Search results for query: *

  1. SilverNova

    Fantasy The Aspect Saga

    Much to her dismay, Yvette watched as the man who had been harassing the innkeeper made his merry way over to the group at the fire holding out his hat. The majority of those in the group easily shot the idea of tipping him for such a performance down, save for the mysterious stranger that had...
  2. SilverNova

    Fantasy The Aspect Saga

    Yvette carefully observed as another man barged into the inn. This one too was eccentrically dressed, not too dissimilar from the haggler attempting to freeload off the innkeeper. They both had whiteish hair and red tinted eyes. She wondered offhandedly if they might be related in some fashion...
  3. SilverNova

    Fantasy The Aspect Saga

    The journey from Silverun to Volk had been unbearably tiresome for Yvette. It seemed to her that at nearly every turn she’d encountered yet another group of soldiers or some other individual set in mind to rake in the bounty on her head. Her evasion tactics, though sloppily done on many of the...
  4. SilverNova

    Fantasy The Aspect Saga: Guidelines and Characters

    Name: Yvette Firamor Age: 23 Country: Born in the Empire of Alba (Kingdom of Alba), currently resides in the Commonwealth (Silverun) Lineage: Olikah, aspect of poison Appearance: 5'7" is her height. She keeps her hair short, often cut with her own knife whenever it gets past her shoulders...
  5. SilverNova

    Fantasy The Aspect Saga

    I’m interested. ^_^ If you’ll have me, I’ll see if I can get a CS up by today or tomorrow.
  6. SilverNova

    Fantasy Flawed Experiments | Cs

    Name :: Bandit Age :: 18 Gender :: Male Rank :: Guard Personality :: A bit aloof, Bandit takes extreme pleasure in the small things in life and tends to push aside larger concerns. Doing tasks one step at a time, he dedicates all his resources to whatever job is at hand at any one moment. Due to...
  7. SilverNova

    Fantasy Magister

    Callah Gaelt strode into the classroom, 'her new home', with a bemused look upon her face. She couldn't believe that her parents really thought sending her to this school would 'fix' her. Never mind the fact that she had been placed in the most ill-suited and freak class in the whole school, an...
  8. SilverNova

    Fantasy Magister Characters

    My name is: Callah Gaelt I am 17 years old. I am a: Crystalline Modifier My magical affinity is: 3 I am in class C-3. I look like this: Callah sports a slender build, weighing approximately 120lbs at 5'6", a fair amount of that weight actually being in muscle. She prefers to keep her...
  9. SilverNova

    Fantasy Magister OOC

    Question on modifier magic, it seems to only change the physical properties of items, so is there a type of magic that can change the magical properties of an item (i.e. an enchanter)? Say if I would like to have a sword be magically aflame when swung or have a coin cast a trap spell when picked...
  10. SilverNova

    Fantasy Magister - Interest Check ( Closed )

    I'm interested! Could you shoot me the google doc link so I could have a look at it?
  11. SilverNova

    Guild Hall

    Rynoden "Ryn" Temori The soft soothing sounds of a blade being whetted were Rynoden Temori's rhythmic comfort in a cacophonous room. Sitting at one of the back tables, the robust omega further sharpened his already razor-edged axes, the pocket-sized whetstone being used gave off a pleasantly...
  12. SilverNova

    The OOC

    Alright! Lookin' forward to it!
  13. SilverNova

    Rynoden "Ryn" Temori

    Name: Rynoden "Ryn" Temori Age: 26 Species: Human Appearance: Main type of weapon: Twin throwing axes Main type of magic: Telekinesis - restricted by a range of what is within line of sight and a weight of what he can physically pickup - Rank: Omega A...
  14. SilverNova

    The Ice Box (OOC)

    This planet is not earth, but clearly can still sustain life. However, as the introduction states, the humans on the planet survive off of solely fish for the majority of their diet. Does this imply that besides sea creatures and the humans there are no other beasts alive on planet? i.e. No new...
  15. SilverNova

    Fantasy High Tide

    Yes  8)
  16. SilverNova

    Fantasy High Tide

    I'm very interested in being eaten by sea monsters, count me in.
  17. SilverNova

    Timeline ;)

    That would be during the last few years of World War 2 correct? So could it be safe to assume in future replies that our characters would be influenced by that event in history?
  18. SilverNova

    Blood Bound

    The dark was a comfort to one of the facility's longer standing "members", a grey-haired girl named Nora. In the dark, in the cells, there was less pain. The men and women dressed in white didn't torment her here, at least so long as she stayed quiet and small. In the light, they pricked and...
  19. SilverNova

    Do we want to have a posting order?

    Ohh I like the timer idea
  20. SilverNova

    Let the fun begin!

    Posted my char, 'Nora Arden', she's a prisoner and will be my main, but I'm willing to play staff members on the side.