Timeline ;)


Tomato Goddess
So, for anyone wondering, I did decide to go with the '44 route. So, it's some time (summer, most likely) of 1944 in the RP. I was originally going to change it, but... for specific reasons I decided to follow the original and stick with that date.

I'm not a history buff. So, some things that come out of this may end up being a little inaccurate. But hey, it's fiction. ;)
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So, for anyone wondering, I did decide to go with the '44 route. So, it's some time (summer, most likely) of 1944 in the RP...

That would be during the last few years of World War 2 correct? So could it be safe to assume in future replies that our characters would be influenced by that event in history?
That would be during the last few years of World War 2 correct? So could it be safe to assume in future replies that our characters would be influenced by that event in history?

Guards signing up to escape the possibility of being drafted into the military, perhaps?

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