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Fantasy Old World Ruin


From Strife

In the wretched lands of Lumeria dwell millions of souls, scattered like so much dust in the wind by the Overture. The Talon Empire, known for its ruthless expansion and decadent progress is brought low by a mighty cataclysm, a pillar of order sundered in the name of greed. As the last knight abandoned his sacred oath to protect mankind, the howling of the wolves began. Things stirred in the darkness as Institutes and Obelisks, Spireguard and Runefangs were respectively abandoned, rendered inert, let roam, or simply sapped of essence. In the scores of years that pass, the night encroaches onto what few bastions of civilization stand fast; News abounds of the merchant cities of Beidan falling to hordes of the dead, seemingly without number or command. Great drakes make pyres of the so-called Ilyan Dominion, the inevitable but pale shadow of the old empire, while the Undercities are abandoned in the face of nightmares made manifest. From the desert come the damned, from the plains, scaled firebeasts. From the mountains, nameless things.

Your beginnings are humble, and in such a world, it is fitting. Defeating the merest undead is no small feat for the common man, and common you are. Perhaps you shine in one aspect or another, but are ultimately bound and marked for death; Such is the penance the everyman earns for the black miracle of birth. You are a part of the dying light of mankind, a species no longer welcome in their own home. Some venture for gold and glory, the baubles, trappings and ideals of the Imperial Age difficult to surrender, while others seek empty answers for questions long rendered irrelevant. Others still sally forth from desperation, unable to accept the death of all they know, thrusting blades into guts and drinking deeply to distract the fickle mind from harrowing reality. Whatever your cause, you venture together as one, a loose collection of ideas and beliefs held in unity by impending and total defeat.

So light the fire and keep close to me, as the snow falls thick, and the quiet drives a killer to his knees.

TL;DR this medieval/fantasy setting is supposed to be dark, reminiscent of the Souls games. There are few specifics on the downfall of mankind, as rumors were the most prevalent form of information at the time, and players may slowly peel back the layers of time and violence to discover the truth about this cataclysm. Swords and sorcery are key, though note that sorcerers are few and far between, and are weak compared to the Scholars of the Empire during the golden age of man. Simple spells such as a fireball hurled at a hundred paces or the virulent growth of plants and animals may be used among the tiny mage community, while necromancy is abhorred... though by no means off-limits. During mankind's zenith, flintlock weapons had been invented but were rarely distributed or sold. Perhaps your character may have an old flintlock "Powder", which is high in stopping power but offers little by way of accuracy or reload speed. Above all, I want as much realism as you can throw into a fantasy setting. You're near the bottom of the totem pole in terms of combat prowess, and the forest shivers with untold horrors. If you have any interest in this RP, please fill out the following form.

Character Name:
Combat Type: (Swords, Bows, Magic, Guns, etc.)
Phys. Description: (Height, weight, eye/hair color, etc.)
Bio: (Please be as detailed as possible, I love a good read. The deeper you go, the more story we can create. Two paragraph minimum.)




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Perhaps I should flesh this out more later, but this is what I have right now.

Character Name: Sir William Hendrick

Age: 24

Combat Type: Sword and shield

Phys. Description: William stands at 6'2" and weighs in at 172 lb. His eyes are nearly the same shade of dark brown as his short, neat hair. Stubble grows across his face. Years of physical activity have left him in good shape. Generic, I know

Bio: When William was a young boy, his father often told him stories of heroes. Tales of brave knights slaying dragons and rescuing damsels in distress. It's no wonder why he grew up wanting to follow in his father's footsteps and become a knight. After years of training and working as a squire, William finally became a knight at the age of 21. The day after the ceremony concluded, he set off for active duty. Then, all hell broke loose.

The entire city burned. Alarm bells clamored out in vain. Peasants cried out into the night, and the comrades William only briefly knew fell beside him one by one. In the face of nigh undefeatable horrors, he fled from the city, leaving behind his family, his past, and his dignity. That day seemed to change him into the gloomy person he is today. Over the years he spent wandering between the last safe havens in the world, he would always strive to redeem himself for the day he was a coward, lest he hear the cries of the dying echo through his ears again.
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Alright, sweet. I'll get a thread started, and we can pick up more folks on the way. Will post thread URL shortly.
Character Name: Blitz Krig ( heh :3)Age: 21

Combat type: Heavy sword two handed- Sword (Minimally a Zweindher, Specializes with his Bastard sword)

Phys. Description:

Blitz stands at 5'10" and weighs in at 160 lb.

His eyes are so black that they appear mono-colored. Messy but medium spiky hair. Sharp angled brows.

Wide shoulders and medium looking build which is denser than it looks. Distinct muscle and scar tissue visible through the medium armor he sports. Dark all weather cloak acts to protect both him and his blade.


Born to a father who let the death of his wife deeply influence him, he was raised to be able to survive any scenario. Not being able to grow up beyond the barracks meant his means of childhood play would be that of regiment of training,the kind that made most of the men in the camp weep blood. Literally.

He served as the Smith's apprentice during his off time to both earn the salary that was demanded by his Father as proof of his ability to fend for himself until he was combat ready. In the armory he found multiple discarded weapons that he used to train in.

His lack of finesse meant that exaggeratedly nimble sword play would never fall into his domain but he did discover a love of the broadsword. Still too small and young to wield one for practice at age 7 he was given smaller blades to which the smith added waits each month. At the age of 13 he was the youngest recruit in the regiment under the direct command of his Father, the Garrison leader.

This would prove to be the last fight he'd have with the mentality of a child as he is exposed to the harsh reality of war. The term of his service lasted till his 18th birthday when he was recognized as his own man. It was also the same night his Father hired a band of cutthroats for him to fight as a right of passage. Though he was heavily bleeding he managed to subdue all his assailants at which point his Father walked in while dragging a large modified Bastard sword.

After that night he left to experience all this world had to offer.

He was disciplined and methodical. Prone to making decisions after a lot of deliberation. At his wits end he is likely to let brute force hold sway.
RP thread is up, link in my previous comment. Don't post replies to the RP thread until Galahad and Spirit have drawn up characters, so as to have points of reference for your party.

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