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Fantasy Flawed Experiments | Cs


Boink Bean
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Owners Characters

"I am the Danger."
age: 20
gender: male

romantic orentation: heterosexual
face claim: Francisco Lachowski

Human height: 6'
Shifted Height : 6'5
physical strength: above average

Personality: Alpha, to put it simply, is a force to be reckoned with. He had and will always defend his pack with every fiber of his being, especially since they are being tracked and attacked. While he is cold and sometimes seems distant towards others, he prefers to have a silent leadership. His pack respects him, and those who don't have been put in their place. He enjoys watching life fade from a being, yet he attempts to hide that instinct and hopes one day his pack wont have to run anymore, because eventually they will run out of land.
Alpha adores all his pack mates as individuals, and recognizes their traits and habits as if they were his own. His is watchful over his constantly evolving pack, noticing every new trait and difference with every passing day. A thought always lingers in his mind, what happens if they do in the war?

Advanced Strength | Speed | Advanced Intelligence

coding by Ridge Ridge

"Her intuition was her favorite superpower"

She is the fire in the belly of a dragon, merciless and quick. Reyna isn't fearful of death or injury, often standing between her pack and their enemies. She was one of the final creations and she happened to be the smallest, weakest, and hardest to train. The scientists considered putting her to sleep, yet the day they were due to take her, the pack made their great escape. Reyna feels as if she owns Alpha and the others for not only saving her life, yet for treating her as if she truly belongs with them. Due to their past, Reyna gleefully follows behind Alpha as one of his guards and would die before she would allow Alpha to be injured. This smaller female finds herself being treated harshly by the more brutal wolves, yet never in Alphas presence. For the most part every wolf respects him, yet Reyna sees him more as family.
age: 18
romantic orientation: heterosexual
face claim: unknown

human height: 5'
shifted height: 5'6
physical strength: average

talents/skills: Agile | Stealthy | Advanced Speed

coding by Ridge Ridge
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Name ::ghost
Age ::17
Gender ::female
Rank ::tracker
Personality :: ghost tends to be quite and observing of those around her but once one gets to know her she is a kind and caring person when it comes to her pack mates but will become the exact opposite when she feels she or her pack are in danger of being found or injured. When she is taking something she tends to be all serious and no play be it animals, humans, or one of her pack mates, as she grew up knowing the world was cruel and unforgiving and so will be cruel and unforgiving when she is protecting something or someone.

(If this makes no sense to none tell me and I will TRY to make it better but no promises as I have no idea how to as this came to me on a whim)
Human Appearance ::long_hair_girl_by_w_hosrising-d6203y4.jpg
Shifted Appearance ::encounter_in_the_night_by_lhuin-d9qq8j2.jpg
Crush ::none
Mate ::none
Offspring ::none
Distinguishing features :: has a large scar across her left eye and blood red eyes in both forms
Additional Information ::
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Basic Information
>Name< -Parker
>Age< -19
>Gender< -Male
>Rank< -Scout
-Parker can be a very serious person. He takes his rank in the Pack most seriously of all, working his best to keep them safe from harm, and trying to help them avoid conflict with the humans that hunt them so relentlessly. When it comes to talking, Parker understands how grave their situation can be at times, and almost always talks about ways to improve their chances of survival, often consulting with Alpha. While out scouting for potential threats, he usually remains quiet, and tries to focus more on listening to his surroundings rather than others.
During experimentation, the lab worked to improve his memory, making it perhaps the most fantastic of the group, and only rivaled by the likes of Fenrir, and of course, Alpha. He listens carefully to conversations among the Pack, and will report any disturbances or hints at betrayal immediately to Alpha, or Fenrir, despite his distrust in her instincts.
Parker is loyal to the Pack, and that means he is loyal to Alpha. Alpha is the leader of the pack, and his word goes without question. He's gotten them this far hasn't he?
Relationship Information
>Crush< -None
>Mate< -None
>Offspring< -None
Extra Information
>Distinguishing Features< -Parker's natural eyes are ocean blue in color, and this is still noticable in his wolf form, due to a large obvious speck of blue in his hazel eyes.
During experimentation, a Shifter implanted with a rogue gene known as "Fenrir" lost control of her emotions during a test, and attacked several of the other subjects, including Parker. As a result of the gruesome attack, Parker lost his left leg.
The lab went to work, creating him two separate prosthetic devices, one for his human form, and another for when he was transformed. Upon the escape, he was incapable of bringing either of them along, and has had to learn how to adapt to the change in his own way.
>Additional Information< -Despite the fact that he is missing a leg, Parker insists on, and even excels at scouting. He can still run nearly as quickly as the others while in wolf form, however, he tends only to change to human upon the Pack entering a town or city. He continues to struggle greatly with walking in his human form.
Although he is aware that Fenrir regrets he fatal tendencies, he still holds a grudge over her about having removed his leg, and secretly fears her. Due to his enhanced memory, he can remember the pain with excellent clarity.

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I Just
Wolf Form:


Description: Fenrir's eyes hold hell's burning inferno within them. Rumor has it that it is always clear when her eyes are upon you, as a burning sensation will spread throughout your body. Her fur is a thick, tousled mass of silver. Her fur framing her face fades into a dark gray. A streak begins from the top of her muzzle and gradually darkens down her spine. The sides and bottom of her muzzle and cheeks are white. The thickness of her fur decreases down her legs and the color lightens into a white. Her throat and underside continues this white color, although the fur here is thick.The rims of her ears match the color that runs down her spine. Her canines seem to have outgrown her mouth, sticking out like a constant warning. She stands at 6'1 and weights a massive 860lbs of thick skin, fur and muscle.
Human Form:

Description: Her form may change entirely, but her hellfire eyes travel with her through each phase(unlike the photo).Her hair is a a thick mess of braids and loose hair strewn about uncaringly. Her features are bold and square with only a slight rounding to them. She usually bears several minor injures to her body. Although she has many scars due to her rough nature, no single one is note worthy.She reaches up to be 5'8 and weights 135lbs of taut muscle.

Cant Help

Age: 20
Rank: Beta
Gender: Female
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A


History: Before we can begin to understand the everyday behaviour of our favorite beta, we must first understand the experiences that shaped her. She was the second sucessful birth in Project: Wolf Pack, born in the excitment and shadow of Alpha. Her maturation process in the artifical womb was sped up to birth her only days after she was created. The man that controlled her mutating, Dr. Jerald Reigner, attempted to make her very similar to Alpha, but better. In his attempt something went terribly wrong. Physically she was the perfect soldier. She rivaled Alpha in strength, in speed and ferocity, but something dark lurked beneath the surface. Dr. Reigner had begun his own secret project within the Wolf Pack operation called Project: Fenrir. Children of Project Wolf Pack were created in such a way that they were conscious, sentient beings that felt emotions and had opinions. Dr. Reigner's Project: Fenrir was to improve the vision of Wolf Pack, to create a mindless killing machine that felt nothing but the burning, unsatiable desire for blood. He had studied the rabies virus for years before he was hired for Project: Wolf pack and found a way to create his own modified strain. If everything worked out as planned, it would eradicate all sentient thoughts and make the host the military's personal monster. While the chance for surival was low, if a fetus could survive development then the host and strain would become one. His plans were soon found out after a nosey associate looked through Dr. Reigners notes and he was placed on a paid leave. Debate on whether the outcome of project Fenrir should be killed or not arose. The official reason the child was kept was because she had already costed a great deal of government funding, but the true reason was that everyone was curious on how the child would turn out.

At first the only thing that made Fenrir stand out from Alpha and the several children that were being born were her eyes. Even in the pitch black of her windowless room her eyes remain bright, like two round torches. As she grew it became apparent that something was very off about her. Her behavior became increasingly more violent. While she shared the pack mentality there were many recorded instances of her being violent with humans and Shifters alike. Her violent outbursts became more and more intense as she grew. Fenrir's behavior was studied closely. Her outbursts were irregular and unpredictable, while she seemed fond of the Shifters she had little problem harming them. It took her much longer to learn the difference between right and wrong, although in her later years she began to show signs of regret after her attacks. Her superior physique left most other children unable to defend themselves against her. Around the age of 9 Fenrir's violent behavior reached a new height. She went on a rampage, critically injuring several, human and Shifters alike and killing a younger Shifter that attempted to calm her down. After her blood-fueled rampage ended she seemed horrified by the scene around her, but not shocked, as if she knew what she was doing the entire time but just couldn't bring herself to stop. She did nothing but stare pleadingly at Alpha, a boy she saw as her brother, as an armed guarded took her away to solitary confiment.

Fenrir spent the rest of her days there, isolated from the pack she loved and wished to protect. She spent many hours wondering if anyone new was born and how everyone looked. As she was still to be used as a weapon she was exercised, but the people instructed to oversee her fitness knew people whom she left permanently scarred after her 8 year old tantrum. They excercised her brutally, but their definitions of brutal differed greatly from hers. Her dark desire was curbed slightly if she pushed herself until she passed out from exhaustion. As she grew from preeteen to teenager to adult her violent behavior continued to worsen. She spent many weeks at a in her shifted form, shackled to the floor by thick chains around her neck, feet and torso and snarling savagly at anyone who passed by. At one point she began to have seizures, at least once a week. It was beginning to seem like Dr. Reigner's perfectly strain wasn't so flawless after all, especially since Fenrir still had emotions and concious thought most of the time.

The day someone decided to move Fenrir to a new isolation cell was the same day the wolves turned on their creators. A full grown Fenrir passed by where the pack was held, finally catching a glimpse of the people she missed and loved greatly. There were many faces she couldn't recognize, but there was one face in paticular she could never forget. Alpha's. Who began the attack first? It's hard to say. Perhaps it was Alpha, or maybe it was Fenrir, but what is quite obvious is that Fenrir reunited with the pack, slaughtering anyone who tried to restrain them as they escaped. Now she battles with herself every day, unable to remain in control as she loses herself more and more each day. Killing humans helps her keep from harming her pack mates. Her seizures have gotten progessively worse, but she hides the truth of her condition and her declining health, eager to catch up with the family she was hidden from for so long.

Personality: With at least a slight understanding of Fenrir's condition, a portion of her personality should be clear. She cares deeply for her pack, despite not seeing them for the majority of her life. Her greatest fear is to turn on her pack. She hopes that she will be killed before she hurts anyone if that were to ever happen. Even though she hates the idea of hurting her pack, it would be a lie to say she didn't love it at the same time, but this love for violence wasn't just for her pack. Fenrir thoroughly enjoys harming, maiming, or otherwise killing something. It satisfies her, brings her a sense of completion. She would rather die than stop killing. Sure, other shifters have the desire to kill, but none desire it, no, need it, as Fenrir does. It would be easy to say that it isnt her that does the killing, that it is someone else that takes control, but that is untrue. It is 100% Fenrir. It's as if have a habit of biting your nails and someone tells you to stop, but you only have a little piece left to bite off so you keep biting. That urge to continue fills Fenrir and is amplified by an infinite amount.

coded by: y o u n g j a e
Parker can be a very serious person. He takes his rank most seriously of all though, working his best to keep the Pack safe, and to keep them away from harm. He isn't one for talking as much, often staying quiet and listening to his surroundings. Parker is observant as well, remembering almost everything with excellent clarity. He listens to the Pack talking, piecing things together, and planning his next move in accordance with those of the group. He is loyal, and listens to orders without hesitation. If anyone were to step out of line, he would inform the Alpha about it. The Alpha is the leader of the Pack, and his word goes without question. He's gotten them this far right?
«Human Appearance»

«Shifted Appearance»

«Distinguishing features»
Parker has a bright, noticeable, speck of blue in his hazel wolf eyes while he is transformed. During experimentation, there was a mistake in his genetic coding, and he was born without a left leg.
«Additional Information»
Despite the fact that he is missing a leg, he insists, and even excels at scouting. He can still run nearly as quick as the others.
Wonderful, you are accepted!


I Just
Wolf Form:


Description: Fenrir's eyes hold hell's burning inferno within them. Rumor has it that it is always clear when her eyes are upon you, as a burning sensation will spread throughout your body. Her fur is a thick, tousled mass of silver. Her fur framing her face fades into a dark gray. A streak begins from the top of her muzzle and gradually darkens down her spine. The sides and bottom of her muzzle and cheeks are white. The thickness of her fur decreases down her legs and the color lightens into a white. Her throat and underside continues this white color, although the fur here is thick.The rims of her ears match the color that runs down her spine. Her canines seem to have outgrown her mouth, sticking out like a constant warning. She stands at 6'1 and weights a massive 860lbs of thick skin, fur and muscle.
Human Form:

Description: Her form may change entirely, but her hellfire eyes travel with her through each phase(unlike the photo).Her hair is a a thick mess of braids and loose hair strewn about uncaringly. Her features are bold and square with only a slight rounding to them. She usually bears several minor injures to her body. Although she has many scars due to her rough nature, no single one is note worthy.She reaches up to be 5'8 and weights 135lbs of taut muscle.

Cant Help

Age: 20
Rank: Beta
Gender: Female
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A


History: Before we can begin to understand the everyday behaviour of our favorite beta, we must first understand the experiences that shaped her. She was the second sucessful birth in Project: Wolf Pack, born in the excitment and shadow of Alpha. Her maturation process in the artifical womb was sped up to birth her only days after she was created. The man that controlled her mutating, Dr. Jerald Reigner, attempted to make her very similar to Alpha, but better. In his attempt something went terribly wrong. Physically she was the perfect soldier. She rivaled Alpha in strength, in speed and ferocity, but something dark lurked beneath the surface. Dr. Reigner had begun his own secret project within the Wolf Pack operation called Project: Fenrir. Children of Project Wolf Pack were created in such a way that they were conscious, sentient beings that felt emotions and had opinions. Dr. Reigner's Project: Fenrir was to improve the vision of Wolf Pack, to create a mindless killing machine that felt nothing but the burning, unsatiable desire for blood. He had studied the rabies virus for years before he was hired for Project: Wolf pack and found a way to create his own modified strain. If everything worked out as planned, it would eradicate all sentient thoughts and make the host the military's personal monster. While the chance for surival was low, if a fetus could survive development then the host and strain would become one. His plans were soon found out after a nosey associate looked through Dr. Reigners notes and he was placed on a paid leave. Debate on whether the outcome of project Fenrir should be killed or not arose. The official reason the child was kept was because she had already costed a great deal of government funding, but the true reason was that everyone was curious on how the child would turn out.

At first the only thing that made Fenrir stand out from Alpha and the several children that were being born were her eyes. Even in the pitch black of her windowless room her eyes remain bright, like two round torches. As she grew it became apparent that something was very off about her. Her behavior became increasingly more violent. While she shared the pack mentality there were many recorded instances of her being violent with humans and Shifters alike. Her violent outbursts became more and more intense as she grew. Fenrir's behavior was studied closely. Her outbursts were irregular and unpredictable, while she seemed fond of the Shifters she had little problem harming them. It took her much longer to learn the difference between right and wrong, although in her later years she began to show signs of regret after her attacks. Her superior physique left most other children unable to defend themselves against her. Around the age of 9 Fenrir's violent behavior reached a new height. She went on a rampage, critically injuring several, human and Shifters alike and killing a younger Shifter that attempted to calm her down. After her blood-fueled rampage ended she seemed horrified by the scene around her, but not shocked, as if she knew what she was doing the entire time but just couldn't bring herself to stop. She did nothing but stare pleadingly at Alpha, a boy she saw as her brother, as an armed guarded took her away to solitary confiment.

Fenrir spent the rest of her days there, isolated from the pack she loved and wished to protect. She spent many hours wondering if anyone new was born and how everyone looked. As she was still to be used as a weapon she was exercised, but the people instructed to oversee her fitness knew people whom she left permanently scarred after her 8 year old tantrum. They excercised her brutally, but their definitions of brutal differed greatly from hers. Her dark desire was curbed slightly if she pushed herself until she passed out from exhaustion. As she grew from preeteen to teenager to adult her violent behavior continued to worsen. She spent many weeks at a in her shifted form, shackled to the floor by thick chains around her neck, feet and torso and snarling savagly at anyone who passed by. At one point she began to have seizures, at least once a week. It was beginning to seem like Dr. Reigner's perfectly strain wasn't so flawless after all, especially since Fenrir still had emotions and concious thought most of the time.

The day someone decided to move Fenrir to a new isolation cell was the same day the wolves turned on their creators. A full grown Fenrir passed by where the pack was held, finally catching a glimpse of the people she missed and loved greatly. There were many faces she couldn't recognize, but there was one face in paticular she could never forget. Alpha's. Who began the attack first? It's hard to say. Perhaps it was Alpha, or maybe it was Fenrir, but what is quite obvious is that Fenrir reunited with the pack, slaughtering anyone who tried to restrain them as they escaped. Now she battles with herself every day, unable to remain in control as she loses herself more and more each day. Killing humans helps her keep from harming her pack mates. Her seizures have gotten progessively worse, but she hides the truth of her condition and her declining health, eager to catch up with the family she was hidden from for so long.

Personality: With at least a slight understanding of Fenrir's condition, a portion of her personality should be clear. She cares deeply for her pack, despite not seeing them for the majority of her life. Her greatest fear is to turn on her pack. She hopes that she will be killed before she hurts anyone if that were to ever happen. Even though she hates the idea of hurting her pack, it would be a lie to say she didn't love it at the same time, but this love for violence wasn't just for her pack. Fenrir thoroughly enjoys harming, maiming, or otherwise killing something. It satisfies her, brings her a sense of completion. She would rather die than stop killing. Sure, other shifters have the desire to kill, but none desire it, no, need it, as Fenrir does. It would be easy to say that it isnt her that does the killing, that it is someone else that takes control, but that is untrue. It is 100% Fenrir. It's as if have a habit of biting your nails and someone tells you to stop, but you only have a little piece left to bite off so you keep biting. That urge to continue fills Fenrir and is amplified by an infinite amount.

coded by: y o u n g j a e
Most definitely accepted, but you already knew that. Lol, I love this character.
Name :: Accalia
Age :: 19
Gender :: Female
Rank :: Healer
Personality ::
Accalia is kind, but can be very protective of the ones she loves. She enjoys flirting with everyone, but she often doesn't mean anything by it-- thus, you can never tell if she really likes you unless she outright says so. She is very loyal to her pack, and although she trusts the alpha, she has no problem with questioning his decisions. She knows her place, but if she thinks he is leading them astray she will do her best to convince him to do otherwise. OF course, this has never happened, but she would not hesitate if the occasion arose.
Basically, she is compassionate, flirty, and not afraid to speak her mind. She is smart, but knows her place, and would only truly rebel against the alpha if he was putting the pack in danger. She doesn't believe that he will, but she is prepared for anything...
Human Appearance ::

Shifted Appearance ::
Crush :: None
Mate :: None
Offspring :: None
Distinguishing features ::
She has a beauty mark just beneath her right eye and a long white scar that goes up the outside of her left leg from a nasty fight she got into while they were training her.
Additional Information ::
Accalia often goes by Lia
Accalia hates vegetables, and can only barely stomach carrots and broccoli-- she refuses to eat anything else.

Basic Info

Name :: Zephyr 'Zeph'
Age :: 20
Gender :: Male
Rank :: Omega (does the odd jobs nobody really wants to do)
Human height :: 5'9"
Shifted height :: 6'0"

If one word could be chosen to describe Zephyr in his most pure form that word would be 'joker'. Zephyr lives to make others laugh. His carefree and risible nature often makes him the butt of many situations but that is exactly what Zephyr wants. He strives to make a game out of life and make light of the most dire situations. It is easy to feel relaxed around Zephyr but those of a more responsible demeanor might find his constant buffoonery grating. He is very often flirtatious, charming and roguish, though serious relationships are one of his few fears. Zephyr balks at any sort of commitment or duty. When push comes to shove however, he is there for any member of the pack, afraid or not, regardless of whatever sort of terms he is on with them. Zephyr is dedicated to the safety of the pack and this can go far enough to cause him to make stupid decisions. He is all too willing to put himself in harm's way to protect his friends and family which can make those who care about him worry. If others are hurt, be it physically or emotionally Zephyr is one of the best shoulders. He is supportive and caring and this is augmented by his innate talent for lightening a mood.
There is precious little that truly makes Zephyr angry, one thing would be to hurt those he cares about. Zephyr often gets playfully annoyed at small things, dirtying his sparkling white coat is one, being a stick in the mud is another.
Zephyr is darkly at odds with the killer instinct that has been genetically implanted in him. He was never one to start fights and once free he tried to suppress his seething rage and predatory urges unless it was absolutely needed. Because he fights it he can sometimes lose himself in the mind of the beast when pushed to extremes. He is both frightened of this darker side and unconsciously dependent on it.
Overall Zephyr can be exasperating, but his heart is in a good place and his clownish demeanor can sometimes be the greatest blessing.

Crush :: Possibly anyone
Mate :: None, using the 'm' word around Zephyr makes him nervous.
Offspring :: None. Adores children however, provided he can hand them back to their parents.
Distinguishing features :: Zephyr keeps his fur pristine and is un-scarred for the most part. He takes great care in his appearance.
Additional Information :: Zephyr is a music lover and is fascinated with anything to do with music or instruments. He has been teaching himself to play the guitar in his human form, and insists on howling in harmony with the pack. He also likes to sing, and to cheer people up he sings cheesy pop songs until someone throws something at him.

Zephyr adores it when people laugh. He will always go out of his way to make it happen. He loves any sort of baked good, the more frosting the better. Cupcakes are a fantastic way to bribe him. Another way to make his day is to sing along with him or take up a role in his jovial antics.

Zephyr will often make fun of those who are too serious (unless they're Alpha, because even he's not that dense) and he doesn't like people who can't play as a team. Zephyr tries his best to avoid dealing with his emotions and prefers to stuff everything behind a veil of jokes and lighthearted banter.



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Age :: 19
Gender :: Female
Rank :: Tracker

Given her quiet and reclusive nature, becoming a tracker was a natural fit for Katia. Knowing how volatile her moods can be, she chooses to shut herself away and avoid really opening up, making her seem cold and distant. Though she does avoid deep connections, her pack is held closely to her heart and she can be vicious in their defence and protection.
(very basic as I learn more about my characters through RP itself)

Her main distinguishing feature is one she creates herself, her hair is always in elaborate braids, partly for show, partly for function. The other main thing that will distinguish her, is her hair bleaches to a deep grey in the sun, as opposed to blonde.

coded by: aesthete
Name :: Accalia
Age :: 19
Gender :: Female
Rank :: Healer
Personality ::
Accalia is kind, but can be very protective of the ones she loves. She enjoys flirting with everyone, but she often doesn't mean anything by it-- thus, you can never tell if she really likes you unless she outright says so. She is very loyal to her pack, and although she trusts the alpha, she has no problem with questioning his decisions. She knows her place, but if she thinks he is leading them astray she will do her best to convince him to do otherwise. OF course, this has never happened, but she would not hesitate if the occasion arose.
Basically, she is compassionate, flirty, and not afraid to speak her mind. She is smart, but knows her place, and would only truly rebel against the alpha if he was putting the pack in danger. She doesn't believe that he will, but she is prepared for anything...
Human Appearance ::
Shifted Appearance ::
Crush :: None
Mate :: None
Offspring :: None
Distinguishing features ::
She has a beauty mark just beneath her right eye and a long white scar that goes up the outside of her left leg from a nasty fight she got into while they were training her.
Additional Information ::
Accalia often goes by Lia
Accalia hates vegetables, and can only barely stomach carrots and broccoli-- she refuses to eat anything else.

Basic Info

Name :: Zephyr 'Zeph'
Age :: 20
Gender :: Male
Rank :: Scout (omega if approved)

If one word could be chosen to describe Zephyr in his most pure form that word would be 'joker'. Zephyr lives to make others laugh. His carefree and risible nature often makes him the butt of many situations but that is exactly what Zephyr wants. He strives to make a game out of life and make light of the most dire situations. It is easy to feel relaxed around Zephyr but those of a more responsible demeanor might find his constant buffoonery grating. He is very often flirtatious, charming and roguish, though serious relationships are one of his few fears. Zephyr balks at any sort of commitment or duty. When push comes to shove however, he is there for any member of the pack, afraid or not, regardless of whatever sort of terms he is on with them. Zephyr is dedicated to the safety of the back and this can go far enough to cause him to make stupid decisions. He is all too willing to put himself in harm's way to protect his friends and family which can make those who care about him worry. If others are hurt, be it physically or emotionally Zephyr is one of the best shoulders. He is supportive and caring and this is augmented by his innate talent for lightening a mood.
There is precious little that truly makes Zephyr angry, one thing would be to hurt those he cares about. Zephyr often gets playfully annoyed at small things, dirtying his sparkling white coat is one, being a stick in the mud is another.
Zephyr is darkly at odds with the killer instinct that has been genetically implanted in him. He was never one to start fights and once free he tried to suppress his seething rage and predatory urges unless it was absolutely needed. Because he fights it he can sometimes lose himself in the mind of the beast when pushed to extremes. He is both frightened of this darker side and unconsciously dependent on it.
Overall Zephyr can be exasperating, but his heart is in a good place and his clownish demeanor can sometimes be the greatest blessing.

Crush :: Possibly anyone
Mate :: None, using the 'm' word around Zephyr makes him nervous.
Offspring :: None. Adores children however, provided he can hand them back to their parents.
Distinguishing features :: Zephyr keeps his fur pristine and is un-scarred for the most part. He takes great care in his appearance.
Additional Information :: Zephyr is a music lover and is fascinated with anything to do with music or instruments. He has been teaching himself to play the guitar in his human form, and insists on howling in harmony with the pack. He also likes to sing, and to cheer people up he sings cheesy pop songs until someone throws something at him.

Zephyr adores it when people laugh. He will always go out of his way to make it happen. He loves any sort of baked good, the more frosting the better. Cupcakes are a fantastic way to bribe him. Another way to make his day is to sing along with him or take up a role in his jovial antics.

Zephyr will often make fun of those who are too serious (unless they're Alpha, because even he's not that dense) and he doesn't like people who can't play as a team. Zephyr tries his best to avoid dealing with his emotions and prefers to stuff everything behind a veil of jokes and lighthearted banter.


Age :: 19
Gender :: Female
Rank :: Tracker

Given her quiet and reclusive nature, becoming a tracker was a natural fit for Katia. Knowing how volatile her moods can be, she chooses to shut herself away and avoid really opening up, making her seem cold and distant. Though she does avoid deep connections, her pack is held closely to her heart and she can be vicious in their defence and protection.
(very basic as I learn more about my characters through RP itself)

Her main distinguishing feature is one she creates herself, her hair is always in elaborate braids, partly for show, partly for function. The other main thing that will distinguish her, is her hair bleaches to a deep grey in the sun, as opposed to blonde.

coded by: aesthete
I LOVE LOVE LOVE every single character! Some of you have surprised me, while the users i already know have shown me why i love you guys so much.
I think i may be updating my characters more, given i now have more time and my characters feel particularly bland. Everyone is accepted! I believe we are waiting for one or two more people before i release you all onto the main page, but that will be very soon, I promise !

If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get back up.


Shifted Appearance:

As a wolf, Zeus's coat is a beautiful mixture of gray, black and white. His eyes are two different kinds of colors; the left eye is a light faded hazel, and the right is a dim, pale green. His body weight, compromising of dense fur and pure muscle, isn't as astounding as one might think, taking in at 809 pounds.





Human Appearance

As a human, Zeus is considerably tall, standing at 6'4 and weighing around 195 pounds. His features are sharp, his eyes even sharper. Zeus is extremely observant, and his icy-blue eyed stare can give even the boldest person a chill down their back. He is physically well-built and holds every tattoo on him dearly, saying each one of 'em has a meaning, though he never truly knew what those meanings were. He had acquired them as a baby after all.



Zeus never did well in first impressions. Firstly, the number one thing most people and wolves alike notice about this guy is this look he carries around all the time. An intense look to say the least---one that'd make you want to keep as far as away as possible from him. It's calculating, intimidating and somewhat vengeful as if he always had a bone to pick with somebody. Zeus is focused and driven, loyal to no one but himself and his pack. He does care deeply for connections and has a passionate love for action and violence. He wouldn't hesitate to kill, to overcome his human side, and thinks very poorly of anyone else who doubts and questions their abilities instead of embracing them. He isn't the most patient and though he knows when to stay quiet and when not to, this doesn't mean he is afraid of challenging the decisions of the alpha. His secret hope is to become alpha, thinking the current one is too soft-hearted. Zeus is easily described as brutal and rather vengeful, especially towards the humans and anyone who pisses him off.


none yet

Distinguishing Features:
As a wolf, Zeus has a large scar running along his back. Despite his thick fur, the scar is visible, a constant reminder of his defeat against the alpha moons ago, a reminder of his failure to achieve his dream.

Additional Information:

Even with his brutal and seemingly ice-lie persona, Zeus really admires Fenrir. She is also part of the reason why Zeus want to be alpha.

Last edited:

[If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get back up.


Shifted Appearance:

As a wolf, Zeus's coat is a beautiful mixture of gray, black and white. His eyes are two different kinds of colors; the left eye is a light faded hazel, and the right is a dim, pale green. His body weight, compromising of dense fur and pure muscle, isn't as astounding as one might think, taking in at 809 pounds.




[divde] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [border=5px-dotted-black][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=rgb(128, 128, 128)][SIZE=3][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c2/60/91/c2609129f66dfb658a1664649b2c0ec4.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/border][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3] [B]Human Appearance:[/B] [B][/B] [B]As a human, Zeus is considerably tall, standing at 6'4 and weighing around 195 pounds. His features are sharp, his eyes even sharper. Zeus is extremely observant, and his icy-blue eyed stare can give even the boldest person a chill down their back. He is physically well-built and holds every tattoo on him dearly, saying each one of 'em has a meaning, though he never truly knew what those meanings were. He had acquired them as a baby after all. [/B] [border=5px-dotted-black][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b7/5a/b1/b75ab19b513ee6545f5309620e0d7f43.jpg[/IMG][/border] [/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(128, 128, 128)][SIZE=3]Personality:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3] Zeus never did well in first impressions. Firstly, the number one thing most people and wolves alike notice about this guy is this look he carries around all the time. An intense look to say the least---one that'd make you want to keep as far as away as possible from him. It's calculating, intimidating and somewhat vengeful, as if he always had a bone to pick with somebody. Zeus is focused and driven, loyal to no one but himself and his pack. He does care deeply for connections and has a passionate love for action and violence. He wouldn't hesitate to kill, to overcome his human side, and thinks very poorly of anyone else who doubts and questions their abilities instead of embracing them. He isn't the most patient and though he knows when to stay quiet and when not to, this doesn't mean he is afraid of challenging the decisions of the alpha. His secret hope is to become alpha, thinking the current one is too soft-hearted. Zeus is easily described as brutal and rather vengeful, especially towards the humans and anyone who pisses him off. Crush: Fenrir (if Puppy doesn't mind) Mate: none yet Offspring: none yet Distinguishing features: As a wolf, Zeus has a large scar running along his back. Despite his thick fur, the scar is visible, a constant reminder of his defeat against the alpha moons ago, a reminder of his failure to achieve his dream. Additional Information: Even with his brutal and seemingly ice-lie persona, Zeus really admires Fenrir. She is also part of the reason why Zeus want to be alpha. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
Tasteless Tasteless
He is accepted, i love how you incorporated Nephalem Nephalem admiration for alpha in your character and how he strives to have her feel the same for him. Amazing.

18 years old



Alena may seem like a pretty face, but she is more than that. She is independent and a strong women who does not need help or support from anyone. She is willing to give a helping hand to those in need but if you dare cross her, you will regret it. She has a hard time letting people in. She often times stays quiet, but once you get to know her, she shows nothing but kindness, warmth, and compassion. Alena is quite protective of her friends and will do anything to protect them in harsh times. She thinks of others before thinking of herself, which she does often and she usually jeopardizes her health and mental well being just to make sure that others are safe. Alena also has a calm side to her, and for that whenever she speaks she never raises her voice. Her tone of voice is soothing, reassuring and seductive to hear. Most people say it's quite alluring to hear and once you've heard it, it's like you're in a trans. Alena is quite intelligent and she is usually found reading a book. She also has a few downfalls where she can be a bit stubborn and cold to others, but she usually puts up this wall so that people won't take advantage of her and hurt her. But she is very obedient and will follow the rules that are upheld. Alena will never back down from a challenge and she makes it her priority to put others before herself. Alena is very oblivious when it comes to love, she won't notice it even if it was in front of her. She hasn't been the luckiest girl when finding love nor has she ever been in love nor has anyone ever loved her the way she would like to be loved. She lost the feelings of what love is and what love feels like when you're with the right person so she drowns herself with work.

Human Appearance::

Shifted Appearance::
A small crush on someone, but she will not reveal it...yet. She doesn't want to get her hopes up so that in the long run, she won't get hurt.


N/A - But she does love Children. She says that they are a joy and gift from the gods above.

Distinguishing features::

Additional Information ::
Nobody knows of her marking, nor does she let them see her marking.

Last edited:

Jason Maliki Jones
Name: Jason Jones
Age: Nineteen
Zodiac/Birthday: July 24th/Leo
Sexual Orientation: Hetero-sexual
Gender: Male
Rank: Guard

Hair colour: Slight ginger twinge
Eye colour: Deep ocean blue
Facial hair: Rough beard and moustache
Clothing Style: x o x o

Personality: Jason is a guy that takes one step in-front of the other. His optimism often crowds over people as he tries to keep their thoughts high and dreams in the stars. But this often cloaks over the fact that the pain of loosing others causes him great pain, whether they are close friends or distant acquaintances he will always feel a pain of someone moving to the next life. Yet he often cheers himself up with joking around with those closest to him and those he feel deserve to hear his classic but brilliant jokes.

Crush: No one has been close enough
Mate: Previous is deceased (2 years)
Offspring: A young son somewhere

Distinguishing features: 'One and only.'
Additional Information: Others would have met Jasons late mate, also knowledge of her death by a rogue would also be known
coding by Ridge Ridge
Last edited:

[If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get back up.


Shifted Appearance:

As a wolf, Zeus's coat is a beautiful mixture of gray, black and white. His eyes are two different kinds of colors; the left eye is a light faded hazel, and the right is a dim, pale green. His body weight, compromising of dense fur and pure muscle, isn't as astounding as one might think, taking in at 809 pounds.




[divde] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [border=5px-dotted-black][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=rgb(128, 128, 128)][SIZE=3][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c2/60/91/c2609129f66dfb658a1664649b2c0ec4.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/border][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3] [B]Human Appearance:[/B] [B][/B] [B]As a human, Zeus is considerably tall, standing at 6'4 and weighing around 195 pounds. His features are sharp, his eyes even sharper. Zeus is extremely observant, and his icy-blue eyed stare can give even the boldest person a chill down their back. He is physically well-built and holds every tattoo on him dearly, saying each one of 'em has a meaning, though he never truly knew what those meanings were. He had acquired them as a baby after all. [/B] [border=5px-dotted-black][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b7/5a/b1/b75ab19b513ee6545f5309620e0d7f43.jpg[/IMG][/border] [/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(128, 128, 128)][SIZE=3]Personality:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3] Zeus never did well in first impressions. Firstly, the number one thing most people and wolves alike notice about this guy is this look he carries around all the time. An intense look to say the least---one that'd make you want to keep as far as away as possible from him. It's calculating, intimidating and somewhat vengeful, as if he always had a bone to pick with somebody. Zeus is focused and driven, loyal to no one but himself and his pack. He does care deeply for connections and has a passionate love for action and violence. He wouldn't hesitate to kill, to overcome his human side, and thinks very poorly of anyone else who doubts and questions their abilities instead of embracing them. He isn't the most patient and though he knows when to stay quiet and when not to, this doesn't mean he is afraid of challenging the decisions of the alpha. His secret hope is to become alpha, thinking the current one is too soft-hearted. Zeus is easily described as brutal and rather vengeful, especially towards the humans and anyone who pisses him off. Crush: Fenrir (if Puppy doesn't mind) Mate: none yet Offspring: none yet Distinguishing features: As a wolf, Zeus has a large scar running along his back. Despite his thick fur, the scar is visible, a constant reminder of his defeat against the alpha moons ago, a reminder of his failure to achieve his dream. Additional Information: Even with his brutal and seemingly ice-lie persona, Zeus really admires Fenrir. She is also part of the reason why Zeus want to be alpha. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
Tasteless Tasteless
I apologize, i just noticed one thing with this character. Please make him younger than Alpha and Fenrir.

Jason Maliki Jones
Name: Jason Jones
Age: Twenty-two
Zodiac/Birthday: July 24th/Leo
Sexual Orientation: Hetero-sexual
Gender: Male
Rank: Guard

Hair colour: Slight ginger twinge
Eye colour: Deep ocean blue
Facial hair: Rough beard and moustache
Clothing Style: x o x o

Personality: Jason is a guy that takes one step in-front of the other. His optimism often crowds over people as he tries to keep their thoughts high and dreams in the stars. But this often cloaks over the fact that the pain of loosing others causes him great pain, whether they are close friends or distant acquaintances he will always feel a pain of someone moving to the next life. Yet he often cheers himself up with joking around with those closest to him and those he feel deserve to hear his classic but brilliant jokes.

Crush: No one has been close enough
Mate: Previous is deceased (2 years)
Offspring: A young son somewhere

Distinguishing features: 'One and only.'
Additional Information: Others would have met Jasons late mate, also knowledge of her death by a rogue would also be known.
coding by Ridge Ridge
He is accepted but please make his age younger than Alpha and Fenrir, as they were the two created first. Other than that, he is accepted.
Name :: Bandit
Age :: 18
Gender :: Male
Rank :: Guard
Personality :: A bit aloof, Bandit takes extreme pleasure in the small things in life and tends to push aside larger concerns. Doing tasks one step at a time, he dedicates all his resources to whatever job is at hand at any one moment. Due to this, he is a diligently hard worker, but also quite short-sighted. Still, he loves his pack very much and eagerly protects and guards them to the best of his ability. However, Bandit also has a short attention span and has found that there is great fun in small acts of chaos. A trickster in many regards, he loves to pull pranks and take part in destructive behavior to ease away boredom. It's honestly a wonder he hasn't gotten caught for some of the stunts he's pulled off. Although he has gotten quite good at his sneaky and devious ways.
Human Appearance :: (Derek Theler)
Steely blue eyes, a nicely trimmed shave, and side-combed medium brown hair all aid in giving Bandit that sharp and cunning look he goes for.

Shifted Appearance ::

Bandit has the blood of an Ethiopian Wolf in him, giving him a foxy appearance when in wolf form. More slender than the other wolves in his pack, Bandit also isn't as strong as most of them. Instead his frame allows him to reach faster speeds, meaning fights with this guy will have his opposition constantly on their toes as to what move he'd be making next. It would take more than brute strength to out do this wolf.

Crush ::
Possibly...though he'd hate to spoil any surprise
Mate :: None currently
Offspring :: None currently
Distinguishing features :: A fox colored coat in wolf form and a generally slender build in both forms. Nothing else really sticks out too much about his features.
Additional Information :: N/A
Name :: Bandit
Age :: 18
Gender :: Male
Rank :: Guard
Personality :: A bit aloof, Bandit takes extreme pleasure in the small things in life and tends to push aside larger concerns. Doing tasks one step at a time, he dedicates all his resources to whatever job is at hand at any one moment. Due to this, he is a diligently hard worker, but also quite short-sighted. Still, he loves his pack very much and eagerly protects and guards them to the best of his ability. However, Bandit also has a short attention span and has found that there is great fun in small acts of chaos. A trickster in many regards, he loves to pull pranks and take part in destructive behavior to ease away boredom. It's honestly a wonder he hasn't gotten caught for some of the stunts he's pulled off. Although he has gotten quite good at his sneaky and devious ways.
Human Appearance :: (Derek Theler)
Steely blue eyes, a nicely trimmed shave, and side-combed medium brown hair all aid in giving Bandit that sharp and cunning look he goes for.

Shifted Appearance ::

Bandit has the blood of an Ethiopian Wolf in him, giving him a foxy appearance when in wolf form. More slender than the other wolves in his pack, Bandit also isn't as strong as most of them. Instead his frame allows him to reach faster speeds, meaning fights with this guy will have his opposition constantly on their toes as to what move he'd be making next. It would take more than brute strength to out do this wolf.

Crush ::
Possibly...though he'd hate to spoil any surprise
Mate :: None currently
Offspring :: None currently
Distinguishing features :: A fox colored coat in wolf form and a generally slender build in both forms. Nothing else really sticks out too much about his features.
Additional Information :: N/A
Name ::
Luna Fang
Age ::
Gender ::
Rank ::
Personality ::
Silent, calculating and stoic Luna Fang is not one to let her emotions interrupt her line of thinking. A loner, she can often be found sitting on the sidelines as if planning her next move. It is not always clear to others what she might be thinking, but she does take part within the gatherings within the pack, without saying much that is unless something is to be said. However she is known to be impulsive. Her personal vendetta against humans tends to cloud her better judgement and is willing to fight at any given time if given the chance. Despite her shortcomings and anti-social tendencies, she does really care for her pack. Despite her loyalty, Luna Fang is an ambitious
individual with a lot of goals, not that she would disclose to them to anyone. 1

Human Appearance ::

Luna Fang is tall for a woman, at 6ft and (not shown in pic cause I can't find a better one) has scarring all around her face and is blind in her left eye, something that is more noticeable in her wolf form.

Shifted Appearance ::


In her shifted form Luna Fang stands at 6'4 ft and exposes more of her scars.
Crush ::
Mate ::
Offspring ::
Distinguishing features ::
Luna Fang is blind in her left eye and has scars along her face, arms and thigh, all more visible in her shifted form.
Additional Information ::
Tasteless Tasteless
Name ::
Luna Fang
Age ::
Gender ::
Rank ::
Personality ::
Silent, calculating and stoic Luna Fang is not one to let her emotions interrupt her line of thinking. A loner, she can often be found sitting on the sidelines as if planning her next move. It is not always clear to others what she might be thinking, but she does take part within the gatherings within the pack, without saying much that is unless something is to be said. However she is known to be impulsive. Her personal vendetta against humans tends to cloud her better judgement and is willing to fight at any given time if given the chance. Despite her shortcomings and anti-social tendencies, she does really care for her pack. Despite her loyalty, Luna Fang is an ambitious
individual with a lot of goals, not that she would disclose to them to anyone. 1

Human Appearance ::

Luna Fang is tall for a woman, at 6ft and (not shown in pic cause I can't find a better one) has scarring all around her face and is blind in her left eye, something that is more noticeable in her wolf form.

Shifted Appearance ::


In her shifted form Luna Fang stands at 6'4 ft and exposes more of her scars.
Crush ::
Mate ::
Offspring ::
Distinguishing features ::
Luna Fang is blind in her left eye and has scars along her face, arms and thigh, all more visible in her shifted form.
Additional Information ::
Tasteless Tasteless
The creator of this roleplay is currently missing, though I for one think your cs is fantastic. I am sure Nephalem Nephalem may be allowed to accept/deny a CS, as he is the Beta. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Otherwise, we have been considering reviving the play as it is, so I think it is a good idea for a few others to join in. :)
Name ::
Luna Fang
Age ::
Gender ::
Rank ::
Personality ::
Silent, calculating and stoic Luna Fang is not one to let her emotions interrupt her line of thinking. A loner, she can often be found sitting on the sidelines as if planning her next move. It is not always clear to others what she might be thinking, but she does take part within the gatherings within the pack, without saying much that is unless something is to be said. However she is known to be impulsive. Her personal vendetta against humans tends to cloud her better judgement and is willing to fight at any given time if given the chance. Despite her shortcomings and anti-social tendencies, she does really care for her pack. Despite her loyalty, Luna Fang is an ambitious
individual with a lot of goals, not that she would disclose to them to anyone. 1

Human Appearance ::

Luna Fang is tall for a woman, at 6ft and (not shown in pic cause I can't find a better one) has scarring all around her face and is blind in her left eye, something that is more noticeable in her wolf form.

Shifted Appearance ::


In her shifted form Luna Fang stands at 6'4 ft and exposes more of her scars.
Crush ::
Mate ::
Offspring ::
Distinguishing features ::
Luna Fang is blind in her left eye and has scars along her face, arms and thigh, all more visible in her shifted form.
Additional Information ::
Tasteless Tasteless
Well, I'm not quite sure if I have any authority to do this haha but Lethal Charges is quite nice so I'm sure she won't mind. I'd say she is accepted! Just cuz I'm curious, how did she get a blind eye? Was she like born with it or did it gradually happen or like, ect. lmao.

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