The Others (Signups)


One Thousand Club

Okay just some general rules:

1. If you plan to have mental/bodily domination type powers (though I generally recommend avoiding these) please make them moderate enough so you can't body-jack characters. (Or you ask before doing so if you want these powers)

2. I reserve full right to reject powers so if your power might be iffy then make me see that it won't be a problem in your skeleton.

Full name:



Upper limit of power:

What happens if you reach your upper power limits:

Weaknesses of power:



Full name: Harlow Moretti

Age: 21

Power: Corpse Manipulation (Necrokinesis)

Upper limit of power: Fully commanding three dead bodies at once

What happens if you reach your upper power limits: She suffers from necrosis which spreads across her back when she overuses her powers. Essentially her cells permanently die and it leeches out when she's overexerted.

Weaknesses of power: Intense concentration is needed leaving her vulnerable and she can only control a body for an hour at most.

Personality/History: Harlow grew up in a relatively normal household until a car accident caused the death of her parents when she was twelve. She escaped with one a broken wrist but it affected her mind. When Harper was crying over their bodies an inexplicable thing happened. Her parents stirred rising from their obviously fatal wounds, at first she was ecstatic but it was clear that they were not the same... they were vacant... and their presence in the world hurt her causing the first of her necrosis to appear.

The event turned out to be traumatic for her and it made burying her parents much worse for her seeming to cause a fracture in her mind. Harlow is prone to moments of madness and violence and she has a bizarre attachment to the dead. She was captured to be sent to the island when someone recognized their dead uncle on a picnic with Harlow. Aside from moments of madness Harlow can be narcissistic, self-absorbed, and manipulative.



Full name: Dean Roxwell

Age: 23

Power: Accelerated regeneration

Upper limit of power: It is a passive ability that he doesn't control. He just heals himself so N/A

What happens if you reach your upper power limits: N/A

Weaknesses of power: He cannot regenerate fatal wounds or limbs and he cannot heal others

Personality/History: Dean is the definition of your typical guy aside from his abilities. He discovered his abilities only recently after getting mugged. He was stabbed and he thought that he was going to die because of this but his wound knitted over quickly. The incident would have been unremarkable towards his overall life except that his mother was practically hypnotized by the news and reported him which resulted in him being taken away to the island after convincing him that it was for the best.

Dean is friendly, outgoing, warm, enthusiastic, and an overall optimist. He is looking forward to meeting others with unique abilities on the island and he is also excited to experiment with his own having believed his mother's lies that she had acted out of pure intentions.


Full name: Azeel Jackson

Age: 17

Power: telikinetis (where you can lift stuff with your mind)

Upper limit of power: can only lift things under four hundred pounds, basically like normal human strength but multiplied by two

What happens if you reach your upper power limits: gets extremely tiered and bad headaches

Weaknesses of power: sometimes does it subconciously and can only control so many things

Personality/History: Azeel was a weird kid and even weirder teenager. In school, kids and some teachers were afraid of him because of how he looked and that things would fly around the room sometimes when he got angry or scared. Because of this he was extremely antisocial as a child and had a lot of time to practice his powers. He got turned in when a kid at his high school threw a large rock at him. The rock stopped several inches before it hit Azeel, then shot back and hit the kid who threw it square in the nose. When Azeel was taken away, he didn't fight and enjoys himself on th island. He is standoffish with people he doesn't know or like, but is extremely childlike and kind around people he knows and likes.

Appearance: Has short white hair, dark black eyes, and pale skin. Stands at about 5'6" and has a small lean build. Wears mostly darker clothing and has his left ear pierced.

Other: loves sweets and is amazingly good at math even though he's bad at everything else
[MENTION=3276]yistae[/MENTION] - I was hoping more people would sign up, but would you want to just start anyways?
Full name: Eve Dreyer



Upper limit of power:She can summon 5 different creatures and mythical animals

What happens if you reach your upper power limits:If she summons any more than 5 or if she summons creature stronger than her,then they will turn on her

Weaknesses of power:Certain spells need concentration and time to cast

Personality/History:When Eve was in school she was deemed "All-Around Nice Princess".She was nice to everybody,and was great in almost everything.She was also called the cutest girl along with her twin,who is pretty much the opposite except in athletics and grades.

Appearance:View attachment 9576

Other:She has two familiars that manifested when she gained her powers,which are a Snow White Bear and a Night Sky Black Bat,named Ray and Blink.They can grow in size when needed

Full name: Nya Dreyer


Power:Energy manipulation

Upper limit of power:She can suck and drive energy of people

What happens if you reach your upper power limits:If she pour to much energy into someone,she will kill herself or shave off years of her life span

Weaknesses of power:Extensive use of power will deplete user of energy reserves

Personality/History: Nya is the polar opposite of her twin Eve.Eve is kind to all while Nya is rude and impulsive,she does not care for anyone else unless it is to fulfill her own goal.When she gained her powers,her and her sister where in constant conflict,usually relating to how Nya wanted to steal,kill,or torture someone and Eve wouldn't allow it.

Appearance:View attachment 9577

Is this still open? I'd like to try to join...

Full name: Pandora Collins (Pan, for short)

Age: 15

Power: Damaging things with psychic abilities.

Upper limit of power: Can't damage anything bigger than a car.

What happens if you reach your upper power limits: She falls unconscious.

Weaknesses of power: Uncontrollable, drains her energy.

Personality/History: Pan was always a very shy, very nervous child. She had only a few friends, and was always afraid of others' opinions. When she was eleven, a child had scared the panicky girl, and a light bulb overhead exploded. After learning of her powers, she tried her hardest to keep them under control, and keep them a secret.

Appearance: Short, thin, medium light-brown wavy hair, large and round green-brown eyes and freckles.

Other: Sensitive, afraid of large animals. Her powers can affect people, but only somewhat injure them. She's an excellent cook.
Full name: Guardian Rose

Age: 19


Reality Pocket – He scratches the very fabric of reality creating black nothingness, which he calls “the pocket”. The pocket is a compact space that touches everything in reality. This means if he tears a “pocket” and walks into it and scratches another hole, the hole could lead to an extremely different area in the world. If Rose is in the pocket, reality in the pocket is at his disposal.

Upper limit of power:

The Pocket turns inside out. Therefore, Rose has an adequate amount of control of reality.

What happens if you reach your upper power limits:

Body will slowly shifts out of existence until he disappears. He’ll recover extremely slowly when not using the upper power limits.

Weaknesses of power:

-Only able to tear up to 3 holes at a time.

-The pocket doesn’t have and pulling abilities to suck things in.

-Rose can only influent the pocket if he’s inside it.

-Tear a hole within the pocket will lead to a random location.

-Tearing holes is quick, but closing them is slow.

-Holes will begin to close 5mins after opening

-If Rose exits the pocket, everything returns to a black nothingness state.

Personality/History: Rose is a kind soul, and enjoys being friendly. However, this will alchange if he’s set off. His personality will dramatic change from a king person to a sadistic person. He’ll become cold hearted, insane and of course sadistic. The only way to set off rose is a close friend is harmed close to death or even killed. Asides from that He’s extremely kind and patient, laughing at joke that aren’t funny.


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