rich family, though he prefers not to enclose much details about his past or childhood. He was quirky, energetic and cheerful kid who had a soft heart and aspired to be part of the police like his father was. His mother was caring towards while his father was great in terms of his relationship with his sons. He had a happy childhood until his father was cornered and killed by a group of organized criminals who held several grudges against him. They raided his home, killed his mother, father and sister without any remorse, even though his sister was just a baby. He barely escaped before he was taken in by his uncle, who was generally great but often quite insensitive. He grew hardened and cold in this phase of his life, learning how to properly hold himself, and most importantly, to not show any mercy or remorse against people who didn't deserve it. He wasn't the cheerful and quirky and soft-hearted kid anymore, it was just a distant blurry memory right now.

He then, as per his childhood wish, resumed his ambition to join the police, he aced college with generally good marks before moving onto his career selection. The perfect career go him was being a police, he'd get to dish out justice in criminals and also get money in return, plus he had the wits and strength to make it out of the academy.

He joined the Police, and swiftly went up the ranks due to his efficiency and finesse in cases and fire-fights. He finally met a woman, married her and finally got settled in. Even got a kid. He though that all the problems were a time long past, which he generally thought was the best phase of his life, But the worse was yet to come.

Since he was an extremely active cop, he did have many rivals, just like his father. All of them who plotted to kill him, since he was such a nuisance to them and their illegal businesses. They pulled all the strings, called in all their available contacts and favours. Using some dirty cops who were bribed with ease, they found out his name and location, along with all the basic info.

They invaded his home, and killed his wife and son before waiting in his house to ambush him, it was indeed done with messiness. His neighbour was smart enough to realize what was going on before calling the police.

Among the police who was assigned to this call was him.

They arrived at the place and overpowered the criminals before arresting them, the criminals were just hacking the corpses into individual parts and were about to dump them when the police caught them, red-handed. Unfortunately, Jack had to witness the decapitated corpses of his family.

He went into a hiatus as he mourned his family, before going back on the job again. This time, he took all the high profile and risky missions as he turned into a depressed and suicidal state.

He soon got over this incident. Before returning to his original state, the man he currently is. A hardboiled cop, who doesn't care about the risks or the difficulty, he just considers them as mere challenges now.


Chuck Lockwood

Age: 36

Birth date: July 18th

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship: Citizen

Origin: Europa

Cybernetics: None at the current moment being

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors): Police lieutenant

Police Rank: Police lieutenant

Bio: Your everyday by-the-book police, often more than disciplined and rational than your everyday reckless police officer. That being said, his life was pretty ordinary. He joined the Police at the bright age of 22. Then slowly worked his way up to the top of the food chain. Well, certainly not the peak but he definitely not a cadet anymore. His awareness of his surroundings, his lack of insubordination and his finesse in combat made him the man he is today, though certainly not the most hard-core police officer, he was certainly more disciplined.



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Name: Neil Dylandy


  • Age: 23

    Birth date: October 12

    Status of Citizenship: Citizen

    Police Rank:Officer

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Name:S-17 Scout drone Model 1134.


Years of service since activation(age):20

Birth date:December 20th 2959

Physical Appearance/Image:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.efd86684ebba2e935ddc78ac0b85127c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.efd86684ebba2e935ddc78ac0b85127c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):Officer/Security drone.

Police Rank:Officer/Secuirty drone.

Bio:Started out as any other robot in the force would,do take it was given,work until said accomplished is finished.wait for new orders.but one day when there was a raid on a gang.Scrap got shot four times disabling it,a few of the gang members decided it would be a good thing to have it on their side. So while the firefight was going on.they snuck off with it and a managed to repair it,its coding was modified so it would assist the gang members in combat. one year later during a raid the gang was ambushed and the drone was taken into custody.after a month of evaluation and fixing of code.he was put back into action,though there was one code hidden so well that it bypassed the engineers/Coders its Australian accent and a love for Kittens.



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Name: Slyphherius (Sly) Addraennus

Handle: Scarred Wolf

Age: 26

Birth date: 11th of November

Physical Appearance/Image:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Slyphhur.jpg.22af427f5be21e6f8eb4990058412639.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Slyphhur.jpg.22af427f5be21e6f8eb4990058412639.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Status of Citizenship: Immigrant

Origin: United Kingdom - England

Cybernetics: None Yet

Personal Weapons: Self made butterfly knife

Position of Security Bureau Police: None

Police Rank: None

Affiliated Gang: The Ravens - District 24


No one chooses where they come from, but we are given the choice of where we end up. Born in the slums of London to a Greek immigrant family, Sly learned early on that life was a bitter struggle. Either you were born lucky, or you had to be strong enough to overcome what luck could shield you from.

As a child, Sly learned the language of the streets. It's ebbs and flows, the throngs of noise and bodies, became as a river to him; one he learned to navigate with finesse. His parents did all they could to protect their child, even though they could not afford school or even acquire a decent job. These lessons, however benign, did not fit in with what the environment demanded of the young man. Instead, he began to learn how to live according the rules of the street, how to speak the languages of strength and business.

On the eve of his 20th birthday, there was a fire in Sly's neighborhood. It was started by an arsonist who harbored feelings of resentment for immigrants. The inferno spread quickly, many homes and lives were taken, no one wanted to send a Fire Squad into such a dangerous neighborhood. Sly's home was among the destroyed, his parents; among the dead.

Following the loss of his home and his family, and stricken by grief, Sly stowed away on a work barge headed towards Europan territory. Once smuggled within the city, Sly quickly understood that even though he had run away, he had changed nothing. Simply exchanged one city, for a sprawling jungle. If struggle and strife were to be his lot in life, he would make the best of it. He set up home in District 24, The Beast, as the locals called it. It seemed fitting to him, as nothing felt more natural, than living as an animal.

Taking odd jobs for various gangs and criminal elements here and there earned him a bit of a reputation. A group of intellectual criminals known as The Ravens, began to take in interest in the young lad. They saw Sly's aptitude for both endurance and perception, and introduced him to the world of underground fighting. It was there, that he earned his scars, that he earned his respect, that he spilled his blood and earned his new name; The Scarred Wolf. It was over the next six years, that he began to make his life.



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Name: Fredrick Daniels

Age: 36

Birth date: March 5th

Physical Appearance: Fredrick Daniels stands at about 6'1" with pale-ish skin and green eyes, his hair and mustache are black and shows subtle hints of gray, and his hair is slicked to the right mostly. He dons a black overcoat, a white undershirt, a black tie, a pair of sunglasses (aviators), and beige slacks, black dress shoes, and leather black gloves. He'll wear a dark green scarf and black fedora if the weathers calls for it.

Status of Citizenship: Citizen of Europa

Origin: Europa

Cybernetics: A prosthetic kneecap and a replacement eye.

Position of Security Bureau Police: Police captain

Police Rank: Commissioner

Bio: Fredrick lived in a tough neighborhood, he generally kept out of trouble and was quite the sportsman in High School. He would've pursued a career in sports, but in his senior year he shattered his kneecap and ended his career before he could even start it. With his life goal no longer possible, he turned to the next best thing- being a cop. He aspired to do his best and ended High School and college with straight A's. Once he finished college, he joined the police force and with a ton of effort and determination he rose through the ranks over the course of 5 years, eventually becoming the police captain. During those 5 years, he was jumped but a criminal and had his left eye stabbed out, but thanks to technology these days, he got the proper surgery to have a cybernetic one implanted.
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Name: Diana Aliyev

Age: 34

Birth date: 9/25/2543

Physical Appearance/Image:

Status of Citizenship: Immigrant

Origin (if not from Europa): Nova York

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal): none

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors): Officer

Police Rank: Officer

Bio: She was born in Nova York with 2 siblings, one brother and one sister. Her mother and father were not the richest but they were not poor either. Eventually her father succumbed to greed and began mixing in the darker parts of the city of Nova York. This affected her family greatly as they were thrust into a world where people like them did not belong. Her father learned this the hard way as her sister was killed by someone who had not been satisfied by her fathers dealings. Soon after this the police began investigating into her family as they were suspicious after the sudden death of her brother. Afraid of his whole operation being discovered, her father forced the entire family to leave the city as quietly as possible. They traveled to the largest city, Europa in hopes of blending in with everyone else in the city and leaving all the mess behind them. Once Diane became of age to join the law enforcement she did, trying to prevent anymore unnecessary death like that of her sister.

Diane is a person with a level head and a large heart, sensitive when it is appropriate and humane. She tries to keep unneeded thoughts and feelings out of her work and daily life but usually fails, remarking something sad or shedding a silent tear for the lost and fallen.
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Kaelia Raku

Age: 25

Birth date: July 18, 2554

Physical Appearance/Image: *Note, she has bright blue eyes, and blue highlights in her hair.*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.8c1e54be3e3827205ac731de4a2e472b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110611" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.8c1e54be3e3827205ac731de4a2e472b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Status of Citizenship: Temporary/may-be immigrant

Origin (if not from Europa): Neo-Tokoyo

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal): none

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors):

Police Rank: Captain

Bio: Kaelia was born into a lower class family. After her father over dosed on the latest narcotic, her mother killed herself, leaving Kaelia and her younger brother, Talen, alone. Her brother died very soon after, as he was sickly, and Kaelia was found by authorities and put into an orphanage. She was rumored to be cursed, as suicide was culturally unacceptable, and her brother's death was so soon after. She was eventually adopted by the wealthy Raku family, and raised as a purebred darling, most rumors of her curse dissipating. She received the highest education one could get, combat training, and, eventually a job, which sent her to Europa for the time being.

Personality: a rather warm person to those she likes, but a frigid, cold, and solely calculating person in the field. Never let her interrogate; she may extract more than information. Other things may be removed as well, such as teeth, fingernails, and rather insignificant limbs.

Just a warning.

Other: She has a German Shepard named Talen (after her brother), and two Persian doll face cats, genetically engineered blue and pink, names Miko and Miki. She is also a black belt in Jeet Kun do and Shippalgi (a Korean form).



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Name: Stephen Goodrich

Age: 51

Birth date: 2528 August 18

Physical Appearance/Image:

For an in armor reference, check my profile picture.

Status of Citizenship: Citizen, and proud of it!

Origin (if not from Europa): From Europa, through and through.

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal): From previous assignment, he has had his left arm replaced after being mauled with an industrial tool.

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors): N/A

Police Rank: Sergeant

Bio: Born in the 20th District, his family comes from a long line of native Europan citizens which may even have roots in the older establishments of the continent. He never truly had it hard growing up, his family was privileged enough to afford him private school which he managed to take advantage of to propel him into law school. His original plan was to join the Administration Department as a judicial employee, but after being mugged while moving through one of the impoverished immigrant districts, he decided to take a stand and join the police force to remove what he saw as 'a cancer to society, for those a part of it and for those wishing to be a part of it'. At the age of 26 as a fresh cadet, he asked his superiors to transfer him to the immigrant districts to directly effect the outcome of crime there but more and more, he started to hate the immigrants. What originally started out as protecting citizens and model immigrants from the stereotypes of criminals became his thinking devoured by the stereotypes. Every assignment he went on or any lead he chased after, he was shut down time and time again by immigrants not willing to cooperate with the law. This has created a long held grudge against immigrants, which surprisingly, led to an increase of his efficiency. He hated them, so he didn't treat them with respect, but without social etiquette, he was able to get the job done. This was not the biggest change in his police career. The biggest event of his career was when he was doing a drug bust with local SWAT forces. There, he was brutally attacked by a chainsaw wielding gang member in the industrial docks and suffered massive trauma to the left arm. The arm he used to catch the teeth. In a display of fortitude, he managed to disarm the gang member and arrest him before being taken to the hospital for immediate treatment. Lucky for him, he survived and was provided with a state funded cybernetic arm! So, with his new cybernetic arm, and years of experience under his belt, he currently serves Europa as a Sergeant in the Security Department.
Name: -Thorn-

Age: -172-

Birth date: -n/a-

Physical Appearance/Image:


Status of Citizenship:-n/a

Origin (if not from Europa): -n/a-

Cybernetics (be reasonable, at most they would be minimal): Thorn is completely robotic, giving it a multitude of capabilities. Being only about the size of a softball, and the way it's built, it's able to make its way through narrow passages, climb various surfaces, and with the right workings it can add small weaponry to itself. Of course that takes time.

The panels on it's limbs are solar conducting, allowing it to be solar powered. Its battery life is roughly 72 hours while active, and hasn't been measured while in conservation mode. For easy mobility it curls into a baseball sized sphere, the solar plates working as a bulletproof surface and allowing it to roll about. While in the sphere form it is incredibly durable. While in his normal form it is actually quite fragile. It can also record video and audio with it own senses.

Position of Security Bureau Police (No Inspectors): -n/a-

Thorn is documented as a "P.A.I.A", a Personal Artificial Intelligence assistant. He is the first of his kind. Capable of information gathering, technical repairs, taking notes, and other tasks.

Police Rank: -n/a-

Bio: Thorn is actually Mathew Thorn, a young robotics prodigy from 2407. His ideas were revolutionary, and many of the technological advances of the day can be attested to the boy's mind. However, things aren't always so perfect. While he was a genius in the field,his father, Christopher Thorn (one of the richest men of the time),only cared for money, and often sold off Matthew's prototypes and work to other companies. Eventually Mathew gave up on the work he was doing, only to receive a brutal beating for the "disrespect" He had shown his father. The boy was laid up in the hospital for weeks. But that time had given him an idea. He wanted to wait. He wanted to be free of his father and the worries of everyday life. This led him to start on a project that he promised his father would make billions. To implant a human consciousness into technology. A far fetched idea,most any scientist would tell you. But he worked and worked and worked. By the time he had turned 18...well. He didn't grow much older. The boy was found in his room one morning, having shot himself in the night. And because of the money his father had put into the alleged "billion dollar project" the man was left with nothing. He lost everything. And that was the end of it...

Until a small robot dug itself free from the grounds a hundred years later. Amazingly Mathew had in fact succeeded...to a point. Yes it was true that you couldn't actually transfer a consciousness to technology, breathes did a work around. He created one of the most advanced AI in the world, implanting his own memories and personality into a small robot he designed, and then proceeded to bury the device, and destroy the designs. No proof it every happened. When all was said and done, Mathew thorn was still walking around, in the small machine.

In 2573 he met miss Mayer while she was working a case,though not even she knows his background. He's just a quirky little AI for all anyone knows.

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