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Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

I listen to Alaska, partially looking at him the whole time. I nod in agreeance with his plan, as it also makes sense.

When Sol starts to speak, I turn my head slowly in his direction. Once he is finished giving his idea, though, I lean forward a bit, interested.

"I actually like both plans," I comment, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Especially Sol's idea of attracting attention if everything inside goes to shit. The two teams outside could draw attention to themselves by, say, firing at the compount or making a lot of noise. Then they would start to take down the guards as the two inside finish up. Once all the data is downloaded, the teams outside could abandon the firefight if it is still going, everyone could run like mad to the rendezvous, and get the hell out if dodge. To me, that seems like a perfect plan." As a way of a conclusion, I say, "Stay silent for as long as possible, only make noise if absolutely needed. Then haul ass and leave." I lean back again, crossing my arms. I also nod my head a few times, looking between Alaska and Sol a couple times. A small, confident smile also forms on my face. "I like this backup plan."
"Huh...dint think i would manage too give a idea and-"he stops as Akula pops as he stand on sols helment and would say "This back up plan seems Promesing but...have you not thinken of somthing......they might have aswell a back up plan too protect the base and aswell....maybe vehicles"Akula says as he sits on his head,as sol would think of that for a Little as he had a Point they might be redy too be attack....or even worse,as sol says "Hmmm...Good point...they might have there own back up plan aswell....but still we can do this"he says as he wonderd,what if we set some explosives in some vital areas of the Building like Gas storage or wepons lockers and wen all gose too hell we detonate them and cause havock and combining the distraction one....seem perfect,as he would say "well...if they actually have a back up we better Cripel them...what if we set explosives in there Vital areas like gun storage or gas station...and wen all gosed too hell...press Button and BOOM...plus this and the distraction plan...Might be a Good combination.
I listen to both Sol and his A.I., not moving from my last relaxed position except to turn my head and look at them. But I soak up all the information and thoughts. I agree with them that the compound might actually have a backup plan themselves. But when Sol reccomends that we should blow the outpost to hell, I sit forward again and make myself heard.

"That's good thinking to consider that they may have a fallback plan themselves. And it would be a good idea to destroy their most important areas. But there is one problem with that thought," I say, holding up a hand with my index finger pointed up. Then I drop it right as I start my next segment. "The only time we could set off those explosions is when Hawaii and Delaware are out of the compound. If we have to distract the guards to get them away from the two while they are inside, we would not be able to set off explosions, for fear of also killing Hawaii and Delaware. Don't get me wrong, it would be a good idea to cripple them. But we could also cripple our team in the process if we go about it that way. Also, data we need could be destroyed by doing that, or just the whole building itself." My head turns to Delaware and Hawaii after I finish, and comment to them with a shrug, "I mean, I don't know if you guys would mind being in an explosion. But I would guess that you would care, and I sure as hell would." I glance around at everyone quickly after that, silently inviting them to also give their thoughts.
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Sol was about too say somthing rasing his Finger up as sudently Akula would sudently speak and he would sigh and lower his Finger and let him talk"well it depends on the explosive aswell...there is no need too use High count explosive,s wen we could use compres explosives and not cause mayor damage and only damage the selected area......but knowing it is better stealth and not cause mayor havoc...but still wen team one is in the Building they shoold aswell look around the place for any sorta "Special" armament or veihcle they might finde usefull for there escape or advantage...and maybe of mayor interest....as the outside of the Building we know but the inside is Unknown too us"he says siting on sol,s head looking at the grupe and looking at the infeltration team as they look redy and aswell sutied for this,as sol looks up at him and says "Thank you Akula"he says as akula would nod at him as sol was gona say just get data and Boom building but was true as the inside we dont know much and ho knows what might be in there...maybe there could be some kinde of other interesting stuff and maybe somthing that could give them slight advantage like building blueprints or even some veihcle they might use for there escape if all this gose too hell or maby some mainframe able too control the inside of the Building...Ho knew what they might finde wille they are in there.
I watch the A.I. again as he speaks, listening. Then I nod, cocking my head for a moment, so it almost looks like I am shrugging with my head. If that makes any sense, but whatever.

"Okay," I reply after he finishes. "As long as we have explosives that only destroy a specific area, that might not be a bad idea." I nod my head at Sol and his A.I. as I say, with a slight laughing sound in my voice, "I will leave the explosives part up to you two, though, obviously. You know more about it than I do." My head then moves to look at Delaware and Hawaii as they sit across from me. "I'm not the boss here, but I think you two should keep an eye out for any particularly important equipment or weapons while you are going where you need to go. Nothing that will hamper our mission or the data if it is damaged, though. Then you can try and relay the info to us in case we need to do some damage. Hell, it might even be a good idea to give you guys some explosives for that type of thing, just to be safe. But you guys probably shouldn't bring any explosive items in with you unless Alaska and Sol agree on it, I guess. I'm just thinking out loud."

As I finish talking, I pause, my mouth slightly ajar. Then I lean back stiffly in a tad bit of heavily hidden embarrassment. I sure hope I'm not being too pushy when I talk like this. I always worry about that. My mouth clamps shut, then, under my helmet. I'll wait to give more of a comment until Alaska speaks, since he is technically the boss of this whole mission. His thoughts matter more than mine.
"The facility is of high importance, by the fact that it is the only facility operated full time by AI, so blowing it up wouldn't be our best cause." Alaska rebuts, almost seeming cold to the idea. "BUT, the facility is for manufacturing weapons. What weapons we don't know, but we do know that they are delivered by using instantaneous teleporters. They are only good for a certain range, but the AI's are enhancing their distance, so they are transporting all the way to their base a few miles away. If you want to cause a disruption for them, hit that teleporter. It would take a EMP or just a frag to end that thing. In fact, the conveyor belt and teleporter are both in the security room that Hawaii and Delaware are heading to, so a quick demo job wouldn't be too far out of proportion." Alaska nods to himself, almost pleased with his team. "I believe they only keep one vehicle at the base and that's just a jeep, nothing to be scared of. Take some weapons if need be, pick you up something nice, and blow up the teleporter, that would cause both ends to shut down and give them something to worry about. I like it, but don't do anything risky until we have the data, then any team is free to make any kind of distraction so that Team One can get out. Two minutes til we hit the ground.".

With this Alaska got up, positioning himself right beside the hatch door. He wanted to be first out to lead the group through the trek in the forest, even if they all had maps. Alaska put his hand up to hold onto the handles riddling the ceiling and walls, hoping the pilot would stop or turn on any dimes and knock him down. "Quick jog to Team 3's point and then we all split up, everyone get ready.".
I keep my mouth shut as Alaska talks, realising that the idea Sol and I were discussing is not a very good one. When he mentions needing an E.M.P, though, my head twitches slightly in his direction involuntarily for a split second, then it moves forward again. My primary armor enhancement is an E.M.P. that could help with destroying the teleporter. But I don't say a thing, since I won't be in the building and mentioning it is not needed. They can easily use other methods to destroy it.

I stand up as well, a few seconds after Alaska. I stay standing next to my seat, supporting myself by holding onto the harnesses above the seats. The handles along the top are a tad bit too high for me. I would grab my gun while standing here, just to he ready. But it is easier to jog without holding a gun, so I decide to grab it later. Instead, I face the door and prepare myself for the landing.
"If you guys blow me up, I'm going to kick your asses," Delaware grumbled, completely serious. Rising from his seat, he walked over to the hatch to stand next to Alaska. Unlike the others, he ignored the handrails. "Let's get this done quickly. I'm hungry."
Sol was alredy standing holding on looking foward,as he would grab his battle rifle and spartan and holster them on his back as he had his Minigun on his left hand grip and his other hand on the pipe above him holding on as he would get his hammer wen the doors open,as he heard they have guns....Hmmm...Sol was a Gun Nut and he hope too get a bazillion guns! and Loud ones!....he chake his head going a Little too far in his imagination as well...he was not that smart,but he had the Muscle,as he hold on wating for the door too open as he was ready...and then he remember that he was gona be on a Hill siting there with the Crazy Girl-...Um...Great soldier till somthing happend,as he sigh metally remembering he needed too wait...as this might be Boring.But atleast he had some one too talk too,as Sol smield under his helmet and would say "Para el diablo vamos" he says in spanish as he was redy.
A short, small electric shock wakes up Hawaii, who assesses the situation and quickly rises, nodding to those in the ship before standing by the exit hatch. He turns to Delaware, offering his hand to shake. Given how reclusive nature, it seems to be a gesture of respect. "Godspeed, huh?" He mutters, remembering the ancient term from a novel he read long ago.
Delaware firmly clasped Hawaii's offered hand. "Ne umiray,Gavayi," he said, speaking in his native tongue. "Don't die, Hawaii," Mors said, translating the harsh Russian words for Hawaii. "Let's go be sneaky," Delaware joked, releasing Hawaii's hand from his grip.
"Indeed." Hawaii agrees, not appearing to understand the joke. He gives Delaware a two fingered salute before he disappears from sight. It seems that his stealth field is a real piece of work...
Illinois stood up from where she sat, stumbling a little as the Pelican moved. "What team am I on again?" She asked herself before turning to Sol.

"Hey, big guy, what team are we?" She asked with a sigh, reaching up to grab a bar, when she found she couldn't she settled for keeping herself steady by leaning on the interior.

Everyone seemed to be ready. She wasn't but hey, all she had to do was stand on a mountain, why was she nervous?
"Team 2"Sol replied looking down at her and then back at the door as he holds on wating patient as he was kinda exited too be honest dor some reson,his equipmet fully loded,all redy,calibrated,the only thing left was make holes and Blow skulls....not that he will be doing that because he needs too wait.But atleast he had sombody too keep him Compeni in this place.

(Sorry for the short reply)
Illinois nodded. "Thanks." She sighed before quickly checking to see if she had all her weapons.

She looked up at Sol and got ready for the small run. Her throat was a bit dry and she had to admit she was anxious about how it would turn out. She trusted Alaska's plan would work.

[sorry it's short ^^;]
As I stand in the Pelican, my stance wide and my hand grasping the harness to support myself, I can feel nervousness start to creep up on me. I know I shouldn't feel nervous, as this should be an easy mission. Quickly drop, let Team One do their thing, then we all get the hell out of Dodge. But I can't help but be nervous and worried. What if we have gotten faulty intel? What if the defenses are heavier than we expected? What if they are expecting us? All those thoughts run through my mind as I stand there and prepare for the drop. These feelings always come during these moments, but I don't think I will ever be able to shove them down and away. It's really fucking annoying.

I stare at the door to the bay as I think about this, my eyes locked and not paying a lick of attention to the Agents around it. To anyone looking at me, I look like a statue in armor, void of emotion. I always look like this in situations such as these, I've been told. People have been telling me that since I was a kid, especially when I was showing my sheep and dairy cattle in 4-H and FFA at livestock fairs. But I am a messy turmoil of emotions on the inside, behind that calm façade. I am the only one that truly knows that...Well, besides my little glowing buddy who just so happens to share my brain with me.

"Holly, calm down," Zeta whispers reassuringly into my ear. "Everything is going to be just fine. Have faith."

I just sigh quietly in response, knowing he is right. But, no matter what I do, I can't shake the nervous feeling. At least Zeta isn't giving me shit, though. I got enough of that from my mom before I would walk into the show ring with my animal. I know she did it out if empathy and love, but, Hell, laughing at me doesn't help. Getting mad at me for being nervous sure as hell doesn't, either. I like it more when people are in the "I'll be nice and calm" mode. Or, even better, the "I'll just shut the fuck up and mind my own goddamn business" mode. The latter is the best.

"Zeta?" I call quietly into my helmet.

"Yes?" his soft voice responds.

"How long till me drop?"

A pause for calculation, then, "Should be any moment now."

With a sigh heavy with nerves, I conclude with, "M'kay." Then I lock onto the door once more.
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The pelican jolted the passengers forward, the stop obvious to anyone with a sense of perception. After settling into it's new position hovering over the surface, the ship's speakers flowed through the back. "A couple hundred yards from Team Three's mission position. A quick run and you'll be there in no time." The ODST spoke in a relaxed female voice, showing that there was no apparent danger close. "You have fifteen minutes before a rotation begins, then after that hour I'm leaving here with or without you. Opening the bay door, now.".

As she said this the loading door began to lower, revealing a beach below them and a forest further away. To the right was the entrance to the valley, and to the left a beach and forest used to house the base miles away. Immediately in front of them was a gradual hill, the only one on this side of the mountain bordered valley, in which was a path used only in training for this military. The path was clearly visible, but Alaska wouldn't leave the team making it to their positions to fate.

Alaska slid down the ramp of a door, the soles of his feet skidding over the grips and grooves of the door. The few feet down was nothing to the spartan, for he hit the ground with a soft 'slosh' not bothering to let his feet sink into the sand. Alaska began his run, not a sprint, but not wasting time either.

Ready Omi?

For you to trip on the way up? Oh, most definitely.

Glad to hear you're taking this seriously. Now, what is the response time for the alarm, how many extra troops are there stationed at the weapons base, and how far a real military base is.

In order: Three minutes, thirty with only transport level jeeps, and twenty miles.

Alright, lets get this party going.
The rough jolt shakes me, but my intentional wide stance keeps me up. All I do is move one foot back a few inches to brace more. Once the ramp drops open, and as I hear the voice of the pilot, I scan the terrain before me.

Then I quickly mutter, "Zeta, stay where you can hear me, please. Don't log off. I don't know if or when I will need you."

Zeta relays through my implants without words that he understands, then I make my way out the door. My feet move quickly down the ramp, going as fast as I can without face planting into the ground. I land next to Alaska after a few seconds. My knees naturally bend a bit when I land, so I can soften the landing and not send a painful shock through my knees. I then begin to run, easily keeping up with Alaska. Running in Cross Country in high school sure has helped the last few years. Never thought I'd say that, but it's true. But I make sure to not get ahead of him.

"Lead the way, boss," I breath out through the comms channel, talking to Alaska. There is absolutely no sarcastic tone in my voice, either, which is different from normal. I am all seriousness. The sarcasm can wait until we are in a calmer location.
(How dare you guys let this die while I was gone!)

Delaware lept out of the Pelican, Magnum already in his hand, and landed gracefully, even despite the sand shifting beneath his boots. As soon as he landed, Delaware shifted his feet and broke into a light run, careful not to go ahead of the others. As he ran, his eyes continuously scanned the area for threats, his Magnum remaining at the ready. He wouldn't let them get taken by surprise, especially before they reached their positions.

Sol would Chuckel once the Pelican arrive as he would have his DMR and Spartan Lazer on his back,as he had his hammer on his left hand and his Minigun on his right,as the Blky soldier would walk and Drop from the pelican making a Loud Pund noice as he hits the ground,and lifted some sand up,he would see the Others starting to walk to there Location,sol Noded and Look up towards the Pelican and said "Come on Pinki,we gota get going"He says refering to his team mate,as he would start Stomping his way towards the Hill ready,he like Giving Nickname and Pinki was Perfect....But well she Might get Mad but she said she dint minde so wont Be much of a Problem

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