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  1. Blahkabelison


    Caroline (Carly) Stavish Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-30_22-22-44.jpeg.8971a8c93b208009fe513d2611177ddf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54581"...
  2. Blahkabelison

    Realistic or Modern Miss Barnett-Hawes Finishing School For Girls

    (Don't worry about it, my post is also really late...) Tara felt her stomach sink in disappointment at the girl's harsh words, realizing they wouldn't become as close as she had imagined. "Oh, I apologize that I've offended you, it really wasn't my intention, I swear." She said apologetically...
  3. Blahkabelison

    Realistic or Modern Flight

    Clara Rhynes Clara sat on a patch of grass, one leg tucked under her body and the other splayed out in front of her as she stared at it. It was frightening to see, it was bent at an awkward angle and swollen, covered in colored patches of bruises. Blue, green, purple, red, it was almost...
  4. Blahkabelison


    Name: Clara Rhynes. Age: 6 Gender: Female Coach. Job/Grade: 1st Grade Elementary Student. History: Mommy and Daddy are business people, and we move around a lot for their work. It's really fun and exciting, I've gotten to go to lots of really cool places! This year, though, they said...
  5. Blahkabelison

    Realistic or Modern Miss Barnett-Hawes Finishing School For Girls

    Tara stepped carefully out of the bus, a small bag of necessities clutched in her hands. Her room was number 15, she was eager to acquaint herself with her roommate, what would she be like? She'd never shared a room with anyone before, would it be fun? She could only assume so. She cheerfully...
  6. Blahkabelison

    Miss Barnett-Hawes Finishing School For Girls

    Name: Tara Manlin. Age: 16 Appearance (Realistic Images Only) (Also no crazy hair colors, as you will be forced to have it dyed back to its original color): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-1_21-21-17.jpeg.3505d7e4c0fe2b8a3629d8591ef094ed.jpeg"...