

Age: (13-17)




Bio: (Before Capture)


Job on the Island: (Builder, Farmer, etc.)
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Name: Wynter Maddox

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Profile photo (can change if needed)

Personality: She's sweet, kind and caring, but she can turn on you in a heartbeat. she protects the ones she loves and isn't afraid to get into a fight.

Bio: She's an only child. She didn't have a bad family life. She had two dogs and a cat. She's pretty boring.

Skills: Can use anything as a weapon and can climb.

Job: Nurse
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Harley Addison Zuco

Age: 13

Gender: female


Harley is a small girl, standing at only four feet, nine inches. Her dirty-blonde hair is a medium length, but it is constantly full of tangles and knots. The girl has dark green eyes that stand out with her olive complexion, and, as the girl is out in the sun more and more, her skins darkens into an attractive, but dirt stained, tan. The outfit she was abandoned in was an old dress two sizes too big and tight-fitting Mary Janes. She was also wearing a watch at the time, so she keeps time for the group, if needed. She has a thin, petite build, as she is growing and developing at an extremely slow rate. She hates her immature appearance and closes her eyes every time she takes a drink of clear water, as to avoid her reflection. Harley has dozens of scraps and scars about her body, but none appear to be serious or abusive.

Personality: Harley is a feisty young girl, despite her size. She has always been independent, and she views anger and sadness as weaknesses. Most of the other teenagers think her childish appearance is a hint at her personality, but the female acts more like she is in her early twenties. She tends to keep to herself, and one should hope she does not speak to them often, as only sarcastic remarks and rude questions leave the teen's mouth. Secretly, (deep, deep down) Harley is a happy girl with a positive attitude, but she hides her true emotions with a constant glare and an occasional smirk. Sometimes, the female will open up around one or two people, but she strives to keep her cold attitude around groups. Although she may be hard to like, Harley is a good person to have on your side, as she is extremely clever. She loves to invent things to help their lives run smother, and she is isn't afraid to fight for those she cares about. At times, the girl can grow friendly, but it doesn't last long. She lets out her emotions through art, exercise, and making/fixing things about the island. Other teenagers recognize her for being a hard worker.

Bio: Harley was born into a large, poor family. She had a few years of childhood, but, by the time she was seven, the girl was taking care of her younger siblings. Her mother and father both saw the eldest daughter as an equal, allowing her to make choices for the household, including her and her siblings bedtime, diet, education, and daily schedules. Her parents worked as often as they could to provide for their eight children, but it seemed like the kids never had quite enough of anything. Harley usually gave up half of her share of food, clothing, and hygiene products to one of her brothers or sisters. Each of the children dropped out of school before junior high, so their book intelligence is low. However, because the female had to make use with few resources while growing up, she has knowledge of how to take things apart, put them back together, and make them something completely different.

Skills: Building, ending arguments, starting arguments, discovering how machinery/tools work, staying calm in a crisis

Faults: Bad attitude, negative view of their situation, tiny physical size, bad at basic grammar and writing, tends to get too caught up in her projects, doesn't really want to leave

Job on the Island: Builder/Inventor. The girl also keeps messy records of her findings and experiences through charts and journal entries.​


Caroline (Carly) Stavish

Age: 15

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-30_22-22-44.jpeg.8971a8c93b208009fe513d2611177ddf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-30_22-22-44.jpeg.8971a8c93b208009fe513d2611177ddf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Carly is a fun-loving and optimistic girl;

She loves being outdoors and is very athletic.

Her cheerfulness often brightens a stressful situation,

but is also sometimes considered annoying, especially

to those who don't know her well.


Growing up on a farm, it's only natural

that she would be a very outdoorsy person. Most of

Carly's childhood was spent outside playing, growing crops,

biking, horseback riding and tending to the livestock,

She always aimed to enjoy each day.

She is the youngest of five children; Three brothers and a twin sister.

She had a very close relationship with her

siblings, and both of her loving parents, although

she was always closest to her older twin, Gracie.

Nothing particularly tragic ever befell her or

anyone she knew, altogether she had a very happy life.


Apart from her obvious skills in farming and such,

and an average intelligence, Carly is very strong, both

emotionally and physically, along with plenty of basic survival

skills, due to many days of camping, Carly can easily

start a fire, or catch a fish and the like.



it kind of goes

without saying that

Carly is in charge of most,

if not all of the farming

and food supplies.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-30_22-22-38.jpeg.b9fe1a22b67ef59e4aab85bc204adb49.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54580" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-30_22-22-38.jpeg.b9fe1a22b67ef59e4aab85bc204adb49.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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