Life's hard isn't it ? [ ACCEPTING ]

Name : Piarre Williams

Age : Just turned eighteen.

Job : Part-time software developer, other time busy sleeping on a park bench.

Gender : Male.

History : Growing up, his parents gave him up at a young age and so lived his times in an adoption center, though he was never wanted for no known reason. They always went for the cuter children, but he ended up being pretty "okay" when he got older. Living in the place was a bit tough, doing odd chores for the owner as he waited for a while to get adopted but he never did. Not a lot went on in this period of time, but he had just turned eighteen yesterday and had been kicked into the streets to fend for himself. Live is tough, homeless, and without money. Hey, y'never know, could take a turn for the better. Or the uh, worse. If there is worse, that is.

Dream : Hoping to find a house, a set of friends, and definitely get his career of development in the software field up to stat. Right now, it's a bit buggy.

Looks: The rather average tanned skin, with some below-average muscles but still fair. Blonde hair, with a few tufts usually hanging curled from underneath the weird shade of blue beanie he always sports, along with a plain t-shirt and a hood for the colder days. Black eyes to boot, with feet measuring 8". Average clothing he wears is the beanie, the plain shirt, and a hood. Also some black and white kicks, can't forget that.

Hopefully this is good, my first post on the sight haha. Sorry for it being a bit on the short side, but I was out of any good ideas to sport as a good backstory, sorry. Catch you on the flip side, buds.

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