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Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

Oh fine... You came here anyway... you can post your character sheet however you like. This is a page so you can keep track of your own personal character I will in no way be accepting or denying character sheets.

Fun trivia: the reason this roleplay is Mk.2 is because back when me and my friends were in high school we made the original! Un-affiliated with this site.
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The Aurea Warriors-Band of Warriors that scourer the universe/time realms



Members in order- Achilles, Cael, Sable and Zeno




|Gender| |Female|

|Age| |1,000 Years|

|Element| |Fire|
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For player reference let it be known:

I'll be playing two characters: Reaper and Caleb. (If I'm ever playing them at the same time, though, Caleb will do all the talking, so as to prevent me from being a nuisance.) I'll probably be maining Reaper, since he's more interesting, but I kind of have to play Caleb too because he's part of the premise of Reaper's character.

They probably look something like
this, except that Caleb is bald and a boy, and Reaper has black fur. (Source: Leonardo da Vinci's "Lady with an Ermine.")

Caleb is a bald, pale, emaciated boy who is surely no older than 12. Given that he has access to food and sunlight, his paleness and thinness are likely attributable to a most unfortunate and dangerous condition of some kind. He lives in a small tribal village (which is a place of my own invention which I don't intend for my characters to ever visit in the RP -- though they may discuss it in passing -- and which need not be portrayed in this world at all) where his strong and caring mother looks after him, but being made to stay in bed constantly has made him feel stir crazy, so he has a bad habit of wandering off into the forest with his pet hallucinatory weasel, Reaper, to explore, in the middle of the night, without his mother's knowledge.

Reaper is a black-furred weasel with a New Jersey accent. Any sufficiently simple living thing he touches -- such as plant matter and small animals -- dies, and his touch afflicts more complex creatures with localized gangrene, with the exception of Caleb, Z-O, and any magical or otherwise not purely organic life form. Reaper is not actually a hallucination; as the name suggests, he is the element of death personified -- the Grim Reaper. He knows Caleb's time is near, and has taken advantage of the fragile and poorly nourished state of the boy's mind to appear to him in the form of a black weasel, so as to mentor him in the final years of his too-short life. (As for why the Grim Reaper has nothing better to do, that much is anyone's guess. I'm still looking for a justification for that.) His true form is more powerful, but as a matter of principle and cosmic law, he only resorts to it to escort lost souls to the other side. Besides which, he's found he likes being a weasel better anyway.

TL;DR: Caleb is a terminally diseased child who went out and got himself lost and Reaper is his hallucinatory talking black weasel from New Jersey who is also the Grim Reaper and not actually a hallucination
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Current Character Count

Name: Hrou Deloro

Age: ???

Race: Anthropomorphic (Fox)

Element: Darkness

Personality: When first met, Hrou seems shy and is very quiet. He is a curious creature, wishing to learn all that he can. Once one can warm up to Hrou, or if he creates a special bond with someone, he will become their protector laying down his own life for their own if he has to. He is always companied by two other souls within his mind; a dark side and light side, which both have a chance to wrestle for control of the body when they thing the time is fit. If the light side wins, it will begin to administer peace and prosperity to those around him, wishing for a better world; while if the dark side wins, he will begin acting on his own accord, wither it will be for the good of other and himself, or to make a situation worst.

Additional Information: Even though either side can gain control, it is limited, and the two sides must reunite and create the whole mind of Hrou once more.

Name: ???

Age: ???

Race: ???

Element: ???

Personality: Seems to already show aggressive properties, especially towards Hrou.

Additional Information: Has never before been seen, heard, or known until the opening of the rift.
Quest of Divinity Character


Name: Urius Celinial

Nickname: The man who walks around space

Many people who travel around space in ships and stuff see this man just literally walking through space with his hands in his pocket and a cube following him.

History of the Cube: It holds what may seem like a small solar system which is true. But what actually happened is while traveling Urius ran into a two planet solar system and noticed one was habitable so he went to check it out and to his amazement only One person lived on the entire planet. the planet was half the size of earth so it was small but how could only one person live there. This confused Urius but soon he found out this wasnt just any girl she was the source of that whole solar system. Shes been there alone for millions of years. Urius stayed on the planet for awhile and they became really close but soon it was time for Urius to leave and the Source couldnt leave the solar system. This saddened Urius but soon he found a way, it was to shrink the Whole system and cover it in a cube so he could carry it around with him so she could travel around the galaxies with him. The source was very happy and when it was done Urius vowed to protect that cube with his life, but what the Source didnt know was by doing this deed Urius drained majority of his powers. The only pwoers he had left was to solidify matter thats what allowed him to walk in space.
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