Search results for query: *

  1. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    (( bluh sorry, medical emergency, everyone's fine though so it's good )) Caleb wandered aimlessly across a rocky landscape. The sun bore down upon his bald head, and he was all but certain his legs would give out. The mountain from which he'd escaped was, by this point, several miles away, but...
  2. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    @XANXeto Thanks! Hope I'll be helpful! @ArachneGlycon Ah, I'm glad you feel that way ^^' A celebration? How exciting! My timezone as previously mentioned is UTC -5, and here are some times I'll be available for the next few days: - Tomorrow (Monday for me): 9:00AM-1:00PM - Day after...
  3. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    Hey all. My uncle had a birthday party, so that's why I've been out all day this time. I was going to say I was opting for the Quest of Immortals, since the Mountains region is where Caleb is right now, but come to think of it, he actually doesn't really want to be there, and was just leaving...
  4. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    (( blurgh swimming and sleep and faraway appointments and bluuuggghh )) Deep in the heart of the mountain sits a wide chamber of stone. The floor is marble, but mostly invisible, considering it's frozen over in a thick sheet of snow. In the snow, a skin-and-bones child in a beige shawl is...
  5. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    For player reference let it be known: I'll be playing two characters: Reaper and Caleb. (If I'm ever playing them at the same time, though, Caleb will do all the talking, so as to prevent me from being a nuisance.) I'll probably be maining Reaper, since he's more interesting, but I kind of...
  6. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    @Ninja God, @XANXeto, and @slytheringduck to the extent that he's now involved -- would be a good way to return from my absence.
  7. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    Reaper's ears twitch. Sounds like a fight. "Huh. My weasely senses are tellin' me-- No. No!" His lower body starts to vanish, starting with his tail. He glares up at Aria. "Caleb's stopped imagining me. He must be in danger!" His chest is turning to white noise and dissipating. "Fare ya'...
  8. Blue Bluey Bluford

    I'm tired

    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I can tell I'm going to like it here. @Zerataku, Chobits is cool.
  9. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    "Uh-huh. I see." Reaper's marble-like eyes follow the flying translucent girl as she drifts behind Z-O. "Aria, eh? Mighty nice name. Fitting for a mighty nice young lady like ya'self, now that I look." He crouches in front of Z-O's leg, not quite as much in hiding as he'd hoped. "How's about I...
  10. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    (( Oh, I see. Noted for future reference, thanks )) (( Ah, I'm glad, thanks ^^' )) "'Samatter, kid? You seem a li'l shaken up." He rests a paw on her ankle in a conciliatory gesture, but immediately withdraws it. "Yeowch!" He nibbles his paw, turned half away. It's smoking. "And a li'l full...
  11. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    (( Musicomar4, is Aria visible to everyone or only to Z-O? For now, I'll work off the assumption that she's visible to everyone, but only Z-O can understand what she's saying. )) "Ey, whoa whoa whoa, easy, Miss Breezy." Nervously, it slowly tiptoes backward, its tail standing straight up. "No...
  12. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    (( This character comes from a story I've been writing, so he has some backstory already. However, even in his story of origin, he is in fact an element already, so I saw this as a lovely opportunity to play him. If anyone's already taken the element of death, please let me know and I'll make...
  13. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    ahmagad this is so cool huuurrrgh UTC -5 I have a doctor's appointment so I won't be around until later today
  14. Blue Bluey Bluford

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    ah omg this looks so cool Allowing godmodding with caveats strikes me as something with a lot of potential. Will characters' "dimensions and matter" merge? Maybe, having been banished from their own worlds of godmodding, the godmodders could wind up in everyone else's world, with stripped down...
  15. Blue Bluey Bluford

    I'm tired

    Hello everyone, pleased to meet you, you can call me exhausted. OTL You know how some days just seem so long! So really though, you can call me Blue. I love writing and RPing, and I draw stuff sometimes, but I'm not very good at it yet. I'm not the friendliest or most assertive person around...