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  1. Insecticon

    Fantasy Recruiting for a Fantasy Setting

    I am interested in joining this. :) Do you have some idea in which direction you want the plot to go?
  2. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina was too taken aback by the girl's rude gesture to protest against being shoved. "You could've asked me to step aside but okay." she said laughing. All Georgina could really do was laugh at the pink-haired girl's rudeness an continue on her way. She looked through the many bottles of...
  3. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina groaned in annoyance, having been able to finish hardly even half of her work, due to the party going on downstairs. She sat by her desk for a moments, tapping her fingers, contemplating whether or not to go downstairs and have a drink. "Just one." she says before heading downstairs...
  4. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina giggled as she Mia playfully bears her teeth "It's fine." Georgina, having been caught up in petting Mia, remembered she had work that needed to be finished. She was trying to land a job as a critic and needed to send in reviews of various art galleries by the end of the week "Sigh...
  5. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina started to gently pet Mia "I'm generally a fan of all pets. My parents never allowed pets, so yeah." She continued stroking Mia for a short while, until she looked back up at Don "But I swear, someday I'm gonna get at least 5 cats!"
  6. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina was absolutely livid by the sight of Mia. She handed Mia some lemon and the fox snuggled up to her as Georgina let out a gasp. Georgina snapped her head up at Dom, realising she had completely forgotten about courtesy "Errrm, I'm Georgina. Hi!"
  7. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina turns her head to the guy that just walked in. "Is that your pet fox?!" she asks with excitement and wide eyes. In one second she was crouched down next to Mia, admiring her, but still too shy to pet her.
  8. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina was startled a bit by Nessa leaping at her but shook her hand nonetheless. That couldn't cause any harm, right? "Georgina." she answered as she shook Nessa's hand "but feel free to call me George is that's too long for you. Everyone usually does." she added with a warm smile.
  9. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina raised her eyebrows at the confrontation between the two. They didn't seem like the happiest family. Georgina put another spoonful of porridge in her mouth. A party would be a good way of meeting friends, but if this girl is hosting it, is it a good idea to go? She just seems.... off...
  10. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina answered the boy with a wide grin "Morning!" She then chuckled at the boy dribbling coffee over himself, but not in a mean way, at least, not to her. "Need a paper towel?" she asked him as she handed him a roll. Georgina turned to the girl that walked in "Hey."
  11. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Georgina let out a groan at her alarm clock "It can't be morning already." She flung her art at the alarm clock in an attempt to hit the snooze button, but misses, which resulted in it flying across the room whilst still ringing. Now even more annoyed, Georgina forced herself to get out of bed...
  12. Insecticon

    The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

    Name: Georgina Whiteley Age: 19 S/O: Pansexual Personality: Very bold and can be a complete goofball, though she knows when to draw the line. Georgina likes to play rough with people - it's just her way of showing affection. She'll especially do this when meeting new...
  13. Insecticon

    Realistic or Modern Need Members, New!

    I'll join. :) )
  14. Insecticon

    Good evening.

    Well, it's evening where I am at least... Hello! I'm Insecticon. I've roleplayed before but then stopped for some time. I regret that now and want to pick it back up again. :3 I hope we have fun together. :)