Life's hard isn't it ? [ ACCEPTING ]

Name : Mayako Amori

Age : 17(about to be 18)

Job : Florist

Gender : Female

History : Mayako comes from a wealthy family, but people never suspect that she is until they hear her last name(which she rarely tells anyone). Her family owns various popular restaurants around town, but didn't want to take part in working at them at all. Mayako wants to do what she does best instead of owning a business. Often lives in her aunt's home because it's more comfortable, and because of that, she doesn't have much communication with her parents. The flower shop she works at also belongs to her aunt. Has a feuding sibling rivalry with her older brother, and cares a lot for her little brother of age five.

Dream : Mayako prefers the artistic field much better than the culinary. She loves painting, paper mache, charcoal and graphite drawings. She calls herself a traveling artist, because her parents have to move from city to city very often(sometimes overseas), and they take her along. Mayako craves for inspiration every day. Mayako would hate to rely on family money, and prefers to work for herself to prove that she can be successful out of her different career.

Looks : Behind black-rimmed glasses, Mayako has rare violet eyes that are called 'all-seeing eyes' because they look as if they can see through a person. She has medium-length chocolate brown curly hair, usually never styled. Mayako has an elegantly feminine face. Mayako has a tall figure and mature facial structure, but ironically has a flat-like bust. Mayako never sulks about it, and is actually glad of it since she never has to worry about shirt sizes. Mayako always wears punkish clothing, mostly consisting of red and black. Never liked bright hues for clothing, and whenever someone asks why, Mayako always replies, "Because neon hurts my eyes,".

Personality : Mayako is friendly to nearly anyone. On the inside, she is rather random, lazy, straightforward, and fun-loving. She has a surprising stubborn side, and doesn't like being proven wrong. Is very observant. If on her bad side, she makes mean remarks. Despite being a lover of art, she has fun playing video games and tends to have a liking for cute things, but doesn't hide the fact. Mayako can easily daydream in her thoughts, and has great memory, but sometimes says things out loud and without thinking about them first. Mayako may seem dense because of things she randomly says and does.

Name : Anther Lanque (Lawn-K)

Age :16

Job :unemployed

Gender :male

History :During his life he was always a disappointment to his friends, family, teachers, and bosses. On his 15th birthday, Anther was in his room enjoying his new mp3 player that he got for himself. He was listen to hundreds of different songs during his time upstairs, but then a song named Elfen Lied (German for Elf's song) came on and he loved it dearly. But in the middle of the song his parents came up the stairs, barged in his room, and told him to leave their home and never come back. He took his backpack, mp3 player, phone, and some cloths and left right then and there. He had a buddy that lived just down the street, so he decided that he would go and stay with him. He has lived there ever since, and each day he listens to the Elfen Lied, the last thing to remember his old life by.

Dream :His dream is to one day become a great musician that plays guitar. He wants to either be part of a small band or go solo, playing deep and emotional music. The musicians that he looks up to are Hollywood Undead, 3 Days Grace, and Linkin Park, and wants to play their kind of music. Besides that being his dream job he also wants to be able to go up and confront his parents on dis-owning him in his past, how everyone was wrong about him and that he was not helpless or stupid, but that he was stronger then any one of them would ever be.


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We really need to get more people on here. I know SOL rps usually don't get many people but we need more.
Name: Shira Saar

Age: 18

Job: Works part time at a record store.

Gender: Female

History: When Shira was young her father cheated on her mother with another woman, after Shira found out that he had cheated on another woman for her mom. Shira's father expected her to continue being the outgoing, individual girl she was but Shira couldn't see how that was possible. She began to play sports aggressively and joined leagues with the other boys, listening to rock in her free time. After the man at the store she worked in recognized her for the many times she bought CD's and sudoku books to get her mind out of reality he gave her the job while she figured her life out.

Dream: Shira wants to become an architect so that she has puzzles to solve, one of the many things she does to keep her mind busy. The only thing she is afraid of is not being taken seriously because of how young she appears to be.

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Name: Aline


Job: Server

Gender: Female

History: Aline grew up with a quiet life, usually reading books or listening to music. She lived with her mom, did her homework, was responsible and reserved, and didn't cause much trouble. She didn't have many friends, but didn't mind, preferring to be alone. Yet a car accident changed all of that.

Aline had been at school when it happened. Word passed by her about a severe car accident, no deaths, but a woman had been injured terribly. At the time she had thought nothing of it. Then came the office call, and the grim news. Her mother was in that accident, and had damaged her brain in the process. Now, she was in a state of a coma and unable to take care of her daughter.

After that, Aline fell into a state of no emotions, only crying when alone, refusing to go live with her father out of the country, staying and dropping out of school, getting an apartment with one of her coworkers. She pretended to be fine, engulfing her life with work and visits to her mother, visits to the library. She got more distant, yet not enough to be noticed. And, at night, when her roommate was fast asleep in the opposite room, Aline would cry, all of her pain and emotions coming out with the saltwater tears.

Even now, Aline suffers from her depression, occasionally going to extreme measures to control her mental pain. She hides her wrists with long sleeves and gloves, usually crossing her arms when she wasn't wearing either. Although, no one noticed, and that was the way Aline preferred it.

Dreams: Aline desires to become a professional writer, always carrying around with her a notebook, with poetry, short stories, and a variety of other writings stored inside. She finds love in writing, and a way to escape reality.
((Hi. Is it alright if I join in? I'm new here...))

Name : Nikola Aciai

Age : 25

Job : Musician (broke most of the time)

Gender : Male

History : Nikola never had parents. At least, he doesn't remember them. He was raised in an orphanage, and was bullied as a child. He was very quiet in his early years, only speaking when he had to. When he was thirteen, he met a girl named Mable, who befriended him, introduced him to a couple other friends, and helped him realize his talent in music. Since then, he has been practicing and hoping that, some day, he'd have his big break.

Dream : To start a family.

((Adding this in, too, to make up for no picture...))

Height: 6'5"

Black hair, golden brown eyes, normally doesn't shave so he has stubble, and he looks tired most of the time.
Name: Darren Vanguard

Age: 17

Job: Part time convince store cleric

Gender: Male

History: Growing up in rough family relations, he was forced to run away from home so he could live a life of peace. He was an only child, and was the topic of almost every argument. He’s currently living in a cheap apartment with enough money for daily expenses, so he has no luxuries.

Dream: Have a steady life. Have enough money to support himself, and his wants.

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Name : Makira Kaiser

Age : 23

Job : Part-time waiter

Gender : Male

History : It is Makira's dream to own his own Bar and become the Bartender.

Ever since he was a child, He's father would always take him to a bar and teach him the Philosophy of bartending.

He would enjoy going there since it was a time being spent by a father and child.

One day his father died, and he is left alone with is only mother.

He works hard to become a bartender, With the knowledge his father educated him.

He knows that it will be easy to become a bartender but making money to build a bar would be hard for him .

So Makira is a university student and also a part time employee

Dream :To become a bartender and to open a Bar

[ Well it would be better if more people would join ! maybe some of you can tell your friends to join this RP ^^ , And this is my char skelly ]

[ The rp is open now, You can all start whenver you guys want ! im kinda busy right now so i might join in later on ]

[ Everyone's accepted btw ! ]
Name : Akira Yamamoto

Age : 18

Job : Hostess

Gender : Female

History : Akira Yamamoto. A young woman. Kind to others. Friend. Who would've guessed this girl would be a hostess in one of the most popular joints in Okinawa? Though, she wasn't always like this.

Akira was a young, normal girl. Loved by her parents. Foolish about the outside world. Though, after one trip away from home, things changed. Papa met a beautiful, young foreign woman and moved out. And after that, Mama shut down. She slowly lost herself. Always zoning out and forgetting things, Akira took most of the work. Eventually, Mama just stopped getting up in the morning. Whenever Akira checked up on her, she would be muttering things incoherently or sleeping. Akira became worried and unfortunately, so would her teachers. They sent countless parent-teacher forms home, all left unanswered. Until eventually, a teacher just called in and Akira was taken away from her mother. The young teen left kicking and screaming, but in the end, she wasn't strong enough to stay with her mentally ill mother.

Of course, children without parents under the legal age of eighteen get sent to an orphanage. And, that's exactly what was done to her. She stayed there for a few weeks, going to adoption interviews every few days and listening to whomever was in charge. Then a family adopted her. She lived with them, along with an elder brother and a Black Russian Terrier. The mother was an artists and her father, a musician. It was practically a house of her dreams. The walls were painted beautifully and music always filled the small halls. That's where she was awoken to instruments such as the piano, violin, vocals, and bass, all at which she is now talented at. In her spare time, she'll draw portraits of random passersby. Though, she moved out at a young age, not really enjoying being cooped up in that house.

That's where her job comes in. It was rather sudden, actually. She was looking for a house. She needed a job. And a man which seemed to take interest in her looks just walked up to her and offered her the job of being a hostess. She had no reason to turn it down. It provided good pay and a chance to meet many interesting kinds of people. Of course, not all the people she meets are decent, but it's all in a day's work, right? Yeah....

Dream : I want to be able to use my talents and let myself be known. Legally or Illegally.

Name : Nelly Angelhive

Age :
19 years old

Job :
Rookie detective

Gender :

History :
Nelly's family consisted in her parents and her younger brother, Luke Angelhive. When Nelly was 10 years old, and her brother 8 years old, their house got on fire, and they were unable to get out of there because the exits were blocked by the fire itself, along with fallen pieces of wood and furniture. Both the mother and the father died there, and fortunately Nelly was rescued by the firefighters. However, no one knew about the whereabouts of Luke. Nelly was in a coma for a month, and when she woke up, her body reacted in a different way to the whole smoke she had inhaled; aside from the coma, her hair got pure white. She lived in an orphanage for a while, but nobody wanted to adopt her because of her unnatural hair color. Once she got older, at her 14 years old, she managed to stablish her own life; she worked at an equestrian center with the horses, riding them, taming them, etc., and in exchange she got to live in the main house from the center. When she got 17 years old, she decided to take on the detective career. She began to study and finally became a rookie detective, later meeting Lukas, a young journalist with no known past. Feeling compassion for the orphan boy, and feeling as if he would somehow fill the gap left by her brother's disappearing, or death as she assumed, she took him in and started to live with him, both of them renting a house together.

Dream :
To become a great detective and inspector.

Appearence: Long pure white hair with a right-sided fringe. Her eyes are bright blue, and her skin is kinda pale.


-As mentioned before, Nelly is good with horses. She has a horse in the equestrian center she lived in called Archer, which was tamed by Nelly herself. She is also taming a young, small horse called Bullet. Both horses were named by Nelly.

-She hates heat, and is dead scared of fire. All because of the fire that took her family away and almost killed her as well.

-Her favorite foods are berries and carrots.

-Nelly is very skilled at shooting, archery and healing.
Name: Leon Belair

Age: 18

Job: Part-time waiter

Gender: Male

History: Leon's father died of cancer when he was three, and his mother never married afterwards. Having five sisters, younger and older, Leon grew up being a little feminine and often got teased for it in school. He gradually learned how to protect himself without help, but barely pulled through each day. Back then, he wasn't the type of kid who you'd think would love adventure or excitement, Leon would normally be inside reading. During the age of fourteen, Leon met Mayako when she visited Great Britain for the summer with her family. She made Leon realize that he had an incredible talent for something he didn't see, and it changed his unsure thoughts of the future into a much more positive perspective. Leon thanked Mayako greatly, and promised he would meet her again to return the favor. He moved to Japan and shares an apartment room with his cousin.

Dream: Leon wishes to become a professional soccer player. He trains and runs outside daily to stay in shape.

Looks: Leon has pale blond, spiky hair that likes to almost covers his sea blue eyes. And whenever he looks saddened it can tear a girl's heart up. His structure is lean and semi-tall, and is usually seen wearing a white shirt. Leon always carries a necklace with a ring on it, that was passed down from his deceased father. Leon keeps it as his good luck charm.

Personality: Despite Leon's tranquil and compassionate nature, he is very clumsy and tends to get hurt a lot. He can sometimes have his childish or flirty moments towards people. If he has a goal, he has the determination to reach it. Leon is the type of person who would like to help others instead of himself, and has a strong loyalty to people he considers close. It's difficult to get on his bad side, but when it happens, he is stronger than he looks. Leon hides his faults well, but they can show up once when he gets a little too careless about how he seems. Leon is deathly afraid of mannequins in the dark due from a cruel prank received from his cousin in his childhood. Leon doesn't ever go near long kitchen knives. Leon also has a hobby for making desserts.

Post your characters here

Name : Luke Issas

Age : 23

Job : Lumber yard worker

Gender : Male

History : Luke never had the luxuray of living in a nice neighborhood and had to learn to survive the fights, drugs and just even the people that lived. But luke's survival skills never had to be use when he was at home with his mother, or well until his father came home is instinct had to be use agian and he would lock himself in his room sometimes even placing his dresser infront of it. Couple years later luke's abusive father eventualy killed himself and OD'ed no ones real sure why but Luke will never forget seeing the man he always wanted dead on the floor of his kitchen. Luke's mother Lisa is still alive to this day. Things got better for luke he moved out into his own house and picked up a pretty dangerous job at the lumber mill. But still even after he moved out he did'int escape completely he still lives in a dangerous and active area that has gun and drug violence.

Dream : To escape and move up in the world dose'int have much of a plan though.

Looks: Tall and slender person with a brown hair buzz shave, Bright green eyes usually wears his gray beanie and his black coat that has a faded blue at the bottom of it.

Personality: For being where Luke was he is still very ambitious and sometimes out spoken or loud, but yet he's still not too much of a rude person. But if he dose feel insulted he will have no problem insulting someone back or even acting on violence, But beside the bit of a dark side luke has he usualy is a proper person to people he's never met and has always had a strange fasination with guns and knives.

(If the Thread is still going someone send me a link to it or if it's closed that's also fine)
Name : Kyle Jenkins (Not to be associated with LEEEEROOOY JEEEENKINNNNNS!...)

Age : 17 and a half

Job : Unemployed

Gender : Male

History : Kyle lives in a very poor family, one that was very hard to live in. His father was an alcoholic and his mother works a full-time job, a side job, and kept the house as clean as she could (which isn't very clean, thanks to Kyle's father). His mother was barely ever home and when she was she was usually cleaning, cooking, or sleeping. The Jenkins family made just enough money to pay for the bills and food, and what was left over was spent on alcohol for Kyle's dad.

With his family's lack of money, Kyle's life was miserable while he was growing up. Kyle barely gets enough to eat, he also doesn't have a bed and is forced to sleep on the floor of his home when he decides to come home for the night. His dad is abusive to Kyle and his mother. Kyle's father constantly told Kyle about how he was a mistake and they tried to get an abortion, and he tells Kyle's mother to get out of the house constantly. Kyle's life now is mostly Kyle living off the money he can scavenge from the streets and from other people. He occasionally has to resort to thievery just to get enough to eat, but he knows that even that's not going to be enough and he might have to risk more than that to be able to get by.

Dream : Kyle has always wanted to be in a band, but he really just wants to live a good life. He wants to get away from his father and make friends and actually live like a human should. He also really truly wants to go to a big city just because he's seen them and heard about them his entire life but has never been to one.

Appearance: Kyle's eyes are a very bright, almost glowing blue, which is why he usually wears sunglasses that he managed to steal from a store. Kyle has short, minimally cared for, black hair that stands up on his head. He's about 5'10" and his really slim. Kyle is a lot stronger than he looks, which serves him good. He usually wears black and red clothing (that's based off me, not trying to copy [MENTION=4214]Moonlit Dream[/MENTION] just want to clarify that), black converse, and a torn-up dirty black jacket with a red and gray fox logo on his upper right chest, which is usually zipped all the way up except the last 4 or 5 inches.
Name : Leroy Donovan

Age : 17

Job : Part-Time cook at Leon's place of work & courier.

Gender : Male

History : Born and raised in Australia, Leroy was on his own since he was 13, he parted his old life with his best friend who had been by his side for years, while Leroy got his education through various schollarships and charities, and working his butt off, his best friend took up organized crime, not Leroy is 17, a senior in high school with his own courier business and job as a part time/aprentice cook, while his best friend was busted a year ago and has since taken up meth.

Dream :to never become anything like how his old friend has turned out, and if possible, to make his friend clean again.

Looks: 6ft 1in, athletic build with freckles, dark red hair and green eyes, his skin is quite tanned but under his shirt-line he is as pale as a ghost, his upper-left canine tooth is bigger than the others and tends to stand out and has an abnormally long tongue which he often uses for comic effect to make friends.
Name : Elfie Sims (Goes by Elf)

Age : 17

Job : Has a job in the artistic fields of drama, and makes small, unpopular movies. Yet he does have dreams of going big! He also works in recording his own music, and also plays at some small town concerts.

Gender : Male

History :Born and raised in northern Canada, he moved to southern Canada at the age of 8, leaving no friends behind, as many people weren't quite nice up North. In southern Canada people often complimented his acting and musical talents and he decided to follow them.

Dream : He hopes to go big for Canadian music after University which he hopes to major in some artistic areas, as well as mathematics.

Looks: He's rather short, hence him being nicknamed "Elf". He only measures up to 5"5. He has big blue eyes, and always wears a big pair of nerd glasses, which he believes makes him cuter. He has red freckles on both sides of his face, and a small little nose. His hair is two inches or so from his shoulders and is a thick mass of brown curls. He's rather tanned and has a muscular build, but his muscles are not visible unless flexed.

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