The Teens of Randleigh Mansion


Come As You Are.
(For every female a male, for every male a female. This is to keep symmetry.)

Name: (First Last)

Age: (15-22)

S/O: (Gay, Pan, Bi, Straight, etc.)

Personality: (1-3 sentences, please?)



Appearance: (Picture, please. Preferably no anime.)

Likes mean acceptance!
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Name: Gaia echos

Age: 17

S/O: Gay


Gaias is your typical bad boy. He smokes he drinks and he doesnt like being told what to do or how to act unless its by someone he respects and cares for. He will do what he wants regardless of rules and loves getting into trouble. He can be selfish rude and sarcast. He has a heart underneath that though you just have to gain his trust. Hes clever, smart, and stubborn but hates seeing others in pain and is protective of those he cares for.


Drawing, skate boarding, getting into trouble, doing what he wants, partying, and exploring.

Other: he knows how to fight and speak Italian and German.

Appearance: blonde hair green eyes

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Name: Dominic "Dom" Alejandro martinez

Age: 22

S/O: straight

Personality: Having grown up in "The Barrio" Dom is offten called Shady by others due to his reserved and loner personality. As a youth he iwaa the "typical thug" he would get calls at 3am, strangers coming by at all hours he would fight,swear,drink and smoke and generally some one you don't want to cross. Currently he is more reserved and friendly to people, he will threaten and use violence to protect people he cares about, if need be with little to no regret, but he prefers to talk it out. To sum it up he will let you be mad at him, but once you cross the line prepare to be put in a hospital.

Hobbies: sleeping, reading, anything with animals, his Fennec fox mia,guitar l, taking walks after it rains, and boxing

Other: knows how to fight, three tattoos on his back, right arm, and inner left fore arm. Also has scars on his body.

Name: Tristan "Silver" Masons

Age: 17

S/O: Straight

Personality: He usually speaks to those when he feels it is needed, however some have gotten him to lighten up. Tristan can seem a very serious person, however this is simply because he tries to think before he acts in fear of others misunderstanding him or vise-versa. If curiosity killed the cat, then he should die any moment because if he does not understand something or someone points out something Tristan doesn't know much about, he will be determined to figure it out no matter what. Although Tristan has the determination and brains to back it up, his grades are barely passing. In fact the only reason they are is because of his test scores, tests being which he only does. He will usually only focus on what he thinks is important, and forget anything else(like school work) without really thinking of the consequences.

Hobbies: Listening to music, reading, and playing with Moon.

Other: Tristan keeps a pet white kitten with him at all times which he named "Moon". It wears a moon-shaped charm on its collar. Tristan will say his name is Silver when asked who he is, however few know why he goes under this nickname.

Name Andrew Jordan Nava

Nickname(s): Drew

Age: 21

Sexuality: straight

Hobbies: Working out ,Partying, Listening to music

Personality: Jacob has the weirdest Personality which only comes from what moods, if he wants to have a good time he would be flirty with a side of Lovable. But if someone is picking on one of his friends he is easily pissed off. Many people know about his short temper but most people don't believe him if he says he going to fight you because he will. Jacob with the outgoing and the most protective.


-Has his tongue pierced

-known Denise for along time

-Works out alot




Personality: Loud outgoing Sassy sarcastic Mean Kind Lovable Athletic


-Has his tongue pierced

-known Denise for along time

-Works out alot


Name Denise Kayla Daniels

Nickname(s): Dee

Age: 22

S/o: Bi

Hobbies: Working out, Listening to music, Boxing.

Personality: Denise is rather a little bit every thing but is mostly bitchy mean and sarcastic sassy, for the first time you meet and or talk to her. If you take all that the wrong way she will forever be that way with you, but if you see threw it she is very loud caring kind fluffy party animal. She doesn't really do friends and commitment but friends with benefits, yes she is the "snake"



-Tongue and belly piercing



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Name: Marius Vallencourt

Age: 17

S/O: Bisexual

Personality: Marius hates anyone who is arrogant. Marius tends to be incredibly loyal, compassionate and very warmhearted. Marius tends to talk to the people who are looking down and depressed rather than just being normal and standing on the side. Marius cares deeply about other people and tries to make them happy and cheer them up. He is willing to listen to someone rant about things or just vent whenever they need to. He is levelheaded and not easily riled but once someone corners him, Marius turns into another person who is not easily quieted, especially if someone has hurt one of his friends.

Hobbies: Writing Poetry, Equestrian Sports and Archery

Other: Marius has a kitten named Hypatia.








Jonathan Grime






Blunt and honest. Labeled as ''Badass''. He relies on sarcasm and strong, reforced comments, making it oh so hard to win against him in an argument. He is cold-hearted, but, get beneath that carcrass and you will find one of the nicest, caring, and trustworthy guy you've ever met, but, to do that, it'll be hard.


MMA, Boxing and singing


Loves to smoke

Muscular build




Hello there i'm Tristan Vice nice to meet you.

Age: I'm 17 in case you couldn't tell and why do you need to know

Gender: This is insulting can you really not tell i'm a male

Sexuality: Wait what slow down there buddy why would i tell you that, Maybe if you lucky you'll figure it out eventually

Likes: *Cough Cough* Stalker *Cough Cough* Fine fine ill tell you some of them but don't go thinking were best friends or anything like that. I like Music mainly violin and piano as they are the two instruments i play. I also like surrealistic art.

Dislikes: I have many it would take me a year to list them all but here are a few of my main ones. Big dogs, Body builders, Drunk drivers, Oblivion and by this i mean real oblivion and the movie and i also hate rap music god its horrible.

Passions: Well if you couldn't tell my passion is violin ive been playing it since i was five and look at me know a professional violinist. I also love piano i picked that up when i was 6.

Fears: Death, Oblivion and the end of the world, really who dose not at least have a slight fear of those things.

BTW: I'm not goth, how i chose to look is up to me, also stop calling me a pessimist i fall around the lines of a realist. Also people chewing loudly or tapping on stuff drives me insane.

Personality: Haven't i told you enough about me already figure the rest out for yourself.
Name: Quincy “Quin" Keller

Age: 20

S/O: Straight

Personality: Quin is one of the sweetest girls youll ever meet. She puts up a front of caring for everyone, being happy, always laughing. Underneath, she struggles with herself, she cant decide if she likes who she is. But she covers this insecurity and makes up for not loving herself by loving everyone else.

Hobbies: Distance running, drawing, telling cheesy jokes

Other: Owns a black mink, called Trinny, that is scampering around behind her when its not out hunting

Appearance: stands about 5'6"


Jade Quinton || Sixteen || Heterosexual

Personality: Jade is very nervous and shy, as she doesn't want to upset anyone. She goes along with almost anything and won't say if she feels uncomfortable. She is prone to small panic attacks, which cause her to feel claustrophobic, hot and cold at the same time, sick and dizzy. These panic attacks occur when she feels very uncomfortable or unsafe.

Hobbies: Jade likes writing in her diary, which is pink and decorated with various stickers. She likes writing long detailed letters to her sister, who lives far away. She can play the piano.



Dylan Woodlyn || Nineteen || Asexual

Personality: Dylan is a laid back individual that doesn't care about much; in fact, he's a little too laid back. He doesn't care about what people think about him or what other people do. He doesn't care if he hurts other people's feelings. He has no interest whatsoever in other people.

Hobbies: Dyan doesn't care enough to have hobbies- he's too cool for them. But he does enjoy listening to music and thinking about how fricking awesome he is, (all the time).



Oscar "Owlie" Stanton || Fifteen || Homosexual

Personality: Owlie comes across as a cute, sweet individual. He seems rather innocent and childlike, the majority of the time. But he does have what you could call "a dark side"- he can be threatening, rude and downright psychotic, all whilst keeping up his adorable attitude.

Hobbies: Owlie likes drawing and doodling on every available surface- including his own arms and legs. He is a hematomaniac.



Clarissa Whitman || Twenty || Bisexual

Personality: Clarissa, on the surface, seems to detest everyone and everything. She's constantly sarcastic, rude and loves to backchat people. She always has to have the last word and likes spreading rumours about people behind their backs.

Hobbies: In short, Clarissa likes to punch things- people, walls, anything to get her anger out. She likes to write angry letters to her parents, that she keeps in a box under her bed. She likes bullying people weaker than her.​


Jordan Johnston



Jordan is a bad mouthed girl, who hates everyone in a way. She prefers to be with everyone since she is quite social. She loves to party, and get high. But she also loves being an Otaku. She goes to Comic Cons all the time. She gets together with the few people she classifys as friends to do a sort of fashion show. She is a really big flirt, and has a hard time staying away from drugs. Btu besides all that, she graduated high school early with a degree in math, science, and life skills. Along with a history of violent family members who spent all their time fighting.

Jordan like to Party, Drink, Get High you know all the normal stuff. But she also likes to read and she writes all the time. But mainly depressing things so she almost never lets anybody read it. She has a habit of cosplaying at the weirdest times. But she understands that there are few people if any that understand what cosplaying even is.


This will be a list of
other things like room, a tattoo, and her usual cosplaying costumes.

This is on her side as it shows in the picture.

This is around her wrist (Yes this is a pic of Patty Walters)

This on is on her shoulder.




Crona(Soul Eater)

Sakura (Naruto)

Small Bio: Her parents were in an abusive realationship when she was 6. Her father had begun to hit her and thats when they left. From grade 3 Jordan was told she was extremly smart, leading onto high school. Where she was bullied and began her life of blood. She began to cut and harm herself and her body. She began drinking to forget and getting high to be happy. She started partying and being physical to make her bruises feel like nothing.

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Georgina Whiteley






Very bold and can be a complete goofball, though she knows when to draw the line. Georgina likes to play rough with people - it's just her way of showing affection. She'll especially do this when meeting new people to filter out potential friends. She can only forge friendships with people who like to play rough themselves.

Though on the surface she may seem quite carefree, Georgina has a hard time expressing herself by either saying too much or too little. This causes frustration within her as other people don't end up completely understanding Georgina's stance on things.

Georgina is in no way stupid. She forms opinions on everything, just finds it hard to express them appropriately.


Movies, writing, drawing.







Nessa Tate






Nessa is outgoing. She likes partying, drinking and has a general disinterest for anything sensible. Her sense of humour is great, and she is forever cracking jokes. She is very flirtatious, but in a charming way, and often uses sarcasm. She likes confrontation, but will never admit it, and gets a thrill from proving others wrong. Although she may come across as childish, she will protect her younger brother at all costs, though he isn't always her main priority and it can sometimes be him, protecting her.




She doesn't want children.

She is terrified of spiders.

* * *



Tyler Tate






Tyler is very quiet. He likes to read and be in his own company. He is damaged, having to have look after his drug taking Mother when he was very young, and then once he got away from her, had had to look after this alcoholic sister. Although he is in a lot of emotional pain, he never speaks a word, and takes his anger out by himself, in his room, in a diary. He prefers not to drink, though he goes along to any parties, simply to lock himself up in the bathroom or utility cupboard to read a book. He is simple, and caring, but broken and damaged.


Reading-Writing-Listening to birds-Fresh air


He resents his sister for making him look after her.

He has never kissed anyone.

Name: Haven Pope

Age: 17

S/O: Bi

Personality: Haven has a lot of anxiety issues and that's why she tends to not make many friends. Although, when you get to know her she is very nice and very calm. She can resemble an ocean, she has bumps and storms and tides but she can also be a very calm, relaxing person.

Hobbies: She plays volleyball and guitar. She like video games as well.

Other: Her biggest fear is tornadoes.



Name: Jason Harris

Age: 15

S/O: Gay

Personality: Jason was almost killed in a drive by shooting and ever since then has been very jittery and awkward around lots of people. He's generally not a people person and will make impulsively rude remarks. Other than that, he is a very smart and intellectual person when you earn his trust.

Hobbies: Writing. He is an avid blogist. He is currently working on a science fiction work.

Other: His biggest fear is guns.


Name: Conner Reighch

Age: 20

S/O: Bi

Personality: Conner isn't much for the whole party scene, but attends every one that is at the mansion. He likes to be around people but doesn't talk very much. If you're on his good side he can be the sweetest guy, but if you're on his bad side then you have another thing coming for you. Pranks are his specialty.

Hobbies: Planning, running, movies, guitar.

Other: //

Appearance: (Picture, please. Preferably no anime.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Cole.jpg.d5f68b34a7f47814c08adb76b679d93a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37634" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Cole.jpg.d5f68b34a7f47814c08adb76b679d93a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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SassyFronzakk said:
Name: Conner Reighch
Age: (15-22)

S/O: Bi

Personality: Conner isn't much for the whole party scene, but attends every one that is at the mansion. He likes to be around people but doesn't talk very much. If you're on his good side he can be the sweetest guy, but if you're on his bad side then you have another thing coming for you. Pranks are his specialty.

Hobbies: Planning, running, movies, guitar.

Other: //

Appearance: (Picture, please. Preferably no anime.)

View attachment 92972

(( hehehe ))


Name: Sophie Waters

Age: Seventeen

S/O: Heterosexual

Personality: Sophie is incredibly compassionate, empathetic, and kind. In fact, it takes a lot out of her to actually be rude to someone unless they really deserve it. Rather intelligent, Sophie still tends to be naive strictly out of her want to trust everyone. Though she is usually calm and composed, Sophie is prone to anxiety and panic attacks, causing her to close herself off from other people and hide away for varying amounts of time. Newly becoming more emotionally disturbed, Sophie talks a little less than she used to but still more than she should seeing as how her honesty has been coming out more brutally recently.

Other: Her best friend, Drew, ran away shortly before she decided to follow suit. They lived with several other foster children in a rather wonderful place, but Drew was never happy. He got heavily into drugs at fourteen and, three years later, ending up simply disappearing one night. After spending weeks blowing up his phone, Sophie finally got a call from Drew, telling her to simply let him be. Devastated knowing that she would never see her best friend again, Sophie ran, too, and wound up here, simply by coincidence. Following the day he left, Sophie began writing in a journal she found, describing her every thought and feeling for each day since her best friend has been gone.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.ca64c50d5aa53ac3d1857c8882b472e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.ca64c50d5aa53ac3d1857c8882b472e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:

Aeliana(A-ley-ana) Jacobs






Aeliana has a happy go lucky personality,but she can be very stubborn. She's a big sweetheart,very calm and caring towards others. If you get on her bad side,she'll probably forgive you.


Her hobbies include-


•Playing guitar and piano

•Smoking vape/hookah


•Writes in her diary which is white with different flowers on it.


She has more of the hispter/hippie style. She wears flower crowns and her hair is almost always messy,but in a good way,or in a side braid with beads running through it(like in the pic below). Her parents never really liked the idea of her smoking vape or hookah,which made her do it more. She likes to believe that all people are good at heart,no matter how long it takes for them to open up to her. She doesn't like fighting or anything along those lines. She loves to be outside. She has a pet Yellow Bermese Python named Sly. Her past was hard. Her parents were very abusive,when they were drunk. Her father even tried to strangle her to death one while her mother watched in amusement. They really never loved her. She started hanging out with the wrong crowd and was thrown onto the streets by her parents. Her ex boyfriend was one of the best drug lords of the continental US. He gave her everything she ever wanted,including Sly. But,he cheated on her countless times and hired people to get rid of her,as in kill. She hardly escaped,and they said to never come back. She never did and probably never will. She has slight trust issues,and if you unexpectedly touch her,she'll freak out. She believes everyone is going to be cruel and heartless like everyone she's had in her life. She's just waiting for someone to show her there's more to life than being scared all the time. She used to have an alcohol and cigarette problem,but stopped,so she only smokes vape and hookah now.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.5a24b8e47c01848151fd870a01574917.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.5a24b8e47c01848151fd870a01574917.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Michelle Ramos

Age: 21

S/O: Pan

Personality: Michelle will be there for her friends through thick and thin. Although she prefers to be independent and do things on her own, she is sympathetic and caring and will offer a hand to those in need. She is always open to doing new things, with new people. Don't judge Michelle based on her appearance. She will love and respect you, as long as you do the same.

Hobbies: Photography, travel, cooking, concert going



Michelle is a tall, brunette with blue eyes. She has a few tattoos including an owl, a rose, and a chest piece. She loves wearing bright red lipstick and simple eyeliner. You can usually find her wearing her favorite band t-shirts and jeans.

Other: Michelle also has a pug that she brings with her everywhere named: Otis


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