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  • Users: Mandy
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  1. M

    The lost pup

    (back where are your characters *i mean in the RP whats gone on since i've been away*
  2. M

    Lion R.P.

    (yea i suppose)
  3. M

    School werewolfs

    (yes it is still open but you have to join as a human)
  4. M

    School werewolfs

    i am back :)
  5. M

    Lion R.P.

    (not really because lots of girls fall for that cheesyness)
  6. M

    Lion R.P.

    (not completely most are good but some are just kinda cheesyly ovious )
  7. M

    Lion R.P.

    (LOL tell that to reasl life boys they just 'run' through it and say the stupidest things some times or ALL the time :P )
  8. M

    Lion R.P.

    (actaly she has to reply to me too :/ hmm but okay i will post something) Drake jumps over the lions and runs and kills a giant buffaloe as soon as he touches the ground
  9. M

    Lion R.P.

    (great :-O)
  10. M

    Lion R.P.

    (okay you begin and i follow in)
  11. M

    Lion R.P.

    ( :) hey thanks for the welcome now where are we )
  12. M

    Secret Werewolfs

    (back for awhile) "no i am not hilusinating, but nice try " she said then she said," I should of known you were the one i was told about ." then she said," you don't have to hide your secret with me didn't you here about the 'new' wolf coming to town" she checked and when she saw no one else...
  13. M

    School for the Musical Ghouls

    (back for awhile :D )
  14. M

    Lion R.P.

    (Back for awhile :D )
  15. M

    Secret Werewolfs

    "Sue are you okay? I know now isn't the best timing but do you want to know who i like" he waits to see if that makes her less sad and more snoopy (now i am done)
  16. M

    Secret Werewolfs

    "your a wolf" she wasn't much surprized just that it was him who was a wolf
  17. M

    Secret Werewolfs

    "here" she hands her the cloths and then wonders where Miko is he should be here with his sister so she rushes around the school and doesn't find him so she puts on her hoodie and grows her nose and smells his scent then she rushes to where he is she sniffs one last time then finds him and says...
  18. M

    Secret Werewolfs

    Word spread fast about what happened and Mandy came and said ," are you okay Sue i heard what happened " she says then adds," i have some cloths for you to put on "
  19. M

    School for the Musical Ghouls

    " fine then bye and meet me at the italian resturant i need to tell you something before i get ki" stops there and runs out the door in dog form and hides trying not to be to oviously angrey/sad/happy/ and all the other emotions (kk i guess)
  20. M

    School for the Musical Ghouls

    (i meant would you as in would you think that if you were a different person)