~Angelus Lapsus~

Full Name- Princess Edana Maribelle Νύχτα

Maribelle, Eddie (a playful nickname given to semi-mock her)


Race- Angel

Age- 16

Occupation- Prince
ss of the Αιώνια Νύχτα Clan

Society Status- Princess

Her parents are the King and Queen and her brother is the prince.

An underground castle, it is actually quite wonderful; looking much like ancient Scotland castles. A cave leads to it, and down the cave goes to a renaissance kingdom. They live underground.

Αιώνια Νύχτα

Swordfighting, sparring, getting her way, and everything a knight should do; she isn't very princess-y

Stubborn, boyish, fiery, rebellious, and easily-jealous.

She is told that an arranged marriage is in order for her in time, but she doesn't want to be tied down by commitment or anything yet. She wants to go on at least one adventure, to have a story to tell. In fact, she sometimes wishes she'd been born a male for that reason. People always think she's so frail and weak and can't do anything but stay home while her brother goes out to battle. She could do just as well as him, even though she hasn't been formally trained her entire life. Edana stands at 5'3 with a sturdily built body. She is anything but fat, very athletic and muscular. Her eyes are striking, filled with passion, and her teeth are small and sharp. She hates dresses, and actually plans on leaving home at some point. She loathes dresses so much that she has actually ripped her own in rage. She wore boy's pants underneath, tied tight to her small hips by a drawstring, tucked into knee-high laced up leather boots. her dress acted as a crop-top shirt and a cape, as it was only torn at the bottom so she could have more mobility. Her mother looked just about ready to kill her for destroying her beautiful silk dresses, seeing as the shoulders and back were also slightly torn from her immense amount of moving. She lives for the thrill of adventure. Her wings are a bit stumpy, as all of her clan member's are, and the feathers are long and spiked.


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Full Name- Prince Alasdair Νύχτα

Alasdair, Al

Gender- Male


Age- 24

Occupation- Knight, prince, future heir of t
he clan

Society Status- Prince, knight, and

His sister is Edana and his parents are the king/queen

*same as Edana*

Αιώνια Νύχτα

Smart, caring for his own people, judgemental (he doesn't think about other clans, only his own.) A bit racist :P

Other- He is
an ideal ruler for the clan. He stands at 5'9 with a large frame, having muscles bulging out of him. He has not an inch of fat on him from his many battles and long hours of sparring with his sister. He has scars on his body from war, crisscrossing across his lightly haired chest. Alasdair holds a strong hatred for members of other clans, but it's only because he has never had the chance to befriend anyone other than his own clan. If he did, he'd surely realize not everyone who isn't like him is bad. But that'd be near impossible, considering he'd kill someone who came onto his turf and wasn't of his clan. Without a second thought.


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Full Name- King Balfour Νύχτα

King Balfour


Race- Angel


Occupation- King
of the Nuxtan angels

Society Status- KING

- He has children- Edana and Alasdair. His wife is the queen (duh)

*same as Edana*

*Same as Edana*

Foolish, stubborn, judgemental, and thick-skulled

Other- He has a
drinking problem, and hates all other clans with a furious passion. He isn't a very good king by other clan's standards, almost always sending them off to war. Balfour stands at about 5'5 with a massive structure. His shoulders are very wide and his body shape is like an inverted triangle. His gut is a bit large and furry, but he isn't necessarily fat because of his muscle. His hair is a fiery red, just like his daughter's.


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Full Name- Queen Mildred Νύχτα

Nickname- Millie (what her husband calls her, that's it)

Gender- Female

Angel and Human. She's a halfling, usually a disgrace. But she is a Queen due to Balfour falling in love with her, very unusual because he is racist towards others. Because of this she has hardly any wings, they are useless and she can barely fly- Also her weight does not help her. However, her husband is strong and carries her. This is also the reason they do not live high up.

Age- 48

Occupation- Queen of the Nuxtan

Society Status- Queen

Husband: Balfour, Children: Edana and Alasdair.

- *Same as Edana*

*Same as Edana*

She likes others doing her work for her, and relaxing. She is a very stressed woman who wants power and riches to be hers. Basically all she does is lounge around, boss people around, eat, and bask in what few riches she has.

Bitter, bossy, vile, and deceiving. Yet she takes care of everything and everyone around her as best she can. Even though she is a horrible person who desires power, she is exactly what a mess of man like Balfour needs. Someone to take control when he is off at war, someone to keep him in check, someone to care for him when he is hurt. She's a strong woman, and a hardened one from a tough life.

Mildred is a pudgy short woman, standing at 5'4 with a wide girth and large bosom. Her dark hair is ratty and always up, but still unkept and messy. She is missing one of her lower teeth, so her smile is off slightly. She always seems tired and overworked, even though she doesn't do too much. Her hair is dark brown and not like this photo, it is in a high messy bun and very straight. She used to be beautiful when she was younger, but she was ruthlessly beaten and caught in a fire afterwards. She was saved by Balfour and he fell in love with her.


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Full Name- Ciara White

CeeCee (pronounced "See-See")

Gender- Fema


Age- 16

Occupation- Se

Society Status- Odd girl who spends too much time reading her books and by h

None too important, her father is a blacksmith and her mother is also a seamstress.

A decent cottage in a town, they live near the forests at the bottom of the mountains. She likes to explore these mountains, wanting to see an angel; Yet fearing them.

None, she is a human.

Sewing, knitting, reading books, and walking; She likes to see pretty things.

Shy, gentle, and softspoken. She is easily forgotten with all the drama and gossip around town, a bit like a ghost.

Ciara is a generous, forgiving, and a bit of a ghost to her town. She prefers to go unnoticed, and still observe life around her. She takes long walks whenever she can slip away, going to the fields and the forest and collecting berries for pies and flowers for her bedside vase. She wants to see an angel, but doesn't want it to see her. She thinks they are beautiful creatures, as her facsination began when she saw one flying high in the sky when she was a little girl. It soared so beautifully, she wished she were an angel. To just fly away. But that will never happen. It hurts her to see the traps set out for them, and other animals, and to see their wings mounted on walls. Ciara has a pet lamb, a runt from her neighbor that would've been killed, named Chima. She stands at 5'1 with a very slender form, her curves are gentle and barely even noticeable. She is also who Ra finds so compelling, the human he may fall in love with; Even though it is forbidden completely. She is torn between staying true to other's desires, or freeing her soul. She is completely innocent; never experiencing true terror or learning how cruel the world is. But in her coming of age to this concept, she finds that the world is cruel and wants to hurt her. She's fearful.


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Full Name-Maxius Piero Erwin


Gender- Male

Race- Human

Age- 26

Occupation- Warrior

Society Status- Knight, Hero

None, he doensn't communicate much and is a "lone wolf."

He doesn't have any official home, he stays at inns and pays rent at other people's homes.

None, he's human

Hunting and horseriding

Cold, quiet, calm, protective, and hateful. He sees no beauty in life after the lifetime of war and battle he's endured. When he was a child his village was raided by vicious Nuxtan angels who set fire to the buildings and destroyed everything, his mother put him on the family horse and told him to find another town. She said she'd meet him there. When he later returned to the burnt village with his master, as he apprenticed with a war hero, he found her corpse; covered in blood and maggots. He hates the world. From a young age he was exposed to terror, fear, and just how bad people can be.

Other- He stands at 6'3 with a muscled strong body. His hair is a rusty brown and his eyes are a
deep blue. The hairstyle in the picture isn't like his, as his hair is longer and slightly slicked back with waved ends. He also has some scruff among his jawline.


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*Then Felix, Queen Aurora, King Angiolo, Raphael, Pipsqueak, Miki, and Bambi*

So these were my OCs I did not use...

Anyone wanna be one?
Arigatou, well first she might attract some attention judging by her looks but then after meeting her own personality then they'll go away? I'm really not good at this, hehe, and yeah not many people would say she is/was an angel (cause of her stubborn attitude they would think its impossible).

Maybe she could be from the 'Clan of Nihil' since she used to be gentle and stuff, so yeah if you want though.
Pardon if I missed it but who is Arigatou again? xD Also, do you want to choose one/two of the premade charries in my original story? We think it'd help things run smoother, since those guys play a massive role in the story :P
This seems like a really great roleplay im just having trouble trying to find out where to start with my charachter though.

I was going to be king of Nihil is that ok?
Oh :P There already kinda is one... The King of Lu and Queen of Nihil were wed to unite the two clans... xD Please! Go see those characters I posted above or on page 2 that I wanted to hand out :P
Full Name: Rosalie Perthshire

Nickname: Rose

Gender: Female

Race: Angel

Age: Seventeen

Occupation: Warrior

Society Status: Independent, strong willed, intelligent.

Relationship(s): None.

Home(s): A tiny cottage, concealed by large bushes and trees and surrounded by a wide varity of colorful flowers.

Clan: L?

Hobbies: Sparring, reading, and writing.

Personality: Rosalie is a
quiet girl, with a slight snappish personality when enraged. She is the type of person you just don't want to make angry. She can be sweet, but is rather determined and crude.

Other: Rosalie is a mix of an angel that has ?
????? ????? and L? blood running through her veins. However, she resides in clan L?.

Appearance: She has long blonde hair, and fair skin. Her normal attire consists of an armoured outfit, and her eyes a deep forest green that sometimes shift colors. She is 5'5 and weighs 105 pounds.

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Full Name: Evangline (Ev-ah-lin)

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Race: Angel

Age: Fifteen

Occupation: Herb Vendor

Society Status: Kind and meek.

Relationship(s): None.

Home(s): Residing in a small cave carved into the side of the mountain, with a door made of weaved vines and flowers.

Clan: Berrirose

Hobbies: Playing the harp, singing, and gathering herbs.

She is stealthy, and silent on her feet. She can be jittery and nervous around people and she is very quick. She tends to hide from people and keep to herself. The only time she will openly talk to someone or not flinch is when selling her legendary herbs.

Other: She has a sickness, and it progressively gets worse. She is currently searching for a cure.

Appearance: Evangline is a cute girl with white hair and fair skin. She has soft blue eyes and is normally wearing a silken dress that her mother had spun her before she passed. She is about 4'0 and weighs 84 pounds.

Monkey feet?


Full Name- Lite Rige

Nickname- King of Jacks

Gender- Male

Race- Angel

Age- 82

Occupation- Mercenary, chef, anything that brings in money, but he prefers the more high end jobs

Society Status- Jack of all trades

Relationships- His parents are diseased, his aunt his part of the Nihill, but he cares little for her now.

Home/s- Live amongst humans now


Hobbies- He does not have anything he can strongly consider a hobby of his, he does have a knack for mind games and debates, although he avoids it. As well he very much enjoys the sport in fighting and reckless and dangerous feats, as well as pleasurable times with females. but he still avoids it. He keeps to a mindset of neutrality in all things, but that is hard to keep balanced.

Personality- Easier shown than explained. Being as Lite's parents had come from two different clans, the
Αιώνια Νύχτα and the Nihil, his racial heritage was staggeringly odd. He is strong and holds much greed in his heart, but has a musical and whimsical demeanor in the way he goes about things. Many would find him to be egotistic and overconfident of himself, but would enjoy his optimism and enthusiasm. He does not seem type of hotheaded and reckless, although when seen doing an act that would cause most to struggle, he goes in recklessly and without caution, he does not consider it courage, but rather fear. He forces himself into the situation, as so he wouldn't try to escape it. As the Nihil had taught him, Nihil being where he grew up, he sought out the beauty and the better side of things. But the blood of his father forced him to turn to taking it away and keeping it for himself. Be this description, he would sound crazy, more of a creep than anything. That is simply because one cannot easily descrip the personality of another, being as one cannot see what thoughts are going through the others head(He keeps a kind demeanor on the outside, but stray to anger and hate in his mind).

Other- Is not very sociable. I(Original Hylion) do honestly have a hard time writing personalities, so sorry if it seems odd and mixed about.



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