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  1. Whyte mail

    Fandom JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Viridian Passage Out of Character

    Are you guys still accepting characters atm? I know I'm a little late to the party.
  2. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon RP

    I'm willing to give this a shot.
  3. Whyte mail

    Fandom My Hero Academia: Whitewater Acadamy CS (closed)

    Name: Carson Morrow Hero Name:The Cartoon Hero - Slapstick Age: 32 Gender: Male Staff Role: Teacher of quirk studies and special technique training Appearance: Hero Costume: Personality: Slapstick's views on life tend to lean much more to the optimistic side of things. Not one to keep...
  4. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    That's awfully nice of you sir. I'm happy to be as valuable as you make me out to be. .......shit. [
  5. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL, I HAVE THE POWER! Yep, you heard it right folks. Finally got power back in my modest little hovel and will hopefully have a post up in a day or two. I've got a lot to read.
  6. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Update on the power situation. Looks like they got half the subdivision up again but, unfortunately, my block is not a part of that. It shouldn't be too long before I can post again. I'm very, very sorry for my lack of postage but I should hopefully have power soon.
  7. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Hey guys, sorry about my lack of posting. Some dude drove into a power-line on my street and knocked out power for the whole side of town. We finally just got it back. I should have a post up soon.
  8. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Sorry about the late post guys, boss is keeping me late to clean up the store.
  9. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Alright, I'm fine with that. As long as we don't have some power level bullshit going on I'm a very happy boy. I shall graciously accept a rival Wizarmon into our little group.
  10. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Now I hate to interrupt this lovely banter but I've a quick question pertaining to Veirriana's digital partner as I'm simply a little confused. Wouldn't Wizarmon start as Candlemon? I know there's multiple instances of Digimon partners defaults being champion level, Wizarmon included, but it...
  11. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Nathan and Wormmon gulped in unison as they watched blow after blow glance off the robotic Digimon. How the hell was this thing so durable? Takuma must have been insane to think this thing was the same level as their partners. Gizmon blew away the sticky webbing with a single laser blast...
  12. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Nathan cursed under his breath as Gizmon wandered into the small clearing, its spindly robot legs deftly stepping between the holes in the webbing covering the ground. The creature was strange. Not as strange as Targetmon but strange nonetheless. Multiple green tubes dangled from its body...
  13. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    I'm up for anything with Nathan, though something like a wise mentor training in the mountains type deal would be cool. Also, please tell me there's a Jyagamon information broker who's slogan is I have eyes everywhere.
  14. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    And it was at that moment Nathan realized that not all women can be won over by a smile, reckless bravado, and a can-do attitude.
  15. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Nathan's eyes narrowed as he bent down to Mikado's level, making direct eye contact with the concerned tamer. He understood where she was coming from, he really did, but Nathan was confident that this was one problem running away wouldn't fix. The creature was approaching fast and there wasn't...
  16. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    I wouldn't be against Wormmon digvolving. If that does happen, be ready for a drastic personality change. You could say his temperament will be "burning hot".
  17. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Woooo, got the post up in record time! I'm looking forward to see who Digivolves though I'm even more excited to see who we're going to be fighting. Targetmon caught me completely off-guard in a very good way.
  18. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    As the group came to a halt, Nathan didn't even bat an eye as the small orange Digimon pulled an enormous blackboard from behind a tree. He had seen way too much today for anything so mundane to surprise him. Trees with long stiff cables instead of branches, a rock with a large T.V screen...
  19. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    I dunno man. Wormmon has a good chance of digivolving last too.
  20. Whyte mail

    Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

    Sorry about the late post guys. Work's keeping my late. I'll write it up when I get home.