~Angelus Lapsus~


One Thousand Club
Angelus Lapsus

It's a world of high ledges, mountains that lead all the way above the clouds. No human has ever dared to journey so far up. High above the world, an entire new universe exists. One of winged beasts, majestic creatures split apart from a history of war. It is said these beings were initially from a clan of undesirable angels, hellish fools who left heaven as followers of Lucifer. They didn't travel to the underworld, but instead remained banished and apart of the mortal world. The humans below know of the angels, and view them as ungodly demons who will only cause hurt and suffering. There are separate clans, all which have a separate appearance and way of life. They rarely clash nowadays, but with humans growing more curious of the creatures in the clouds and in the shadows; Tensions are rising between clans and races. A massive war is oncoming, and it is sure to change the Earth forever.


* No powerplaying

* You can be a human, just ask. It'd be nice to
have further diversity in races.

* No godmodding

Askif you want your specific angel to have any sort of healing abilities/seeing into the future/etc. (which they certainly do)

* For pictures of angels you don't necessarily have to have a picture with wings; Just include a description of their wings. (Btw: Wings usually match hair color)

* No one sentence replies, and use proper grammar/sentence structure as much as you can it is UNBELIEVABLY annoying to try and decipher a sentence like "Rob walk around heyy guyz whats up he didn't know what he waz doing here he waz a screwup and he hated his life maybe there were cute girls in theviillege wow this is lame he thinksto himself..." (etc need I go on?)

* To make sure you've read this put on the top of your form "Put a boonana in your ear"

* Please try your best to evenly distribute male and females in the roleplay

* No meaningless drama, character development and plot are important to this! If you ever feel roleplaying is getting dry and boring then message me or post a separate fourm in chitchat or something saying so, post the link here, and then we can all go there to discuss. I tend to get way off topic and then we never get back to roleplaying if we have to go back 3 pages for the last reply

* No Mary-Sues or Gary-Lous (aka perfect characters) Also HAVE DIVERSITY in your characters! If all your characters are One Direction pop-singing guitar playing charmers or whatever then it's boring. It's downright boring. Get an original character with flaws. Make them realistic, bring your character to life!

* To show you've read this far please post on your form "Monkey Feet" instead of what I wanted you to write previously

* Have fun and include everyone you can!

* Send at least one person a message who hasn't joined asking them to join once you've joined
Then we can get a lot of people on here!


Full Name-

Nickname- (if any)





Society Status-

Relationships- (any and all)

Home/s- (if any

(If you don't know then ask, but this generally relates to race unless your character is exiled)


Personality- (No "meet me" or "find out")

Other- (mention anything. If you have nothing to add tell me something about yourself


Give me hope in silence

It's easier; It's kinder

Tell me not of heartbreak

It plagues my soul, plagues my soul

And bury me beside you

I have no hope

In solitude

And the world will follow

To the earth down below

But I came and I was nothing

And time will give us nothing

So why did you choose to lean on

A man you knew was falling?



Clan of Nihil-

(A slightly mysterious, closely-constructed, gatherer clan. The people in this clan are not so much fighters, but more reserved and laid back. They are gentle kindred spirits that don't generally mean to cause harm. United with L? and very in touch with nature and their souls. Meditation is an almost daily thing. Their harp songs can be heard from about a mile away. Their appearance is quite beautiful; Very pale beings who have slender tall fit bodies. Their faces are well-sculpted and angular. They aren't carnivorous, primarily vegan in fact, so there isn't a single Nihilian angel who is large. There is rarely a Nihilian Angel under 5'4. The females are usually from 5'5 to 5'10 and the males from 5'9 to 6'6. These Nihilians are wonderful at building and creating, making things thrive. They have created the finest sky temples on sides of mountains, developing their weaponry and security greatly (even though they don't really need it.) These people have very strong defenses, no creatures dare come into their territories with bad intentions unless it's war or suicide. Live long lifespans, up to 120 years.)

-Aurora Nihil (Queen)

- Raphael L? (technically a L?s and a Nihilian; a Prince)




Clan of ?????? ?????

(Violent predators that usually hunt in the woods at night, they are generally consumers of meat but tend to stay wary of humans. These creatures are generally very big and beefy, with short stumpy wings. They are pure power, not taking the time to balance reason against desire. These Angels are the most common to be found in mishaps with other clans or humans, interfering with peace a lot. They yearn war, only because they yearn for power and land. This clan was actually founded off of exiled angels who'd had their wings torn off. They grew and grew with a hatred and mistrust of other clans. These Angels are usually of darker colors, opposite from Nihilian Angels. The females are on average from 5'0 to 5'6 and males from 5'5 to 5'8. They are never generally tall, and none of them reach past 6 ft. However, they are never particularly short either. Most of the children had a failure to thrive due to hunting conditions that are very reliant on how much humans consume, so they look like little bobblehead skeletons. The adults, who consume the most and can hunt for themselves, are usually stocky and big. They are big-boned people, but not too tall. None are "fat", but have massive muscles from having to work. Best known for their willpower, sheer brute strength, accomplishments in mining (due to living on the ground and in the air), and stubborness. Food and land are their biggest priorities, power is a constant desire. They are greedy and irritable, but loyal to what they believe in. Can live up to 120 years, but they usually only live to be 80)

- Markus Devior Xekil



Clan of L?-

The most common clan, a variety of winged-creatures. They have a balance of both hunting and gathering. A large group. United with Nihil. They are known for their power in flight, as their wingspan is longer than their height (which is the average) in fact; it is about two times as large. They are the most complex, not seeming to have one task in mind. These Angels are quite sociable creatures, and the hardest to define by appearance. They have incorporated with all the clans in the past, and allowed their kin to venture and meet other clans. This is why they don't all seem to be to one particular group. However, the downside to these well-balanced people, is that they are very broken. Because of the ruling family's broken past, and the forced unitement with Nihil, they are a very cautious group. Outsiders aren't tolerated under any circumstances. They are creatures of war, who have battled many times. The height of these creatures is very diverse, same with body types. Females are from 5'0 to 5'10 generally, and males from 5'5 to 6'4. Can live to be 120, but usually only to 100.)

Angiolo L? (King)

- Felix L? (Prince)

- Raphael
L? (Both a Nihilian and L?s)





Clan of Berrirose-

(An uncommon race of angels, very removed from all others. In fact, they are so secretive and well-kept from the outside world that a large quantity of angels will never meet a Berrirosian in their lifetime. They have a homely feel to them, unnatural odd little creatures. They are well-known for their immense stealth and cowardice. These Angels are only read about in books, almost like a mythical creature to some. They are the most unusual looking as well. The females stand from 4'0 to 4'5, and the males from 4'0 to 5'0. Their ears are massive, pointed, and elfish and their faces cherubic, with small childlike bodies. They are much like little fairies. Their wings are very large in proportion to their bodies.They usually have pale skin and dark hair, but it varies greatly. They have small homes in the sides of mountains, hidden wonderfully to keep out predators of any sort. These are not violent fighting creatures, in fact they are rarely in wars at all. They are mischeveaous little twits, making silly trouble. Stereotypically seen as burglars and cowards, usually to blame for missing crop and valuables. They actually don't take things, keeping out of trouble for the most part. They are simplistic and rarely spotted, very quiet and very homely. They naturally live up to 100 years, but have lived to as much as 130 at record.)

- Bambi Rini

- Miki Whitfield






(Any exiled angel banished to never return to their clan. These angels usually have their wings snapped before being dropped down to the world below, they almost always die from being kille(d by villagers, or the forces of nature. They are not welcome to any other clans, only rarely to ?????? ?????)

- Lisette Syri

- Harris Moren



Full Name- Felix


Gender- M

Race- Angel

Age- 18

Future heir to the throne

Society Status- Prince, but a bitter spoiled one. He has little respect among

Brother: Raphael, Father: King Angiolo L?.

A temple on the side of the mountain, surrounded by a sky village, that leads to a bridge, that leads to Nihilian territory.


He plays the harp, his stepmother taught him how to, and since he can't fly he spent time on that. He is a bookworm, often going through the libraries to learn about the world. He isn't much for activity or adventure, and is antisocial and relentlessly aggressive about letting people in.

Arrogant, stubborn, and coldhearted.

He cannot fly. That makes him a disgrace in his father's eyes. His real mother died, and he hates his stepmother (Queen of the Nihilians) with a burning passion. He isn't too fond of his younger brother (Spawn of Angiolo and Queen Aurora) because Raphael is so much better than him. It's a broken family. He is very lean, with small bones, and a face like his mother's. She was a very frail and pretty woman, with big doe eyes and long black hair. He looks much like her, except a little more masculine. He isn't too tall, especially for someone of his race. He is 5'5, and very insecure about his appearance. He has gorgeous wings though, double his height in wingspan and beautifully feathered with black. His family is known for their beautiful wings, always so thick and big; luscious. It's a shock he can't fly, which is a secret to the entire rest of society. Only his immediate family knows of this disgrace.


Full Name-Raphael L?

Nickname- Ra, Ralphie


Race- Angel

Age- 16

Occupation- None, a possible he
ir to the throne.

Society Status- The king's son
, and the one who keeps L? and Nihil united. He is everyone's friend, it's impossible to hate him.

Mother: Aurora of the Nihilians, Father: Angiolo of the L?s, Brother: Felix

*Same as Felix*

Nihil and L? (He is a distinct mix of both, even though he looks more like a Nihilian)

Easygoing, happy-go-lucky, optimistic, ambitious, and friendly. But there's a darker side to him, he is also very protective, possessive, and will do anything for what he wants.

He is very active in society and in a physical sense. He is immensely strong, now stronger than his father (who is a hero of war.) He looks much like the description of Nihilian Angels, but with a bigger build and jet black eyes. His wings and hair are stark white though, a few shades whiter than his pale skin. He has grown muscles, and stands at 6'4. His wings are unbelievably long, because of his big size. He is already so powerful, either he will be a hero or a complete villain. His future is unclear.

Looks- *Except he is pale
, with white hair, and jet black eyes with bigger muscles*

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Full Name- Bambi Rini



Race- Angel


Occupation- none

Society Status-
Gardener, great cook

Nothing too important

A little cozy cave well-hidden in the village of her people.


Shy, sweet, kindhearted, and high-strung.

She is very set in her ways, having a specific schedule and layout for her life. She doesn't want anything unexpected to come her way, as she likes the simple life she has within her clan. She likes to see things grow, and hopes to have a nice little family when she's older. She stands at 4'0 (full grown.) Her body is very small and pear-shaped. She doesn't have any odd proportions (for such a small person) she is perfectly proportioned with no health problems, as some people may think such small people are. She loves cooking, and is great at it, usually making pies of berries she finds. She never has meats, usually only fruits, vegetables, and dairy products snatched from the human settlements. She is a lot like a little rabbit in a way, curious but running back to her hole immediately. Her ears are long and pointed, and her face is childish and darling. She has thick dark brown hair, that goes a bit past her chest, and massive dark brown eyes. She looks like a little doll.


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Full Name- Miki Whitfield

Miki, Mik

Gender- M



He is a storyteller, a bit of a troublemaker

Society Status- Storyteller, troublemaker, and
someone who wants more than his life gives him

Nothing too important to the RP

A home similar to Bambi's, small and in the Berrirose village.


He likes long walks, exploring, learning new things, cooking, and the comforts of home (even though he likes adventure, he'd be easily homesick.)

Likeable, easily-stressed, clever, and quiet when he's not around people he's close to

He may be the stealthiest in his village, if he chooses he can pass by without ever being heard or seen. He is a slender fairy-like boy, as most men in the village are. He is well-known in town, and his father was an adventurer. The Whitfields are a very exclusive family in the society, which there is no kings or queens in it. Only the simple ways of life, since a leader is not needed for them. They govern themselves, and since they like the peace so much; violence and mishaps are rarely a problem. The biggest problem is someone thieving a loaf of bread, except Berrirose Angels are very giving and forgiving to one another; not to other Angel clans though. They are scared of the outside world. He stands at about 4'5, making him an average height for his clan. He doesn't realize how small he is compared to other angels though. He has a big personality for a little guy, but is easily intimidated and just not exposed to the outside world. (Like most people of his clan.)


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Monkey Feet

Full Name- Sierra Prince

Nickname- (if any) Si (See)

Gender- Female

Race- Angel

Age- 13

Occupation- Assasin

Society Status- Independant

Relationships- (any and all) None

Home/s- Small appartment.

Clan- Lone Angel (If i can) she has one boss who she belongs to.

Hobbies-Reading, writing, she also like to practice at defense.

Personality- VERY dangerous, likes to keep to herself, Loyal, doesnt like too much attention.

Other- Sierra has the ability to shift between Human and angel form which helps her fit in when she is on a job. She has two weapons, a sword and a Bow and arrow. the bow is carried in human form and the sword is carried in angel form. they are the same weapon. they were given to her by someone special.


It is about 2 foot in length from tip to the handle. The blade its self is silver and extremely sharp. The handle is gold and has an arch over the hand hold. Timber is the only one who can touch it without her hand burning.

Bow and Arrow-

The whole bow is silver. The spirit infusion makes it glow slightly. When commanded Timber can order the bow away. The arrows all have poisonous tips but the strength of the poison varies. They can also disappear along with the bow. Again no-one can touch the bow. They also can’t touch the shaft of the arrow. When in angel form the bow and arrows turn into the sword.

Spirit powers-

She can summon spirits and see ghosts when she calls them forth. She can send mind messages, walk dreams and make others see things that aren’t actually there. She can also manifest small things.

Looks- View attachment 10683 <--- Angel form

View attachment 10684 <--- Human form
I will accept you, you just need to adjust a few things :P This RP takes place in a semi-medieval time. There aren't really apartment, rather more like cots and small towns. I mean a few things are changed in this fantasy realm, there's kings and queens and things are really well-built and high in technology for medieval times. Also I'm not quite understanding the both an angel and a human, since there is a distinct barrier between the two in this RP :( If you read the entire thingy above you can see that humans are both scared and feel hatred towards angels of all kinds (or they generally do, because angels on earth originate from a clan of the devil's followers) and the angels loathe humans because when humans catch angels they tear their wings off and burn them because they are "unholy demons." Weaponry is tolerable, I like that sometimes :) I would prefer you choose one of the pre-set clans ^_^ Only because they also define a lot about a character, their background, and helps you associate with other characters. But her weapons aren't very realistic :L Only because it transforms, but she could carry both. Her powers are a bit excessive, I mean you could ask for like the ability to transmit messages through mindtalking, or something like that. BLAH! xD Just go back and fix stuff, also try to make a boy as well so we balance out the genders :P I always end up with surplus females! xD
The human form is like a desguise. She is still an angel but the wing dissapear. Ok i will carry both weapons i was just thinking that when in "Human" form she has the Bow and arrow which morphs into the sword in her true form. They are basically the same weapon. now for the Clan Can i join the Berrirose clan, but i kind of dont always hang around with them i'm Kind of on my own.

Update character sheet

Monkey Feet

Full Name- Sierra Prince

Nickname- (if any) Si (See)

Gender- Female

Race- Angel

Age- 13

Occupation- Assasin

Society Status- Independant

Relationships- Cole (friends and she wants to keep it that way.

Home/s- Small appartment-type home in the side of a mountain.

Clan- Berrirose

Hobbies-Reading, writing, she also like to practice at defense.

Personality- VERY dangerous, likes to keep to herself, Loyal, doesnt like too much attention.

Other- Sierra has the ability to shift between Human and angel form which helps her fit in when she is on a job. She has two weapons, a sword and a Bow and arrow. the bow is carried in human form and the sword is carried in angel form. they are the same weapon. they were given to her by someone special.


It is about 2 foot in length from tip to the handle. The blade its self is silver and extremely sharp. The handle is gold and has an arch over the hand hold. Timber is the only one who can touch it without her hand burning.

Bow and Arrow-

The whole bow is silver. The spirit infusion makes it glow slightly. When commanded Timber can order the bow away. The arrows all have poisonous tips but the strength of the poison varies. They can also disappear along with the bow. Again no-one can touch the bow. They also can’t touch the shaft of the arrow. When in angel form the bow and arrows turn into the sword.

Spirit powers-

She can summon spirits and see ghosts when she calls them forth. She can send mind messages, walk dreams and make others see things that aren’t actually there. She can also manifest small things.

<--- Angel form

<--- Human form


Full Name- Cole Montro

Nickname- None

Gender- Male

Race- Angel

Age- 15

Occupation- none

Society Status- Independent

Relationships- Know's Sierra (kind of friends he has a crush on her)

Home/s- A tree house by Sierra's mountain home

Clan- Clan of Lu

Hobbies- Drawing, he likes to draw then trade them. he also does alot of home decorating

Personality- Friendly, Supportive, can be quite stalkerish (Sierra)


Short black hair what flops over one of his eyes. Reddy brown eyes. Pale skin. Long legs lean body. About 6”7 in height. Usually wears a loose fitting white shirt, un-tucked and the top button undone with a red tie that hangs down. He wears a formal kind of jacket. The jacket is ripped and exposes skin. He wears black jeans and black daps. In this form he has no weapons on him but if needs be he can use his powers.

I think she'd fit better in the Αιώνια Νύχτα clan... :P Only because Berrirose folk (you need to go read the clan descriptions entirely) are very very distinct in their appearance, they are literally little pixie people who stand at 4 feet tall; Very quiet people who stay in their territory and rarely venture anywhere. Also they have no true weaponry and have never really engaged in battle as a clan. I don't think the morphing weapon is very realistic either xD I mean she can carry them with her. Idk the only problem being that interaction between humans and angels is forbidden :( So I don't think some undercover spy going into their territory is reasonable for the situation... Again, her powers are too excessive (you didn't change them)... :( Sorry if I'm overly strict on this stuff, it's just your character hardly fits any requirements I stated and I feel you didn't read the top post too carefully xD She also doesn't seem too original, like I feel character building is the biggest thing about this RP (since I am developing the idea for a story I'll either write or make a manga/comic.) Also I am still developing clothing ideas, since it is a medieval type time there isn't really much modern looking clothing. I mean Berrirose folk are usually in this: Men; capri-like pants, sewn by their wives or mothers. Females; short dresses ladened with flowers and leaves, very beautiful. They usually have flowers in their hair. Idk but I pondered for a while and decided that Lu would have the most modernized clothing... I'm still working on it! xD

Also I noticed that you put your two characters in potential love interest, that's not a wise move for RPing xD I mean you do not want to be your own lover... And people of different clans don't interact much unless they are united (like Nihilians and Lus.) ............... :P Blaah... Especially the Berrirose people, idk if you read it but is says it is rare separate clan members will even encounter them xD IIDKSHGKJSDHGKJSDHG kjsjg But do try to get people on the site to join! :P I'm new to roleplaying on this site and have no idea how to advertise properly.
Monkey feet

Full Name- Harris Moren

Nickname- Sometimes called harris

Gender- Male

Race- Angel (or Ex-Angel?)

Age- 16

Occupation- No occupation

Society Status- Poor, Banished

Relationships- A humanoid shaped rock he calls "Omen". Also makes little friend from found objects

Home/s- Poorly made shelter in the forrest

Clan- Outcast

Hobbies- Creating humanoids with stick, stones or whatever he can find.

Personality- Kind, Pensive and somewhat lonely.


- Harris doesn't know why he was banished, nor can he remember why (He was banished for touching something of high importance).

- Harris is Unable to fly,due to loss of wings.

- Being banished caused major damage to his psyche, thus acts out of character at times.

- His loneliness and serve damage to his psyche, caused him to make 'Omen'.

- He Speaks and Listens to 'Omen' as if it could talk, also following command given by it.

Looks- Harris's body is quiet thin from the small portion of food found in the forrest. his hair is dark brown, and his skin is tanned from the sun. He wears ragged clothing, shirt is coloured brown and pants is a darker shade of brown.

Always seen with Omen in his left, or right hand.

Full Name- Omen

Nickname- none

Gender-Depicted as Male

Race- Rock

Age- 48 days

Occupation- Companion

Society Status- ???

Relationships- Harris

Home/s- Poorly made shelter in the forrest

Clan- Depicted as being from a Rock clan called Sedimentalion (SE-DI-MEN-TALI-ON)

Personality- Depicted as being a Wise and Cold being.

Other- Omen is part of Harris's imagination, so obviously his dialogue is coming from Harris's wild mind.

He usually helps Harris with everything, giving him advice and commanding him.

Looks- A gray rock that resembles a human standing in neutral position.
Monkey Feet

Full Name- Lisette Syri

Nickname- Lyr (pronounced as 'leer')

Gender- Female

Race- Angel (Well used to be)

Age- 15 (Although she was judge for looking too young)

Occupation- None (If possible a 'not so known' singer, she sings in the streets to those young and old people who were poor)

Society Status- A gentle singer (Said so from the ones who had heard it) , and a stubborn girl (For ignoring those people who were kind enough to take her, or at least to the rich)

Relationships- None (I don't know what to put here so.. yeah. xDD)

Home/s- An old house that people rarely travels by

Clan- Outcast

Hobbies- Singing (Since that's the only way she could communicate her feelings)

Personality- Quiet , Wise , Easily Scared

Other- Lisette used to be that girl who you could tell everything and tries her best to fix your situation you were in, she would love to dance and socialize with the people around her, until a sudden happening of her being exiled and blamed for steeling a relic she was banished. After that shocking moment she couldn't feel but be humiliated not even a single person would be there to cheer her up like they used to do. Now because of that she kept her feelings to herself, and actually stopped talking to those who are around her.

-> She feels very lonely at times but doesn't accept it

-> Luckily she does martial arts if someone attacks her from behind

-> Kind of fast, depends when she's in the mood on hurting you, if not she'll take it easy

-> She usually wears a white or black dress and sandals

Looks- Lisette has a pale skin and a small body, no matter how much she ate a day. Her hair was light pink that would easily catch your attention and simple light blue eyes that would comfort you for a second until you finally realize how much stubborn she would be (as people say). Everyday she would wonder around different city and memorize each street or place, she was actually a fast memorizer give her a street name she could show you anytime. Sometimes she wonder what she could do to get her name back as an angel, though after days weeks and months she finally forgotten and actually live her life to the fullest (well in 'her' way)

This is my first time in this so sorry if it's that bad v_v I could also do a male... but i'm not sure if i could do a guy entry. I might sound/act selfish if i paste too many...
Oh nonsense! The more the merrier! xD Accepted :D I like that she is outcasted... So does she not attract humans because her wings were cut off? So they cannot really tell?

What clan was she from before her exile? :P

Also, would you like to (I need people for this) to help create some sort of leader of Leaderless clans (I think its just the Αιώνια Νύχτα Clan)
Monkey Feet

Full Name- Markus Devior Xekil (ZEHK-il)

Nickname- Silver Devil

Gender- Male

Race- Winged Demon/Devil

Age- 17

Occupation- Hunter

Society Status- Fighting title, None

Relationships- None

Home/s- In the mountains, in a log cabin upon a plateau.

Clan- Αιώνια Νύχτα

Hobbies- Fighting, hunting, writing, politics, fashion (he loves it), and sometimes singing and playing his sitar.

which he only does alone.

Personality- Gone insane and practically incapable of thinking and feeling certain emotions

at times, specifically love and sadness, which sometimes he forgets how to feel. He is cold and ruthless to most people, as they either annoy him or have a personality he doesn't like. He will usually confront you about a rumor, an object, or anything else that has nothing to do with social activity. There is a soft spot that only some people have managed to get to, and he won't admit it. He holds secrets deep within, and this is expressed sometimes in his lyrics for when he makes music.

Other- Markus has a demon blade, along with a broadsword. His characteristics usually consist of silver and black clothing that match his hair. He flies with ease and percision. He can emit black aura that can take shape at will. He rarely uses it unless a conflict occurs. The aura is black (with purple electricity at times), and whip like. This can also coat his weapons and use it to fuse power into them. The aura can be slashed and cut through, but can be formed back together. It can also be retracted back to Markus for reuse. Markus also likes bloodshed, and typically will dive at you to rip you from the inside out. This is how he so famously got his nickname by those who honor his fighting ability. He is feared by many because of things happening in the past and people merely aren't social with him. Markus rarely starves, as he hunts everyday, fighting and hacking down large amounts of animals and monsters. He also enjoys fruit, which doesn't grow well where he lives. He, without people knowing, plants coconut trees in Nihil forest territory. Markus, whom was neglected and later abandoned by his mother, a Nihilian, and his father, an Underworld dweller. He looks like his mother, with fair pale skin, while his father, (his grandfather being the leader of Αιώνια Νύχτα many years back before his death of old age) had darker skin. This makes him stand out, as many do not know his past of anything really about him, other than his fighting skill. Many actually claim Markus to be a Nihilian, which is not true.


Accepted :D Although idk if I'm totally comfortable with his powers :P But you explained them well, just don't use them too often to make an unfair powerplay of the roleplay ^-^ Also by guitar we'll make it more of a harp-like instrument; More of a sitar. :P I Feel it fits the era better (I mean, my charrie Felix plays the harp.)

Could you also make a female! ^u^ Also would everyone please do a character body description post? (I did mine incorporated into my fourm) You can use their clan to judge their body shape and height and stuff... :P Pweez? ;D
I agree with the powers, I was unsure of how else to make them, I promise not to godmod. I also changed the instrument to a sitar. If you wish, I can make a female character, but I don't know if time with crunch me. I'm sure it won't, but I'll consider it. ^^
I was bored so I decided to show you how the Royalty Figures I have are/look like

Full Name- Queen Aurora Nihil

"My Lady", "Queen Nihil", Aurora (for those close enough to her to be informal.)

Gender- Female

Race- Angel, Nihilian Angel


Queen, a lone ruler of Nihilian lands. She's very forgiving for a leader, believing in the quote "True courage is not knowing when to take a life, it's knowing when to spare one." Her father died when she was 16, that's when she took over leadership. Her mother died in childbirth, hence no son was birthed for the place of future King (instead of a Queen)

Society Status- The highest royalty there is, the pe
rson who keeps everything together in the Nihilian lands; Keeps peace between the other clans, and is a very good ruler.

Her son is Raphael, her stepson Felix, and her husband Angiolo

A massive, well-built, castle (built of white marble and various other stones) on the peak of a mountain, trailing into a glorious city of marble, with perfection just reeking from it. The grasses surrounding it are vivid green, everything is blooming with life (but a bit too clean and well-kept for some.) This leads to the bridge between Lu and Nihil.


She enjoys playing the harp, keeping peace, writing poetry. But these are her personal hobbies, like reading in the massive library she created. Most of the time she's too busy with her royal duties.

Confident, straightforward, calm (at all times, in all situations), strong, reasonable, and loving.

At age 16 she took the throne, one of the few leading ladies of clans. A lone leading woman, who was only a teenager. Times were hard, her mother died in childbirth and her father was too devastated to remarry because he'd loved her so (which is why Aurora is the only-child and was the sole heir to the throne.) Her people doubted her, but never loathed her, because she was prepared her whole life for this chance. Usually the throne is taken when the King or Queen is too sick to function any longer, or dies. But her father died younger than he should've, due to illness that'd been slowly eating away at him for years. Aurora married four years later to the Lus King Angiolo, at 20 years old. She soon after had her first child, Raphael Lu. Although the two clans are united by this marriage, they do not share one temple. If anyone is to stay anywhere, it is within Nihilian territory (because it is safer) but once her son grew up, he moved away to live with his father. They spend time together when things are peaceful, usually on the bridge that brings their two lands together. But they live separately, having their own massive royal duties to fill; both having no other helper. Angiolo's wife had died years before he married, a story he did not like to tell. She is now 36, her son 16, and her stepson 18. She is a beautiful woman, prime pure Nihilian blood. Standing at 5'10 with the palest white skin and stark white hair, her eyelashes are white as well- making her eyes appear snowy. Her eyes are of the palest blue. She is very slender, despite childbirth years ago. She lives on a vegan diet, the natural diet of her people. An opposite to Lus leader Angiolo, who really enjoys meat. She is a healer, an ancient method passed down in her family tree. It is rare to occur, but it did. She cannot heal everything, it takes time and energy from her. Power and the wound (depending on it's severity) may take two or three different healing sessions to completely help. She can save a life though, and she's very caring. But she cannot save everyone brought to her. She also has the ability to communicate through mind, not neccessarily mindreading. But she can have conversation through mind messages- and they can answer back. She just has to activate it within them.

Looks- *Pardon the almost nudity
:P It was impossible to find a picture*

Full Name- King Angiolo Lu

Angie, for people very very close to him. Most of the times he's called King Lu or King Angiolo

Gender- Male

Race- Angel, Lus Angel


Occupation- King of Lu

Society Status- The King of the land, and a
brave war legend/hero. He has been accounted for in many books from his accomplishments in war, which is how they conquered so much land. Due to this though, he is hated by smaller outcasted clans like ?????? ?????, even though his roots are from there. (read more about in the Other section)

His sons are Raphael and Felix, his wife is Aurora. His deceased wife was named Fiuri

*Same as Aurora* But in his land he has a large gray stone castle, built alongside the mountainside like hers. It is high above, with villages dotting around it; less like a city and more like a town. Unlike Nihilian land, which is why most Lus like to remain on their own land despite the uniting of clans. Like mentioned earlier, they actually prefer to be separated to preserve their different cultures and ways of life.


He enjoys the sport of hunting greatly, and is almost always out when he has free time. He likes seeing justice be done, no matter what it is. In fact, he had a brother who was going to be heir... He had to kill his own brother because he'd gone mad with power, and burned down other territories- causing a time of war and disruption. It was ended and he was claimed the new King, seeing the trauma of war he swore to never let that happen under his rule. It would not be of his cause, at least. But he's always prepared to fight, he still spars with his son (Raphael, Felix is not much for physical fighting.)

Aggressive, powerful, dominant, and hotheaded. But he has a good heart despite his intimidating exterior.

His ancestry is very unclear, having a long line of Lu rulers; of which were united with his rival clan ?????? ?????. Due to this, he does have their blood within him; you can tell because of his personality. He is closely related to them though, as his mother was unfaithful and had him with a man of the rivalling clan. She passed the child off as theirs. He also had an older brother,Ruhdugeard (called Ruby for short, remembered as King Ruby.) His older brother was blinded by his bloodlust and desire for more power. In the end, war happened, and he had to slaughter his kin at the command of his father- who had been killed by Ruby shortly after. His older brother took the throne early, due to his father's sickness and old age. He's been hardened by war. Angiolo has scars from his battles. His fierceness seems to come from his biological father. He is incredibly tall, standing at an unusual 6'4. His muscles still ripple through his body, as he keeps himself in shape for the next war. He is losing his youthful appearance, aged by stress of ruling and battle. He is thick, very thick. His bone structure is large and he is very wide, looking like a monster next to his twig of a wife. His first wife was Felix's mother, an incredibly small impoverished young lady. She had the biggest black eyes, and long black hair that went down her waist. She was a little doll, and his little treasure. He'd married outside of his class entirely, and was shunned for it. But he truly loved her, only remarrying because the clan needed Nihilian defenses. He had to create a stable world for his clan and for his sons. You could say they didn't love each other at all, Aurora and Angiolo. But it's what had to be done. His wings are large and black, the feathers at the tips a bit odd because of previous injury. His nose is slightly crooked from being broken one too many times, and a massive scar goes down his face (as well as many on his body.)

The image is of him in his youth, he now is hairier (having a scraggly beard and more untamed hair) and older looking. While his wife retains youth well, war has hardened him and aged him greatly. He has thin lines on his face, and a chiseled look overall. He is still handsome, especially for his age, but you can tell he's lived a rough life.

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Try to make a female ^-^ Also there is one more clan that needs a king and queen, I can create them I just need someone to RP them!
full name:Nichole Lashay Lowe






society status:none



home:a cottage in a meadow

personality:shy quiet, shes outgoing and protective of friends

other:she uses a bow and arrows. they are pink and yellow and a puppy named oreo

looks:she is african american with light skin, hazel eyes, wears glasses hair black with long bangs, 5'41/2
And asome final characters :P

Full Name- Pi
psqueak Merriweather


Gender- Male

Race- Angel,
a Berrirosian


He is nothing important yet, but his father is apart of the Berrirosian council (which helps bring order to their humble clan, since they don't have a ruling dynasty)

Society Status- Troublemaker, a clown

His twin sister is Poppy

A beautiful cozy giant hollow tree, it is incredibly thick (almost unnaturally) and he resides in a hole in this tree in a rather homely cot. Made from a tree... xD


He likes to make people laugh, see joy, and yearns for adventure. Just the thrill of a new life, he is very close with the other people. He is like a brother to some. But he likes thrill, so he creates a lot of trouble. (This is usually on account of his friends, they are little buggers when they all get together) But unlike some of them, he isn't mellowing out yet. Still, he fears the outside world, but he is excited by it's mysteriousness.

Excitable, fun, humorous, mischievous, clumsy, and blatantly DUMB. He is slow to catch on about everything. Which is why he makes so many mistakes over and over again.

He grew up in the clan very close-knitted with everyone, he is named Pipsqueak because of his puny size. He stands at about 4'0, which is rather short for a male Berrirosian. He is as small as the smaller women, but because of that he is very light on his feet and VERY fast at flying and running. Too bad he's a bit on the clumsy side, and not too bright. But his happy-go-lucky behavior makes up for it.

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or like

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I couldn't find a single picture that fits the way I see Pipsqueak! This was the closest I came, as far as the face goes. Pip is very small with a delicate face, very, very beautiful though. He has messy sandy light blonde hair that flips out at the edges in curls with bangs that hang down over his forehead like a mop on his head(like the Hobbits in Lord of the Rings movie trilogy) His nose is upturned but not soft, very angular and well defined. His chin is small, and his face is much like this picture. But his eyes are a light blue, his cheeks a bit pink, and his overall structure lean and fit. His feet are a bit large in comparison to his body, and his hands are undersized and nimble.

:D Dearest Yullen-Chan! xD I accept, but your character (Being in Lu) would not live in the meadows :P She'd live on the side of a mountain in a village... However the mountain does crevice into a massive valley that leads downward, she could live more on that area if you wish xD

Oh yes and Yullen-Chan! We need to balance out our genders and add more people to certain clans to balance things so one person isn't a loner in a clan :P 4 girls, 8 guys.... That's odd! XDDD We need more Berrirosians who aren't me (believe me they are fun little creatures to be! I have drama llama plot bunnies for them in the future. But no overload is needed with them, since they are a small clan.) And we NEED more Αιώνια Νύχταns (which we'll just call Nuxtans) We need the king, who I imagine to be like a short in stature (like 5'7) with massive muscles and bones... Like a bit burly Scottish man kinda (like the dad in Brave, but not so much) with messy dark hair and a big beard or something xDDD A violent little fellow whose pride keeps him from making peace with everyone around him. And so far there is only the Silver Devil in their group, I guess he'd be an elite warrior with his powers. They could have a queen (Oh she'd be a fun one :P I imagine her to be... Not very pretty at all. Like a chubby short woman with messy hair, a weary tired look, and something like a missing tooth.) Idk that's what I imagine xD BUT I HAVE SO MANY CHARRIES ALREADY and do not want to be all the royal families xDDD The Nihilians are in dire need of more members too (but since they are with Lus I don't have to worry so much) just some pureblooded Nihilians would be nice : :) (I'm trying to help the people who need to make more charries xDDD) WE NEED MORE CHICKS and do try to make them as different from one another as possible ;)

Wait 7 GUYS not 8, I counted Raphael twice :P

everyone read the post above under pip's form xd it has important information!!! We need more members (or people willing to take on more characters) currently we have a shortage of females, and a shortage of charries in different clans.
(( Monkey Feet! Oh, and I know the girl you're using for the pictures of Bambi! :) ))

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Full Name- Athos Erol (Translation- "Immortally Strong")

Gender- Male


Age- 72

Occupation- Skilled defense trainer of the Nihil.

Society Status- Highly regarded as the defense trainer of his people, but also one of the most spiritually connected.

Relationships-None. For whatever reason, Athos has stayed alone all this time. Maybe because he hasn't found anyone yet, or maybe because he'd just rather be alone.

Home- He officially resides in a small manor on the farthest outskirts of the city, but is almost never there, always being outside, day or night.

Clan- Nihil

Hobbies- Athos has no specific thing he prefers to do. He does not tie himself down with one activity, other then his defensive training routine. Every day, he stretches, warms up, and is off to the weaponry grounds. He is known for his offense and defense with dual hook blades, yet he teaches no one of how to use them. That is the only weapon he truly wishes no one to know how to use but himself. One thing he is known for doing all the time, though, is meditating outside of the city. Some say he's musically talented, claiming they've heard him playing a guitar, but not as regular musicians have. They say he's played it over his lap, and tapped the strings and hollow area of the guitar's body instead of the traditional method.

Personality- Athos is a stoic creature, keeping a neutral and balanced mind at all times. No one ever see's much of emotions on his face other than the occasional smile. Yet pinch the right nerve, and he snaps. No, he does not scream. He does not fight with others. If you were to displease him greatly in some form, you would suddenly regret it. His eyebrows lower, his eyes grow cold, his stance stills more than it usually is, and he say's not one word. Only few have been left in this uncomfortable place, and have apologized for their actions right after.

Through this stone cold facade, this creature is actually trying to figure out what emotions are.

Other- Athos is somewhat of an outsider to his people, having a darker skin tone than the norm. Added his coldness, he is usually taken only professionally. His emotionless state has left him without the connections friends have with one another. It seems this angel actually must learn to feel.

This certain angel has wings colored almost the same as what an eagles would look like, with light and deep browns, with only the tips white.

(( I'd also love to play a female human who is somehow mixed into these worlds, if you'll allow! ))
That's so cool! :D She had that fairy-look I wanted ^-^ And you can be a person! :D But also can you make a female angel? xD We just need some more women (which is a very bizarre problem for RPs! :P ) Also, would you be interested in being some sort of Nuxtan royalty? (I said how I imagine them above, but I can't be all the dynasty families xD That's just weird and I'm the only one controlling the clans) :P

BTW people I transferred the CLAN LIST to the actual RP in the Fantasy fourms :P I'll be updating THAT one (so do not worry if you aren't on the one on the signup)
View attachment 10843Full Name- Valencia Xion

Gender- Female

Race- Angel

Age- 65

Occupation- Nuxtan Royalty

Society Status- Leader of the Nuxtan clan

Relationships- None

Home/s- The Nuxtan underground manor

Clan- Nuxtan

Hobbies- Valencia has a thing for chess, strangely. She also enjoys combat and any puzzle you shove in her face.

Personality- As grown in royalty, Valencia is quite classy yet very sponky. She has a bit of a large mouth, but she has a brain of the same size. She is quite stubbornwhen she puts her mind to something, then gets very, very determined. She can be aggressive, as is known of her people.

Other- Her wings are pure black, just as her hair. Every day, she is faced with many issues and problems among her people, from the fighting inside and out. She's big on greed, vanity and her social status.

(( I'll just work with these two. Can you send me the link to the RP? ))

Accepted, meh, I'll update everything and get back to you on stuff tomorrow. I'm exhausted xDDD You may go post, and please inform the others that they should go post on the actual fourm. I feel like they don't know that they're supposed to (even though we have to fix and add stuff) It would be just wonderful if you'd go see some of the things we need (which thank you for royalty xD It's different from the charries in my story, but it'll work out fine :) ) Cause you only posted one character. I JUST posted on the actual rp (It's just called Angelus Lapsus) So it should be in the What's New? and the top of the Fantasy/Supernatural Fourm. Again, my apologies, I am just so tired right now I am on the brink of falling asleep xD
Yes! Or at least give a little space in them for people to originate themselves, but not too far off the characters you created!
Oh! xD Hahhaaha well I am about to go out with my friend :P So I'll gladly post ALL OF THEM (there's a lot and a lot to them) in one massive thing when I get home if I'm not too tired ;D Then I'll gather everyone and ask them if they'd like to take a character each kinda thing, because even though their OCs would work nicely in the story; I do think mine play a big role :P AKJHKJSHDG idk xD

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