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  1. SpAcEkAsE27

    Wolfstar Marauders Era Rp (HP) [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper skipped in happily. Noticing left over pain on his hands. "It was good. I am close to perfecting a summoning charm. My instructor is really good." Piper sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room. "How was your day? You've been painting I see."
  3. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    When Piper finished lunch she went out to the courtyard to meet her instructor. Today was the day they were going to try actual spells. They went right into it and Piper practiced until late into the afternoon when lessons were completed. She thanked her instructor and walked around...
  4. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper was confused about what he said. She didn't really understand what he was trying to say to her. She ate quietly for a moment and thought about it. She decided to answer the easy question. "I guess I will go and meet my instructor after we finish eating. Your welcome to come along and...
  5. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper nodded. "Well.. I don't want to disappoint my parents... I'm sure I can still be the best and most well known Witch and work here." She poked him in the ribs with her elbow and laughed. "If you vanished I would be pretty impressed, I guess. I've read that vanishing charms are really...
  6. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper nodded. "Yes, I would. I'm starving!" She grinned. The girl thought about her new friends earlier question as they walked to the dinning room. "It's not that I want to do something different than my parents, it's just... they have always just assumed that is what I would do. I don't know...
  7. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper sat down beside him and thought for a moment."I've never really thought about it, but I guess I just want to be a really great witch. And I want to be as wise as Ms. Josephine when I grow up." She wasn't sure what she WANTED to do. Her parents always told her she would be the court Witch...
  8. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper ran after the Prince but was confused when he stopped. She followed his gaze to a white rose. She came to stand beside him and tapped his shoulder. "Something wrong?"
  9. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper shook her head no. "I'm fine... Just don't push." She pushed herself off the ground and tapped him on the shoulder. "Tag." the she jumped out of the water and hid behind the oak.
  10. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper spluttered, sitting in the knee length water in a kind of shock. Her lower back hurt slightly from the impact with the ground and water was burning her eyes. She was soaked from the splash... and she wasn't sure how to respond to Johns version of "tag". He was over on the other side of the...
  11. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper looked incredulously at John when he sat down. She splashed him again, but more gently this time, putting her hands on her hip after and giving him a goofy face. "Why are you sitting down? Don't you like the creek? There are lots of games you can play in the water... Like tag or Marco...
  12. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper noticed that John was sitting on the edge of the creek, only his feet in the water. He looked tense and confused. Piper felt bad for him but didn't know how to get him to loosen up. A smile crossed her face as an idea came to her. She put her hands under the water and splashed the prince...
  13. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper made a funny face at him. "Of course why wouldn't you be human?" Sometimes the little prince confused her terribly. He did and said odd things sometimes. She pulled her hand away from his chest so she could grab it. She ran to the edge of the creek and began taking her shoes and socks...
  14. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper scrunched her brow in confusion. "Well... yes. I swim in the creek and sometimes I pretend I am a pirate." She didn't understand how he could be so young and not know how to play. "I do whatever I want or fell like at the time..."
  15. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper smiled and walked out of the castle, toward a little patch of forest to the right. "The creek and tree are over there." She pointed, and looked at John. "Come on." Piper skipped in the direction of her favorite place to escape,excited to show her new friend. After a few minutes of walking...
  16. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper whipped off her face where he licked her. "Eww! John, you licked me!" She laughed a little and tucked her legs under her on the bed. She crossed her arms and sat on the bed without getting up. "You can't just keep pouncing me and expect me to take it. That's no fun for me! Games are...
  17. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper nodded her head. She could understand that. Her heart jumped a little when he admitted he wanted to explore. She could show him all her favorite places! "We can go on all sorts of adventures now that you have someone to come along with you! This is so exciting, I don;t have to make the...
  18. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper thought that kind of life sounded awfully sad and lonely and she said as much. "Would your parents let you explore outside the castle if you were with me?" Now that she thought of it, it was a great idea. "And maybe you could just come to classes with me! Josephine has lots of books. I'm...
  19. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper smiled as she began to levitate some pieces from a nearby chess board. It was becoming second nature to her now. "You mean you don't have any close friends that come and play with you?" She thought about it for a minute. "I just figured that, as a prince and all, you would have many...
  20. SpAcEkAsE27

    PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

    Piper hopped up and followed him over to the closet and watched him pull out the games. "Are these your favorite games?" She could see that he looked a little awkward and she wondered how often he actually played with kids his age. "How often do you invite people up here?" She looked around...