PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)

John watch her emotions and eventually saw her run after poking him. He was guessing it was game time now which he thought might be fun. He just needed to be gentle. He eventually ran after her and poke her on the shoulder back. He slowly began to run away into the near by field of flowers which stop to look at a white rose that caught his eyes.
Piper ran after the Prince but was confused when he stopped. She followed his gaze to a white rose.

She came to stand beside him and tapped his shoulder. "Something wrong?"
John slowly took the flower and held it in his hand. He than smiled at her and began to think. He than held the rose softly on his hand. The free hand that was open he poke her shoulder back. He softly began to relax his body a little and began to think. "You know Piper you are like this rose" he teased her a little and began to think. "Something that is precious and should be treated well"

He slowly sat down in the flower path and began to look at the clouds.

"Piper tell me what you want to be when you grow up and what you want to do with your life"

John had the demon ring on his finger but he did not let the ring control him.
Piper sat down beside him and thought for a moment."I've never really thought about it, but I guess I just want to be a really great witch. And I want to be as wise as Ms. Josephine when I grow up." She wasn't sure what she WANTED to do. Her parents always told her she would be the court Witch someday. "I guess I want to do what my parents are doing..."
John slowly wander about what she was saying and wanted to ask her a question. "But do you want to be something more than what your parents do?". He just softly held one of her hands and softly began to rub it. "Do you want to experience the world and have many students follow you?" He teased her a little just to see if he could get a reaction. As he was about to ask her the next question a few rain drops came down. He was guessing it was going to rain so they would have to end there adventure today. He slowly picked her up and put her on his back as he began to walk. He had the rose cutting into his skin and eventually when got back to the gate a few drops of blood were on the white rose. He watch the rose and was interested in this because he did not feel the pain for some reason as he slowly began to set her down. "Would you like to eat lunch with me before go back to your teacher?"
Piper nodded. "Yes, I would. I'm starving!" She grinned.

The girl thought about her new friends earlier question as they walked to the dinning room. "It's not that I want to do something different than my parents, it's just... they have always just assumed that is what I would do. I don't know what other options there are. What if I want to do something more but I don't know what it is."
John softly removed the blood of his finger and his rose. Before putting the rose in his shirt for safe keeping.

He eventually went with Piper to the dinning room and smiled at her.

He began to wander about what she was saying to him because he was really not sure about everything. The than began to say something softly to her. "Why not become one of the best wizard or witch so you can be even well known. Maybe you will marry someone with the same ability and I can be like I know her" He wandered how she would react.

He than slowly told a servant to bring out some food for him and her to eat. 
Eventually the food was brought over to the table and lay out for them.

The food was a few sandwiches, soups and fruit.

John had a smile on his face because he loved to eat.

He look a Piper and wanted to tease her a little more.

"What would you do if I vanished one day?"
Piper nodded. "Well.. I don't want to disappoint my parents... I'm sure I can still be the best and most well known Witch and work here." She poked him in the ribs with her elbow and laughed. "If you vanished I would be pretty impressed, I guess. I've read that vanishing charms are really complicated." She smiled at him and wondered if he knew she was teasing. 
Pipers mouth watered at the sight of the food. She really was starving.

She dug in as soon as the table was ready.
John began to eat and did not look at her. He was not really sure how to answer her back because he know she was teasing but he did not understand. He just slowly began to play with his fingers before coming up with a idea. "You know we don't be together forever and you will find someone" He slowly than began to eat his fruit before wandering about her.

"You will be famous and everybody will want you not only for your power but for your personality to since you are just flower that will eventually bloom". John just kind of froze in his spot as he was having a vision from the wrong he slowly began to shake it off as he look at her. "When do you have your training today?"
Piper was confused about what he said. She didn't really understand what he was trying to say to her.

She ate quietly for a moment and thought about it. She decided to answer the easy question. "I guess I will go and meet my instructor after we finish eating. Your welcome to come along and watch if you don't have anything better to do." She went back to her sandwich, thinking intently about her future... what did she want to do? She had no idea, honestly.
John wanted to spend more time with her but he always wanted her to enjoy herself. He just stared at her for a little awhile before give her a small smile. "That is fine. Please visit me when you want". John had eventually finished his food and got up. He exited the room and headed for his own room. Once inside he put the flower in a vase and the ring next to it. He than lay on his bed with a little sketch book he had. He stared at the ceiling fro awhile for thing about a few things to draw. He slowly began to draw the rose he had in the vase with the blood on it. He was trying picture what the blood was suppose to represent. He picture it as blood on snow or ice but was not sure. His next picture was a picture of a dragon.
When Piper finished lunch she went out to the courtyard to meet her instructor. Today was the day they were going to try actual spells.

They went right into it and Piper practiced until late into the afternoon when lessons were completed.

She thanked her instructor and walked around aimlessly for a while. She mumbled spells under her breath with her hands in the pockets of her dress. She finally decided to go back up to the princes room to see how his day had been.

When she got to the door she knocked and waited for his answer.
He was on his last picture which was the flower patch. He was working on it and was trying to remember all the features as someone knock at his door. He wandered who it could be at first but than he remember guessing it was Piper. He wandered if she had a good time with her teacher as he slowly went over to the door. He quickly removed some of the paint that was on his hands to napkin he had been using. He than slowly open the door to see.

"Well come on in and tell me about your training"
Piper skipped in happily. Noticing left over pain on his hands. "It was good. I am close to perfecting a summoning charm. My instructor is really good." Piper sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room. "How was your day? You've been painting I see."
John had been working on painting all day. He was not sure why he painted some of the things but it just came into mind as he was painting. He was hoping she might enjoy some of his work. He than came over to her and sat down next to her on the bed. "Well Piper I am guessing you had a great day? Also what are you doing tonight?" He was hoping she would want to have a sleep over again since he enjoyed it so much with her.

He eventually got up and went over to the closet to look for something. He wandered what he should do? He eventually took out a witch hat and brought it over to her. He softly place it on her head and wandered what she might say to him?

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