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  1. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    " You idiot my blood will curupt you you cannot survive much longer than an hour" nemesis regenerated his wings and got up flying up but slowly still hurt from the shock
  2. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    Nemesis flies up casting a spell of death raining down blood that burns to the touch. He new it would affect his troops but it was worth it because it would affect everyone for miles
  3. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    " You cannot kill me" the Dragon said ad he disappeared and reappeared above Fate shoting fire at him and blowing him into the nearby forest "I am internally immortal so you will never kill me so I don't even know why I'm fighting you henchman attack" he says signaling to an antient army of...
  4. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    " You cannot escape" the Dragon roared "I am here for Fate and I will not be leaving without him" I swoop down at fate clawing at him and shooting a fire spell at Kane knocking him back away from fate
  5. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    (I want to make an announcement I will tell you who I am after the Rp is finished but in form of a riddle)
  6. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    I slowly crank the chain pulling on Dates body "Fate you will die today"
  7. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    I fly over my tower dropping Fate on a torture device and wrap him up I slowly cast a spell "ianu wulic iusl lued lien kshxs iodt lucd loper"
  8. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    "Atleast" I know how to use dark magic in the real world and by the way I am the one who cursed you to a life of no death"
  9. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    "I told you Fate you have no chance to do anything you're paralyzed and you don't know where you are"
  10. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    Mark ,Kaj , and Dominic
  11. Hi Its Me

    Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

    It's Me
  12. Hi Its Me

    Journey Of the Sword

    Character Skelly: Name:??? Age:10000 Race (Wolf, Human, Vampire etc.):Demon Gender:male Special Abilities (Have 3 or less):demonic spells, high health,badass Class:beast tamer Starting Weapon:Death Dragon bio: first born son of Lucifer