Search results for query: *

  1. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois nodded. "Thanks." She sighed before quickly checking to see if she had all her weapons. She looked up at Sol and got ready for the small run. Her throat was a bit dry and she had to admit she was anxious about how it would turn out. She trusted Alaska's plan would work. [sorry it's...
  2. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois stood up from where she sat, stumbling a little as the Pelican moved. "What team am I on again?" She asked herself before turning to Sol. "Hey, big guy, what team are we?" She asked with a sigh, reaching up to grab a bar, when she found she couldn't she settled for keeping herself...
  3. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois nodded. "Top. As long as the plan runs smoothly then orders are no problem." She confirmed with a nod. "Don't be nervous. It's a good plan, I'm sure it'll work out." She added shortly after. "Sensus, I need you to work out a route to the control room. If things go to shit, we'll need...
  4. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois smiled and went to reply when Alaska walked in, she glanced up at him then to Oregon. He had an awful bad habit of putting his hand on her shoulder. Then again, most of the members teased her. His interaction with her was interesting but none of Illinois' business. Nothing for her to...
  5. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois crossed her arms before taking out her pistol and checking the ammo. "You can call me anything. I'd prefer Illi over some others." She had people call her a lot of things. Whether it was too careful or a bitch. Did she care? Not really. It wasn't like nicknames were distracting. She...
  6. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois jumped at the voice but chuckled. "Good one. Make sure not to get in my way while I'm figuring out the controls. And by the way, don't worry about me too much, I can handle myself." She crossed her arms. Sensus appeared over her shoulder. "Don't get cocky. You need more defense due to...
  7. Agentfoxtrot

    Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Sounds good! You may jump in whenever you'd like.
  8. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois listened to the plan attentively up until she heard she had to work with Sol. She was only 4'9 and he was no gentle giant. Illinois blinked underneath her helmet and looked around. "Uh, arrangement of teams? I know I'm weak but are you sure I'll be able to work with him? I'm tiny and...
  9. Agentfoxtrot

    Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Hey everyone! Since this seems to be were everyone talks to each other ill type here. Can one of you fill me in so I can make a jump in? I've been gone for a couple days so yeah!
  10. Agentfoxtrot

    Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    ((Sorry I'm gonna be gone for a few days because of thanksgiving. If you guys can find a way to switch it up. Injure my character if you have to. Time skip. Just if you find a way to keep it going please do while I'm gone.))
  11. Agentfoxtrot

    Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    I respect all of your opinions very well but, I would have preferred this conflict to go about more maturely. I don't want any 'he said' 'she said', I know who said what. Now if you broke a law of physics, okay, just apologize and correct yourself and try not to do it again. If you're...
  12. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois stood at attention. She kept her helmet on and nodded every once in a while to show she understood. Despite being chewed out the Director made sure to praise them for going up against the brute of Project Freelancer. --- "Now. Rules you broke include using full force in a practice...
  13. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois watched him put his hand in the air and silently cheered. She took him down! With help, of course.. Before she could turn to ask If agent Oregon was alright she heard a tiny crack and she was knocked backwards. She saw the rookie racing at agent Maine, full speed. The medics yell for...
  14. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois froze as Oregon was lifted. "Well.." She thought for a second before running back out and shooting Maine a couple times in his arm. Of course that did nothing. "Sensus, what do I do?" She asked. "Help her, idiot!" Sensus scolded. Illinois thought for a second. She couldn't figure...
  15. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Alex looked up in time to see the chain hurling at them. "Shit!" She hissed before rolling out of the way and turning on her radio. "I'm on." She spoke before running behind another crate. As she listened to Zeta she could see what he meant. Maine's moments were jerky and he paused for a few...
  16. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Sensus turned to the other AI and them to Alex. "If you are sure. Agent Illinois." "I'm sure. Just talk to him." She replied as she peeked over the box. "Well. Zeta. The most we can do is tell them what to do while the plan is being executed. Unless you have another idea. I'd love to hear...
  17. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois looked up at the observation deck before shaking her head. She had to fight in hand-to-hand combat some day. That day was today. If Maine happened to knock her down she had to suck it up and move on. She couldn't rely on rubber bullets in a match. "We're going to combine strategy...
  18. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    "We could handle him before, thank you very much!" She laughed as Alaska retreated. Alex looked over at Oregon. Then to the collapsed agent. She knew it would take a lot more then that to knock Maine down, sure enough he got back up and started running at them clumsily. Sigma was the AI for...
  19. Agentfoxtrot

    Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    Illinois shot the large freelancer a couple times, the bullets didn't leave a dent. It occurred to her they could use live ammunition. No one would care, hell, if the director praised Maine and Wyoming for it he'd sure as hell get a kick out them using it. But she figured four on one was good...
  20. Agentfoxtrot

    Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

    He can. Be creative c: do whatever you feel you should.