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  1. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Strife [Characters]

    Accepted, welcome aboard. Go ahead and mosey on down to OOC and IC chats.
  2. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Ruin

    RP thread is up, link in my previous comment. Don't post replies to the RP thread until Galahad and Spirit have drawn up characters, so as to have points of reference for your party.
  3. Archive

    Fantasy [Old World Strife]

    As the merchant federation of Beidan collapses, so too does any semblance of order in the south. The damned run rampant, no longer held in check by the old few constructs the Beidanite Imams had brought back to life. And as humanity's greatest lifeline plunges into darkness, so too does your...
  4. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Strife [Characters]

    Edit your sheet to include items, and to a lesser extent, gender, and you're accepted. Welcome aboard, main thread is under construction.
  5. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Ruin

    Character thread:  Out of character: RP thread:
  6. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Strife [Chats]

    It's ya homeboy B|   Questions and general chat here!
  7. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Strife [Characters]

    Here we go. Edited slightly. Character Name: Gender: Age: Phys. Description: (Height, weight, eye/hair color, etc.) Combat Type: (Swords, Bows, Magic, Guns, etc.) Items: (Inventory, anything from clothes to rings to pocket change in exact amounts. Try and be realistic with how much you...
  8. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Ruin

    Alright, sweet. I'll get a thread started, and we can pick up more folks on the way. Will post thread URL shortly.
  9. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Ruin

  10. Archive

    Fantasy Old World Ruin

    From Strife In the wretched lands of Lumeria dwell millions of souls, scattered like so much dust in the wind by the Overture. The Talon Empire, known for its ruthless expansion and decadent progress is brought low by a mighty cataclysm, a pillar of order sundered in the name of greed. As...
  11. Archive

    Futuristic Digital Dungeons

    If you require any assistance, I'm a fan of story building and plot advancement; I'd love to offer my services. If you're interested @Rinirin shoot me a PM.
  12. Archive

    Futuristic Digital Dungeons

    Could someone PM me when this game starts? If so, that'd be swell. I've got a lot on my plate right now, and PMs are the best form of communication with me outside of Skype.
  13. Archive

    Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

    On second thought, I'll preemptively withdraw from this roleplay. Sorry for the fuss, @Bravest Too much on my plate at the moment, and the last thing y'all need is a no-show. Good luck, folks. This RP shows a lot of potential, and I hope you make the best of it.
  14. Archive

    Fantasy Last Lights

    I'll actually preemptively withdraw, due to certain things happening IRL right now. Wouldn't want to be a total Beaurmont and leave mid-roleplay. :P I'm also already stretched thin by roleplays as it is. Thank you very much anyway; your RP is certainly intriguing, and has incredible...
  15. Archive

    Fantasy Last Lights

    I'll be perfectly okay with sitting it out, if you're flooded with recruits. But I suppose it all hangs on Beaurmont's word anyway, so my offer is apropos of nothing I guess.
  16. Archive

    Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

    Oh, I see what you're saying. Thanks a million!
  17. Archive

    Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

    Ah, I was under the impression I had to submit my character via PMs for GM approval.
  18. Archive

    Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

    Thank you! I'll PM you my character tomorrow, then, since there's no way in Dell I'll be able to break the ten post limit tonight.
  19. Archive

    Futuristic Digital Dungeons

    Real Name: Eric Terauchi Age: 23 Gender: M Personality: Kind, easygoing. Phlegmatic. Likes: Current PvP meta, flashy gear, metal music, raisin cookies, hot chocolate, the color blue, and probably you Dislikes: Trolls, idiots, bigots, asparagus, industrial goths, presidential elections...
  20. Archive

    Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

    Apologies for my intrusion, but the newbie restrictions don't allow me to send private messages yet, and I'm giddy with excitement. Are you folks still accepting applications? I'd love a slice of the action, if possible.