PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

Piper woke up the next morning warmer than usual and was confused until she remembered where she was. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, remembering with excitement that she and the prince were going to play today.

She looked over at him and waited for him to wake up.
John woke up a couple minutes later and look at her. He softly gave her a good morning kiss on the lips before actually getting up. He wandered what he should do because he had never really play before. He slowly went to closet and pulled out a couple of games for her to choose from. This was all new to him and he might need some guidance
Piper hopped up and followed him over to the closet and watched him pull out the games.

"Are these your favorite games?" She could see that he looked a little awkward and she wondered how often he actually played with kids his age. "How often do you invite people up here?" She looked around and took in his room. It was very big and nice. She had never seen anything like it.
John was confused about her question but slowly began to think about it for awhile before answering her."Well I don't know what your talking about? I don't really know anybody and I am sheltered. "

He than began to wander about a couple of things before wandering what she was going to do. "Could I see you use your magic again?"
Piper smiled as she began to levitate some pieces from a nearby chess board. It was becoming second nature to her now.

"You mean you don't have any close friends that come and play with you?" She thought about it for a minute. "I just figured that, as a prince and all, you would have many friends that came to play with you. And that you would play lots of games."

She looked quizzically at him, the pieces still floating around in circles in the air.
John looked at her as he sat on the ground and began to wander about the questiom. "Well I have not met any other kids but you honestly. Nor will my parents let me explore outside the castle unless I am with something and my brothers won't take me any where". He gave a sad express on his face and than look at her. He softly patted his lap and wander. "What about you? I want to go to school"
Piper thought that kind of life sounded awfully sad and lonely and she said as much.

"Would your parents let you explore outside the castle if you were with me?" Now that she thought of it, it was a great idea. "And maybe you could just come to classes with me! Josephine has lots of books. I'm sure you could read some of them while she teaches me my lessons!"

Piper thought about his second question. "I don't have many friends but I read a lot and explore the castle grounds a lot, so I have some adventures..." She twiddled her thumbs nervously, waiting for his reply to her suggestions. It would be wonderful to have a fellow companion to play games with and have adventures with outside.
John looked at her a little confused by what she had reply to him. He slowly began to think about it for a few minutes before replying. "I want to explore I do not want to read. I want see what is outside the castle like what is in the forest. I do like your idea but I feel like I would be bored. Also I start school soon". The good thing he would be doing is going to school to learn how to be royal and he know his friend would be happy because she would go to the magic school. "So why do you think I choose you ovwr other kids?" 
He was really not sure himself why he choose her. He did like her looks and abilitys but something else had drawn him in. Also that she was child his age that could understand. He also wanted to make her feel special but he was hoping she would be the same back to him. In sense he was a loner her and needed someone to help him out.
Piper nodded her head. She could understand that.

Her heart jumped a little when he admitted he wanted to explore. She could show him all her favorite places! "We can go on all sorts of adventures now that you have someone to come along with you! This is so exciting, I don;t have to make the treks alone anymore!" She clapped her hands gleefully and made a little jump. Then she caught herself and realized how exuberant she was being. She blushed, "Sorry..."

She sat for a moment and considered his last question. "I really have no idea. I mean... Maybe because I was the only one who talked to you at the party? And you seemed to like my magic??" She shrugged her shoulders. She was at a loss with this question.
John guessed she would eventually find out why he pick her but today was not the day. He than began to wander about these adventures and slowly formed a big smile on his face before he slowly pick her up and put her on the bed. He began to pounce on her began to act like a cat. He would like her face every once in awhile before slowly moving away. He was waiting for her to get up again so he could pounce at her. He felt like playing a little cat and house right now. Which he enjoy watching others play and he wanted to try himself.
Piper whipped off her face where he licked her. "Eww! John, you licked me!" She laughed a little and tucked her legs under her on the bed.

She crossed her arms and sat on the bed without getting up. "You can't just keep pouncing me and expect me to take it. That's no fun for me! Games are supposed to be fun for everyone. Like adventures... I could show the big hollowed out oak tree I like to climb? Or the little creek I swim in sometimes?"
John was guessing she did not like it. He than began to wander about what she just said. He slowly wandered about a couple of things before slowly picking her up and giving her a piggyback ride as they exit the castle. He eventually put her down and look at her. He wandered what he should do because he wanted her to have fun and enjoy herself. He really did not know what to do since it was new to him. He slowly gave her a smile. "Led the way"
Piper smiled and walked out of the castle, toward a little patch of forest to the right. "The creek and tree are over there." She pointed, and looked at John. "Come on." Piper skipped in the direction of her favorite place to escape,excited to show her new friend. After a few minutes of walking and dodging branches, they were there. The oak towered over the small clearing Piper had come to think of as her own. running down the center of the clearing was a small child size creek bed. It ran further into the forest and got much bigger as it flowed, but this was the perfect spot for the young girl. Because the water was so cold and clear, flowers grew around the edge of the creek (instead of rocks) and the bottom of the small body of water was covered in red clay that squished between her toes when she walked in it. Inside the hollowed out oak that sat to the side of creek was a box filled with some of the girls favorite books. There was also a picnic blanket there to sit on so her clothes never got dirty.

She looked at the young prince. "Do you like it?"
John watch the girl who was very exicted about the place she was going. He followed her all the way and had a little smile on his face and began to wander what he should do because never really done this before. He went over to painic area and look at the basket. He wandered what could be inside of it as he slowly poked it. He wandered why this girl enjoyed this area so much? He than slowly began to think about her question. "Well what am I suppose to do here?" He had a confused look on his face ad he slowly sat down on the blanket and was the water. He felt a little relaxed her but he wanted her to led since this was her area that she loved. "Do you play games here?"
Piper scrunched her brow in confusion. "Well... yes. I swim in the creek and sometimes I pretend I am a pirate."

She didn't understand how he could be so young and not know how to play. "I do whatever I want or fell like at the time..."
John softly reached for her hand and began to hold it close to his chest. He than began to wander about this. "Do you think I am human? Also can we play in the creek a little?". He wanted to try the creek and was not a fair of the water. Also he know how to swim at young age because mother taught him. But now he was kind of on his own to learn new things since parents were always busy.
Piper made a funny face at him. "Of course why wouldn't you be human?" Sometimes the little prince confused her terribly. He did and said odd things sometimes.

She pulled her hand away from his chest so she could grab it. She ran to the edge of the creek and began taking her shoes and socks off. Her mother would be mortified if she came home with muddy shoes. She was excited because playing in the creek bed was her favorite part because the water was so cold.
John watch as the little witch began to play in the creek. He really was not sure about all of this. He just slowly followed her but stay on the shore watching her. He wander if this would be fun because she seemed like she was having fun. He than slowly copy her and put his feet in the water. He was not really sure what to do? He slowly than began to look at his fingers trying to find something interesting. "What do you exactly do for fun? "
Piper noticed that John was sitting on the edge of the creek, only his feet in the water. He looked tense and confused. Piper felt bad for him but didn't know how to get him to loosen up.

A smile crossed her face as an idea came to her. She put her hands under the water and splashed the prince with all her might. it was big enough that it soaked his front and face. She panicked for a moment, wondering if he would retaliate or just get offended.
John look a little confused by her actions. He wander exactly what she just did as he slowly began to make little waves at her with his hands to splash her back. He slowly got deeper in the creek so he could make bigger waves. He had a small smile on his face and began to wander about this. He eventually sat down in the water awhile to take in the current so he could relax and enjoy himself. He was trying to take of this in even if the water was cold. He really did not mind but he wanted to play with her more if she got closer so they could play tag.
Piper looked incredulously at John when he sat down. She splashed him again, but more gently this time, putting her hands on her hip after and giving him a goofy face. "Why are you sitting down? Don't you like the creek? There are lots of games you can play in the water... Like tag or Marco polo... Have you ever seen anyone play those?"
John slowly came over to her after getting up from where he was sitting. He was trying to think of the game he wanted to play with her. He slowly came over and softly push her into the water."tag" he said softly to her before running to the other end of the small creek to see what she would do. He really did not understand the difference between gentle and rough. He had also watch tag be played by his brothers.
Piper spluttered, sitting in the knee length water in a kind of shock. Her lower back hurt slightly from the impact with the ground and water was burning her eyes. She was soaked from the splash... and she wasn't sure how to respond to Johns version of "tag". He was over on the other side of the creek, waiting on her to respond. For a moment, tears pricked her eyelids, but she pushed them aside, realizing that he just didn't understand.

"Uh... John. Why did you push me? That isn't how you play tag. You just touch the person, you don't have to push them. That kind of hurt."
John watch her awhile and was. It sure what exactly was going on. He eventually heard her talk to him and came over with a sad look on his face. He did not mean to hurt her. He saw that her eyes were trying to release tears and he was guessing she did not want to show them. He slowly took out handchief to give to her. He slowly extend his hand out to her so she could take the item. "Please use this to hide your sadness"
Piper shook her head no. "I'm fine... Just don't push." She pushed herself off the ground and tapped him on the shoulder. "Tag." the she jumped out of the water and hid behind the oak.

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