Secret Werewolfs

" No one you need to know" Jacob said to him not wanting to tell him

" okay well i hope he can show me around since we have most of the same classes and you to help show me to the rest " she said a little hopeful
Sue nodded, "come we all have math together first!" she said and began walking, "were going to be awesome friends!" she said excitedly. Sue wasn't looking where she was going and bumpt into Jacob falling to the floor. "you have to tell me who you like!" Miko said then noticed Sue and waved. "eh? Our young man is growing up" she said acting like she was tearing up then looked at Jacob and held out her hand for help. Miko then laughed about there little joke he then noticed Mandy and waved, "hey Mandy did you like hanging out with my sister so far?" he asked.
" okay " she said to Sue before sue bumped into jacob then she said to Miko,"yea " then Jacob helped Sue up off the floor and he said," everybody is falling today "
Sue smirked widely, "at least we didn't fall for someone" she said nudging him a bit, "so who is it?" she asked poking him, "come on you can tell me" she said. Miko smiled, "cool so wanna hang out after school we all go to this cafe around here" he offered, "maybe Jacob can spot you a ride unless you can ride skates" he offered smiling.
"I will not tell you who i like " Jacob said " i may tell you later though okay " he added

" I have my own ride and would like to go but I do not know where it is so maybe i can follow you guys" she says with a smile
Miko smiled, "okay as long as it's not a car or something along those lines" he said smiling then looked at Jacob, "so you would tell your best friends sister but not your best friend?! Pfft I got you" he said. Sue smiled, "ots because I'm cooler then you" she said smirking then hugged Jacob to tease Miko a bit more. Miko pouted and walked into the class room. They they sat was Sue by the Window Jacob in front of her and a empty seat next to her then on the other side was Miko.
Miko smiled as the class began and he began taking notes. Sue put up a text book and set her head & ow going by the rule that says math is pointless.
Mandy gets out her notebook aand began writing notes and then she began writing lyrics for a song
Sue woke up to Miko's humming then smirked and when the teacher wasnt looking she threw a paper ball at Jacob's head then looked away acting like she did nothing. The bell rang and Miko stood up and began walking,"history"Sue said and hugged her brother they held hands and began walking out. Sue jolted geting pushed,"pfft Twincest"one said and they all laughed,"how dirty"another added. Miko twiched angrily then held his head."Its fine Miko im fine"Sue said then jolted getting pushed to the locker by a jock. Miko glared cletching his fists causing them to bleed. Sue quickly got up smiling,"I'm fine fine fine"she said although could feel the blood run down her arm and drip off her fingers she had a big cut."off to history!"she yelled and ran off to hide the blood. Miko could already smell it and he punched the guy to the ground. Miko's blue eyes turned red at the center but slowly went back to normal and he put a lolipop in his mouth to calm down."tch dont worry I'll be sure to penetrate your sister soon"the guy said smirking. Miko glared and began punching the guy.

Sue put her hand on her arm breathing heavily in the stair case. She wasnt feeling well she never did she was very fragile.
Mandy came out of class to see Miko pumbling a guy then she remembered something she had to do and ran out the school door only to bump into a huge guy who stared down at her and he said to his friends," look a new punching bag" then he shoved her back and she couldn't stand it being treated as a little fragile toy but she didn't have the time to deal with him so she shoved him on the ground and said," I'll deal with you later pansy" she then walked back into school totaly forgetting what she had to do
Miko walked to the guidance counter as told. He got yelled at and a warning with a detention after school. Sue passed out in the stairwell which was very dangerous.
Mandy soon smelling sue and her being knocked out she ran really fast to the stair case and saw her on the floor out cold to without thinking she picked sue up with ease and took her to the nurse and then ran to Miko who was ,by her, pulled twards the nurse's office and she told him," Sue is out cold in the principles office and can you tell me where the principles office is i will be going there for my detention which i will be getting in 5 minutes
"I have detention too so no problem... And thanks do you know where Jacob is? I haven't seen him around since the bell"Miko replied eatti;g a lollipop with his teeth unreasonably sharp but not ugly sharp. Sue groaned at the blood as the nurse began doing the stitches on arm.
"he is over there" she said pointing to him talking to a guy about who he likes as he trys to find out what flowers she likes ," and thanks brb that door with the red hat" pointed to the huge jock guy," is gonna pay , oh and 1 more thing can you hold my books it won't be long" she waited for his answer

(doof not door)
"no problem" Miko said then looked at Mandy and held up his fist for a fist bump. He then looked at Jacob and walked over sneakily after taking Mandy's books trying to hear who he liked. Miko used his super hearing skills as he put up his hoody and let his ears out.
Jacob was about to say who he liked when Jase (Big bully guy who Mandy hates) pushed mandy and then she got angrey. She shoved him ,making him fall and she body slamed him making him angrey and so he got up and shoved mandy to the floor and she kicked his foot making him fall again and she picked him up then threw him into a locker and he got knocked out and she locked him in the locker and went to beat up his 'hentch men' yet they ran and she smirked happily and went to miko and grabbed her books and said," thanks for holding my books and ps Jase is a chump" everyone awed and the principle gave her a detantion slip and Mandy said," I was expecting this " she yawned and stretched and waiting for the bell to ring she leaned against a locker whilke people walked past and said ," she is awesome, wow, cool"
Miko pouted slightly, "so close" he said and had his ear become normal. The bell rang but Miko went to Jacob, "wanna come with me to see Sue?" he asked.

Sue sat up feeling dizzy being that she was Tylenol she giggled a bit then saw a guy in the room and waved. He smirked widely.
Miko nodded and began walking to the nurses office he opened the door to see the guy kissing Sue and trying to do the naughty with her. Miko jolted not knowing what to do.

(yea sorry but i got a couple minutes left so lets RP our heads off while i am on) jacob whispered to miko ," what are you doing go get him away from her dude now"
Miko was frozen, "y-you do it your a jock" he said and covered his eyes not wanting to see his sister get naked. Sue began crying against the guys lips.
"fine then i will" Jacob said and walks in and picked up the boy and through him to the floor and then saying ,"Miko want the next punch on him" then he looked at Sue andsaid," are you okay " (i may be on a little bit if im luckky)
Miko dragged out the boy and began beating him up outside his eyes turning red at the core again as his nail grew and he began scratching the guys face.

Sue sniffled then looked at Jacob crying a bit with her blouse open and the buttons torn her dark pink bra with light pink bunnies on it showed.
Word spread fast about what happened and Mandy came and said ," are you okay Sue i heard what happened " she says then adds," i have some cloths for you to put on "

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