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  1. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    she gasped and dove under when her tail came up and splashed it got him and made a small wave. She hung out under the water after that looking at him mostly his legs though how odd thy were
  2. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    She tenced at the thought of the net. Why was this boy so worried with being friends? She looked at him "Ok fine whatever," she finally said.
  3. GraveyardRose

    A trial by Fire, A knights tale.

    With a quick prayer he swallowed and rushed her though he close his eyes in the rush he knew he was no match just lie all the boys before him.
  4. GraveyardRose

    A trial by Fire, A knights tale.

    He watched as people were called fight her all of them lost, getting slammed to the ground with so little effort it made him crige. "Dorian," the male knight called. Oh gods.. that's my name," he walked out to greet Shania shyly. "Thank you for this honor," he swallowed trying to sound brave.
  5. GraveyardRose

    A trial by Fire, A knights tale.

    The farmboy looked at her in shock he had imagined her to be... well... bigger. She was a girl and a rather pretty one if not for the hard way she looked over the recruits. He shuffled his feet when some of the noble boys shied away. Se looked over him and he cringed a bit not in fear but in...
  6. GraveyardRose

    A trial by Fire, A knights tale.

    @GraveyardRose, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  7. GraveyardRose

    A trial by Fire, A knights tale.

    @GraveyardRose, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  8. GraveyardRose

    A trial by Fire, A knights tale.

    It was windy today, Just great... The trial for the title of knight were hard enough now he'd have to start his on a day that was windy and cruel. With a deep breath he looked around at the other recruits supposedly the princess of Gorath was supposed to come and show the recruits how to fight...
  9. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    "Come see me?" She asked why in the world would he want to do that? She stared at him "Two leggrs live on land, not I the water," she stated as if he wer dumb and didn't know he could drown.
  10. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    "I am not scared of you," Marina said with a huff. Though when he caught her in that net she had been terrified. She spashed him using her tail. "I was scared of the boat," the horror stories she was told of boats made her shudder.
  11. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    "I guess that's it," Marina said looking thoughtful. "Yep that's all," She laid back letting the sun hit her torso warming her. "this... is my first time surfacing," she admitted
  12. GraveyardRose


    Thank you UltraFomi, If we can find something we both like to write I'd love to Rp with you.
  13. GraveyardRose


    Thank you, I've already felt very accepted. I read all the rules and I understand and will follow them all gladly.
  14. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    "Stop gawking, you keep staring at me!" She said her voice was more smooth now that she wasn't as scared. "Its making me have chills."
  15. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    she crossed her arms "You two leggers are crafty... you;re the first I've ever seen,' she told him. "You got to know I am not to be touched!"
  16. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    she was just sitting in the water only her chest up was out of the water. "You keep talking like you know what it is to be a friend to a mermaid," she said but she knew he didnot
  17. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    she thrashed an under water she was much stronger then him. she serfaced "Don;t touch me two legger!" she said she was angry already at him for netting her to begin with. "are all of you so free to touch everyone elses tails?"
  18. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    Back in the water she swims freely around staying under the serfaceas above the serface was for two leggers. She felt so much beter twisting around in the water and much stronger.
  19. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    "two leggers don't swim they drown," The girl said not taking his hand she instead went to pull herself up she had every intention of crawling off the boat.
  20. GraveyardRose

    Into the Crystal waters

    she shied away from him. "I do not wish to be out of the water two legger," She tried to keep her voice even but she failed and almost squeeked with how close he was she lashed her tail slapping him in the side with her fin. It wasn't a powerful strike but she hoped he got the message,