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  1. CommissarRanden

    Ashes of Creation

    I uses it. Breaking the chain!
  2. CommissarRanden

    Futuristic Galactic Empires

    (This was just so silly! Lol editing post now. Shit posted here. Ignore this please) The Dominion was doing well. He Who Lead's The People continued to walk on the parks of the sky cities and enjoyed playing with his son. The GDF has required a few ships and legions but that was fine with him...
  3. CommissarRanden

    Futuristic Galactic Empires

    [\Ta'Ur Dominion/] So much has been learned by the Ta'Ur. They have made fine inventions in the time they have met the UGF. They have heard of a distant war but that did not matter. The Ta'Ur was content
  4. CommissarRanden

    Futuristic Galactic Empires

    [\Ta'Ur Dominion/] The Ta'Ur Dominion experienced drastic changes after discovering an actual space faring species. The president has called for "protection measures" to protect themselves from Extraterrestrial threats and revealed projects "Protector" and "Project Fling". Protector is a...
  5. CommissarRanden

    Galactic Empires

    Oops posted without knowing! Newest A.I Prototype Mech from Ta'Ur Manufacturer. Made out of a newly found alloy Dirtzium, making it nigh indestructible but also very very hard to...
  6. CommissarRanden

    Futuristic Galactic Empires

    (Will be gone for a couple hours) [/Ta'Ur Dominion\] The hologram ended in front of He Who Humble's Himself's ship. The Commodore smiled. That video was set up during the building of the first sky city. It was just upgraded every year. It was entirely intimidating. The ship sent a message...
  7. CommissarRanden

    Galactic Empires

    Gah Crap. Going to war on my first day. Damn it
  8. CommissarRanden

    Futuristic Galactic Empires

    [/Ta'Ur Dominion\] "We need backup over there! Death is almost upon us my fellow countrymen. Our civilisation was made off from an apocalypse. We need you to prevent another! Befalling onto us! This ET may destroy us. They have ships the size of moons! They may declare war on us! BUT BY THE...
  9. CommissarRanden

    Futuristic Galactic Empires

    [/Ta'Ur Dominion\] "Project First Contact Message now, now, now!" The Commodore read as the charts skyrocketed in energy as the unknown ships started off their shields. He Who Humble's Himself sent a message to High Command for backup as he himself watches the events unfold. Fire's The First...
  10. CommissarRanden

    Futuristic Galactic Empires

    [/Ta'Ur Dominion\] He Who Humble's Himself looked at the situation with a quizzical look. The species does not speak like any other species he had met before. Even his A.I cannot even begin to translate what was being said by the Extraterrestrial. This could lead to a battle or even war...
  11. CommissarRanden

    Futuristic Galactic Empires

    [/Ta'Ur Dominion\] He Who Lead's the people let out a slow, deep grumble of frustration as he read the newest prototype for an A.I Mech Suit didn't work and just continued to make the A.I put in it neutralised. A.I are given the same rights as any other Ta'Ur so it deeply saddened him to lose...
  12. CommissarRanden

    Galactic Empires

    [/species\] Name: Ta'Ur Average Life-span: 780 on average. Longest recorded 1,000 years Appearance: The Ta'Ur look like the Polar Bear of old, from the white Antarctic continent of Earth. Ranging from the standard Snow White fur to more exotic colours such as Orange and Purple. These...
  13. CommissarRanden

    Galactic Empires

    Are we ready for some SPACE BEARS? DUN DUN DUUUUUUN! :bigsmile: