Search results for query: *

  1. Laioath

    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Rose stared into Katherise eyes. he sucked his teeth in disapproval. He could feel the friction in the air. rose sighed. "A fan can only move the air around itself, passing it to other people. If the air is hot, people around will become hot as well, rending a fan useless.remember that. " said...
  2. Laioath

    Dou itachimashite. ( ^^)/*\(^^ ) no worries どういたしまして

    Dou itachimashite. ( ^^)/*\(^^ ) no worries どういたしまして
  3. Laioath

    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Rose watched as another student walked into the fight and hit one of them. Rose just stared at the female student with a dumbfound look upon his face. The heat of the battle as still in the atmosphere. He ducks down to Alice's ear and tells her to hold the back of his shirt if she doesn't want...
  4. Laioath

    heheh, okay. oh and welcome fellow newcomer

    heheh, okay. oh and welcome fellow newcomer
  5. Laioath

    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Rose rushed with Alice out of the heading outside. They spoke along the way. “Rose, Rose!” Alice yelled “What is it, Temi?” Rose responded. “Do I need to transform when I get there?” “No, you don’t need to. However, if things get too out of hand then yes, you do.” “Okay, but Rose..?”...
  6. Laioath

    Oh also I removed that section. sorry again

    Oh also I removed that section. sorry again
  7. Laioath

    Hey, something happened to my post, it seemed to have added it self on to my character sheet...

    Hey, something happened to my post, it seemed to have added it self on to my character sheet post. sorry about the issue
  8. Laioath

    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Meister - Name: Rozen Guardian Nickname: Rose Gender: Male Age: 16 Looks: Ø Dark blue hair that goes down to his neck, bangs cover one half of his eye Ø Average build Ø Unnaturally purple coloured eyes Weakness: Hates being late Personality: Brotherly, Cryptic and patient...
  9. Laioath

    Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

    Morning came and the light pierced through the rugged curtain on the window. Beams of light shone on to a boy laying a mattress with a thin sheet over him. The light shone upon his face, forcing his eyes to squint open. He groaned and turned around, denying the morning. He tried to fall back...
  10. Laioath

    The Others (Signups)

    Full name: Guardian Rose Age: 19 Power: Reality Pocket – He scratches the very fabric of reality creating black nothingness, which he calls “the pocket”. The pocket is a compact space that touches everything in reality. This means if he tears a “pocket” and walks into it and scratches...
  11. Laioath

    Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

    ((Posted CS))
  12. Laioath

    Life's hard isn't it ? [ ACCEPTING ]

    Name: Darren Vanguard Age: 17 Job: Part time convince store cleric Gender: Male History: Growing up in rough family relations, he was forced to run away from home so he could live a life of peace. He was an only child, and was the topic of almost every argument. He’s currently living in...
  13. Laioath

    School For The Exceptional

    Rose final found the room he’ll be staying at. Standing outside, he stared at the closed door. He slowly places his key into the door, giving it a firm twist. The door opened, revealing the small room. Two beds and desks, and a window were all the major features of the room. Is someone going...
  14. Laioath

    School For The Exceptional

    Sitting in the back of a taxi, Rose stared as his application for his new school. He looked at all of the details he wrote down. He gave sigh in the thought of changing schools, but it soon disburses when she reached the school. He thanked the taxi driver and paid before he opened the trunk of...
  15. Laioath

    School For The Exceptional

    Name: Rose Hidyae Age: 17 Are you a first year?: no, second year Nationality: Korean-Japanese Please enclose a photograph: Tell us about yourself: I’m quite and somewhat aloof. I like solitude, but I don’t mind being near people. I consider myself to be an enigma, almost always...
  16. Laioath

    P.D.A - Paranormal Defense Agency

    Fixed information
  17. Laioath

    P.D.A - Paranormal Defense Agency

    Name: Chedonte Rozen (shen-don-tay Rose-en) Nickname: Rozen or Rose Gender: Male Age: 17 Class: Assets Powers: Eternal ammo – Conjures an ever ending supply of ectoplasm than can be morphed into a throwing weapon. Requires a weapon to use as a template. Weapon made from ectoplasm is...
  18. Laioath

    ~Angelus Lapsus~ (Accepting)

    (posted up a sheet)
  19. Laioath

    ~Angelus Lapsus~

    Monkey feet Full Name- Harris Moren Nickname- Sometimes called harris Gender- Male Race- Angel (or Ex-Angel?) Age- 16 Occupation- No occupation Society Status- Poor, Banished Relationships- A humanoid shaped rock he calls "Omen". Also makes little friend from found objects...