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A trial by Fire, A knights tale.


New Member
It was windy today, Just great... The trial for the title of knight were hard enough now he'd have to start his on a day that was windy and cruel. With a deep breath he looked around at the other recruits supposedly the princess of Gorath was supposed to come and show the recruits how to fight. That in itself was frightening he heard horror stories of her since he was old enough to remember.

He was a bit lanky in comparison to other recruits and only a little over five foot, he was still growing he was starting this path at the ripe age of fourteen. Hair a shaggy mess thanks to the weather was a deep dark caldron black, his eyes however were a pretty soft green. Tanned skin and farm-boy's hands made him a bit awkward as he saw how many soft nobles were about. Rocking on his heals he looked to the sky it was only cloudy in spots enough sun shone to bite of the winds chill.

"Attention everyone," A commander said in a deep gruff voice the man fully covered in a heavy string of armor was a very unnerving sight. He figited when the man spoke. "Some of you will never make it past recruits you soft tailed lilies, others will be able to make something of themselves, right now all I see is snot nosed brats! Now mnd your manners today, step lightly... and most of all don't die,"

What the hell d he mean by that?! The poor farm-boy swallowed but found his mouth dry, die? on the first day? No way..
The princess of Gorath also known as the angel of death stood out of sight to the new recruits long hair tied up in a pony tail to keep it from an all to feminine face. Grass green eyes looked up to the sky as wind swept past her. She really didn't want to do this but her brother begged her. How could she say no to the infuriating priest. Her armor was simple made of the tanned leather of deer and other game animals she had hunted. Three swords were on her one strapped to her back as long as she was tall two at her waist one polished silver the other with a hilt of stone all the swords in their sheaths.

The man around her smelled of sweat and hard work but ost of the recruits smelled like incents and silks. Really why did nobles think they could be fighters? Much more suited to sitting on their high and mighty thrones. She huffed and looked at the knights they gave her a wide birth as most people and creatures did. When the man started talking and said don't die she rolled her eyes. Did they think she was gonna kill someone? She walked to where she could be seen by the recruits those who had never seen her began to laugh she didn't look like much of a fighter but others shied back or cringed as she looked over the string of boys.
The farmboy looked at her in shock he had imagined her to be... well... bigger. She was a girl and a rather pretty one if not for the hard way she looked over the recruits. He shuffled his feet when some of the noble boys shied away. Se looked over him and he cringed a bit not in fear but in worry he was not going to measure up to the others.
"Ok... recruits my names Shania not princess, not Ma'am not your highness. It is Shania," The woman said in a demanding tone "I will be fighting with you all to test your skill and see if you have any promise at all I won't go easy on you squishy noble brats either so don't even assume it!" She warned "However I will also not draw my blades as if I did so I'd surely kill you," no harm in striking up a bit of fear in the crowd.
He watched as people were called fight her all of them lost, getting slammed to the ground with so little effort it made him crige. "Dorian," the male knight called. Oh gods.. that's my name," he walked out to greet Shania shyly. "Thank you for this honor," he swallowed trying to sound brave.
Shania smiled a bit the boy knew manners, that was more then some of the boys. Small, Lanky, obviously a farm lad. Shania observed him and nodded before like all the other times readying herself for a fight. She had her feet placed evenly apart for balance and her right hand up ready for a block as her left hand would be used to attack
With a quick prayer he swallowed and rushed her though he close his eyes in the rush he knew he was no match just lie all the boys before him.

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